Vol 17, No 2 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/285
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v17i2
Determination of voltage drop across the anode area arc plasma processing of metals
Heat input to the electrode of the plasma torch and the product is determined by the near-electrode processes and heat transfer from the compressed arc. Processes occurring at the electrodes and electrode regions are complex and not sufficiently studied so far. In the present study attempted to estimate the magnitude of the voltage drop across the anode portion of the arc plasma torch at work on the current reverse polarity. Received a large amount of experimental data. This was carried out comparative studies of heat input to the anode of the plasma torch of different designs. The results of determining the voltage drop across the anode portion of arc plasma processing of metals. Asked to determine the rationale for the voltage drop across the anode portion of the arc using the measurement of heat input to the anode of the plasma torch. The magnitude of the voltage drop across the anode portion of the arc for the currents in the range of 50-300 A. The assumption that the anode material has virtually no effect on the anode voltage drop. The obtained values of the anode voltage drop ( u a) suitable for determining the heat transfer during the estimations of work anode plasma torches and heating efficiency of the product.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):5-12
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The dependence of the densification process during sintering with the use of nanosized metal powders (scientific review)
In this scientific review presents the effect of nanosized metal powders on their behavior during sintering. The analysis shows that with the increase of dispersion of the sintering process is accelerated. It was found that the characteristics of the powder of metal nanopowders are defined as properties of small particles and their interactions.Presents theoretical principles of the technology of activated sintering. The experiment revealed that the main contribution to the seal nanoporous compact different dispersion at different temperatures, give the creep and grain-boundary diffusion.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):13-20
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One of the main problems of modern engineering is the problem of improving the reliability and durability of machines and mechanisms. The solution to this problem largely depends on improving the quality and performance characteristics of parts. In engineering technology has great potential for improving the performance properties of machine parts due to the microrelief on the working surfaces. Currently used methods of obtaining relief relief provide for the introduction of additional operations, the performance of which requires special equipment that increases the cost and increases the complexity of manufacturing. There is a need for research and development of such technologies for the manufacture of bearing parts, which involves the formation of a regular microrelief machined surfaces on traditional finishing operations of grinding and abrasive finishing. The properties of the abrasive wheel affect its performance. The grain size of the abrasive, the concentration of the grains and the diameter of the circle determine the number of grains, which are located on the elementary cutting contours, and it affects appropriately on the parameters and the stability of regular microrelief polished surface.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):21-29
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RESEARCH problems machining HIGH STRENGHT composite materials used for the production of details of aviation and space-rocket technicians
This paper aims to present the major contemporary issues that arise when machining (drilling, cut, turning, milling) of modern high-strength polymeric composite materials in mechanical engineering. A comparison of the features of processing of polymeric composite materials with metals and performed the study of the formation of chips when turning, milling and drilling of polymer composite materials based on glass-filled epoxy. Studied the use of modern methods of processing of polymer composite materials. The analysis of the properties of polymer composites based on glass epoxy, carbon-carbon composites. Presented solutions to contemporary problems of machining of polymeric composite materials. The analysis of the qualitative evaluation of machining of polymeric composite materials with glass-filled epoxy and carbon-carbon fiber.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):30-41
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Development of advanced manufacturing technology PARTS OIL PUMP
Developed advanced technology manufacturing parts oil pump module by isothermal forging burr. Pump module includes details of "The unit guide" and "Wheel of working". The most difficult part is to produce "Wheel of working" because it has a narrow blade with small radii of curvature. The conditions of work of oil pumps, the material selected for the details of the module that best meet the performance requirements. A review of possible technology manufacturing parts of the module. Selected technology based on isothermal forging. Technology tested mathematic modeling system QForm.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):42-55
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Economically alloyed cored wire Fe-Cr-Al-Ti-Si-Y for arc spraying of heat-resistant coatings
The work was monitored charge uniformity cored wires, which determines the angle of repose and its coefficient of flowability. It has been established that a special blend composition obtained by limiting the content of coarse and fine fractions of components in comparison with the standard composition of the charge of components having the initial granulation, a smaller angle of repose and flowability is large, thus ensuring its uniform in particle size and chemical compositions and improve coating quality. By thermogravimetric analysis and scanning electron microscopy to analyze the influence of additional alloying wires with titanium, silicon and yttrium on heat resistance. It was established that for the alloying of the base alloy Fe-Cr-Al and for spraying coatings introduction of titanium and silicon prevents the formation carbide (Fe,Cr)7C3 and aluminum nitride AlN and flow the local high temperature corrosion and yttrium - segregation of sulfur at the interface due to the formation of sulfides Y2S3. Unlike base alloy spraying coatings for these effects are achieved with the introduction of the charge cored wires of high amounts of titanium and silicon, which is associated with the conditions of their formation in arc spraying. On the basis of the established principles designed cored wire alloying system Fe-Cr-Al-Ti-Si, for applying spraying coatings. Coating from developed cored wires have heat resistance one level austenitic steels and much higher in comparison with pearlitic and martensitic-ferritic steel, widely used in boiler construction.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):56-65
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Features of sintering using nanosized carbide powders (scientific review)
The article presents the analysis of the most important Russian and foreign publications on the process of sintering with the use of nanosized additives. It is shown that properties of sintered alloys are determined by the characteristics of raw materials and intermediate products carbide production that vary depending on various process parameters.It is established that the ultimate physical, mechanical and operational properties of carbide composites modified with nanoparticles are directly dependent on their microstructure, the ratio of volume fractions and particle sizes. Reduction of particle size to nanoscale condition significantly affects the diffusion processes. Using nanoparticles additives can significantly reduce the sintering temperature.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):66-77
