No 2 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 13
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Effect of stiffness loading system on the equilibrium of the crack growth under quasi-static loading
The problems of the experimental study of the behavior of aluminum alloy D16T, depending on the mode of loading and stiffness of the loading system. The features of the crack growth in the kinematic and force loading. Produced uniaxial loading of flat samples with pre-germinated fatigue crack and different length of the working part. Shows stress-strain diagram. Tests performed on the servohydraulic testing machine Instron 8850, identifies yield strength and ultimate strength of the material. To measure the crack length was used Digital Microscope Dino-Lite Dicital Microscope AM4013MTL Series. A significant effect of the rigidity of the loading system on the mechanical behavior of an aluminum alloy D16T under quasi-static loading.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):7-20
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Experimental study of fractal properties of fatigue crack growth and energy dissipation in crack tip
Paper is devoted to investigation of initiation and propagation of cracks in titanium alloys by infrared thermography study of heat generation under cyclic loading and fractography analyses of fracture surface. Two series of experiments on flat smooth specimens and flat specimens with preliminary grown fatigue crack are carried out. Spatial and time temperature evolution into crack tip is investigated, the shape and dissipative intensity at crack process zone are estimated. Based on a result of comparative analysis of the experimental data and the linear fracture mechanics equations it is shown that the spatial distribution and character of heat dissipation zone into the crack tip doesn’t correspond to the conventional models. High-speed shooting (at a frequency of 1 kHz) allowed us to determine the intensity and shape of zone of energy dissipation caused by plastic deformation at the crack tip, as well as to compare the rate of energy dissipation for different stress levels. Fractured specimens were analyzed by interferometer microscope and SEM to verify the existing models of inelastic deformation at the crack tip and to improve methods of monitoring of damage accumulation during fatigue test.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):21-36
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Development of experimental equipment for hydrostatic compression of porous materials
In this work we consider the equipment for hydrostatic compression of porous materials and powders, the distinctive feature of which is the use of non-contact seal with the use as a working agent of viscous mineral oil. Such hydrostat design can be used to identify the determinative correlations of heterogeneous materials, in particular for finding the yield stress on the hydrostatic compression. Using the geometric interpretation of the stress state, considered various terms of flow of plastically compressible materials. For the mathematical modeling of the deformation of a porous workpiece Gurson plasticity model has been used. With the software system Abaqus the deformation of plunger and cylinder under the influence of fluid pressure and the change in the size of the gap and the configuration of the split have been defined. Fluid flow through the labyrinth seals have been defined with consideration of the deformation of the plunger assembly, as well as the change in viscosity of the working agent depending on the pressure. The influence of concentric arrangement of the plunger in the barrel on the fluid flow through the seal has been investigated. It has been shown that the deformation of the plunger assembly at high pressure drops has a significant impact on the flow of fluids, especially in the case of concentric arrangement of plunger barrel. The numerical simulation of hydrostatic pressure caused the investigation of the stress-strain state of a porous workpiece in a thick-walled elastic shell, and the heterogeneity of distribution of average normal stresses on the cross section of the workpiece was shown. The results of experimental studies of hydrostatic compression of porous workpieces from previously compacted and sintered copper powder show a slight variation of porosity on the cross section of the workpiece, which correlates well with the data obtained in the course of mathematical modeling.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):37-51
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Oscillation-induced suspension of solids in fluid and loose media
The phenomenon under study is the behaviour of a solid body placed in some fluid adjacent to an opaque horizontal plane and oscillating perpendicular to the plane. In this condition a resultant force directed from that plane and normal to it was observed to arise. This force acts like a lifting force and tends to rapidly increase when approaching the plane. Expressions for the suspension force magnitude in relation to the plane have been derived for rotary bodies of arbitrary shape, in particular, flat, concave and convex ones. This provided possibility of assessing the height of suspension and suspending behaviour of oscillating bodies that are denser than the liquid. The inferences obtained were compared with the interaction order of two pulsing or vibrating bodies studied first by C. Bjerknes and later by other researchers, including those of the Perm Scientific School of Hydrodynamics. As shown by experiments and routine observations the effect of suspension is likely to arise in a vibrating body placed in a dry loose medium, the effect causing upward motion of the body in spite of its being denser