
The article describes the analyze process of large volumes of medical data using OLAP technology. For practical implementation was chosen platform Oracle OLAP - built-in Oracle Database technology which enables fast access to aggregated data. An important advantage is that the data sampling can be performed even by unskilled professionals and requires no knowledge of SQL. Further development of technologies multivariate analysis should be carried out towards the integration of built and planned for implementation OLAP-cubes in the Oracle Fusion Middleware, which will allow you to quickly create applications that use the OLAP-data in the calculations, to implement data export to MS Excel, as well as in the direction of technology research Oracle Data Mining, allowing to make a statistical analysis of the data with the construction of models.

About the authors

A. N Kokoulin

Perm National Research Polytechnic University


R. I Yuzhaninov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University



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