No 1 (2016)
It is dealt with calculations of inductor heater which is destined for warmup of oil-well’s bottom-hole area. Warmup of bottom hole is one of the most effective ways to step out a reservoir recovery and to increase oil-well production rate. Warmup of bottom hole is realized in different ways. But only low usable temperature inductor heater meets the most effective and the most dependable results. This type of inductor heater provides heat evolution in casing pipe, which has contacts with bottom-hole area. It is dealt with a solenoid type of induction heater which is easy to manufacture and one of its advantages is maximizing of energy efficiency in conditions of cramped oil-well space. Basic elements of this type of inductor heater are spool of cooper wire and inner core. The spool is necessary to produce a magnetomotive force. It is necessary to divide the spool in several parts which come into operation consecutively for the easiest way to make and assemble the spool. The heater consists of three spools that come on three-phase network line voltage. There is a core, made of electric grade sheet in spool’s interior space, and it provides decrease of excitation current index. Computed model of induction heater consists of several parts which include constant values of electric conductance and inductivity. Saturation effect is counted towards to iterative way. Computed model is built in rectangular coordinate system to provide an opportunity to simplify calculations of electromagnetic field and calculations of an inductive heater energy characteristic. To evaluate energetic properties of the heater it is necessary to calculate the assignment of the electromagnetic field inside and outside of the heater. It is achieved by means of computed models that afford to receive application results with minimum expenses and efforts. It is dealt with calculations of inductor heater which is destined for warmup of oil-well’s hole-bottom region. Warmup of bottom hole is one of the most effective ways to step out a reservoir recovery and to increase oil-well production rate. It is dealt with a solenoid type of induction heater which is easy to manufacture and one of its advantages is maximizing of energy efficiency in conditions of crampedoil-well space. Computed model of induction heater consists of several parts which include constant values of electric conductance and inductivity. Saturation effect is counted towards to iterative way. Computed model is built in rectangular coordinate system to provide an opportunity to simplify calculations of electromagnetic field and calculations of an inductive heater energy characteristic.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):5-15
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The problem of creation of the Russian electronic components currently in connection with certain events even more aggravated. Of great importance in this regard is the creation of so-called semicustom digital integrated circuits based on the gate array - GA. Standard cell GA is 4 cell transistor CMOS transistors. To create a radiation-resistant, reliable, fault-tolerant electronic components needed redundancy. Used triple redundancy with a majority vote by a majority vote (the choice ≥2). It is known that in order to ensure redundancy passive resiliency provides no gain at all time slot for a certain range of probabilities. As an alternative, the authors have previously proposed transistor structures, parrying the refusal of some transistors, resulting from exposure to radiation and other negative factors. First, they were considered as so-called functionally-complete tolerance (FСT) elements (FСTE) preserving the case of failure or functional completeness (FСT in the weak sense), or realized logic function (FСT in the strong sense). Subsequently, similar redundancy transistor structures (TC) - FCTTS in the strong sense FCTTS authors proposed the use not only in CMOS element but also as a transmission transistor. In contrast to the backup channels of digital equipment, such reservations may be termed redundant transistor. To parry a refusal must be 4 transistor and the so-called "quadrupling" at the transistor level. This redundancy in principle require and link redundancy, and comes up against a significant limitation in the number of transistors connected in series, as a rule, the default value is equal to four. However, there is information that modern technology is a lower limit to five or even six series-connected transistors. However, a detailed study on the creation of redundant cell GA not adequately performed. On the basis of the developed fault-tolerant cell gates are built and evaluated by the probability of failure-free operation with triple redundancy of such elements. It shows the benefits of transistor redundancy.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):16-27
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Ways of increase of stability of the synchronous motor of electric driving gas-distributing units as a corner of loading in structure of system of regulation of excitement are considered. Mathematical models of synchronous cars in the opened and closed systems of regulation are developed. Results of researches of electromagnetic processes and the analysis of the existing systems of automatic control and the calculators offered the nonsensor are received. The contactless sensor of a corner of loading of the synchronous motor based on measurement of available parameters of the car and allowing to calculate a corner of loading both in static and in dynamic operating modes of gas-distributing units, together with intellectual system of regulation is developed. The received systems of regulation of excitement of the synchronous motor with the sensor of measurement of a corner of loading providing higher rates in the dynamic modes and more high-speed protection against loss from synchronism and also allowing to stabilize jet power, power factor and tension on the stator of the synchronous motor are presented.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):28-47
