Vol 18, No 2 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/280
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v18i2
The development of modern industry, aimed at reducing the consumption of materials, improving the technological properties of products. Products made of expensive metals and alloys scarce it is advisable to make combined, the base consists of the cheapest materials, and on the working surface of fusing alloys with special properties. Such bimetallic structure is many times cheaper than structures made entirely of metal with the desired properties. This paper presents the results of a study on the production of the layered composite material. The basis of the composite material is high-alloy corrosion- resistant steel and nickel alloy 10H18N10T 06H15N60M15. A promising method of manufacture of such structures - the use of a multi-layer deposition. The use of highly concentrated heat sources to simplify the manufacture of such structures. A study of the technological possibilities of manufacturing laminates plasma arc of direct action of reverse polarity. Plasma arc reversed polarity allows for a minimum penetration or dissolution of the base metal to provide a bimetal with unique combinations of properties. Researches laminate structure of the composite material obtained by using light microscopy. It is shown that the application of reverse polarity plasma arc current produces defect-free laminates in surfacing of steels and alloys of different classes. surfacing of the fine structure, a uniform transition from one layer to the homogeneous material and a clear interface between dissimilar materials. Mechanical testing specimens witnesses have shown that the material has good mechanical properties. It manages to combine such indicators as high tensile strength and maintaining a high yield strength and elongation of the resultant laminate is 22%.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):7-20
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Process machining machine parts made of metallic materials performed by removing material, in most cases accompanied by the formation of residual burrs and sharp edges (edges) at the intersection of the processed surfaces. Details in this case are subject to subsequent refining (deburring) the various instruments and methods to obtain regulated the radius (chamfer) on the edges or residual burr height. Performing deburring improves consumer properties of parts and assembled units, to reduce the risk of injury by contact with the items to improve the quality of the application to the details of protective coatings. In particular, the production of components of aviation equipment in order to increase productivity deburring promising direction is the introduction of automatic stationary installations. In most cases, the use of such equipment for treatment of the corresponding range of parts (including its material and geometry) requires testing process for testing regimes. Processing modes are processed on specially prepared technological details or test samples. A large amount of experimental data to identify patterns of by setting processing for cleaning parts with abrasive brushes at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant has demanded the systematization of the results, the development of the algorithm selecting processing parameters. In connection with what has been developed program module, which, with the appointment of finishing modes on brushed installations ensures consistent quality of the workpiece surface, to minimize subsequent manual rework, to optimize the production costs of repair facilities and the purchase of tools (abrasive brushes). The principle used in the designed program module may advantageously be applied when assigning regimes for other processing details, quantitative parameters whose values change during the forced part or affected (within certain limits) to process external factors. Testing of the program modes finishing shape destination module has been executed by performing technological tests using the brush installation Fladder 400 / Gyro and proved its usefulness in a production environment.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):21-37
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The using of quasi-static magnetic hysteresis loops to control steel structures
During the operation, steel products are under various mechanical and thermal impacts, that can cause the growth of fatigue changes, and as a result, premature aging of the material can happen. It leads to technosphere disasters. That’s why, it is important to control the properties of steel and steel products. The method proposed as an additional means of control is based on the phenomenon of magnetic hysteresis and was tested on steel 34HN3M. This steel is used for manufacturing of different components operating at temperatures up to 500 °C and high pressure. It is suggested to use a magnetic hysteresis loop of ferromagnetic materials, obtained by quasi-static magnetization. In this case, the current magnetization and demagnetization and hence the magnetic field, is described sawtooth function of time. Then it becomes possible to provide a hysteresis loop in the form of a single-valued function of the field strength that is proportional to the time period. Discrete Fourier transformation is applied for the obtain the given functions. In this paper we study the correlations of the Fourier spectrum of the hysteresis loops of steel, dependent on a change of its structure and mechanical properties. The structural changes in the steel during its thermal processing may include, for example: stress relief, precipitation of carbides and their changing. The aforementioned changes in steel greatly affects the shape of the loop, out as a harmonic Fourier spectrum is sensitive to the waveform change, the method of Fourier analysis may provide an additional means of nondestructive inspection of structural changes in the steels, together with the measurement of coercive force, hardness and other parameters.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):38-49
