Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering
Publisher: Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
DOI: 10.15593/2712-8008/
Languages: Russian, English
Editor-in-Chief: Professor, Dr. Sci. Galkin S.V.
- is a periodical published scientific peer-reviewed open access edition. The Journal is registered in Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), certificate PI № FS77-78478 on 08 July 2020. Subscription index in the union catalog "The Russian Press" - 43440.
- is published by the Federal State Autonomous Education Institution for Higher Education "Perm National Research Polytechnic University", Perm, Russian Federation.
- is included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which basic scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Science, for the degree of Doctor of Science should be published in scientific specialties (List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia №1990 from 18.03.2025):
1.6.11. Geology, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields (technical sciences)
1.6.11. Geology, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields (geological and mineralogical sciences)
2.8.2. Well drilling and development technology (technical sciences)
2.8.3. Mining and oil and gas geology, geophysics, mine surveying and subsoil geometry (technical sciences)
2.8.4. Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields (technical sciences)
2.8.6. Geomechanics, rock destruction, mine aerogasdynamics and mining thermal physics (technical sciences). - is included in the project "Russian Science Citation Index".
- is indexed in the international unified bibliographic and abstract database of peer-reviewed scientific literature Scopus
- highlights issues of rational use of natural resources.
- is intended for scientists, engineers, technicians, teachers and students of higher technical educational institutions with mining, oil and gas profiles.
- does not charge any publication or submission fees.
- is published 4 times a year.
Editorial board organizes the formation of full-text electronic versions of journal articles that are available on the websites
Current Issue
Vol 25, No 1 (2025)
- Year: 2025
- Articles: 7
- URL:
Optimization of the algorithm for searching for the most reliable implementations of a geological model
One of the most important tasks in the oil and gas industry is to predict the values of geological parameters of productive formations in the interwell space. The accuracy of estimating the effective oil-saturated thickness or the values of filtration and capacity properties at the locations of the project well stock directly affects the efficiency of oil and gas assets development and economic indicators.The task of predicting the values of geological parameters is complicated by the fact that the geological environment has been studied by wells in fragments, and sources of information about the interwell space, despite continuous technological progress, have limited accuracy. In addition, the real geological structure in most cases is much more complex than our understanding of it. The vertical and lateral heterogeneity of productive formations and the high degree of geological properties variability do not allow the effective use of interpolation methods.This paper presents the results of testing the author's methodology aimed at finding the most reliable implementations of a three-dimensional lithology model.The proposed approach is based on the use of Bayesian optimization to determine the most optimal values of variogram ranges along the X and Y axes during the modeling of a three-dimensional lithology cube. The mean absolute error of the predicted total effective thickness of the reservoir, calculated using cross-validation, was employed as the primary metric to evaluate the reliability of the three-dimensional lithology model. The results demonstrate the advantages of applying Bayesian optimization compared to the classical grid search method for parameter optimization. Firstly, the proposed approach enabled the creation of a three-dimensional lithology model with higher predictive capability. Secondly, the developed methodology significantly reduced the computational resources required for the calculations.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2025;25(1):1–8
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Application of machine learning algorithms for enhanced modeling of a carbonate reef reservoir
The development and modeling of carbonate reservoirs with complex structure is an actual task. In conditions of high heterogeneity of reservoir properties due to the peculiarities of formation, frequent change of sedimentation cycles and the presence of diagenetic transformations, there is a high degree of uncertainty in the modeling process and, as a consequence, in the forecast of development indicators. Underestimation of the influence of diagenetic processes on changes in filtration-capacitance properties can have a critical impact on the organization and management of the waterflood system. When studying the geological structure of the Alpha field, intervals of highly permeable reservoirs (up to 18 Darcies) were identified. This study proposes an approach to identify such intervals in order to refine the dynamic model of the field based on machine learning methods. The paper compares the following algorithms: gradient bousting, random forest and support vector method. Based on the results of the study, the optimal algorithms were identified that allow predicting high permeability intervals with a high degree of accuracy. To improve model adaptation to the field development history, it is suggested to use a model trained on core and geophysical well survey data. To take into account the risks associated with highly permeable intervals, when drilling new wells, it is recommended to use a model trained only on geophysical well tests. In this paper, sensitivity analysis was performed when specifying properties for highly permeable intervals - absolute permeability and relative phase permeabilities. The permeability cube of the dynamic model was updated, the model was adapted and calculations on waterflood system optimization were performed. Based on the predictive analysis on the model with highly permeable intervals, a number of measures were proposed to optimize the development system to reduce the risk of water breakthrough in highly permeable intervals. According to the results of the forecast calculations, these measures will provide additional 750 thousand m3 of oil.