No 2 (2024)

On a priori estimates of the Kirchhoff equation integral load
Boziev O.L.


A large number of physical, biological and other phenomena are described by loaded equations. The nonlinear hyperbolic Kirchhoff equation models some oscillatory processes. It contains a load in the form of a rational degree m/n of a linear function of the norm of the desired solution in the space H1(Ω). We will call such a load an integral one. In this paper, a second mixed problem with homogeneous boundary conditions is considered for this equation. Due to the complexity of integrating nonlinear differential equations, in many cases they are approximated by linear equations with varying degrees of accuracy. In this case, it may turn out that the linearized equation very conditionally models the phenomenon under study.The purpose of this work is to establish a priori estimates for the integral load of the Kirchhoff equation. Subsequently, they are used for its "correct" linearization. The corresponding results are formulated in the form of theorems. In the case of a positive degree m/n, the obtained estimate is valid for any values of m and n. In the negative case, separate estimates are set for m < n, m = n and m > n. In all cases, a transition is made from the non-strict equality of the a priori assessment to equality. This equality relates the integral load to some linear function depending on the initial conditions and the right side of the equation. To reduce the Kirchhoff equation to a linear equation, its integral load is replaced by the resulting function. The method is applicable to equations with an integral load both in the main part and in the minor terms.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):6–17
The use of maximum entropy principle to construct robust estimators under point Bayesian contamination. Part II
Lisitsin D.V., Gavrilov K.V.


The work is devoted to the theory of robust parameter estimation of statistical models using the apparatus of information theory. The approach of A.M. Shurygin based on the model of a series of samples with random point contamination (point Bayesian contamination model) is considered. The first part of our work describes a non-parametric method of selecting the contamination point distribution – by maximizing Shannon entropy or cross entropy in the neighborhood of the model distribution limited by the value of Kulbak – Leibler divergence. This way of finding the distribution density of the contamination point allows us to consider the resulting estimators as robust, and, moreover, having the optimality property. We call the obtained estimators generalized radical, since their special case is the radical estimators of A.M. Shurygin.In the second part of the work, another optimal solution is obtained on the basis of the formalism of A. Rényi (or the formalism of C. Tsallis equivalent in terms of our problem) that gives a new family of estimators, the special cases of which are also some well-known estimators. To select one estimate from a family defined by different divergence constraints, an optimization approach is proposed. The main theoretical results obtained in the paper are illustrated by the example of location estimating for the cosine distribution.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):18–33
Neuro-neighborhood models as a new class of hierarchical dynamic neighborhood models
Sedykh I.A., Istomin V.A.


The article presents the main features of modeling complex distributed processes, reflects the relevance of the research and the importance of modeling such processes. The development of the neighborhood approach and the works of domestic and foreign authors who have made a significant contribution to the development of mathematical modeling of complex dynamic systems are considered. The types of neighborhood models are presented and the position of the new direction of hierarchical dynamic neuro-neighborhood models in the class of neighborhood models is reflected. The advantages of developing this approach are presented, namely, improving the interpretability of the model while simultaneously ensuring sufficient accuracy with generalization ability and resistance to noise. The main stages of construction are highlighted and the areas of application of hierarchical dynamic neuro-neighborhood models are presented. There are 3 ways of representing their structure: graphical, set-theoretic and matrix. The graphical presentation method is based on graphs divided into two layers, which describe the connections between nodes by transitions and outputs, respectively. The diagrams of layers and the general diagram of the node of the model under study are shown according to transitions and outputs. The set-theoretic method describes the model in the form of sets of nodes and hierarchical neighborhood connections between them. The matrix method allows you to present the model in the form of adjacency matrices for transitions and outputs by state and by external influences, respectively. A detailed description of hierarchical dynamic neuro-neighborhood models and neural networks in nodes is provided. The identification algorithm of the developed approach is described, and a diagram of the identification algorithm is shown. An example is given of constructing a hierarchical dynamic neuro-neighborhood model for predicting the total energy consumption of household appliances in a house, taking into account heating and weather conditions in the implemented Python program with automatic selection of optimal model parameters. A description of the source data taken from the Kaggle website is provided. The data was prepared, on the basis of which the resulting model was trained and tested. A diagram of a hierarchical dynamic neuro-neighborhood model of the predicted process is shown. Conclusions are drawn from the research done.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):34–48
Research and assessment of the indecomposable remainder in the degree of influence of each variable in factor analysis
Barkalov S.A., Kurochka P.N., Serebryakova E.A.


