Issue Title
No 2 (2021) Modeling the Mechanical Response of Auxetic Metamaterials to Dynamic Effects
Abstract PDF
Skripnyak V.V., Chirkov M.O., Skripnyak V.A.
No 2 (2016) Theoretical-experimental study of mechanical behavior in 3D composites under quasi-steady damage
Abstract PDF
Tsepennikov M.V., Strom A.A., Povyshev I.A., Smetannikov O.Y.
No 4 (2018) Features of Deformation Behavior of Structural Steel during Forging
Abstract PDF
Andreyachshenko V.A., Isheva Y.B.
No 4 (2016) Methodology of numerical modelling of mechanical properties of the porous heat-shielding material based on ceramic fibers
Abstract PDF
Lurie S.A., Rabinsckiy L.N., Solyaev Y.O., Bouznik V.M., Lizunova D.V.
No 4 (2020) Numerical analysis of the spherical bearing geometric configuration with antifriction layer made of different materials
Abstract PDF
Adamov A.A., Kamenskih A.A., Pankova A.P.
No 2 (2020) The effect of replacing non-analytic trajectories with break points on smooth paths to the complexity of deformation and loading processes of materials
Abstract PDF
Zubchaninov V.G., Alekseev A.A., Gultiaev V.I.
No 1 (2017) Experimental studies of the high temperature influence on strength and deformation properties of combined glass organoplastics
Abstract PDF
Lobanov D.S., Babushkin A.V.
No 2 (2019) Experimental Studies of Mechanical Properties of Implants for Plasty of Hernial Defects
Abstract PDF
Slovikov S.V., Ilinykh A.V.
No 3 (2017) Modeling of elastic-plastic deformation of work material along multielement piecewise zig-zag linear trajectories
Abstract PDF
Zubchaninov V.G., Alekseev A.A., Gultiaev V.I.
No 2 (2021) A Comparison of Experimental and Computation Results of Finding Effective Characteristics of Elastic Properties of Polymer Layered Composites from Carbon and Glass Fabrics
Abstract PDF
Muyzemnek A.Y., Ivanova T.N., Kartashova E.D.
No 4 (2018) Optimization of mechanical characteristics of models of laminate composites using embedded optical fiber strain sensors
Abstract PDF
Tashkinov M.A., Matveenko V.P.
No 4 (2016) Packaging and deployment of large shell structures by internal pressure loading
Abstract PDF
Pestrenin V.M., Pestrenina I.V., Rusakov S.V., Kondyurin A.V., Korepanova A.V.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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