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2025;25(1):9-20
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Engineering and geocryological monitoring of permafrost rocks to ensure safe operation of the offshore oil loading complex in the Arctic
Oil production in the Arctic is associated with the risk of accidental oil spills. In this regard, the sensitivity of the Arctic environment to oil pollution and its extremely low resilience are of growing concern. Apparently an effective environmental management system is needed to ensure safe operation of the petroleum facilities in this area. The article presents a case study of the Varandey terminal, which is a unique facility located beyond the Arctic Circle, in the permafrost zone, on the coast of the Barents Sea. The terminal combines an onshore tank farm, an offshore loading facility and an underwater pipeline connecting them. The extreme environment of the Far North (permafrost, low temperatures, long high water floods) complicates the engineering and geological conditions of the oil infrastructure facilities. Their safe operation is largely determined by the structural features of the upper part of the terrain and its stability. What in its turn, depends on the permafrost condition. Changes in the thermal regime of the frozen rocks in the foundation of the facilities during their operation trigger dangerous engineering and geocryological processes. As practice has shown, now and then it leads to emergencies at the petroleum facilities with severe logistical, environmental, social, financial and economic consequences. Working out a technology to control the thermal regime of the foundation soils to ensure reliable and safe operation of the engineering facilities of the coastal and marine oil loading complex is among the most essential and pressing necessities of the petroleum industry in the region. Engineering and geocryological monitoring is one of the effective tools to address this issue. It also allows mitigating the potential environmental and economic damage. The conducted research substantiates the relevance of creating a geocryological monitoring system for continuous control over the frozen soils beneath the facilities in order to detect troubles at an early stage of their development. The main elements of the system are presented. Two types of foundations are considered that are designed to maintain the temperature of the soil beneath the facilities within acceptable limits.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2025;25(1):21-26
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Cyclic loading and transport properties of porous rocks: experimental studies
The study of the transport properties of porous rocks under cyclic loading is important for predicting the operation of underground reservoirs for storing natural gas or hydrogen, in which the pore pressure fluctuates during seasonal extraction or filling. Under cyclic loading, the permeability of rocks decreases irreversibly, however, despite a significant amount of research, there is a gap in understanding the true causes of this decrease. The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the effect of cyclic loading on the permeability of porous limestones and sandstones. The mechanism of permeability hysteresis is revealed. Incomplete recovery of permeability during unloading is due to the presence of a threshold for the opening of microcracks in rocks. The effect of colloid and fines migration when measuring the permeability of samples is also established. The magnitude of permeability change under cyclic confining pressure exhibits a strong correlation with initial permeability. Our findings indicate that in porous sandstones and limestones with initial permeability below 50 mD, permeability degradation is primarily attributed to microcrack closure. The impact of colloid migration is less evident in less permeable rocks, likely due to reduced colloid mobility. However, for rocks with initial permeability exceeding 50 mD, both compaction and the migration of colloids and fines contribute to permeability reduction. In more permeable rocks, colloid mobility is higher, potentially leading to significant permeability reductions of up to 60%.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2025;25(1):27-35
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Hydrophilization of the reservoir surface in the processes of impact on the bottomhole formation zone