The main objective of factor analysis is to identify implicit factors that explain the relationships between observed variables. This makes it possible to obtain a more complete and accurate picture of the phenomena and processes being studied, which allows us to establish hidden patterns and trends that are not always possible to determine with visual data analysis. These hidden variables can be used to simplify the data and understand the main mechanisms underlying the phenomenon being studied.A quantitative assessment of the influence of each variable on the result using mathematical methods can be performed using various approaches and tools. A brief overview of the main tools is given. The choice of a specific method depends on the nature of the data, the objectives of the study and the available resources.It is known that the main disadvantage of factor analysis is the failure to fulfill the commutative (communicative) law of multiplication, which is explained by the occurrence of an indecomposable remainder. The indecomposable remainder is explained by the fact that the model under consideration does not fully take into account all the factors influencing the phenomenon under study, and therefore the variation of the feature will not be determined only by the factors under consideration, that is, some part will remain undistributed between the independent variables. Consequently, the degree of influence of a specific feature on the dynamics of the resulting component will depend on its location in the model. It is clear that with an increase in the model dimension, the number of equivalent calculation options will also increase due to an increase in the number of possible alternative versions of the solution. It should be noted that this leads to a variety of possible forms of solving the original problem, and the definition of a specific solution method will be determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. It should be noted that the number of options for the possible permutations of factors under consideration can be reduced by aggregating some factors. It is only important to clearly justify the economic meaning of such an aggregated indicator. This circumstance makes it possible to construct a procedure that allows estimating the indecomposable remainder. The article discusses a methodology for estimating the indecomposable remainder. The value of the indecomposable remainder can be defined as the difference between the data obtained in two calculation forms, between the values of the indicator in the multiplicative model, where this indicator is in last place, and in another calculation method, where the same factor is put in first place. It is shown that in the course of factor analysis there is an invariant constant that does not depend on the calculation method. Methods for reducing the dimensionality of the original problem by aggregating the original factors are also given. It is only important to clearly substantiate the economic meaning of such an aggregated indicator. The article provides an example of a three-factor model of labor productivity, when the result indicator will be determined by three factors: capital productivity, mechanical equipment of workers and the share of workers in the total number of employees of the enterprise. By combining the first two factors into one, the problem was reduced to a two-factor model of labor productivity, depending on two factors: the average output of workers and the share of workers in the total number of employees of the enterprise.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):49-66
Application of deep learning neural networks for detecting spatial key points of a human when performing sports exercises
Teryohin A.D., Fedoseev S.A., Stolbov V.Y.


This paper discusses the use of neural networks to detect spatial key points of a person when performing sports exercises. Key point detection technology allows you to track the movements of athletes in real time, conduct an in-depth analysis of their technique and automate the execution of exercises. This helps coaches identify weaknesses and improve athletes' skills. The main attention is paid to methods of 2D and 3D detection of key points, their application in sports and efficiency analysis. The results of 3D detection of key points for an athlete performing an exercise are presented.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):67-77
The comparative analysis of the methods of constructing soft sensors for the quality estimation of fractionation column products with account to missing data in the training set
Plotnikov A.A., Shtakin D.V., Snegirev O.Y., Torgashov A.Y.


This article presents a comparative analysis of methods of constructing statistical models based on robust regression, ridge regression, kernel-based orthogonal projections to latent structures (K-OPLS), alternating conditional expectations (ACE) and direct distribution neural networks. These models are used for estimating the values of the points of fractional composition of the kerosene fraction, the product of the fractionation column. During the construction of models, the issue of meaning the values of input variables over a certain period was considered to link them to the values of output variables. Unlike the existing works, in this article, training and testing of models is carried out on segments of the data array limited in the values of the output variable. The training segment is formed from the general array by excluding observations whose values are limited by upper and lower limits. The excluded observations constitute the test sample. This paper shows the influence of the width of the interval of meaning the values of the input variable on the estimating accuracy of the resulting models. It is also shown that the lowest value of the mean absolute error for estimating the points of fractional composition is provided by models based on neural networks and K-OPLS for various training and testing options.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):78–95
Risk management of reduced life expectancy
Taseiko O.V., Bel’skaya E.N.


