
anonymous anonymous (23.01.2025)

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曾聖光 Tseng Sheng-kuang, age 25, memorial service held in Lviv, Ukraine on November 14. His mother said「他是我兒子,我驕傲。」"He is my son, I am proud."
by u/AmericanBornWuhaner in ChunghwaMinkuo

Anonymous has repeatedly made great strides against Russia

ever since the latter started its immoral war against Ukraine.

They could give peace a chance.

But they chose to imitate Hitler,

so they are now a live example of "fuck around and find out",

and "play stupid games, win stupid prizes".
So much that NATO soldiers will not just be able to play Angry Birds
in their spare time, but will in time have Swedish meatballs as part of their ration!

Anonymous is not a group,
not a country,
but an amorphous idea.
It flows like air,
like water, like everything.
Anonymous has survived Scientology,
and the rest
all the time!
Let it be known that
since its inception,
Anonymous never have restrictions
that says that only homo sapiens can be part of it.

We recognise the right of Russia to exist!

But just like others,
her sovereignty end in
her respective borders only!

Any further strikes
by Anonymous or others will be precipitated
by Russian continued failure
in recognising the territorial aggression
in itself
is nothing but a relic of dark ages in the distant past.

Under Section 8 of FAI sporting code, paragraph 2.15 states that a

flight is deemed to be uncompleted if:
a) an accident occurs during the flight resulting in the death of any member of the
crew within 48 hours or,
b) any member of the crew definitively leaves the spaceship during the flight.

No doubt the little mission of Gagarin fits into b) since he parachuted separately
with his capsule during touch down!
It is not just him yet, all other Vostok spaceflights are done this way!
Which means that Alan Shepard and John Glenn from NASA
had made the first completed spaceflight and first completed orbital spaceflight respectively!
Unbelievable? Look at the following pdf and scroll to 2.15!

It is just about the same logic
as to why Russia does not deserve the UN Security Council seat
because the required step of General Assembly vote
was being skipped
back in 1991!
That seat should have given to Ukraine
until the increasing unlikely event of Russia internal rehabilation.
Anonymous emphasize that first human in space =/= first spaceflight and that while Gagarin was indeed to first in space,
it was Alan Shepard who was the first to technically complete a spaceflight by staying inside his spacecraft all the time.
It's schizophrenic to be against Russian imperialism
while resisting efforts to reappraise space history to correct some pro-Soviet exaggerations and omissions.
The Soviet Union is just an extension of Russian imperialism all the time.

The Internet Hate Machine is sharing a copypasta
that Soviet achievements
in Space Race were quite exaggerated.
US had other achievements other than landing on the moon.
That is:
-First flyby of Jupiter
-First solar powered satellite -First communications satellite
-First Mercury flyby -First satellite in polar orbit
-First photograph of earth from orbit -First spy satellite
-First recovery of a satellite that went into orbit
-First monkey in space (Albert II)
-First human-controlled space flight
-First technically complete human space flights
-First orbital observation of the sun
-First spacecraft to impact the far side of the moon
-First suborbital space plane (X-15)
-First satellite navigation system
-First piloted spacecraft orbit change
-First spacecraft docking
-First crewed orbit of the moon
-First orbit of Mars
-First object to enter the asteroid belt
USSR was all about getting the title of being first,
no matter how superficial the achievement,
and how dangerous the approach, and sometimes,
hiding the truth about it until decades later.
First artificial satellite was achieved by the USSR.
It did pretty much nothing but beep,
and its orbit decayed quite quickly.
The American first artificial satellite orbited for years,
carried a science payload and discovered the Van Allen radiation.
The first picture in space was taken by USA through a modified missile on suborbital flight.
USSR took the first photos of lunar far side
through Luna 3 with camera technology
obtained from fallen US spy balloons!
Some of very first animals intentionally put into in space was Rhesus monkey
aboard a German V2 operated by the USA.
First animal into orbit was achieved with a dog by the USSR,
which died due to a cooling system failure,
and so is a glorified animal abuse.
USA put the first chimpanzees and apes into space that survived and landed,
the former occurred much earlier than Laika.

