Vol 18, No 3 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/279
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v18i3
Hydrogen induced polymorphism and phase-structural bases of the hydrogen treatment of materials
Polymorphism is a very diverse scientific concept, symbolizing the fundamental phenomena in a lot of fields of science. Many metals are polymorphic, for example: Fe, Ti, Mn, Cr, Co, La, Zr, Hf, U. Polymorphism phenomenon feature of metals consists in the fact that polymorphic metals, being already in a crystallized (hard) state, undergo polymorphic phase transformations during their cooling (heating). Historically just polymorphism of iron, being manifested as steels ability 'to take' quenching, served as the basis for the formation of the modern technological civilization. Many metals and materials (Pd, Nb, V, many intermetallic compounds, and other materials) do not possess a natural polymorphism, and therefore, the possibilities of their heat treatment are very limited. In recent decades, a new field of materials science has formed: HTM, hydrogen treatment of materials, based on the fundamental physical phenomenon: the impact of hydrogen gives the metal a fundamental thermodynamic property - to be polymorphic (hydrogen-induced polymorphism of metals and materials). Accordingly, information about the hydrogen-induced phase transitions in non-polymorphic metals and alloys is generalized and analyzed in the present work: hydrogen-induced high-temperature diffusive phase transformations; low-temperature diffusive-cooperative (hydride) phase transformations; intermediate (mid-temperature) hydrogen-induced phase and structural transformations. So, hydrogen-induced phase transformations were to be understood and temperature-classified (classified by temperature) in the same way as it was performed in classical metal science (first of all, by taking into account the temperature dependence of the diffusion of metal atoms and of interstitial atoms - hydrogen). There is esteemed the prospects of the development and employment of hydrogen materials science in near future. It is shown that in the coming decades, material science in general and particularly hydrogen materials science will play a very important role in practical implementation of the humanity movement along the ecologically clean vector "Hydrogen Energy → Hydrogen Economy → Hydrogen Civilization".
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):7-29
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Structure and properties of Ni47Mn42In11 alloy AFTER THERMOCYCLIC TREATMENT
The influence of different regimes of thermal cycling on the structure, microhardness and magnetic properties of the ternary Heusler alloy based on Ni-Mn-In was studied. The microstructure of Ni47Mn42In11 alloy was investigated in the annealed condition and after thermal cycling by optical metallography and scanning electron microscopy. Magnetic and structural transition (martensite) transformations were observed in the alloy during cooling. Martensite transformation was accompanied by the change in the crystal lattice and microstructure. The structure of the investigated alloy after annealing was biphasic consisting of a high-temperature L 21 phase and martensite crystals. After annealing the alloy has a polycrystalline state with a predominantly smooth boundaries of initial coarse grains. Thermocyclic treatment was performed after annealing in different regimes. The heating temperature was varied in the single-phase region of existence of L 21 phase (from 363 to 473 K), cooling temperature was varied in low temperatures (233-77 K) and the number of heating-cooling cycles was varied (up to 30). As a result of structural studies it was found that after thermal cycling there are changes in the structure, in some cases the shape of the grain boundaries were changed, distorted jagged grain boundaries were appeared. It was shown that after thermal cycling with increasing number of cycles of heating and cooling rate microhardness was increased as compared with the value of microhardness in the annealed condition. Temperature dependences of the amplitude magnetic susceptibility on cooling and heating were measured after annealing and after subsequent thermal cycling. It was shown that multiple thermocyclic treatment does not cause a significant change in the magnetic susceptibility of the studied alloy.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):30-40
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A comparison of solid-hardened and nitride-hardened nitrided chromium-nickel-based alloy based on a mathematical model
Object of this study was the superalloy - nichrome, which is widely applied in aerospace industry, as well as in power engineering. This alloy is known by high strength in high temperature conditions. However, low wear resistance of it is well known also. Processes of external and internal nitriding of nichrome are used to improve the wear resistance. Mathematical models of nickel based alloys internal nitriding are presented in the scientific literature. As usually, this models gives the ability to set the desired saturation time. However, these studies does not describe the diffusive redistribution of nitrogen in the machine parts surface, which prevents the prediction of the alloy hardening level by calculation. So the aim of this work was the filling up the gap. A mathematical model of nitriding of a nickel based alloy which comprises 20% (mass.) of chromium was developed. This mathematical model is based on Fick's second law. the initial and boundary conditions were determineted. The mathematical model was realized in Object Pascal programming language in Delphi. The concentration curves of nitrogen and predicted mechanical properties at room temperature, with solid solution hardening or nitride hardening were obtained. The model may be used for the development of more complicated models of nitriding of alloyed by chromium nickel-based superalloys that contain up to 40% of Cr, molybdenum or aluminum and titanium.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):41-51
