Vol 17, No 1 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/286
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v17i1
Plasma welding penetration arc with wire feeding nonferrous metals and complex alloys
The results of research and development of technology of plasma arc welding penetration with simultaneous wire feeding non-ferrous metals and complex alloys. The optimal conditions for the formation of the weld combined process. Mathematical relationship set wire feed speed from the geometrical characteristics of the junction and the wire diameter. The obtained results allow us to pick up the necessary arc welding is penetrating the formation of high-quality and defect-free connection. Described the possibility of the wire, which is implemented in a way that maintains the balance of power factors on the front wall of the liquid bath. The evaluation of different ways of presenting the filler wire to the tail section and the front edge of the weld pool. Experiments were conducted with various embodiments of the filler wire feed on the leading edge of the crater cavity. In the first embodiment, the filler wire fed from the touch surface and the second embodiment applied to a wire weight. Given macro shots penetrating arc plasma welding of aluminum, titanium and complex alloys with the most favorable one for the formation of the joint. The principal possibility of obtaining defect-free welds at the lowest cost and high performance.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):5-13
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Investigation of influence of structural on the stress-strain state in the process of pressure treatment
Presented by the study of the effect of heterogeneity on the structure of the stress-strain state in metal forming processes. The study was performed on an example structure inhomogeneity in the form of nonmetallic inclusions in a steel wire drawing process. The results of metallographic examination hot rolled wire rod in an optical microscope with a quantitative analysis of the nonmetallic inclusions and inclusions type analysis in a scanning electron microscope. Investigation of the effect of structural heterogeneity on the stress-strain state of the workpiece in the process of drawing with the use of finite element modeling to determine the maximum allowed total deformation of steel wire, depending on the distribution of non-metallic inclusions. The choice of the method of finite element modeling allowed to take into account differences in the structure and to provide a wire as an inhomogeneous solid with substantially different from the base material mechanical properties of the individual elements. The results of finite element modeling of the process of drawing steel wire of steel 80r in force at the industrial enterprise route. Simulation is carried out for three types of distribution of nonmetallic inclusions in the surface, in the axial regions and with increased twice content uniformly distributed inclusions in the cross section of the workpiece. The paper explained the reason for the destruction of the wire after leaving the roll gap by reducing the compressive stresses.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):14-21
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In this article the influence electro-spark under nitrogen environment technological aluminium deposit, on microstructure, hardness and impact toughness (KCU) on temperature minus 40 °С executed by manual arc welding and welding under gumboil without and after tempering at temperatures 200-500 °C, was considered. Welding procedure was carried on conventional parameters for low carbon base metal 12 mm thickness. Technological deposit changes pearlite dispersibility and retained austenite morphology in all considered welds. Hardness of the built-up metal after manual arc welding and holiday sharply decreases, and when welding under gumboil practically doesn't change, irrespective of application of a technological underlayer. Positive influence of a technological underlayer on impact strength at manual arc welding is revealed. The tempering influence was negatively for all welds.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):22-30
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In work features of modes of deformation and regularity of formation of ultrafine-grained (UFG) structure in low-carbon steel 20 with use of methods of hot plastic deformation on the Gleeble 3500. Perspective direction to obtain the UFG structures in metals and alloys is the use of it by hot plastic deformation, but the laws of such processes and of received properties of materials investigated are not fully utilized. The experiment consisted of a high-speed uniaxial compression of cylindrical samples. Strain rate was chosen the maximum possible that match the capabilities of the complex. The degree of the true strain has also been selected considering the complex possibilities and amounted ε = 1. The result has been found possible to obtain the UFG structure in low carbon steel by method of hot plastic deformation by uniaxial compression. Determined energy-power and temperature-speed mode, providing reception of UFG structures with a grain size of 240-1250 nm. A similar grain size is obtained by cold plastic deformation with a high degree of accumulated strain. The microhardness of the samples obtained in the during the experiment, is 2000 MPa, which corresponds to the microhardness after the first pass of equal channel angular pressing. Thus, this type of treatment allows to receive the UFG structure low carbon steel 20, which leads to increased mechanical properties of the material.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):31-41
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Work is devoted to modelling of process of formation of structure elements during the high-energy influence on a surface of a metal alloy by means of pulsed laser. At high speeds of cooling of a metal melt after action of a laser impulse in a surface layer is formed a metastructural condition of the alloy. The sizes of proeutectoid constituents in such structure are 0,1-0,4 mcm. The mathematical model of proeutectoid constituents formation is developed for the description of conditions of structure formation at pulse laser action. At the heart of this model are put thermodynamic conditions of formation of proeutectoid phases. Distribution of energy of formation of a nucleation center of a proeutectoid phase to interatomic bond in its crystal lattice is used as the basic approximation of model. In this model superficial energy of a nucleation center is considered as total energy of not compensated superficial bonds. It allows to present expression for energy of a nucleation center in the form of function of its linear size. Features of a crystal structure of a proeutectoid phase in terms of atom coordination environment is considered by this function. With use of offered model have been carried out calculations of the critical sizes of nucleation centres of carbides and borides which are formed during modifying of a surface of steels by means of pulsed laser with use of the alloying composition. Results of calculations by offered model have shown the good coordination with experimentally observed allocating of sizes of proeutectoid phases. Besides, the analysis of competitive conditions of formation of proeutectoid phases of different stoichiometric composition has allowed to explain features of structural content of layers on a surface of steels during modifying by means of pulsed laser.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):42-53
