Investigation of surface plastic hardening anisotropy influence on residual stresses distribution in hollow and solid cylindrical specimens


For the calculation of residual stresses and plastic strains in hollow and solid surface-hardened cylindrical specimens we suggest the mathematical models, which take into account both the cases of hardening leading to the isotropy (hydraulic shot blasting procedure) and to the anisotropy (roller burnishing process) of plastic strains in the surface layer. The introduced mathematical model has a hardening anisotropy parameter which ties the axial and circumferential components of the residual plastic strains tensor. We use the determined axial and/or circumferential components of the residual stresses tensor as the input information. Also we use the following assumptions: smallness of the off-diagonal elements of the residual plastic strains tensor and residual stresses tensor, plastic incompressibility of material, absence of the secondary plastic strains of the material in the compression area of the surface layer. The boundary value problems of the hardened layer stress-strain state estimation after the hardening for the hollow and solid cylindrical specimens are solved and the solution is given in the paper. We give the method for the mathematical model parameter identification under the condition of self-equilibrated residual stresses and the method for the experimental determination of residual stresses by the circles and strips approach. Also, the cycle of the hardening experiments for the hollow and solid specimens from the 40Kh steel (having different proportions of internal and outer diameters) in the roller burnishing process and hydraulic shot blasting modes was performed with the determination of the residual stresses. The mathematical model adequacy is verified through the comparisons with experimental data; good agreement of the calculated and experimental data is demonstrated. The calculated numerical values of the hardening anisotropy parameter are given. The fact that the procedure of surface anisotropic hardening (roller burnishing process) leads to the strong layering of the epures of axial and circumferential residual stresses in depth of the hardened layer is established. Contrastingly, the case of the isotropic hardening (hydraulic shot blasting) leads to almost coinciding epures. Using the experimental and calculated data we have shown that the hardening of tool roller type leads to the larger absolute values of the compressing stresses, which by more than 30% exceeds the stresses after the hardening of hydraulic shot blasting type for the specimens of the same geometry. For the main results of the research we have given the necessary data in the table and also we have presented the epures for the residual stresses distribution.

About the authors

V P Radchenko

Samara State Technical University

V Ph Pavlov

Samara State Aerospace University

M N Saushkin

Samara State Technical University


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