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During electric discharge machining of the workpiece material is subjected to electrical pulses. Under the action of high temperatures, the phase transition material being processed from a solid to a vapor. metal vapors in contact with the process fluid that fills the space between electrodes, harden and form EDM sludge. On the basis of literary analysis shows that result of the turbulent motion of sludge particles collide, resulting in the occurrence of dents and cracks on their surface. The collision of the spherical particles are larger and smaller particles occurs inclusions structure. Furthermore, the presence of the viscous working fluid leads to the formation of conglomerates of particles EDM slurry. Influence of EDM mode on the formation of conglomerates of the sludge particles has not been studied fully. Objective - metallographic analysis of the morphology of erosion products in the processing of titanium alloy VT1L. It is found that the EDM sludge consists not only of the processed alloy particles, but also from the electrode particles. The value of output level determines the amount of electrical discharge of sludge particles. It is shown that the minimum power the unit particle size is minimal. It noted the intense conglomeration of small particles difficult to remove the products of erosion from the treatment zone. Measurements showed that the conglomerates obtained in the lower power modes (finishing modes), is larger and consists of a large number of small particles than the high-power mode. It is found that the particles conglomerates composed of the electrode-tool and electrode-piece. It is shown that with increasing pulse energy, the particles do not conglomerate EDM sludge, the sludge is individual elements with a mean size of 14 microns.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):52-62
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Process electric-spark carburizing effective for the treatment of large products and surfaces, as opposed to traditional chemical-thermal treatment. Method electric-spark carburizing considerably reduces energy consumption of the process, increasing productivity. Absence of long exposures at high temperatures does not lead to austenite grain growth. Characteristics of the hardened layer (the degree of carburizing and depth) may be extended during the process in the field of ultrasonic oscillations. Ultrasonic treatment of the base metal during the electric-spark alloying or electric-spark carburizing process, is a hot research topic; however, it is hard to introduce ultrasound into working area. In this paper, the resonant method of introduction of ultrasonic oscillations with formation of a standing ultrasonic wave was realized. The greatest increase in the degree of carburizing was found in the node of the standing wave of ultrasonic vibration wherein the cyclic tension and compression help to increase the proportion of excessive phases. Significantly increased the intensity of the lines of cementite and austenite. Well identified martensitic doublet. The content of carbon in the martensite, estimated by the ratio of c / a was 0.78 wt%. The degree of diffusion processes, which determines the depth and dimensions of the carburized layer and transitional zone in turn is maximum in an antinode of the ultrasonic wave, where under the action of vibrations has the highest dynamic displacement of the particles of the substrate. The high dispersion of the structural components of the base metal also increases the depth of the carburizing the surface layer. In combination with ultrasound treatment on samples after normalizing and hardening it reaches values of 0.10 ± 0.02 mm. The paper presents the results of X-ray phase analysis, the carbon content in the surface layers, metallography, depth distribution of microhardness hardened layers at different pre-heat treatments.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):63-76
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Microstructure and dynamic loading resistance of layered steel/Al-composite produced by rolling
Microstructural peculiarities of steel and aluminum layers of the layered composite 09G2S-AMc obtained by rolling at 600 °C are studied. Objects of the research are 11-layered composite which consists of low-carbon steel 09G2S and aluminum alloy AMc, and the materials in the initial state. Microstructural observations of composite and its components in the initial state were carried out with application of scanning (TESCAN VEGA II XMU) and transmission electron microscopy (JEM 200ЕХ). Reconstruction of the microstructure with the determination of the grain crystallographic orientation and the average grain size of the composite and its components is realized by the electron backscatter diffraction method (EBSD). The structure evolution of the steel and aluminum layers of the composite during the rolling are determined by results of TEM micrographs analysis. The evaluation of dynamic fracture resistance of composite was conducted according to the results of impact tests at temperatures: 20, -40 and -196 °C using instrumented pendulum impact test machine Tinius Olsen IT542. The values of impact strength, dynamic fracture resistance and energy of crack initiation and propagation in layered composite having various orientations of layers with respect to the notch line were estimated. The retention of high dynamic fracture resistance of laminated composite 09G2S-AMс with the orientation of the crack front across the planes of connection layers is connected with the introduction of the ductile layer of aluminum alloy AMc, the grain refinement of the steel layers and the creation of interlayer bonder in the process of obtaining composite, which contributed the deviation of the crack growth front along the interlayer bonder.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):77-92
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The Features of Continuous X-Ray Signal in Electron Beam Welding with Oscillation of Electron Beam