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The methods of influence on the structure and properties of aluminum alloys used in the aerospace industry
The influence of temperature effects on the liquid melt silumin, and the impact of modifying its structure and properties. used vacuum induction furnace to produce alloys. Analyzed diagram monoaxial stretching and mechanical properties of the homogenized aluminum alloy with a further modification and without it. Tensile tests were conducted using a tensile machine INSTRON-SATEC 300 LX, construction diagrams monoaxial stretching was performed in software Bluehill, mode number of samples of at least 4 pieces. Studied the microstructure silumin shown that administering inoculant leads to a refinement of the structure component, and the eutectic, it was found that the introduction of the modifier reduces the size hieroglyphical structure components. Researches micromechanism crack growth in the fracture surface of cylindrical specimens (5 mm), tested in uniaxial tension. It is shown that in the alloy with the optional modifying the microscopic mechanism of crack growth becomes Quasibrittle with portions microviscosity morphology, while as in the original state homogenized micromechanism crack growth is fragile. Analysis of the fracture surface of some samples showed the presence mezo- and makro-pores or cavities, which are formed during the casting process. In the alloy AK9ch crystallized material has a smooth surface topography, because of the lack of constraints on the growth factors of the border. In AK9chM* alloy we observe the development of the topographic structure of the crystallizing melt structural volume, which had a pronounced stepped form, which is due to greater opportunities containment migrating abroad. The structure and the microscopic mechanism of crack growth was examined using a scanning electron microscope Phenom G2 ProX company PhenomWorld at magnifications ranging from 500 to 8000 fold and an accelerating voltage of 15 kV.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):50-63
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Physic-mechanical characteristics researching of nitride and carbon coverings on the basis of AlSiCr and AlSiTi
Physical and mechanical properties of coatings applied on a substrate made from a steel 40Х are investigated. The coatings are received by means of vacuum installation Unicoat 600SL, using magnetron dispersion in the environment of inert gas. The researching object is a wear-resistant antifrictional coating, sprayed on roller-screw mechanism details, working in hard conditions of lubrication absence or its limited application. At study and realisation of coating process by the basic factor influencing on stability of structure physical and mechanical properties is a generation of multicomponent metal plasma. The researching purpose is working out of the efficient PVD-coating providing reduction of a slippage friction coefficient in a kinematic knot screw-roller-nut, high wear-resistance of knot details and increasing in efficiency of roller-screw mechanism. In an article the analysis is made and the calculation algorithm of coating hardness is descript. The article describes the analysis and calculation algorithm of coatings hardness, implemented in software nanohardness Micro-Combi Tester (Switzerland). Coating has been was carried out on the 2D method at which was obtained a structure with alternating layers Cr, TiAlN, AlTiN, Ti, TiN. There was also a trying to get a gradient-layered coating structure with a define variation of components in a layer depth, which undoubtedly improves the coating mechanical characteristics. However, owing to a row of the specific reasons, which will be study in a future, positive result in this direction was not yet received. The spraying regimes of the strongest and wear-resistant nitrid coating aluminium-silicon-titan (AlSiTi)N which properties are investigated on the modern nano hardness gauge Micro-Combi Tester (Switzerland) are experimentally selected. As a result of the executed researching it is installed that the strongest and wearproof coating is nitride of the aluminium-silicon-titan (AlSiTi)N which it is recommended to put on working surfaces of roller-screw mechanism details.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):64-75
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Main types of heterogeneity of welded connection are: structural and chemical macro- and the microinhomogeneities of metal connected with availability of cast metal of a seam, zone of thermal influence and the main metal (macroinhomogeneity) with availability of grains, borders of grains, phases and inclusions within each zone of welded connection (microinhomogeneity). Distinction of mechanical properties and a microstructure of metal in different sites, commensurable with an amount of connec- tion, called by mechanical and structural heterogeneity is characteristic of welded connections. Most characteristic of the connections executed by welding by melting is existence of zones with various mechanical properties and a microstructure. The seam is adjoined by a number of zones which properties and extent depend on an initial structural condition, the thermal mode of welding, duration of stay of metal at high temperatures and speed of his cooling. Structural microinhomogeneity of a welded seam from X65 steel is investigated. The interrelation of structural and mechanical microinhomogeneity, on the example of change of structural and phase structure and firmness of welded connections is shown. The ratio of structural components on section along a seam changes not considerably. However, change of phase structure is accurately traced. The welded seam of X65 steel in the filling layers has ferritno-beynitny (sites martensitny) structure which differs from other parts of a welded seam. In this area increase the hardness of metal of a seam is observed, but in general the level of hardness of metal of a seam and zone of thermal influence makes 5-15 units above than the level of hardness of the main metal of X65 steel that provides reliability and uniform strength of a welded seam with the main metal.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):76-88
