
To improve pressure communication between the reservoir and the well and bottomhole formation area permeability and to lower skin factor acidic compounds are widely applied to treat the wells. Such a treatment allows artificial improvement of bottomhole formation area permeability thanks to a higher number and size of drain- holes. In order to intensify oil extraction from carbonate reservoirs hydrochloric acid-based compounds are mainly used.The procedure of acidic treatment of a bottomhole formation area is chiefly determined by three parameters: surface reaction rate, acid diffusion, and acid injection rate. For any given set of reservoir conditions there exist a critical rate of acid injection. If injection rate is below critical, compact rock surface dissolution occurs; if it is higher solution channels (wormholes) are formed.In laboratory conditions a test series of acidic solutions was carried out on real core samples with reference to 12 % HCl/water solution, they are 12 % HCl/water solution with HCl retardant, water solution of dry acid compound and multi-functional acidic compound.For the tests carbon cores of productive sediments of gas and oil deposits were used. Laboratory tests of rock solution rates using acidic compounds were performed. An estimate is given to reaction rate retardants used in the compounds investigated.Under different reservoir temperatures filtration tests were performed to evaluate effects of acidic compounds on cores. Optimal rate of acidic compound injection is confirmed, allowing formation of the dominating high-conductive solution channel with a minimum volume of acidic compound.

About the authors

V. N Glushchenko

JSC "Petrochim"

Author for correspondence.
308017, Belgorod, Rabochaia st., 14

O. A Ptashko

Institute of Oil-Gas Technologies and New Materials

Ufa, Oktiabria av., 129/3


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