In some cases, it is advisable to use the full penetration mode in electron beam welding. Since it provides a better formation of the weld. However, due to oscillatory processes in keyhole during weld- ing, to maintain full penetration mode requires the use of operational control. The oscillation of the electron beam can simplify the control action of full-penetration control system and improve the quality of the formation of the backside bead. Additionally, oscillation can distort the reference signal for the regulation system. In order to identify the possible features of the structure of the x-ray emission signal, an experiment of electron beam welding with oscillation of beam at various trajectories and simultaneous recording of the passing X-ray emission signal was carried out. The measurement signal produced from the backside of the workpiece. The trajectory of the oscillations: longitudinal; transverse; ring; X-shaped; two parallel lines, directed along the joint; rectangular raster. Obtained welds were investigated to determine the most appropriate mode of oscillations to the backside bead forming. The main parameter for comparison of joints served radius of root part. A comparison of the transverse section showed that the maximum radius of the joint root is formed by the trajectory of oscillations representing by two parallel lines, directed along the joint. That indirectly allows assuming better formation of root part at full-penetration mode. Further was processing of X-ray emission signal by method of simultaneous accumulation for longitudinal oscillation and oscillation representing by two parallel lines. It was found that the oscillation of the beam along two parallel lines increases the overall signal level and introduces additional disturbance, expressed by the appearance of new peaks of the signal level.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):93-106
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In the process of the metal cutting inevitably appear forced and auto-oscillations in the system "machine - fixture - tool - detail". These vibrations worsen quality of the processed surface and increase the wear of instrument. Particularly relevant issue is designated for machine tools with CNC, where slides or tables moved irregularly by using indexing mechanism and the cutting speed can be continuously varied in continuous processing of parts. In this connection, you need to ensure the monitoring of irregular movements and the control of a technical condition of automatic control systems. This article proposes a method of solving this problem on the example of inspection of a technical condition of automatic control systems of rotation frequency, which was implemented earlier with reference to automatic control systems of diesel internal combustion engines. The joint movement of any object of regulation and the regulator it is possible to present systems of the equations in the form. Nature of transition processes when using electronic, electromechanical and electrohydraulic systems of regulation can be described dependence of amplitude values of angular acceleration on time of delay of the managing director of a signal. Quality of transition processes is offered to be estimated in size of throwing of angular acceleration. The theoretical provisions provided in article prove influence of technical condition of the regulator of frequency of rotation on nature of temporary dependence of angular acceleration at change of external loading or at change of frequency of rotation of a shaft of the drive. Thus, amplitude values of angular acceleration contain reliable information about technical condition of system of automatic control in the fading oscillatory process. The offered principles of control of parameters of systems of regulation can be applied also to electric drives of the metal-cutting equipment. For an assessment of unevenness of rotation and control of technical condition of systems of automatic control it is offered to use the program and measuring complex developed at the Siberian State Transport University.This complex allows to fix parameters of transition processes in graphic and in a tabular style, to provide a conclusion to the screen of the personal computer parameter size in a concrete point of the schedule, and also with high precision to estimate characteristics of instability of the established rotation frequency. the established rotation frequency. Change of technical condition of systems of automatic control is in use estimated on a deviation of size of amplitude values of angular acceleration from reference, measured at a working order of system.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):107-118
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Special features of the fracture surface of structural steel 09G2S after cold radial forging
The strength and crack growth micromechanisms are studied in pipe preforms from steel 09G2S after deformation and heat treatment. The tube performs were treated by 4 modes: heat refining and cold plastic deformations by radial forging with the total degree of deformation equal 55 % followed by annealing at the temperatures 300 and 600 °С. The radial forging with subsequent post-deformation annealing is shown to affect positively the strength and the dynamic crack resistance of the metal. Annealing of steel 09G2S at 300 °C after deformation by the method of radial forging raises strength characteristics to maximum level. The ductility and toughness characteristics are decrease. The impact toughness and dynamic crack resistance of the preforms subjected to radial forging and annealing at 600 °С is close to the initial values. The results of the electron microscope studies of the fracture surfaces of treaded steel 09G2S show that the main components of the relief are flat-bottom dimples accompanied by deep tube dimples and micro dimples. Quantitative analysis of the micromechanism of crack growth is made after tests for dynamic crack resistance. The law of variation of the sizes of microscopic dimples of various types is determined to each mode of treatment. The dynamic crack resistance and size parameters of microscopic dimples in the fractures of deformed pipe preforms and preforms annealed at 300 °С have same values. The size parameters of microscopic dimples in the fractures and dynamic crack resistance of the preforms subjected to radial forging and annealing at 600 °С is increase.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):119-134
