Characterization of low velocity local impact of sandwich panels


The present paper deals with analysis of local indentation and their energies in point loading of sandwich panel with thin orthotropic composite faces and honeycomb core as an introduction for low velocity impact loading and energy absorbing in sandwich structures. Energy is consumed in two stages: local indentation of sandwich panel skin and bending of sandwich panel. If the impact is located near support or clamping only first stage (indentation of sandwich panel) will be presented. Here the analytical model has been used assuming a rigid-perfectly plastic compressive behaviour of the honeycomb core and membrane behaviour of orthotropic skin for large indentation of sandwich panel. In experimental work were investigated two types of sandwich panels, which consisted of different laminated skins: cross-ply of unidirectional CFRP and AFRP (aramid fabric reinforced plastic) and core honeycomb materials (impregnated paper like Nomex and one layer of glass fabric reinforced plastic). Length of cell side is 2.5 mm. Skins were made with symmetrical lay-ups [0/90]s and [45/-45]s. For indentation test we used steel balls with radius 5-30 mm, speed of loading was 2 mm/min. The experimental results are in good agreement with the analysis. These results can be used in impact loading and energy absorption studies of laminated structures by integrating of “local load vs deflection” curve.

About the authors

N Yu Dolganina


S B Sapozhnikov



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