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Method of determination of durability of a portion of ferromagnetic abrasive filler in magnetic abrasive polishing
The peculiarity of magnetic abrasive polishing is a continuous involvement of new cutting edges of the abrasive grains of the ferromagnetic filler in cutting which is related to the effect of self-sharpening. With time an irreversible degradation of polishing capacity associated with the destruction of the cutting grains and saturation of the portion of ferromagnetic abrasive filler with processing products takes place. Long-term retention of the cutting ability of the portion of ferromagnetic abrasive powder filler, as a special tool material, is the most important performance indicator influencing the technical and economic efficiency of production. It is found that long-term retention of polishing properties and high microcutting ability of the portions of ferromagnetic abrasive filler depends on many parameters: the type of abrasive material, macro- and microgeometrical parameters of grains, material and the initial parameters of roughness of the workpiece surface, the depth of the defect layer, processing scheme and other conditions of magnetic abrasive polishing. Determination of all parameters and the degree of their influence on the tool durability of a portion of ferromagnetic abrasive filler in working conditions is not possible. This is why for the experimental determination of tool durability of a portion of ferromagnetic abrasive filler proposed are criteria of quantitative assessment: the parameter of maximum allowable roughness and the minimum removal of workpiece material in the end of a specified period of time. The method described in this article was developed with the use of quantitative assessment criteria for durability. The given method presents determination of tool durability for two cases: when polishing several small workpieces by one portion of filler and when polishing a part of the surface of a large workpiece by one portion of filler. The proposed method of determination of tool durability can be used for technological preparation of production of magnetic abrasive polishing operations in the conditions of large-scale production to ensure stable parameters of the quality of processed surfaces with minimal expenditures for filler. The tool durability calculated by this method may be one of the comparative characteristics useful in selection of productive fillers.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):89-101
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Maintenance problem of the sealing surfaces roughness of the pipeline armature closing knot
Pipeline systems are widely used in world economy for transportation of various liquids and gases and play an exclusive role in the questions decision of power providing of various enterprises, companies and civilians. Pipeline systems function in extreme conditions when the power fluid or gas stream under the big pressure (to 25 МPа) and high temperature (to 565 °C) moves in pipeline with the big relative speeds. Hard working conditions put in the forefront rigid demands to pipeline system objects on safety, reliability, ergonomics, profitability, productivity, maintainability and so on. Serious demands are shown to distributive knots with mobile and motionless details because through their contacted surfaces are possible a leaks of inflammable and other liquids. Such knots are, for example, latches, ball cocks, any valves and pressure regulators. For leaks elimination these knots have the sealing surfaces, which can provide a leakproofness only at their high planeness, wear resistance and a low roughness. A wedge and the case sealing surfaces of the closing knot during the working process wear out that demands a repair by the way overlaying welding on the worn out surfaces of a wear resistance-,anticorrosive material and the subsequent machining. The overlaying welding blanket has a high hardness and a removed allowance variation that call at processing the cutting force changing and elastic deformation of the technological system elements leading to geometrical errors (a deviation from planeness) and a high roughness of the processed surface, negatively affecting on a leakproofness and sealing surfaces wearing. Thereupon for forming of a wear-resistant working surface layer of the interfaced surfaces providing the junctions leakproofness, the choice justification of a technological machining method is necessary. In this article providing technological methods of a sealing surfaces roughness of the case and a chock of pipeline system closing knot are observed, ground that the finishing ultrasonic without abrasive machining is offered.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):102-113
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For the protection of components and machine parts from various types of wear apply a surface treatment technologies designed for improve their service characteristics. The sprayed coating of Fe-C-Cr-Ti-Al system widely used to protect against abrasive wear, but their lamellar-porous structure leads to decrease in wear resistance, which limits area of their application. In order to improve the performance characteristics of coatings a various methods of their post-treatment are used. In this paper, the effect of plasma remelting (PR) on wear resistance of arc sprayed coatings was examined. Fe-C-Cr-Ti-Al cored wires were used as a feedstock. For coating deposition was used the device of active arc spraying ADM-10. Remelting of sprayed coatings was carried out on the universal installation for plasma treatment of materials, developed by welding department of PNRPU. The plasma treatment was done on a direct current polarity with using argon as a protective and plasma gas. The surfacing of cored wire was carried out by TIG method. Sprayed coatings before and after PR and arc surfaced layer were compared by two-body wear test, chemical composition and structure study. It was found that in the process of PR due to intense oxidative processes, there was a significant change in the chemical composition of the coating, promotes by formation of the medium-martensite structure, having high hardness and fracture toughness. The results by fixed abrasive tests of coatings showed the increase of wear resistance after plasma remelting in 2.5 times.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):114-127