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ICS it is a group of solutions of hardware and software designed to automate the control of technological equipment at industrial organizations. Modern ICSs directly manage complex and dangerous processes, a failure in which can lead to accidents at work and man-made disasters. In this article the main vulnerability of automation systems based on document NIST SP 800-82 is considered. Vulnerability is some characteristic or property of an information system, the use of which by the offender can lead to the realization of the threat. Attacking the system, the offender uses some vulnerability. For reliable protection of the system, in this case, ICS, we have to find and fix all vulnerabilities. The article provides a classification of generic vulnerabilities, their causes, as well as recommendations to eliminate these vulnerabilities. This classification use two basic attribute - the content and architecture of ICS and life cycle. We consider the different aspects of the design and operation of an industrial control system: system engineering, configuration, maintenance, network connections and others. Each aspect can have its own vulnerabilities. The analysis of vulnerabilities allows comparing Russian guides for ICS security with world experience in ICS security incidents.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):48-60
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In this century, the place and the role of the Republic of Belarus in the world economy in an environment of practically full absence of sources of hydrocarbons and metal swill be largely determined by its technological level, the ability to create and effectively implement their own and quickly implement innovation techniques, if necessary, by the ability to make goods with the large share of the value added as well as by the level of the country's presence on the high and new technologies market. The cost of electricity, heating, water and other resources increase every year. As a result, the problem of energy saving becomes still more actual. The ways to reduce power consumption due to its efficient use are developed in the whole world. And the Republic of Belarus is not an exception. Since 2011 the country has a Republican Energy Saving Program for 2011-2015 that aims to energy intensity decline by 50 per cent to the level of 2005 and to the increase of the share of local fuel and energy distribution in the balance of boiler and furnace fuel up to 28 percent. Cross-subsidies between different consumer groups (first of all, between the population and industry) and energy sources is one of the problems of the current system of prices and tariffs for energy products which is to be solved. The article describes trends in the development of residential and commercial real estate in the Republic of Belarus. The basic trends in the industry energy efficiency increase are revealed. The project on the use of solar collectors in individual housing construction is proposed.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):61-79
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There are two basic principles of building components and devices of digital equipment: synchronous and asynchronous. The self-timed circuit for the title are synchronized, but actually are asynchronous, because they have no clocking. The founder of this trend of circuitry is considered to be an American mathematician D. Muller. In the writings of the famous Soviet V.I. Warshawski research group such schemes at the beginning were called aperiodic. Synchronous circuits require clock, asynchronous circuits work without a clock, determined by changes in cycles of input vectors. Self-timed circuits themselves fix the completion of the transition process that is working on the actual signal delay. But this requires significant additional hardware costs. In synchronous clocking is calculated on the "worst case" - to the greatest possible delay of the scheme. Asynchronous circuits require specific and fairly complex design, to avoid the so-called races, which can lead to malfunction of the circuit. In recent years, new publications devoted to self-timed circuits, also called speed-independent, (SI circuits), semi-modular or/and distributive, quasi-delay-insensitive, (QDI circuits). However, a detailed description semi modular usually absent. More or less popular description of these issues are now interested not only specialists - engineers and circuit designers, but also the students, masters and post-graduates. Help is the electronic edition of the book gorgeous L.P. Plekhanov, as well as articles of a study group of the Institute of Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences led Yu.A. Stepchenkov. Consideration should be given algebraic structures such as lattice, it is in this domain use the concepts of modularity and semi modular. Once this becomes clear circuit design features self-timed circuits, whose status and form of such a hypothetical lattice sites, which in the case of a conflict-free and will semimodular. Furthermore, it makes sense to illustrate the general operation scheme in self-timed circuit simulation, for example, NI Multisim. Analyzed Speedster22i FPGA firm Achronix, which appears as an asynchronous, and in the development of its environment, even sometimes called self-timed. FPGA does not really global synchronization, but "regional" synchronous.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):80-94
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The issues of energy saving and energy efficiency of the Russian Federation recently received considerable attention including in some fundamental documents such as "Energy strategy of Russia for the period till 2030", which define the vector of development of Russian fuel and energy complex (FEC). The cost of energy resources constitute a significant part of the cost of the budgets of most companies in the country. Taking into account constant growth of tariffs and prices on energy resources, thriftless, wasteful and inefficient use of the latter becomes invalid. This fact becomes crucial to the problem of energy saving and energy efficiency increase at the present time has become so important. Estimated reserve potential of hydro resources of the world is 7.2 billion tons.t., but their use is associated with huge capital costs for construction of hydropower plant (HPP). The use of solar energy is limited by the low conversion efficiency, high cost of converters and sharp daily by uneven solar radiation, requiring the creation of powerful