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EBW assumed manufacturing process of vacuum chambers for the FAIR project
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia, have successfully used the electron beam welding for manufacturing of vacuum chambers for a long time. The electron beam welding facility has the moving system that helps to weld seams up to 2 meters long (by using several independent launches). The electron gun has developed in the institute, the acceleration voltage is 60 kV, and the power of beam is up to 60 kW. Currently Budker Institute manufactures the dipole vacuum chambers for HEBT, FAIR (Germany). There are two types of dipole vacuum chambers for this project: or bended chambers or branching chambers. The bended vacuum chambers consist of two longitudinally EBW U-shaped stainless steel 316 LN profiles different length with the wall thickness 4 mm. After welding, the chamber bends to the required angle. The branching chamber includes three parts: two small direct parts for beam evacuation, which welded of two U-shaped stainless steel 316 LN too, and one branching segment with variable aperture area, with the wall thickness 6 mm. Three parts have welded with each other with using TIG welding. After that, there are flanges and fastening elements have been welded to the chambers. To eliminate the virtual leak, the welds will have the full penetration. The electron beam welding facility is being updated so that the maximum seam of 2 meters would be achieved with one single launch. At present time, vacuum tests were carried out for vacuum chamber prototypes in Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and FAIR.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):135-145
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Represented that at cooling of detailes, their geometrical forms exposed to deformations and sequently formed cracks. Based that the solution of temperature distribution task at detailes cooling is actual and have essential meaning. The paper concerns the problem of temperature distribution in the cooling of parts restricted by quadrangular prism with an elliptic cylindrical hole and restricted by an elliptic cylindrical surface with the hole in the form of quadrangular prism. It has been shown that cooling speed of internal layers of parts exceeds cooling speed of external layer, that’s why more intensive reduction of the volume of their internal layers takes place. Formation of temperature stress is connected with it and it can cause destruction of details when stress of material strength limit exceeds. To determine temperature distribution low. Flatness coordinates of the parts have been divided into eight equal pieces. Algorithms have been oftained. They determined that cooling of considered parts takes place depending on the change of radius of concentrical spheric surfaces with the centers coinciding with the centers of symmetry of cooling parts, and temperature drop reduces according to the approaching to the cooling surface. Determined that on plain surfaces of both type parts temperature decrease of bodies takes place on concentric circumference (with the centers coinciding with symmetry centers of these surface) by the increase of their radius. On elliptic surfaces temperature reduce takes place along the crossing lines of concentric spheres with elliptic cylindrical surfaces (with only one center of symmetry of each body) according to the increase of sphere radius. Also revealed at any moment of the time (at the cooling period of parts) the highest temperature is kept in the center of the cylindrical hole (either in elliptic or parallelepiped form) in the points of their crossing with the circumference of the smallest radius. Maximum temperature on the external surface with a big area is more than in other surfaces.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):146-159
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The analysis of scientific references on intermediate transformation is presented in article. Material of various periods of research of bainite transformation in the different countries is generalized. The main distinctions between the lower and top bainite are revealed, and also advantages of one morpho- logy of a bainite over another are shown. Some types of bainite structure at various methods of research of structure are illustrated. The terminological analysis of use of the term "carbide-free bainite" is carried out. Use of various names of structure which turns out as a result of intermediate transformation without formation of carbides is revealed. In various references what bainite is confirmed can be carbide-free bainite. The aspiration to receive carbide-free bainite is deals with the raised complex of mechanical properties at this structure. Realization of such structure is possible in strict observance of technology of heat treatment. Therefore in article ways of heat treatment are analysed. It is revealed from scientific literature that carbide-free bainite it is possible to receive as a result of continuous cooling and isothermal holding at addition in steel of elements which allow to exclude carbide forming. Distinguish silicon and aluminum from such elements. The last decade the perspective direction is Quenching & Partitioning treatment from which formation of bainite and martensite structure with various maintenance of this or that component results. In article carrying out the modes of heat treatment on the traditional furnace equipment is also considered. It became known that some scientists research the structure received when cooling from an intercritical interval.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):160-181