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Intelligent process monitoring is the process of monitoring technology systems, including detection, identification, prediction and management system based on the analysis of information and decision making, there is a need to work simultaneously with knowledge and large amounts of information. This task allows to solve the application of intelligent technologies in the form of expert system decision support (EDSS) to control in real time complex object or process. Scientific and practical interest is the development and application of ES to solve problems of diagnosis and management in the automated production with the aim of improving the efficiency of machining on the CNC machine, which will allow using the knowledge of experts (experts) about this specific highly specialized subject area within this field to make decisions at the level of an expert professional. Build the structure of the EDSS and control the efficiency of treatment for different combinations of workpiece and tool using a generalized model of control system quality products with the use of expert system (ES) that reflect the relationship of information system of monitoring, including the intellectual component in the form of ES, and the process used in the system of quality control. The developed model ES can be considered as real-time ES, and ES as well as situational management, as contains in addition to the traditional components patterns of ES real object of control (OC), the subsystem for communication with the outside world, the subsystem modeling the external world and the continuous component of the control part of the system, in addition, identification of the object, a knowledge base (KB), which includes rule base (BP), base algorithms (BA) and a database (DB), the logical inference mechanism (MLF) and the unit explanation that enables the decision-maker (DM), to respond quickly to changing conditions of the technological process (TP). BA, included in the structure of the EDSS along with BP and DB that contains various computational algorithms, necessary for identification of parameters of op-amp and synthesis of the factors controlling component. The subsystem acquisition and updating of knowledge automates the filling process of the expert system knowledge by the user is an expert, and the adaptation knowledge base of the system to the conditions of its functioning. Adaptation of the expert system to changes in the subject area is implemented by replacing rules or facts in the knowledge base. The problem of development and use of EDSS is very important in modern manufacture to reduce the probability of making wrong decisions and improve the quality of functioning of the technological equipment.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):128-142
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The paper presents the research lapping mineral ceramics CM-332 (HRC 90-93). During the investigations it was established that the performance synthetic diamond and more than 8 times higher compared to the performance of the abrasive based on corundum and silicon carbide green. When processing mineral ceramics is preferable to use a cast-iron lap marks SCH-28, which showed the best performance, as value the total removal material and value specific consumption of diamond and the surface roughness. To obtain the necessary roughness parameter Rz = 0.8, it is recommended to use a micropowder of diamond grit size of 10 microns. The optimum amount of micropowder on surface lap diameter 220-250 mm for grain ASM10 - 20-40 mg, for grain ASM20 - 40-80 mg. Increasing the surface pressure of 25 to 50 kPa increases the total removal material, reducing the specific consumption of diamond, and reduces the surface roughness. The optimal time for lapping of the mineral ceramics without changing diamond micropowder 6-8 minutes. The amplitude and frequency of lap are the main parameters for lappingmachine “Raster 220”. Lapping mineral ceramics more preferably carried out at a frequency of oscillation lap (tool) 270 1/min. and an amplitude of 10 mm. Flatness of lapping surfaces depends on the geometrical accuracy of the working surface of lap. To ensure a high surface flatness of lap is necessary to periodically carry them by three plates editing method.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):143-159
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technological capabilities of manufacturing complex-electrode-tool (ET). In traditional manufacturing of complex electrode-tool, its model is divided into elementary sections and each section is manufactured separately and subsequently assembled to form a tool. The resulting composite electrodes do not allow processing parts with high precision. The cost of manufacturing the composite electrode depends on the complexity of the work profile and often the creation of advanced components such electrode becomes economically advantageous. Purpose - to investigate the possibility of the use of rapid prototyping technology to create complex electrodes. An experiment to create complex-tool-electrode in the form of mobile phone panel with the use of SLA technology for investment casting. To create a 3D model used reverse engineering principle with the use of a coordinate Contura Carl Zeiss G2 measuring machine. Growing master electrode model was conducted on the mask Installation type Envisiontec Perfactory XEDE. On the basis of the master model formed by the model kit for the implementation of the technology of casting, investment casting. Deviation from the workpiece dimensions of ET dimensions not exceeding 20%. The treatment process was accompanied by stable without causing sparking circuit. By increasing the depth of processing, due to the deteriorating conditions washout erosion products (sludge), the performance of EDM process decreased. The highest concentration of the slurry was observed on the concave surface of the electrode. Analysis of economic efficiency of application of rapid prototyping and casting techniques, investment casting to create an electrode-tool selected items showed a decline in the economic costs of 35%. Cost reduction is achieved by the absence in the manufacturing process of the electrode-tool blade expensive small-sized tools and tooling. The use of reverse engineering techniques, together with the rapid prototyping and casting, investment casting can reduce the time to prepare EDM technology.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):160-169