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In many industries for the manufacture of rubber products requires rubber with specific properties. The analysis of a literature. The dependence of the material properties from the alloy components was found. The use of multiwall carbon nanotubes as a filler improves the tribological properties of polymer nanocomposites such as polytetrafluoroethylene. By the method of salt coagulation in the laboratory of "Omskiy kauchuk" were produced samples of synthetic butadiene-methylstyrene rubber of stamp SKMS-30ARK filled multiwall carbon nanotubes. The mechanical properties of the obtained samples were studied experimentally. Topography fractures of samples were studied by scanning electron microscopy on the device JEOL JSM-6610LV. Before scanning microscope sample preparation was carried out by a special technique. Images of fractures of rubber samples with multiwall carbon nanotubes were obtained. The influence of multiwall carbon nanotubes on the mechanical characteristics (Mooney viscosity, stiffness and elastic recovery by Defoe) of the filled rubber mixtures based on rubber of stamp SKMS-30ARK was investigated. Increase in the elastic recovery of 3,2 %, stiffness Defoe of 4 % and the viscosity of the modified sample is 11,8 % was shown. Tensile strength, the relative elongation at break and the relative residual deformation after break were determined on a tensile testing machine after preconditioning. The relative elongation at break is reduced by 37 %; elastic modulus at 300%-deformation increases by 17 %. Practical use of rubber with multiwall carbon nanotubes for the manufacture of footwear and cable products was suggested.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):54-60
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The article describes an overview of the practical principles in assessing the ballistic characteristics of non-metallic materials in terms of mechanical and physical properties are presented and principles of assessment of ballistic properties of the articles made of nonmetallic materials. Presents the methodology for assessing the ballistic properties of the density and compaction, as well as Young's modulus, shear modulus and compression modulus. Techniques based on the determination of the Hugoniot elastic limit, a semi-infinite penetration test, the test of the depth of penetration test, the firing pin stop, combined test penetration and stopping, the method of fixing the target geometry, the tandem method principles and definitions of the ballistic limit. The presented techniques are varied, unlike the methods for determining the class of bullet resistance, however, among them there is no dedicated as standard, making it difficult to assess the materials with similar properties. The authors also represent a rare kind of test for the comparative evaluation of ballistic properties by analyzing the target fragmentation after its defeat drummer. The data of fragmentation analyzes conducted for samples of synthetic mineral alloys destroyed high-velocity impact produced by a railgun.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):61-72
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Higher professional education is a special kind of specific "product" in the educational market. Quality of educational services in higher educational institutions becomes a priority objective and depends on the quality of the proposed entrants basic educational programs. One of the modern methods of assessing the quality of educational programs and the process of providing educational services is the methodology FMEA. The part of the history of the origin of this method of analysis of quality problems is considered. The purpose, objectives, conditions for the implementation of the method and the results of its use are characterized. The sequence of steps in conducting FMEA-analysis process are shown clearly. Various modifications of FMEA in accordance with the new non-traditional objects are presented. The features of the method FMEA in education to malfunction prevention in the basic educational programs or in the process of educational services are considered.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):73-78
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The article discusses the structure formation of mineral phases melt synthetic mineral alloy with the phenomena liquation differentiation. The process of structure formation can be divided into four stages: Stage 1 - The thermodynamic changes homogeneous melt; Stage 2 - bundle or Binodal alloy decay into two immiscible liquids and loss of crystalline phases in the “precipitate”; Stage 3 - monotectic reaction in the liquid phase; Stage 4 - crystallization homogeneous acidic liquid. Influence binodal decay is expressed in selectivity capturing one of the liquids in the form of inclusions occur spotty distribution of components in a variable composition and appearance of individuals of irregular shape that follows the shape of one of the liquid phases of two-phase melt. In the context of immiscibility occurs common mineral association, each member of which grew out of the two liquids. Identification of patterns of manifestation of low-temperature stable immiscibility in melts siminalah allows us to conclude that the role of segregation in the structure formation is reduced not only to the formation of various mineral phases as to the direct effect of segregation on the overall process of structure, composition and structure of crystallizing phases of mineral aggregates.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):79-96
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The article describes the process of designing a diagnostic tool on educational disciplines of basic educational programs of higher education in order to create descriptors professional competencies, which are the main features of the development of the discipline (Indicators of achievement). Focuses on the development of professional competencies by encouraging the systematic work of students; increase students' motivation for development of professional activity; organization of continuous monitoring of the quality of knowledge and skills of students; create objective criteria for assessing the quality of learning material discipline and control the quality of training of students on the basis of the control of knowledge and abilities of students. Development of score-rating assessment system of formation descriptors of professional competencies allows to review the substantive content and make changes to the technology of the educational process. It is proved that the creation of point-rating system allows you to objectively and accurately determine the level of development of descriptors of professional competencies, thereby forming them.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(1):97-105
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