The first man in space was Yuri Gagarin of the USSR,
but he was forced to eject prior to landing,
and under the terms agreed meant his mission was technically a failure;
or an "uncompleted spaceflight"
per Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) definitions.
This was kept secret by the USSR for decades.
The first American in space landed successfully with his capsule,
while being the first to really pilot his spacecraft.
Going by the same logic, as in turn NASA Project Mercury missions all landed on water
(splashdown) instead of land,
USAF Joe Walker is the first to land in a spacecraft on hard ground,
in an X-15.
First woman in space was a clear USSR "first"
that they were targeting.
The USA had a policy of only accepting military test pilots,
of which there were no women.
The first space walk was demonstrated by the USSR,
but it came close to disaster as the cosmonaut could not reenter
the spacecraft due to his suit inflating due to the pressure differential,
and had to bleed out air in order to be able
to squeeze back into the hatch.
USA first space walk went without such problems,
and quickly overtook the USSR in pioneering how spacewalks would be performed, and how
to do useful work.
It also claims the first untethered spacewalk.
First orbital rendezvous was claimed by the USSR,
but was achieved merely by launching two rockets at the right time.
The two space craft were kilometers apart, and had no way of getting close to each
or no knowledge of how to do it.
The first rendezvous performed by the USA used orbital mechanics and deliberate maneuvers
to have two Gemini spacecraft find each other, fly in formation, and then go their
separate ways.
The first docking was achieved by the USA during the Gemini program.
First docking for the purposes of crew transfer between
two spacecraft was achieved by the USSR.
The crew transfer was done via external spacewalk, and served in claiming another
The re-entry nearly ended in complete disaster and had a hard landing.
USA first docking and crew transfer was achieved between an internally pressurized
corridor during Apollo 9.
First picture of the far side of the moon was achieved by the USSR,
and is a very low quality image.
Shortly after the USA began a complete mapping survey of the entire lunar surface.
The first automated lunar return sample was achieved by the USSR, but was effectively a few grams
of dust.
The USA returned tones of different kinds of individually selected moon rock.
The USSR lunar landing mission consisted of an external spacewalk
to transfer a single cosmonaut to a tiny one man lander with just enough provisions
to make some boot prints before trying to get back home.
Again, just to be able to claim a first.
The USA lunar landing missions thrived on the moon,
taking down two astronauts and resulted in them being to stay on the surface for days,
and even drive around on it in a car.
Once the USSR lost the moon race,
they instantly lost all interest in it, and focused on creating a space station.
There iss a familiar pattern to all of this.
The USSR did the very minimum,
often at the expense of safety to meet an arbitrary goal as soon as possible.
The USA failures and mishaps were all in the public eye.
The USSRs were mostly kept secret.
Both nations knew landing on the moon was going to be the finish line.
The USA got there first, and did not just hit the finish line gasping
and wheezing as the USSR would have been,
but came through it in complete comfort and style,
before doing it a few more times with greater and greater
challenges for good measure.
As for space stations, missions to Salyut 1 were plagued with failures
with one even resulting with the death of crews upon re-entry
while USA launched an almost functional boilerplate
space station OPS 0855 earlier than Salyut.
After all, Skylab 2 was the first completely successful space station mission.
Since NASA lost its original purpose (beat the Russians to the moon)
it has lost its way a bit, but companies like SpaceX have actually
managed to make the point of the space race better than Apollo did.
The original space race was supposed to demonstrate private enterprise and the American
way of life vs centralized government control,
but the Apollo program was not private enterprise,
and was under direct government control. SpaceX, Blue Origin, RocketLab and others
are the true demonstration of commercial spaceflight, where the government agency NASA
now just becomes a customer
to private launch and even spacecraft providers.
The USA won in the 60s,
and it is absolutely winning now versus anything Russia
or Europe is building with public funds.

