- Authors: Khoroshev N.I1, Mubarakzyanov N.R1
- Affiliations:
- Perm National Research Polytechnic University
- Issue: No 4 (2014)
- Pages: 31-41
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:вестник%20пермского%20национального%20исследовательского%20политехнического%20университета.%20электротехника,%20информационные%20технологии,%20системы%20управления.v0i4.2745
- Cite item
In the article the automated indicator definition procedure of the paper flaw, as one of the key indicators of pulp-and-paper branch production quality is considered. The proposed solutions are directed on facilitation, increase of efficiency and overall performance of the laboratory staff, providing quality control of production and productions. Hardware and software implementation of the proposed automated system has been described. Thus the generalized algorithm of newsprint flaw determination procedure is developed. Its main stages have been formalized: computation of pixels density, area separation of a paper sample for its analysis, paper cropping procedure, sorting procedure of motes for the changeable parameter of the area. Experiments with different samples of paper were made. It allowed to set that in case of high paper quality the flaw recognition happens quicker and more precisely, than in case of poor sample quality (with bends, roughness of edges and other perturbing factors), and also to reveal the perspective directions for image identification procedure enhancement.
About the authors
N. I Khoroshev
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
N. R Mubarakzyanov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
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