Effect of the frictional treatment on the structure and wear resistance of the surface layer of tItanium bt1-0, subject to nitriding
- Authors: Korshunov L.G1, Chernenko N.L1
- Affiliations:
- Institute of Metal Physics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: Vol 16, No 4 (2014)
- Pages: 31-48
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/article/view/3250
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v16i4.3250
- Cite item
The effect of severe plastic deformation under the condition of dray sliding friction on the structure and wear resistance of the surface layer of the titanium VT1-0 subject to nitriding has been investigated. It has been shown, that this frictional treatment results in a nanocrystalline structure of a-phase in the surface layer thickness to 10μm. Presence of this structure on the titanium surface activate diffusion saturation with nitrogen atoms of the surface during following gas nitriding to temperatures 650-750 °С (holding for 2 h). Appearance of the nanocrystalline nitride TiN in deformed titanium take place at the relatively low temperature and short holding. A quantity of the nitridig phase, formed in layer of thickness to 10μm attains tens of volume percent, that ensures the elevate level of microhardness of the deformed and nitrided titanium surface. Previous severe plastic deformation has a bad effect on the fatigue wear resistance of the titanium surface subject to nitrogenization, that is due to increased brittleness of the deformed and nitrided titanium.
About the authors
L. G Korshunov
Institute of Metal Physics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
N. L Chernenko
Institute of Metal Physics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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