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Austenite grain growth during heating type steel H3G3MFS And HN3MFS
This work is devoted to determining the propensity to overheat steel alloying systems and H3G3MFS HN3MFS. The paper examined 12 batches. Each steel is heated to a temperature of 1000 °C, 1050 °C, 1100 °C, 1150 °C and 1200 °C, exposure of 30 minutes, followed by cooling in air. Identification austenite grain boundaries were determined by oxidation. Metallographic analysis was performed on etched oblique microsections using light microscope Olympus GX 51 and Neophot-32 at magnifications up to 1000-fold. The grain size was measured using Olympus Stream Motion. According to the results of the experiment were plotted austenitic grain size on the heating temperature. According to the results of the experiment were plotted as hardness of the heating temperature. X-ray phase analysis carried out on a DRON-3M. According to the survey were plotted the amount of residual austenite steels 30HN3MFS 30HN3MFS2 and the heating temperature. According to the results of metallographic investigations type steels and H3G3MFS HN3MFS can conclude that with increasing silicon content. Austenite recrystallization temperature rises. The study was a system H3G3MFS showed that an increase in the carbon content of the austenite recrystallization temperature is lowered. Depending on the heating temperature hardness steel type H3G3MFS not revealed because multidirectional influence factors: hardening by α-phase and decrease in strength due to grain growth. With increasing heating temperature steel type HN3MFS hardness mainly reduced. As a result of X-ray analysis it can be concluded that by increasing the heating temperature decreases the amount of residual austenite. In the course of the research found that the melting 30H3G3MFS2 and 30HN3MFS2 less prone to overheating.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):78-88
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Based on the analysis of contemporary problems for creation of the titanium-carbon materials for medical implants shows the relevance of research on the formation of surfaces with high specific surface and carbon nanostructures, causing locally-selective adhesion and growth of cells. Presents the results of experimental studies the effect of surface treatment of titanium alloy VT1-0 in the subsequent deposition of carbon structures, including multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Have been proposed two techniques of titanium surfaces treatment - sandblasting and microarc oxidation. A comparative analysis of the condition of the surface after each type of processing performed using scanning electron microscopy and local microprobe analysis showed that abrasive blasting and microarc oxidation increases the surface area on the background of different susceptibility to subsequent synthesis of carbon nanoclusters. The structure of the sample surface after sandblasting presents major depression by up to 25 μm with difficult to remove abrasive particles that prevents uniform distribution of the pre-catalyst for growth of carbon nanotubes. During the microarc oxidation is formed more favorable regular pore structure of the oxidized layer with a pore size of 0.2-2.0 μm, which is uniformly and tightly can be precipitated nanotubes. Formed amorphous layer of titanium dioxide with a thickness 9-15 µm contains phosphorus and calcium in the form of calcium titanate and titanium diphosphate. The pores formed in the oxide layer also contain carbon nanostructures, most will promote osseointegration of the implant. The results are a step in the implementation of the project on creation of implants with carbon nanoclusters to improve fixing and proliferation of osteoblasts.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):89-98
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Simulation of the process of arc welding by the powder wire
In the work the physical and mathematical models of the process of arc welding by powder wire are given. Are examined partial conversion factors relative to welding by powder wire, the procedure of their estimation, and also the interrelation of partial and averaged of conversion factors with the calculation of weld metal. With the welding by the powder wire the composition of weld metal and its technological welding properties depend on the conditions tape and the charge and interaction of the formed phases with each other and gas. The composition of weld metal can be determined, if the general, average conversion factors of elements are known. The latter find most frequently experimentally for the specific conditions for welding, that does not make it possible to guarantee the correctness of forecast with the changed conditions. In connection with this, was set the task of developing the procedure of the determination of the partial conversion factors of elements, i.e., conversion factors at each stage of heating and melting, and their dependence on the parameters of welding conditions. It shows the common conversion factor of element, what share of element is lost in the process to welding. The analysis of the processes, which take place during heating and melting the powder wire, made it possible to find the interrelation of general (average) conversion factor with the partial coefficients, expressed quantitatively. Are given the equations, which will allowed on the basis of experimental and reference data to find the partial conversion factors of elements.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):99-109
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Application of non-rigid connections with a tightness in the dividing head CNC machines
Technical and technological problems are in-process certain engineers arising up at creation of stamps of non-standard form are caused by absence of the specialized rigging for machine-tools numerically controlled. Possibility of application unequal the rigid of connections with a tightness is considered at creation and modernization of the heads of machines existing the dividing with numerical program control. With application of original mathematical model the multi contact problem of weed the eccentric connection with a tightness with three details (three steel clowns) in contact on radial and axial landings was solved. The received earlier graphic dependence of size of load ability the unequal the rigid of connections with a tightness from temperature of environment and as a result of temperature of components of the connection applied in the dividing heads of machines with numerical programming control is experimentally confirmed. Practical recommendations to destination of tight nesses in landings of a dividing head, choice of sizes of eccentricity of components and optimum temperatures for a press back allowing to provide are made: decrease in concentration of tension in dangerous sites of details, providing operating conditions of a design in an elasticity zone. The presented recommendations are intended for designers and technologists for the purpose of realization of qualitative designs and effective technologies of assembly new and operation of the heads existing the dividing on a basis on application the unequal the rigid of connections with a tightness as tool equipment of machines with numerical programming control.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(2):110-117
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