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Structure and mechanical properties of low-carbon martensitic steels hardened from a temperature the critical interval and after isothermal tempering
The processes of formation and decomposition of austenite during isothermal hardening of the intercritical temperature range (ITR) and the LCMS 15H2G2NMFB 07H3GNM. The structure was investigated by diffraction, spectral methods. Mechanical properties were determined. The features of the interface hardening temperatures low carbon martensitic steel 15H2G2NMFB with severe structural heredity. The structure of the martensite packet 15H2G2NMFB LCMS allows to combine high technological and mechanical properties. We began 07H3GNM not prone to structural heredity during hardening of the ITR strength and hardness were significantly lower than after conventional heat treatment. The fundamental difference with the structural heredity LCMS is then heated in the interfacial region structure comprises martensite and austenite in the subsequent cooling, which is transformed into martensite packet. Therefore, the final structure contains martensite: preserved after heating in the ITR and "fresh", formed from the austenite. In steels containing no strong carbide forming elements after hardening of the ITR is formed of two phase ferit-martensitic structure whose strength is subject to the additivity rule. As a result of the formation of packet martensitic structure after hardening of ITR with air cooling steel 15H2G2NMFB obtained properties: tensile strength, tensile tests s B = 1570 MPa yield strength s0,2 = 1250 MPa, elongation δ = 14%, relative restriction y = 51%, and toughness KCV = 0.9 MJ/m2, after isothermal hardening at t = 360 °C: s B = 1270 MPa, s0,2 = 980 MPa, δ = 15%, y = 56% and KCV = 1,0 MJ/m2. The results showed that the alloyed steel is preferably strong carbide forming elements from ITR to harden by cooling in air.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):182-197
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Influence of orientation of the model in the process of building on the accuracy of the prototype form
Rapid prototyping technologies are widely used in the foundry industry in the manufacture of precision electrodes-tools for EDM. The accuracy of manufacturing of prototypes for rapid prototyping technology depends on a number of process parameters, such as, model focus on building a working plane, the thickness of the layers, construction material, exposure modes, post-processing. Currently used as an epoxy material and acrylic resin material having a shrinkage and the presence of residual stresses in layer wise solidification process and post processing, which leads to loss of dimensional precision. The paper presents an analysis of the dimensional accuracy of the samples for the manufacture of photopolymer mask stereolithography material technology based on acrylic SI500, depending of type of model orientation. To evaluate the accuracy, simulated samples of rectangular form, the experimentally chosen mode of construction to install Envisiontec Perfactory Xede and tilt angles of the model to the working surface of the construction. Measurements of the samples after the construction were carried out in three sections between parallel planes. A result of research found that the orientation of the model under the minimum angles in 5º, 10º, 15º affects the dimensional accuracy of the prototype. The maximum size of the deviation of the sample sections between by planes are observed at the orientation of the model at an angle of 5 and 15º and make 0.26 mm and 0.14 mm, respectively. The most accurate sample obtained by the model orientation at an angle of 10º, the maximum deviation of the size which is 0.09 mm. As a second indicator of the accuracy is defined non planarity samples planes. Minimum surface non planarity is retained when the surface orientation of the sample in building 10º and makes 0,02 mm.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):198-207
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Studies consistently remove sulfur from the weld metal on the reactions of metal-slag-atmosphere using slag bases of mineral raw materials of Ural region
The classical influence of sulfur on the weld metal which increases the brittleness, sulfur reduces the ductility and toughness of welds, and traditional ways of removing sulfur from molten metal, mainly directed to the interaction with the basic molten metal and slag in the slag desulfurization are known. However, these techniques are used in cases where the electrodes are introduced into the (flux) or special components using additional operations. This problem is particularly relevant when using components and recycling of metallurgical petrurgical production. When using non-traditional materials, namely gabbroid group of the Ural region, for example at Pervouralsk hornblendite deposits and waste petrurgical production based on it as the electrodes (flux), of sulfur reduction takes place in the weld metal and/or maintenance within regulated for quality steels defined. Therefore, the aim of the work is to find reasons to increase the degree of purification of sulfur deposited metal by using non-traditional ingredients. Methods and techniques of research are scanning electron microscopy with microprobe analysis of slag crusts and chemical analysis of the weld metal, and other computational methods. As a result, in the article describing the reason the porosity of slag crusts, reduction of sulfur and phosphorus in the weld metal are described mechanisms of diffusion of sulfur into the atmosphere of the weld metal through the slag. Each stage of the process of removing the sulfur by the mechanism of metal-slag-atmosphere during welding using welding materials based on non-traditional components of the Ural region will be considered and studied in the future.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(3):208-224
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