Vol 26, No 1 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/rjb/issue/view/300
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/российский%20журнал%20биомеханики.v26i1
Generalization of the relationships between sagittal balance geometric parameters
Sagittal balance of the spine characterizes its physiological alignment by muscular forces in the most effective way. Optimal spinal-pelvic relationships form a biomechanically efficient and optimal sagittal profile of the spine, which reduces energy consumption for an equilibrium state maintaining and also decrease the risk of degenerative damage to the intervertebral discs. Sagittal balance is described using the main angular parameters: pelvic incidence, lumbar lordosis, pelvic tilt and sacral slope. To form optimal spinal-pelvic relationships during surgical treatment surgeons measure the actual balance parameters of the patient and use empirical formulas to calculate their theoretical values at preoperative planning stage. To calculate the optimal parameters of the sagittal balance of a particular patient, various scientific groups have developed a number of empirical dependencies. However, there is no consensus in the scientific community on what specific formulas to use when planning treatment. This paper attempts to generalize the data available in the scientific literature on the parameters of the sagittal balance and to develop new generalizing regression dependencies that allow one to link the parameters of the sagittal balance. For this purpose, the source data used for constructing such dependencies were collected from the literature. The results of the sagittal balance measurement of Saratov State Medical University patients were also used in this study. We selected the initial numerical data linking the main parameters of the sagittal balance from the literature. The data was digitized and processed using statistics methods. Regression dependencies were obtained that allow calculating lumbar lordosis, pelvic tilt, and sacral slope through the pelvic incidence of a particular patient. Generalizing dependences make it possible to systematize the clinical experience accumulated in the literature and were used in the development of the world's first system for preoperative planning of surgical treatment of the consequences and diseases of the spine-pelvic complex with biomechanical support of the doctor's decision.
Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2022;26(1):8-24
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The work is devoted to the study of the biomechanical behavior of the segment of the thoracic spine with a comminuted compression fracture of the Th11 vertebral body, as well as with various options for fixing the injured spinal motion segment (SMS). The following fixation options were considered: short-segment transpedicular system (TPS); short-segment TPS, supplemented with an intermediate screw inserted into the damaged vertebra; short-segment TPS, supplemented with intermediate screws inserted into the damaged vertebra. Models of spinal segments with damage to the vertebral body are built on the basis of patient computed tomography data in Mimics Materialize, 3-Matic Materialize and SolidWorks software. Models of fixing elements, as well as their introduction into the model of the spine segment, are performed in SolidWorks. The materials assigned to the models were considered linear, elastic, isotropic. The boundary conditions and loading of the models are performed in the FEP ANSYS 19.2. The loading of the models corresponded to the position of a person standing, flexion, extension, lateral bending and axial rotation. The numerical solution of the problem of the theory of elasticity was carried out in the FEP ANSYS. The field of total displacements in the models, equivalent stresses von Mises in fixing structures and vertebrae were calculated. The range of motion was measured in the spinal motion segment, including the damaged vertebra. Revealed a redistribution of equivalent stresses von Mises, which reduces the load on the injured vertebra, as well as a decrease in the mobility of the injured vertebra when installing the TPS, supplemented with an intermediate screw, regardless of the side of its installation.
Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2022;26(1):25-39
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The purpose of our study was to evaluate the predictive value of a new complex parameter rheological coefficient of red blood, which is a calculated index of the following values: number of RBC, MCV, RDW, MCH. In this work, we investigated the rheology of the blood in a healthy population in villages of Sachkhere region, Georgia (Sareki, Sairkhe, Chorvila). To determine the validity of the rheological coefficient of red blood with another parameter that studies the rheological status of blood, we examined a group of patients with arterial hypertension. The rheological status was investigated using the "Georgian Technique" and compared with the rheological coefficient of red blood, i.e. we have determined the equivalence of these methods. The use of the rheological coefficient of red blood will increase the information content and expand the field of blood rheology research while reducing costs for the patient, hospital, and healthcare.
Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2022;26(1):40-48
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Mechanical properties of biocompatible titanium-glass-carbon coatings for application in orthopaedic implants and details for osteosynthesis
In present work, we investigated mechanical properties and phase composition of biocompatible coatings for orthopedic implants, consisting of a titanium sublayer with a developed surface morphology, on which glass-carbon coating was deposited, in order to increase its biocompatibility. The titanium sublayer with thickness 250 µm was deposited using the MPN-004 microplasma spraying equipment. The deposition was performed on substrates with size 10×20×2 mm from Grade 5 Titanium alloy (90 % titanium, 6 % aluminum, 4 % vanadium). The deposition of the glass- carbon coating was accomplished by immersing the samples in a 10 % solution of glassy carbon in toluene, followed by drying and heat treatment at 920 °C in argon. The process was repeated at least 5-7 times or more until a glass-carbon layer with thickness of 19-50 µm was obtained. The mechanical properties of the moderately rough (about 10 µm) and highly rough (more than 100 µm) samples with and without deposited glass-carbon coating were investigated by means of nanoindentation experiments and then compared. An X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples was performed as well. It was found that the deposition of the glass-carbon coating increases not only the biocompatibility of the investigated material, but also leads to improvement of its mechanical properties.
Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2022;26(1):49-59
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In this paper, we discuss a possibility of evaluating a part of the energy cost for maintaining a vertical posture by a person. We use the stabilometric data (center of pressure (CoP) postural sway measurements) only. The application of an inverted pendulum model for calculating the components of the mechanical work of particular groups of leg muscles is described. We use integral of the modulus of the power of total torques developed by the antagonists. For the sagittal direction, the mechanical work of muscles of the ankle is make an estimate mainly, and for the frontal direction - of the pelvic muscles. The possibility of using approximate estimates of energy indicators for the slow components of human movement is discussed. To analyze the correlations of various indicators, the results of postural stability tests were used. During these tests the subjects stood with their eyes open in an upright posture. Moreover, in several tests, they were presented with various visual illusions. It was causing a change in postural characteristics and, accordingly, stabilometric parameters. The correlations between the introduced energetical indicators and indicators traditionally used in stabilometry are analyzed. The next indicators: CoP trajectory range of oscillations along the frontal and sagittal, the average CoP velocity and its projection on the frontal and sagittal axes, as well as an indicator called the "total energy density of statokinesiogram" and its components for the frontal and sagittal directions - were considered. A correlation between the used indicator of mechanical work and the stabilogram range was developed. It is shown that the change in a part of the energy corresponding to an indicator called the «total energy density of statokinesiogram" is small and, apparently, does not adequately characterize the change in mechanical energy.
Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2022;26(1):60-72
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When treating injuries and diseases of the spine, it becomes necessary to replace the vertebral body or intervertebral disc with an implant. Such an implant should ensure the performance of the supporting function of the spine and facilitate the formation of a bone block (fusion). For this purpose, the most effective can be considered porous titanium that meets the requirements for biocompatibility, strength characteristics and rigidity. The possibility of obtaining such implants by diffusion welding of a specially twisted wire made of VT1-0 alloy and subsequent thermal hydrogen treatment, including thermal diffusion saturation of the implant blank with hydrogen and its subsequent removal during vacuum annealing, is considered. It is shown, that thermal hydrogen treatment makes it possible to transform the mechanical contacts of the wire after diffusion welding of the work piece into physicochemical ones. This makes it possible to increase the strength characteristics of the implant with a high volumetric porosity (up to 60-70 %) and bring its rigidity closer to the rigidity of the vertebrae. Optimization of the modes of diffusion welding and thermal hydrogen treatment was carried out to obtain a high complex of strength and plastic characteristics of implants. Clinical studies of the use of porous implants obtained by the proposed technology have shown their high efficiency in the treatment of injuries and diseases in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. 247 clinical cases of the use of "cellular" porous implants (54 patients with injuries and 193 with degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine) were considered. In 214 cases, an improvement in the condition of patients was noted (86.6 %). Deterioration was observed in 4 patients (1.6 %), which was associated with contusion and edema of the spinal cord after the injury. It was found that in a relatively short period (up to 5-6 weeks), through the growth of bone tissue occurs through the implant. In this case, the formation of osteophytes on the lateral surface of the implant is not observed, which reduces the likelihood of injury.
Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2022;26(1):73-84
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The mechanical tests of saphenous veins on static tension have been carried out. Significant factors affecting the strength of the vein are the varicose vein transformation and thickness of the vascular wall. The ultimate strength of samples without varicose transformation is significantly (0.9 MPа) higher than that of veins with varicose transformation and the increasing in the thickness walls by 1 mm decreases this parameter by 3.9 MPa. At the same time, the minimum values of ultimate strength the for both groups was more than 0.4 MPa (3000 mm Hg), which allow us to use the veins for prosthesis of the arterial bed. As a plastic material, it is advisable to use varicose veins with a vascular wall thickness (double) less than 0.35 mm, for unchanged veins this parameter should not exceed 0.58 mm. Also, our results indicate the absence of differences in the deformation and strength characteristics between the samples of the saphenous veins when stored in solutions of different chemical composition.
Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2022;26(1):85-94
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Javelin throwing characterizes by creation of dynamic effort in shoulder-girdle during the process of movement. The emergence of excessive efforts in the joints of the parts of the body performing this sport exercise leads often to injury to the athlete. In this regard, the actual direction of training and competitive activity is the coordination and rationalization of movements in accordance with the principle of bionic adequacy of the system (in this case, “thrower - javelin”), the result of which is the maximum effectiveness of the exercise in the absence of traumatic effects of loads and movements. Biomechanical analysis of the final stage of javelin throwing was performed on the basis of 659 videos of competitive attempts. The results of measuring the angular displacements of the links of the body relative to each other and the common center of mass of the body in various nodal elements of motion are presented. In the work, the method of posture reference points of movements was used, which made it possible to distinguish starting and final movements, as well as a number of animated positions. Prediction of changes in the position of the body links taking into account the moments and radius of inertia of the links relative to the general center of mass of the thrower body allow us to take preventive measures to exclude deviations from the given optimal trajectory of the body parts. The determination of the ranges of angular positions in the joints of the parts of the body also contributes to the achievement of high sports results.
Russian Journal of Biomechanics. 2022;26(1):95-107
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