
Recently significantly increased interest in the development of diagnostic methods using the pulse signals. With the development of technology and the use of its achievements in medicine was developed sphygmography - graphic recording method of the pulse wave and pulse oscillation study of the vascular wall. Thus by special sensors imposed in the surface of the arteries, the mechanical oscillations of the artery wall are captured and converted into electric signals which are then amplified and recorded as curve (sphygmogram). In assessing this curve pay attention to its shape, amplitude, slope rise and fall rhythmically. Violation of rhythm and frequency of the pulse waves indicate disorders of heart rhythm. The shape of the pulse wave reflects a rate of change of pressure in the arterial system, the condition of the vessel wall and the heart valve operation. Sphygmography allows objectify accumulated knowledge, to bring them to the scientific base and use the methods of pulse diagnosis in clinical practice.

About the authors

R. A Faizrakhmanov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Email: fayzrakhmanov@gmail.com

A. S Mekhonoshin

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Email: akropag@mail.ru


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