than the medium. The physical mechanism of such a phenomenon has been put under scrutiny. This mechanism, which is believed to be a peculiar form of the segregation effect, is different from that observed in fluid suspension. The cause inducing a solid body to rise to the surface is supposed to be in that the resistance force impeding displacement of the solid body into the medium insides is greater than the force directed upwards toward the free surface. A case study is described of the similar effect produced by a medium volume oscillating about the solid body. In conclusion a general principle has been formulated on the behaviour of vibrating solid and strained bodies in the vicinity of their interfaces. The research results may be used in the theoretical calculation of turbulent suspended flows, in the theory of vibrating pumps, in explanation and assessment of pipes span bulging, especially those laid on the see bottom, – they can explain also the paradoxical unsinkability of see concretions and mystical “push up“ of heavy rock boulders to the ground surface.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):52-83
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Experimental studies of polymer-silicate nanocomposites using an atomic force microscope
The study of the relief and local mechanical properties of the polymer-silicate nanocomposites performed by atomic force microscopy. Polyethylene PE 107-02K, full ultra-thin layered particles of the modified clay Cloisite 20A, was selected as the main object of study. The original technique of sample surface preparation to the AFM scan was developed. In the first place melting polyethylene crystallites, and then restore them (recrystallization) occurred in polyethylene by special heat treatment. Thus, the crystallite formations on the surface became more visible, and the micro damages caused in the sample manufacture disappeared. As a result, the surface of nanostructure of such materials was studied. AFM scans of topography, hardness and adhesion were built. It is established that the highest stiffness and almost zero adhesion are characteristic for nanofiller particles. Amorphous phase was the least stiff, but had the greatest adhesion. Stiffness and adhesion characteristics of the crystallites were somewhere in between. Crystallites, leaving the surface of the sample, represent formation of several packs of slightly curved parallel plates with a thickness of 30–60 nm with a soft amorphous phase in the gaps. The number of these layers varied from 10 to 20 pieces.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):84-95
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Features of quasistatic tests of threads and fabrics
This paper devoted to analyzes the methodological issues of mechanical testing of filaments and fabrics, which are the reinforcing elements to create composite materials. In this paper static tensile tests techniques silica fabric CT-11-TOA and glass filaments with determination of mechanical properties develop and approved. On samples of fabric value of the maximum ultimate load is defined, the statistical analysis is carried out, the variation coefficient is counted, deformation charts are constructed. On samples of glass threads values of the maximum loading, the maximum specific loading, the elastic module and relative elongation at a gap. The diagrams of deformation carried out statistical analysis of 60 samples were obtained and the average values of the mechanical characteristics and the coefficients of variation. Tests were carried out on the electromechanical Instron 5965 testing system with use of the contactless video extensometer AVE.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):96-109
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About elastic and strength limits of rocks
In this paper we research how rock samples respond to irregular triaxial compression according to Karman’s scheme. We have used known A. N. Stavrogin’s experimental data for some type of rock. As shown [1, 2], these materials originally possessed elastic orthotropic symmetry. Elastic limits in arbitrary stressed states was determined using elastic limit under uniaxial compression on the basis of synthesis Mohr-Kulon’s criterion and the сoncept of sliding in the treatment of M.J. Leonov. We used [3] conclusion: rocks behave as ductile materials from the state of stress when the average principal stress reaches the maximum shear stress to at higher pressures. In other words, in this situation ripping of materials disappears and Mohr-Kulon’s criterion converses in Treska’s criterion. These conditions was realized when establishing strength limits and teoretical determination of cutting angle at failure. Curves of Mohr's circles were constructed.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):110-123
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Experimental study of fatigue life of aluminum alloy in tension with torsion
The work is devoted to experimental investigation of the number of cycles to failure of aluminum alloy Д16Т in the combined loading tests at tension with torsion. The experimental results under uniaxial cyclic loading with an additional component of the constant shear stress are presented. The value of constant component of shear stress τ with respect to shear yield stress τ03 which were determined in static tests was changed from 0 to 0.7. The tests were carried out on two levels of axial stress amplitude (250 MPa and 280 MPa). The experimental data of the number of cycles to failure under different value of the additional component of the constant shear stress were obtained. It is noted that with increase of the axial stress amplitude the effect of the constant component of the shear stress is reduced.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):124-132