drives. The use of wind energy on the planet is equivalent to only 2.8 billion tons.t., and the use of geothermal energy - 1 billion tons.t. Since the main source of energy is currently fossil fuels, and in the near future this situation is unlikely to change, then the analysis of these unconventional energy sources only confirms that the achieved value of fuel consumption of 15 billion tons.t. may not be instantly achieved at the expense of other alternative energy sources. The main research problem in the field of improving the combustion of a fuel is the need of simultaneous solution of complex and often mutually exclusive tasks for increasing the efficiency of combustion and reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere. In the modern scientific and technical terminology simultaneous solution of these questions is formulated as a problem of energy and ecological optimization of fuel combustion. This article describes one of the variants of energy-environmental optimization of natural gas combustion by applying corrective monitoring.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):95-103
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Proteus is a system of circuit simulation. Proteus VSM allows you to debug not only simple analog devices, but also complex systems created on microcontrollers. The main advantage of this software over other simulators of electronic devices is that no other simulator does not allow debugging so many microcontrollers and microprocessors. Intel 8051 is a single chip Harvard architecture, which was first produced by Intel in 1980 for use in embedded systems. During the 1980s and early 1990s it was extremely popular, but later is obsolete and has been superseded by more modern devices, as with the 8051-compatible cores, produced more than 20 independent producers, such as Atmel, Maxim IC (a subsidiary of Dallas Semiconductor), NXP, Winbond, Silicon Laboratories, Texas Instruments and Cypress Semiconductor). The official name of the 8051 family of microcontrollers Intel is MCS 51. There is also a Soviet clone of the chip KR1816VE51. The first microcontrollers from 8051 of Intel produced using n-MOS technology, but the next version with the symbol «C» in the title, such as 80C51, used CMOS technology and consumes less power than the n-MOS predecessors (which facilitates its application for battery powered devices). The article discusses the implementation of the time delays and interruptions 80C51 microcontroller in the system of circuit simulation Proteus VSM. This modeling will be useful in the context of laboratory research, and scientific and technical workshop on promising directions of development of the element base, especially in the face of new challenges on import substitution.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):104-120
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In this paper, we consider the dynamic programming approach to the knapsack problem. The core feature of the algorithm in question is polynomial time complexity relative to the task size. Research on the algorithm is of interest, as its performance has an impact on practical strength of knapsack ciphersystems. As the algorithm runs, a table is constructed with its rows containing the solutions for related knapsack problems with reduced sets of items. The paper shows how to calculate the next row using the values in the previous row. It also shows how to build the resulting packing vector using the complete table. We give evaluations of space and computational complexity of the algorithm. The dependence between these evaluations and the density of the knapsack vector is researched. Density is often used for preliminary analysis of knapsack ciphersystems’ susceptibility to known attacks. The paper shows that the algorithm may be effective to solve high-density instances of the knapsack problem. The results obtained in the paper provide for evaluation of applicability of the dynamic programming algorithm to solve a knapsack problem given the density of its knapsack vector. The dependence between the algorithm’s memory requirements, task size and knapsack vector density provides for evaluation of the ability of the given computational platform to solve the given instance of the knapsack problem. The results obtained also provide for better worst-case evaluations of the knapsack ciphersystems’ practical strength in case they use high-density knapsack vectors.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):121-130
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It was formulated the actual problem of quality improvement of practical training to specialists in information security. It was exposed the features of development study and la-boratory facilities for their study. The problem of studying facilities to protect information from unauthorized access was analyzed, necessity of practical preparing qualificated special-ists was caused. It was analyzed the competence of graduates, which forms with accordance to GEF FPO towards training «Information Security». Shown the main requirements for pro-tection automated system with using hardware module of trusted boot «Accord» from unau-thorized access in accordance to established classification. It was listed a brief description of functional facilities of hardware module of trusted boot «Accord». Consistency of software and hardware complex, rules of its function and interact in various stages of loading and fur-ther work were listed. It was shown a scheme of placing educational and laboratory bench, which base on hardware and software complex «Accord», equipped with workstations which are necessary to perform the tasks. List the main tasks solving students during the execution of task using the hardware module of trusted boot «Accord». Show the sequence working out by students the algorithm creating a new user, assigning the ID and access rights. Step by step algorithm of running tasks is accompanied the necessary explanations and pictures. Identified the prospects of further development of teaching and laboratory bench and using it in the learning process. The effectiveness evaluation of using educational and laboratory bench based on the students competencies control.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(1):131-142
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