No 3 (2022)
Investigation of discrete analogue of one boundary problem of optimal control
In the paper, one boundary value problem of optimal control for discrete two-parameter systems with discrete time is investigated. Such problems are discrete analogues of optimal control problems described by integro-differential partial differential equations of the first order. The initial function is controllable and is defined as the solution of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear ordinary difference equation, the right part of which includes concentrated control. The quality functional presents the sum of two different terms and is a Boltz type functional for the optimal control problem under consideration. The cases of arbitrary, convex and open control area defining the corresponding class of admissible controls are studied. Imposing various natural smoothness conditions on the right-hand sides of the two-dimensional and one-dimensional difference equations under consideration, assuming the convexity of the analogue of the set of admissible velocities of the system under consideration, a special increment of the quality criterion is calculated using a modified functional increment method and, based on its non-negativity along the optimal control, an analogue of the discrete Pontryagin maximum principle is proved. Assuming the convexity of the control area, by linearizing the terms in the functional increment formula and introducing a special variation of the admissible control, an analogue of the linearized maximum condition is proved. In contrast to the continuous case, the linearized maximum principle is not a consequence of the discrete maximum principle and has an independent value as a necessary condition for optimality. In the case of open control area, by introducing a classical variation of the control, the first variation (in the classical sense) of the functional is calculated and established that in the case of open control area, the first variation of the quality criterion equals zero, with its help, an analogue of the Euler equation for the optimal control problem under consideration is obtained. The scheme used in the work also makes it possible to further investigate some cases of degeneration of the obtained necessary conditions of optimality of the first order and to deduce new, constructive necessary conditions of optimality of the second order, allowing to narrow down the set of permissible controls suspicious of optimality.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):9-25
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The question of the longitudinal bending of a rod consisting of rigid links connected by hinges is being studied. It is shown that, as in the classical version of a solid rod, the problem can be posed as a variational minimum energy problem, but given by a functional defined on a class of functions with a discrete domain of definition. The main provisions of the classical calculus of variations are transferred to functionals of this type: the formula of variation is found, a generalization of the main lemma of the calculus of variations is proved, an analogue of the Euler equation, which is a difference equation, is obtained. Applying the results obtained and the known properties of classical difference equations, we succeeded in solving an analogue of the Euler problem for two types of a hinge rod: for a rod consisting of links of the same length, and for an arbitrary choice of lengths of links. In both cases we find the critical Euler force, as well as the equation and the form of the deflection curve.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):26-42
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Mathematical modeling of the deformation behavior of a Panda-type optical fiber with protective and hardening coatings was performed as part of the work. The contact indentation of a fiber into in aluminum half-space is simulated. The different pattern of the elements conjugations of the contact unite is considered: co-strain, contact gluing, frictional contact and their combination. The problem implementation is aimed at analyzing the pattern influence of the system elements conjugation on the deformation and contact parameters of the Panda-type fiber with two-layer protective-strengthening polymer coating when interacting with a metal surface. Residual stresses in the optical fiber after the manufacturing process and polarization are not taken into account in the model. It was found that the deformation behavior pattern of an optical fiber is refined when contact gluing between structural elements is taken into account. The maximum stress intensity values are observed in quartz when frictional contact between the elements of the system is taken into account. The polymer coating peels off on part of the mating surface and ceases to fully perform protective functions.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):45-66
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Nowadays, the process of integrating autonomous robotic systems (ARS) and military personnel formation is actively underway. Such a new object in the armed forces (AF) should have the property of self-sufficient behavior that guarantees mission fulfillment. The problem is in the construction of information processes in control systems that ensure a predictable behavior of an autonomous artificial system within the Armed Force subdivisions similar to a human one. Currently, the solution for this problem is the development of artificial entities that use symbolic or neural network methods and models for acquiring and formalizing “knowledge”. Ontologies made it possible to make these methods and knowledge models interpretable in natural language semantics and to bring the problem of human-machine interaction to a new level, which was noted by a number of researchers. Nevertheless, it should be noted that as long as there is no cognition process model, the theoretical results obtained are not in demand in practice and are only of theoretical interest. There is a gap between primitive behavior models of artificial entities, their interaction models and expectations from practice. The purpose of this work is to propose an approach to the intellectualization of the artificial entities’ behavior by revising the logical and mathematical abstractions underlying the construction of their onboard control systems based on the pattern theory development. Such approach ensures the transfer of effective human experience to the control systems of artificial entities, as well as the compatibility of the theological and causal approach. It is shown that the choice under severe time constraints is based on behavioral patterns that reflect effective experience. Patterns form both the information structure of representations and a set of possible variants of representations. Subject’s assessments of satisfaction with the current choice situation lead to a change in a subject's interest structure, and he can choose it. There is a developed formal model of the behavioral pattern and a method of logical inference on patterns. The paper considers the problems of identification and construction of pattern models. It proposes to use four positions of information processing for these purposes. The paper proposes an approach to developing software for intelligent control systems for autonomous systems based on the pattern theory. There are the results of behavioral pattern identification solutions that use new generation training systems with voice control. The paper considers the issues of constructing the architecture of unmanned undersea vehicles with an onboard control system that uses pattern models and a pattern inference system. It also solves the problem of the behavior tactics of the node - autonomous unmanned vehicle based on the onboard sensor system data.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):69-87
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The current research provides solution for the process of legal cooperation between enterprises of participants according to the technological and delivery principle information support. As a solution, it is proposed to design a single information space based on existing information systems using microservice architecture technologies. This article discusses the main problems of supporting the integration process of intra-industry cooperation, provides a model for the integral assessment of the industry cooperation effectiveness based on the method of Saaty hierarchies and expert assessments, the article describes the contract of interaction within the framework of the integration process. The article also presents an architecture model built using the object-oriented language UML, provides an assessment of the system stability of the architecture model using a mixed graph, and presents the results of an architecture’s practical assessment.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):91-107