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Simulation of “aerosol particles - air ions” system in working area applied to engineering production
The aerosol particles with a diameter less than 0.1 mm become prevalent in air pollution of working area of modern engineering production. Such ultrafine aerosol pollutions are caused by the use of new technologies of the engineering operations (for example, new types of welding and metal cutting). In addition the emissions of ultrafine aerosol are caused by more increased speed, complexity and precision of material processing as well as the more extensive usage a plastic, polymer or composite materials and workpieces of high-strength alloys, including those obtained by using nanotechnology. Because investigation of fine aerosol particles is technically challenging process the full monitoring of aerosol particle distribution is often impossible or time-consuming. Therefore the study for new ways to estimation of wide range size of aerosol particle is of current interest. The studies of the stability of particulate composition of aerosols have allowed developing a series of mathematical models for aerosol particle size distribution. However for all of known models the additional and complex researches to determine the parameters of aerosol particle size distribution are often required. Meanwhile fine aerosol particle contamination is interconnected and influences on the known air parameter of the working area - the air ion composition. Under influence of manufacturing operations air ion composition is modified and the concentration changes of small air ion (mostly decreasing) are determined by aerosol size distribution especially ultrafine particulate fraction. In the article a model of interrelation between fine aerosol particles distribution and air ion concentration of working area is presented. On the basis of this model and proposed method of ultrafine aerosol fraction assessment taking into account the parameters of air ion composition the algorithm for aerosol particle size distribution modeling is designed. On the example of the widespread industrial operations of engineering companies - grinding products from different materials - the proposed approach has been tested. The aerosol distributions in processing of parts made of steel are described by two size modes, same in cases machining of aluminum, ceramic and Teflon - by three size modes. Finely grinding of aluminum parts is characterized by greatest aerosol pollution. Under treatment of parts from ceramics the maximum concentration of respirable fraction of the aerosol particles (particle diameter more 0.5 mm) compared with all test materials is observed. In the treatment of parts from ceramic and Teflon the distribution in the area of fine (less than 0.1 mm) particles was reduced to a single size mode. Evaluation of ion generation intensity and comparability with intensity on industrial workplace without additional sources of generation of air ions are confirmed the authenticities of the presented model “aerosol particles - air ions” and of its theoretical and empirical basis.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):170-186
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Researches powder alloys systems Fe-31%Ni-(1,3-1,8)%Cr and Fe-31%Ni-(0,13-0,21)%C. The influence of grain size and concentration of the components on the structure and properties of the alloy powders. To perform the experiments were used metallographic analysis method for measuring grain size, X-ray analysis, spectral analysis, magnetometric method for determining the temperature austenitic-martensitic transformation. In the study of structure of the alloys Fe-31%Ni-C revealed that facilitates addition of carbon milled average austenite grain size, and grain refinement inhibition promotes austenite-martensite transformation (transformation ending at 23 K). In the alloys with the same carbon content (0.2%) the temperature of phase transition was lowered by reducing the minimum grain size of martensite is inversely proportional to the carbon content, minimum austenite grain size was 10 microns. It is found that the effect of carbon on the phase transformation is consistent with the classical concepts (increasing the carbon content in steels, nickel increases the stability of austenite) and consistent with the dynamic wave theory. It is shown that with increasing chromium content of from 1.3 to 1.8% decreases the grain size decreases and the temperature of austenite-martensite transformation is almost 100°, and the percentage of martensite formed is reduced by 2 times. It is stated that the presence of a large number of structural defects (in the form of grain boundaries) from the classical point of view, accelerate the transformation process; from the standpoint of the wave theory of dynamic reduction in grain size due to the reduced probability of finding the defect structure inside the grain should slow down the conversion. It is found that a phase transformation temperature of iron - nickel alloys doped with chromium was higher than the carbon-doped.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(2):187-200
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