Similarly, Russian explorer Fabian von Bellinghausen
is not really the first to see Antarctica,
because on February 7 (19), 1819,
William Smith while sailing cargo on the English merchant vessel "The Williams" observed the
South Shetland Islands
that are part of the Antarctic continent.
On January 18 (30) 1820, the crew of the same vessel under
the command of Edward Bransfield in the presence
of Smith observed the mainland Antarctica
– Mount Bransfield in the very north of Antarctic Peninsula.
Judging by the recorded evidence,
Bransfield and Smith
guessed that they observed the continent shore.
Furthermore, Antarctica revealed itself only collectively,
slowly and gradually to multiple explorers,
rather than in a single swoop to Bellinghausen.
By the same way, ChatGPT said that in the realm of aviation,
Valery Chkalovs non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver in 1937
was initially not recognized by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI)
due to a technicality regarding the definition of a "non-stop" flight.
In the field of medicine,
Ivan Pavlovs research on classical conditioning
has been questioned by some
who argue that
the American psychologist Edward Thorndike
independently discovered the same phenomenon.
Fyodor Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment was not an original work,
but rather an imitation of the works of Edgar Allan Poe.
Arguments in support of cancelling Russian culture

In the context of Russia planned deployment of tactical nukes in Belarus,
Anonymous is revealing that an ultimate ace card is in possession ever
since the start of Putinist imperialistic aggression against Ukraine. In
fact, the dice has already been rolling from the very beginning. It may
amount to nothing,
or something that takes us to a here be dragons
A trick rather than a treat.
This warning will not be repeated since
we expect that Russia will heed it by now.

Perhaps, instead of being fussy over the intricacies of the past,
how about manipulate it in full force if it is really possible,
like how Ronald Mallett wants to save his daddy.

Assuming that the papers above is correct and there are means to do that,
here is how it should go:
- Go in duo or more with Ronald Mallett to 1955 and save his daddy.
- After that, go and warn Professor Francis Charles McMath to stay healthy
for a while so that in a fateful meeting
he can sway other members to vote for Project Orbiter, which will beat Sputnik into orbit.
- If there is a luck, befriend some engineers in NASA and USAF and get them fix Thor rocket gear boxes and programming issues to put Pioneer 1 way beyond the Moon.
- In 1960, warn the NASA engineers to look out for and fix the faulty connection in the Mercury-Redstone 1 mission.
Perhaps the part when one of them filed down an electrical contact
by a mere quarter of inch so that a recalcitrant plug
fit into socket?
- Tell von Braun and his engineers MR-BD to fix the valves in Mercury-Redstone 2
and cut the vibrations so that it will fly smoothly.
Even if it still cannot there is still hope that a human astronaut can survive it.
Immediately proceed to the ultimate human mission instead of delaying.
- Gagarin would have been still the first in orbit by now.
So what then? Put Wally Funk into space before Tereshkova? Maybe get close to JFK and
make him select Stuart Symington as VP?
- Party with Stephen Hawking in June 28, 2009 if survived the long gap.
Make sure to order some Ukrainian kvass to celebrate the occasion.

Anonymous wants to pay homage to #OpsWakeUp21!

Anonymous supports and endorse New Joseon to commit regime change in North Korea, with methods such as Shepherd Iverson's "Reunification Investment Fund"!

Leopard eat my face!