The evidence base of supporters of the need for hydrophobization of the reservoir surface in the bottomhole formation zone when exposed to aqueous process fluids is based on erroneous ideas about the improvement of oil filtration in this case compared to water. A critical analysis of literary sources on the topic of hydrophobization of the bottomhole formation zone indicates an incorrect premise of many domestic researchers in the interpretation of the main provisions of the mechanism of its action in the real reservoir space on the flow of formation fluids under the influence of hydraulic pressure. The efficiency achieved in field conditions from the presence of, in particular, cationic surfactants is explained not by its conversion to a hydrophobic state, but, at best, by partial hydrophilization and a number of other associated effects: hydrocarbon saturation of the bottomhole formation zone, complex action of acidic compositions, etc. A more acceptable and explainable is the need to maintain a hydrophilic state of the reservoir surface in the bottomhole formation zone, which is ensured by non-ionic surfactants and/or polar non-electrolytes. This is confirmed by oil field practice and analytical calculations of the real role of capillary forces. The impossibility of achieving complete hydrophobization of a heterogeneously wetted reservoir space along the length of penetration of filtrate with cationic surfactants deep into the formation from the wellbore was confirmed by both laboratory experiments and calculations of their adsorption on polymictic rock. Based on the materials presented in the three parts of this article, it is necessary to more consciously approach the selection of surfactants for process fluids in the methods of influencing the bottomhole formation zone based on the fundamental principles of formation fluids filtration, the role of reservoir surface wettability, colmatation processes, their prevention and elimination.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2025;25(1):36-46
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Determination of the Optimal Injection Ratio of Fluids in Water-Gas Influence
Unconventional reserves are increasing every year, and the classical development of fields with such reserves is becoming less effective, therefore, the application of enhanced oil recovery methods is highly relevant at the present time. This paper presents a method for increasing oil recovery through water-gas influence. There are two types of water-gas influence: alternating water and gas injection and simultaneous injection. This work focuses on alternating water and gas injection. The process involves the sequential injection of gas followed by water. This method is widely implemented, and experience in conducting such operations has already been accumulated. The goal was to identify scenarios that could cover the realistically possible conditions for the application of water-gas influence and to find the optimally effective ratio of water and gas injection. The parameters for ranking included reservoir permeability, reservoir compartmentalization, the development system with various well designs and spacing between wells, as well as various volumes of injected agents (water, gas).Multivariate calculations were carried out on a sectoral hydrodynamic model (E300). Since experiments on miscibility conditions were not conducted, it was assumed that oil displacement during water-gas influence occurred without gas mixing with oil. Based on the processing of the entire dataset (more than 10,000 calculations), a database of development systems with various input geological and physical characteristics was formed, where dependencies for cumulative oil production were obtained at different volumes of water and gas injection. The effect of water-gas influence is noticeable with reservoir permeability greater than 20 mD. The effective water and gas injection ratio should ensure that the liquid withdrawal compensation is above 100%, both for water and gas injection.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2025;25(1):47-51
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The influence of carbon sequestration in rocks on the change in filtration and mechanical characteristics of the reservoir during additional oil reserve recovery
CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage) is becoming a key technology for achieving a significant reduction in global carbon emissions over the next century, which is why the issues of carbon sequestration in natural porous media have recently received increasing attention in the scientific community. Foreign scientists have obtained some laboratory developments, and carbon sequestration projects have already been implemented in a number of countries. For Russia, carbon sequestration in porous geological media is promising due to the significant potential of underground CO2 storage tanks, the possibility of using CO2 to enhance oil recovery, as well as the developed infrastructure of oil and gas fields. The Volga-Ural oil and gas province may become one of the promising regions for the creation of a CCUS cluster due to a combination of such factors on the territory as a significant number of CO2-emitting enterprises and a huge number of oil and gas traps potentially suitable for the use of enhanced oil recovery methods and / or CO2 disposal. The article discusses the principles of carbon sequestration in reservoir rocks, the main mechanisms of capture that operate when CO2 enters a geological repository; it is shown that research in the field of underground CO2 storage is aimed at reducing the uncertainty in the efficiency of CO2 storage in rocks, however, the effect of CO2 on natural porous media is currently poorly understood. Laboratory studies are required, followed by the development of mathematical models of the rocks interaction with various carbon gases types to develop recommendations for optimal modes of carbon injection into the reservoir for the purpose of additional oil recovery in the short term and carbon absorption by the rock and its storage in the long term.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2025;25(1):52-58
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