
This paper describes about automated testing and data collection architecture. Shortcomings of the existing solutions for the collection of test data has been identified. In accordance with modern post experimental requirements industrial solutions for the data collection and data storage and specifics of their own development of industrial enterprises has been considered. After analysis of the proposed decision to develop a single data warehouse life cycle tests. The expediency of the proposed solutions on the example of integration with the support life cycle facilities, the establishment of research and design systems, data visualization, and improve performance of data processing systems in the analysis. Proposed allocation of global and local levels on the upper level of the three-tier architecture. Local level performs tasks of operational data collection, the global level provides storage and handling of all necessary information about the test: configuration, service and operational.

About the authors

D. A Popov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

614990, Perm, 29, Komsomolsky pr


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