Laser welding in a vacuum - Promising welding manufacturing techniques for critical applications


Laser welding is the method of fusion welding, and on the energy density - a highly concentrated energy sources - such as electron beam and plasma welding. Interest in laser welding due advantages that distinguish it from other welding methods such as: heat-affected zone during laser welding is very small, this ensures that the properties of the starting material and minimum deformation of workpieces; High accuracy and productivity of the process of laser welding; laser welding provides a significant depth of penetration at small width of the weld; equipment and operating costs for laser welding require a much smaller investment than the closest analogue - electron beam welding. Currently, laser welding is mainly applied to welding products of small thickness. The paper considers the current state of research in the field of laser welding in a vacuum, provide high efficiency metal penetration compared to laser welding using welding protection zone with inert gases. The advantages of laser welding in vacuum to electron beam welding, the competition which is possible while reducing the cost of high-power industrial laser.

About the authors

V. Y Belenky

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

D. N Trushnikov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

E. M Fedoseyeva

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

I. Y Letyagin

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

G. Mladenov

Institute of Electronics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

E. Koleva

University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy


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