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Residual stresses in preform of stress applying part for Panda type optical fiber with considering of technological imperfections of doping
Investigated the influence of the real doping profile of preform of stress applying part for anisotropic optical fiber Panda on distribution of residual stress field. Boundary value problem of transient heat conduction is solved and found the temperature distribution, then was solved the boundary quasi-static problem of residual stress in the preform of stress applying part. Compared the results obtained in the axisymmetric formulation with a perfectly circular cross-sectional shape with the results of the plane problem, which takes into account the real shape of doped area. Revealed that the irregularity of doping leads to the asymmetry and the local concentration of residual stress fields in the cross section, which may be the cause of the destruction of preform. There are significant changes in the values that are considered important in the study of strength. The difference between the lowest and highest values of maximum principal shear stresses at the boundary between the doped silica and pure silica glasses increased with growing of deviation from the circular cross-section.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):133-144
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Improvement of the experimental method of research and the strength of the dissipative polyurethane
A method of experimental research strength and dissipative properties the polyurethane is proposed. The technique of the experiment at different temperatures under conditions of dynamic cyclic compression, and tests to determine the elastic and viscous mechanical properties of polyurethane bushings made of different chemical bases. The author presents the results of researches of polyurethane bushings produced from various isocyanates: Toluene diisocyanate 4.4'-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate и 1,5-napththylene diisocyanate. The results of the dependencies viscoelastic and strength characteristics of various types of the polyurethane on temperature were obtained. A comparative analysis of the mechanical behavior of different polyurethanes according to the temperature change is carried out. In the analysis of the mechanical behavior of polyurethane bushings are built temperature chart strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity, loss factor and characteristics of changes in strength, deformation and dissipative properties with decreasing temperature operation.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):145-153
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Instability of plastic shear and plastic deformation localization caused by structural kinetic transitions in mezodefect ensembles under dynamic loading conditions
Institute of Metal Physics UB PAC, Ekaterinburg,
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):154-175
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Numerical and experimental research the pressure drop in a pipe of variable cross section
Experimental research of the pressure drop in the flow of fluid in a pipe that has several local hydraulic resistance. The local hydraulic resistance were the elbow, the sudden expansion, sudden contraction, coupling and sudden turn. The experimental setup also included piezometers, variable area flowmeter, pressure and drain tanks, pump, bimetal thermometer, and a system of valves. The relative position of the elements shown in the hydraulic diagram of the experimental setup. As the liquid medium used water. Designed physical and 3D model of the fluid. Selected tetrahedral mesh model of building bulk. Choice of physical parameters correspond turbulent flow, constant density, steady-state flow with a given mass flow at the inlet section of the pipeline. Volume control method of approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations used for the numerical simulation. Simulation done in the software STAR-CCM+. Found a field of pressure distribution and velocity of the moving fluid. The possibility of an accurate determination of the coefficients local hydraulic resistance of bodies of complex geometry.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):176-185
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Experimental study of limit stress-strain state quasi-brittle material using correlation techniques digital images
Receiving experimental data (set of values a component of a tensor of deformations corresponding intense to the deformed condition in a point of the maximum concentration of deformations for plates with a pro-point of various orientation), criteria of durability necessary for creation, by means of contactless three-dimensional digital optical system and a method of correlation of digital images, a pilot study of the limit intense deformed condition of a quasifragile material, namely the plexiglas, previous destruction is considered. Evolution of non-uniform fields of deformations in bodies with concentrators is investigated, the analysis of a configuration of non-uniform fields of deformations in samples with concentrators is carried out. In this paper the author is registered are the longitudinal and transverse strain using the optional software video "virtual extensometer", a reflection of the main advantages of "virtual extensometer." The high efficiency of digital optical system to study the stress-strain state of the material quasibrittle the mathematical apparatus of the system is based on digital image correlation method.
PNRPU Mechanics Bulletin. 2013;(2):186-198
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