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The transition mainly to a distance learning format for teaching staff over 65 years of age in the higher education system, due to the complex epidemiological situation in the world associated with the emergence and spread of new strains of coronavirus infection, has updated the problem of completing the library fund of the university library with popular printed publications in a new way. The authors of the article considered it expedient to include the format of study at the university or the correlating factor of the teacher's age in the mathematical model of acquisition of the library fund with demanded printed publications among the educational and organizational factors affecting the demand for educational literature, and to assess its impact on the target function of the demand for printed publications. The conducted research has shown that the introduced factor is significant and significantly affects the demand for educational literature and, as a result, should be included in the developed mathematical model formulated in the form of an optimization problem. Taking into account the results obtained in the course of the scientific research, it is proposed to strengthen the teaching and methodological activities of the teaching staff in order to improve the quality of the acquisition of the library fund of the university library with popular educational literature in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. The article focuses on the possibility of finding only rational solutions in the initial and refined optimization problem of choosing printed publications from a variety of alternatives offered by book publishers, since it describes the functioning of the university library as an organizational and technical system with such qualities as, for example, multidimensionality, self-organization and complexity.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):108-126
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In the process of marketing research, it is necessary to process large volumes of accumulated reviews, so it is obvious that the process of processing and analysis should be automated. Modern technical capabilities allow you to create an information and analytical system for formalized analysis of consumer reviews about hotels. The analysis of consumer reviews contributes to the development of the hotel business, since reviews are a qualitative way to assess the effectiveness of the company. With their help, it becomes clear what elements of the hotel complex should be paid attention to with the aim of their possible improvement in the future. The trends observed in reviews also allow you to find out what consumers expect and how best of all you can live up to their expectations. In fact, the task of analyzing the tonality of the text is equivalent to the problem of text classification, where tonal estimates can be categories of texts. To teach the classification model, a set of marked data downloaded from the Internet was used. The set contains 18,500 reviews about the hotels of Europe in Russian with the tonality indicated for them. The article is devoted to the urgent problem of determining the consumer attitude to services provided in the hotel business based on reviews from the Internet. A solution to the problem of analyzing the tonality of the entities of the hotel, extracted from the reviews about the hotel. To solve the problem, the MLP algorithm is selected, since the task of analyzing tonality is reduced to the task of classification, where tonal estimates are classification classes. Particular attention is paid to the algorithm for teaching a classification model developed using the Keras library in Python. To solve the task of analyzing the tonality of entit
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):127-140
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Intelligent Control System for IT Specialists Training Based on Denotative Analytics
The study identifies the growing problem of mismatch between the competencies of IT graduates of educational institutions and the requirements of employers. The goal is to develop a set of models and algorithms, as well as software that implements them to improve the efficiency of IT training. The analysis of existing approaches to its solution is made. Prospective directions of specialist modeling are revealed. The methods of labor market analysis in the field of IT-sphere based on vacancies from aggregator sites, approaches to individualization of educational programs and involvement of employers in the training process, as well as means of automation of specialist modeling were considered. Ontological approaches to specialist modeling based on expert knowledge are also studied. The concept of organizing IT training based on open weakly structured data has been developed. An approach based on natural language processing and denotative analytics is described. The proposed concept includes monitoring and collecting data on vacancies from aggregator sites with a given frequency; their subsequent processing to build a dynamic model of an IT specialist, describing the key concepts necessary for professional activity and satisfying employers' requirements; enriching the resulting model with open data on the subject area and information contained in regulatory documents; building a graduate specialist model, taking into account the links between the key concepts by constructing a denotative graph to reconstruct the hierarchy of the enriched set of concepts; forming on its basis a set of recommendations for drawing up and adjusting educational programs. The model of specialist from employer's point of view based on fuzzy sets, model of specialist-graduate including data enrichment algorithm, as well as the algorithm of recommendations formation for making and correction of educational programs were developed. The software for decision support system that implements the mentioned models and algorithms has been developed. Experimental testing with the involvement of experts from the IT industry was conducted. Positive results were obtained as a result of the experiment. The developed system can be used for drawing up and adjusting work programs of disciplines, professional retraining programs, programs of additional education in the field of directions related to information technology.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):141-164
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The basic concepts of classical probability, negative probability, fuzzy sets are considered with appropriate analogies of the quantum mechanical approach to create mathematical models for describing social phenomena. It also briefly describes the features of the application of the theory of intentionality, which uses the concept of institutionality for social phenomena. At the same time, institutionality is understood as a property of consciousness directed at objects and states of affairs in the real world. The concept of collective institutionality is singled out, which forms social facts arising from the collective impact of members of society. The concept of status is given, which denotes a set of characteristic values of a subject or object that determine its position in the system. The features and scope for fuzzy models are described, which are used for the mathematical description of linguistic terms and intentionality in estimating the probabilities of events in fuzzy set theory. In addition, the concept of negative probability and the possibility of using it to describe social events are described. The following is an example illustrating the concept of a complex-valued function and its use to measure the characteristics of socio-economic processes. In conclusion, the concept of status functions is introduced for comparison with membership functions and wave functions.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2022;(3):165-186
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