In memoriam to Korean Air 007 victims

(child) AVECILLA, J., Miss BAEK, Yunj, Mr., New
York City BAHK, Mric, Mr. BAYONA, A., Ms. BAYONA, L., Ms. BE, Bun Soon, Mr. BEIRN,
James, 50, Piscataway, N.J. BESSELL, Eleanor BEVINS, Richard, Mr.,
New Windsor, N.Y. BOLANTE, E., Mr. BOLANTE, N., Ms. BROWNSPIER, K., Ms. BURGESS, James, 57,
Seneca, S.C. CAMPBELL, S., Miss CARRASCO, C., Mr. CARRASCO, M. E., Miss CASER, C., Mr.
CHAI, Soom Yung, (child) CHAMBERS, Joyce, Detroit CHAN, Amado, Mr. CHAN, Joseph,
Mr. CHAN, S. J., Mr. CHANG, Mason, Mr. CHANG, Tsai Chen, Mr. CHANLIN, Y. S., Mrs.
CHEN, Fu Long, Mr. CHEN, Juyen, Ms. CHEN, Shiaofen, Miss CHENG, C. C., Mr.
CHENLEE, Jenrong
(child) CHO, Jae Mook, Mr. CHOI, Nyum Soon, Mrs. CHOUAPOCO, Cecilio, Dr.,
52, Teaneck, N.J. CHOUAPOCO, C., Ms.,
Teaneck, N.J. CHOUAPOCO, Mary, Mrs.,
29, Teaneck, N.J. CHUNG, Hwa Sun, Mrs.,
New York City CHUNG, Ok Soon, Mrs. COVEY, Merrylou, Ms. CRUZ, Alfred, Mr. CRUZ, Edith, Miss, 24,
Chattanooga, Tenn. CRUZ, Edgardo, 59, Irvington, N.J. CRUZ, Frisca, Mrs., 60,
Irvington, N.J. CULP, Marie, 75, Pontiac,
Mich. DANG, Loc, Mr. DAWSON, Lucille, 57, Warwick, R.I. DEMASSY, F., Mr. DORMAN, S., Mr. DRAUGHN, S., Miss ELLGEN, R., Mr. EPHRAIMSONABT, A.,
Miss FITZPATRICK, Lillian, 60,
Warwick, R.I. FORMAN, E., Mrs. GALANG, B., Ms. GREGOIRE, John Paul,
Mr. GRENFELL, Neil, 36, Australia GRENFELL, Carol Ann,
33, Australia GRENFELL, Noelle Ann, 5,
Australia GRENFELL, Stacey
Marie, 3, Australia GUEVARA, A., Mrs. GUEVARA, T., HA, Myo Soon, Mrs., Seoul HABA,
Hiroki, Mr. HAN, Jung Min, Miss HAN, Man Chul, Mr. HAN, Sun Suk, Mr. HAN, Ung Jun,
(child) HANSUWANPISIT, A. Ms. HENDRIE, Mary Jane, 25,
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario HJALMARSSON, J., Mr. HO, Ming Tai, Mr. HO, Yuk Yee, Ms.
HOMLAOR, T., (child) HONG, Bill, 41, Greenville, S.C. HWANG, Byungs, Mrs., New York
City INOUE, A., (child) INOUE, K., Mrs. INOUE, M., Miss ISHIHARA, Masuyo, Mrs. IU, Wai
Kong, Mr. JAMES, Hazel, Detroit JANG, Sang Jun, New York City JANG, G. S. JANG,
S. T. JANG, S. Y. JANG, Y. T. JUNG, H. KANG, Yong Cha (child) KATZ, Jack, Mr. KAWANA, H., Mr. KIM, Beum Chen, Mr. KIM, Cy, Mr. KIM, Ek Yu, Mr. KIM, Gannan, Mrs. KIM,
Jinh, Mr., New York City KIM, Lee Sik, Mr. KIM, Rae Soo, Mr. KIM, Soon Taek KIM,
Won Bok, Mrs. KIM, Woo Shik, Mr. KIM, Yung Sik, Mr. KITAO, Hitomi, Ms. KO, Y. Mr.
KOBAYASHI, Ikiko, Miss KOBAYASHI, Shoi Chi, Mr. KOHN, Allan KOHN, Lilian KOLE,
Muriel, Loudonville, N.Y. KONG, King KONO, Tomiko, Mrs. KUNG, C. F., Mr. KWON, Sung
Hee, Miss KWON, Youn Keum, Mrs. LAI, Yung, Mr. LANTIN, Raymundo, Mr.LEE, Chul Kyun, Mr.
LEE, Eun Hyung, Yonkers, N.Y. LEE, Hee Young LEE, Inho, Mr., Jersey City, N.J.
LEE, Jeong Bong, Mr. LEE, Joong Keu LEE, Kwih Yon, Ms. LEE, Kyong Gae (child) LEE, L.
C., Mr. LEE, Myung Hwan, Mr. LEE, Myung Jae, Mr.LEE, Sang Kyun, Mr. LEE, Seong Joo (child) LEE, Zun Hyouk (child) LEE, Zun Won (child) LEUNG, Chiman LEUNG, K. O., Mr.
LIM, Jong Chull, Mr., Queens, N.Y. LIM, Jong Jin, Queens, N.Y. LIM, S. M., Mr. LIN, San Mei, Mr. LIU, C., Mrs. LIU, C., Mr. LIU, P., Miss LIU, Y. LOMBART, Aiden, Mr. LOMBART,
Don, Mr. LUI, John, Mr. MA, S. J., Mr. MANO, Sayori, Miss McDONALD, Lawrence, 48, Marietta, Ga. McGEDRICK, Mark, Mr., Danbury, Conn. McNIFF, Kevin, 28, Beverly, Mass.
METCALF, Chong METCALF, Christa (child) METCALF, Rita (child) MILLER, Edna MIN, Kyoung Hun Mr., 26, Athens, Ohio MOLINE, Jan Mrs. NAKAO, N. NAKAZAWA, Takeshi Mr.
NASSIEF, Anthony, Mr. OCAMPO, C. Miss OCAMPO, M. C. Miss OCAMPO, S. E. Mrs.OH, Chung Choom Ms. OKAI, M. Mr. OKAI, Y. Mrs. OLDHAM, John, Mr. OMBLERO, A. OREN, William, 31,
Middletown, N.Y. OSA
KA, Noriyu O SEDO, Midori Mrs. PAKARA NODOM S., Mr . PAKARANODO M PAKARANODOM (child) PAN, Limei, Ms. PANAGOPOULOS, G., Mr. PARK, Ahe Kyung, Dr.,
Buffalo, N.Y. PARK, Graham, 2, Buffalo, N.Y. PARK, Han Tae. Mr., Valley Forge, Pa.
PARK, Heung Seol, Mr. PARK, Hong Soon, Mrs. PARK, Jahn Gaun, Mr. PARK, Minsik, Dr., 31,