The work is aimed to develop approaches the risk management of reduced life expectancy. The risk assessment of reduced life expectancy is considered as the basis for managing the sanitary and hygienic well-being of the population. Management algorithms and risk assessment models for life expectancy using context diagrams have been developed. A quantitative model the risks assessment of life expectancy is considered taking into account the characteristics of environmental factors and background indicators of the population health for the territories. The model is based on indicators of the relative risk of mortality caysed the risk factor by age groups and causes of disease. The calculated coefficients of the model are adapted to the specifics data of the sanitary and hygienic monitoring of the territories of the Russian Federation.An risk assessment of reducing the life expectancy was made of population of the Siberian Federal District in four age groups from the effects of air pollution by nitrogen dioxide, which is one of the most common pollutants. Risk assessments were carried out for diseases of the circulatory system and respiratory organs characterized by the greatest dependence of health on the influence of environmental factors. The obtained risk values were compared with the risks for the population of European countries. The highest risk of reduced life expectancy was obtained for women older 75 years and men aged 60 to 74 years. Measures are proposed to manage the risks of life expectancy.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):96–109
Automation of marketing strategy selection support based on intelligent demand forecasting for services
Kotsyuba I.Y., Alekseev P.A.


The article presents an analysis of various demand forecasting methods for the telecommunications company "Tricolor", using both the statistical SARIMA model and modern approaches, including XGBoost and recurrent neural networks. The study encompasses the application of these methods to assess future changes in demand for tariff plans, considering seasonal fluctuations and other influencing factors. The article addresses issues related to model tuning, parameter selection, as well as challenges and solutions associated with each method to enhance forecast accuracy. It emphasizes the significance of integrating diverse forecasting methods into strategic planning and operational management of the company in a competitive market environment and variable consumer preferences. The results can be used to form flexible demand management strategies and optimize the company's offerings.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):110-122
Problems in project management when requirements regarding the likely completion date of the project are incompatible
Puntikov A.N., Shikov A.N.


The paper examines the problem of the difference between the project requirements in terms of completion dates. The purpose of the study is to improve the efficiency of decision-making in project management regarding the likely completion dates of the project. Based on mathematical models, without special assumptions about the nature of the project, it is shown that the tasks of minimizing the average duration of the project, its most likely duration, the median completion period, as well as such a period that guarantees the completion of the project with a given probability, are not reducible to each other and require various management decisions. It is concluded that mathematical models popular in project management, which reduce uncertainty in deadlines to a single parameter, inadequately reflect this difference in requirements and can be improved so that their practical consequences are more transparent to project managers, and also that when making decisions within the framework of managing real projects, the customer's requirements should be specified and unambiguously determine which of the deadlines is the key for him. As a result of the research, it is proved that within the framework of any fairly complex project, there are always such management decisions that will be justified in terms of minimizing the average time, but will lead to an increase in the median or most likely completion time.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):123-138
Methodology for assessing the efficiency of innovation infrastructure organizations
Kuzora S.S., Oleinik E.B.


The paper is devoted to the use of mathematical modeling methods to develop a methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of organizations whose activities are related to innovative development. The peculiarity of innovative development is revealed and the role of organizations involved in the scientific and technological policy of the state is determined. As a result of the analysis, the main types of innovation infrastructure organizations, their functional purpose and support from the executive authorities are displayed. The theoretical part of the study is the formation of a consolidated list of performance indicators of innovation infrastructure organizations for further use in the practical component of the work. Based on the previously conducted research, the choice of mathematical tools for the development of assessment methodology is justified, which provides for the use of the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic, the method of hierarchy analysis, time series analysis. The listed set of modeling methods is applied from the point of view of the complexity of the research object: quantitative and qualitative indicators are taken into account, the involved variables are prioritized, the analyzed external factors of influence are taken into account. This approach makes it possible to increase the objectivity of the assessment results. As an example, the proposed methodological approach is used to assess one of the elements of innovation infrastructure. The conclusion emphasizes the need for a comprehensive assessment and clarifies the practical applicability of the proposed approach. The methodology can be used by public authorities for the expedient allocation of financial resources and other incentives for innovation infrastructure organizations. The methodology is also applicable for internal audit of the activities of the elements considered in this paper in order to develop recommendations to improve their own efficiency.
Applied Mathematics and Control Sciences. 2024;(2):139-154

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