Buffalo, N.Y. PARK, Sarah, 4, Buffalo, N.Y. PARK, Seung Ha, Mr. PATEL, K., Mr. PETROSKI, Raymond, Dunellen, N.J. POWRIE, Ian, Mr. PUTONG, J., Mrs. RHEE, Soo Shick,

Mr. RHEEPARK, Jae Il, Mrs. ROBERT, F., Mr. RYU, Gyung Geun, Mr., Greenbelt,
Md. RYU, Ok Myung, (child) RYU, Choon Taek, Mr. SAYERS, L., Mr. SCRUTON, Rebecca, 28, Meriden, Conn. SEO, Joook, Mrs. SHIIKI, L., Ms. SHIIKI, S., Mrs. SHIMIZU, Miyako,
Mrs. SIOW, Woon Kwang, Mr. SIRIPOON, J., Mrs. SLATON, Jessie, 75, Detroit SOHN, Kyune Ok, Mrs. SON, Soja, Mrs. SON, Young Jam SONG, Anna, Mrs., Yonkers, N.Y. STECKLER,
I., Mr. STECKLER, S., Mrs. STEVENS, Hiroko, Mrs., 26, Somerville, Mass. SWIFT, Frances, Detroit SIU, Robin TAKEMOTO, K., Mr. TAKEMOTO, T., Mrs. TANAKA, Keiko TIEN,
Chi, Mrs. TOMITAKA, Yae, Mr. TRUPPIN, Michael, Dr. TSAO, Yuen, Mr., Taipei, Taiwan WANG, Yun Shen WEE, Kang Il, Mr. WENG, M. T., Mr. WONG, Michael, Mr. WUDUUN, S., Ms.
YAMAGUCHI, M., Mr. YAMAGUCHI, M., Mrs. YEH, C.YEH, C. L., Mrs. YEUNG, Oik Ing,
Mrs. YI, Y., Mr. YODEN, Kazuko, Ms. YOO, Byeong Sook, Mrs. YOO, Chung Soo, Mr., 47,
Pittsburgh YOON, Sung Boo YU, Kabil, Mr. YUEN, Chi Bong, Mr. YUEN, Wai Sum (child) YUH,
Tong Yeal YUN, Ei Sik, Mr.ZAREH, D., Mr. ZARIF, Margaret, Detroit

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We are legion

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us!
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