No 23 (2017)
This work is devoted to solving the problem together convective complex heat and mass transfer at various ways of laying of power cables in buildings and constructions. The mathematical model of the processes of complex heat and mass transfer based on the laws of conservation of mass, momentum and energy. The problem is solved numerically under conditions of natural convection of the finite element method in engineering software package Ansys Fluent. As a result, the numerical solution of obtained power of heat loss in metal structural elements of the power cable, temperature fields at various value of current. Presented and analyzed the numerical results obtained temperature fields field in a place of power cables laying. The problem of unloading of the cable line at start of the equipment of fire-prevention systems is solved.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):5-16
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It is known that the misalignment on the contact elements in high power switches on breaking the contact results in a lower reliability and durability We investigate the relationship between the change in the misalignment on the contact elements and the change in the current density in regards to the dynamic behavior of the contact. The analytical model for electrical contact between elements in high power switches describing the impact of the relative misalignment on the change in the current density in the dynamic contact area. The numerical calculation and verification demonstrate the critical influence of the misalignment of the contact elements on the current density, and therefore when planning to enhance reliability of the electrical contact it is important to make allowance for this result. The example of the crushing the surface of the contact elements under misalignment is considered in this paper.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):17-32
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This article shows the steps to improve the previously developed face recognition algorithm. At each step, the results of the conducted experiments are shown, and also the description of the conducted experiments is given. The face recognition program discussed in this article uses functions from OpenCV and dlib libraries. The development of the face recognition program consists of six steps. At the first step, the face recognition program consists of an algorithm based on flexible paths. Face recognition, based on the algorithm of flexible paths, takes into account only the geometry of the face. Therefore, in the subsequent steps of the development of the face recognition program, a fast Fourier transform was added, which takes into account the complexion. In order to replace the parameters calculated with the flexible path algorithm, the parameters calculated with the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm were used to determine the areas of the image that best characterize the face and which will be used to calculate the parameters with Using a fast Fourier transform, determining the number of parameters to be replaced, and determining the order of significance of the parameters calculated using the flexible path algorithm. In the second step, the parameters of the flexible paths are replaced by parameters calculated with the help of the fast Fourier transform, by the first method, in the third step by the second and third methods. In the fourth and fifth steps, weights were added based on the number of coincidences between the parameters of the vectors. In the sixth step, combined weights were added, calculated by summing the coefficients obtained in the previous steps of the development of the face recognition program. As a result, among all versions of the face recognition program obtained at six steps of its development, the highest percentage of correctly recognized ones is given by the program obtained in the fourth step.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):33-44
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The Boolean algebra of logic, logic functions are the basis of a mathematical apparatus of digital electronics and circuit engineering. At the beginning, from the moment of the invention of the relay in the middle of the 19th a century, they were implemented by contact-relay diagrams - serial-to-parallel and bridge, then after creation of transistors - at the microelectronic level. Small-scale integrated microcircuits - "hard" logic, then chips of average integration scale including "flexible" logic were created. In the 1970s the first programmable logic arrays which were used further in larg-scale integrated microcircuits were released. Such structures are widely used during creation, for example, of control and monitoring devices. Programming was first once, at the factory, and then there was the possibility of programming by the user with the help of a special programmer. Then reprogrammable logic arrays were developed electrically. They are used also in the CPLD (complex programmable logic devices) programmable logic integrated circuits (PLIC), unlike FPGA (field-programmable gate array) where implementation in the form of a tree of the transferring transistors is used that in essence is the multiplexer selector or a fixed memory digit capacity of one bits with n address inputs. It is of interest to study the features of programming logic matrices in CPLD in order to consider the possibilities of increasing their fault tolerance in special highly reliable applications. The principles of programming the logic matrix are analyzed in the article, the simulation of the implementation of the conjunction in the NI Multisim 10 system of the National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group is performed, and the fault-tolerant implementation of the logic matrix is proposed and evaluated.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):45-58
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Wireless Mesh Network can integrate various devices into a single network. WMN provides with the best mobility, lower cost of deployment, easy extension of network and reliable connections. Hybrid Wireless Mesh Protocol (HWMP) is the basic protocol of the default routing for standard 802.11s. Routing protocol is one of the most important parts of the network and it requires protection, especially in a wireless environment. Existing security protocols, such as broadcast integrity protocol (BIP), block cypher of messages of authentication code (CCMP), secure HWMP (SHWMP), identification, based on encryption HWMP (IBC-HWMP), elliptic curves of digital signature HWMP (ECDSA-HWMP), watchdog HWMP are targeted to protect frames in the HWMP protocol. Issues related to the security of data transmitted in Mesh-networks of 802.11s standard are reviewed in this article. Besides, there were described the basic principles of working of the default routing protocol for standard 802.11s - HWMP. Moreover, possible attacks on frames routing in a Mesh-network were mentioned and analyzed. There were explored the concepts of the main security protocols for 802.11s standard. The analysis of the vulnerabilities of existing security protocols in HWMP was conducted. The results of the analysis of existing security protocols show that none of these protocols is able to satisfy all requirements of security. Due to the results of this work general recommendations for the further development of security protocols in routing of frames in the Mesh-network standard 802.11s were presented.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):59-72
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The article investigated to the integration of prediction models into the information infrastructure of production systems for decision support in an automated mode. The actuality of the work is related to the increasing volume of accumulated statistical data, the complexity of working with big data sets in systems that are not integrated into the IT infrastructure of enterprises and the importance of using them for the improving the quality of management decisions. The research is based on the important data sets and models for decision making, and integration they into the existing information infrastructure based on a set of IT solutions or software developments. To approbate the proposed approaches, was observed the problem of the purchase amount on the basis of a prediction model and integrates it into the IT infrastructure of the enterprise. The solutions showed several possible ways of using models and information infrastructure depending on the task and organization of the IT infrastructure, as well as the flexibility and practical applicability of the proposed approach.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):73-84
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Currently in training widely used computer business game, simulating the real conditions of companies. As a subject area in designing a business game organized by the business processes of real enterprises, the perpetrators of which must possess certain competencies. There are many software products that allows to model business processes and build the game scenario based on this model, but their characteristic feature is orientation to a particular business process and scenario development of the game only for this process. When developing a software product, which you can use to build the game scenario for any subject area, there is a problem with the automated build script for models of business processes. The process of constructing the scenario of the business game consists of several stages, one of which is the transformation of the business process model in a unified business process. Models of real business processes are weakly formalized description of the subject area of business game, so this transition is a challenging task. The paper considers the algorithm of transformation of models of real business processes, represented in IDEF0 notation, the model unified business process based on the ontological approach. For transformation build ontological models of elements and a graphical representation in the editor Protégé ontology for the description of the matching elements and their graphical representations created by appropriate limitations, developed rules of transformation, which is also reflected in the ontological model. A query to the ontology that displays matching elements of one notation to another notation built. As an example, given the query, allowing obtaining the matching element of the work process in IDEF0 notation to other notations.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):85-102
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Crane-manipulator engines are more popular in different fields of modern technique. Crane-manipulator’s boom with two or three joints allow to work at limited space. Often last factor is defining in equipment choice for work. More than usually machines with crane-manipulator combine hoisting mechanism’s and truck’s features that allow to optimizing number of engines in handing operations and transporting of materials. But crane-manipulator engines have some problems inhered in all crane engines and specified for separate engines: rocking of freight, hydraulic vibrations crane-manipulator’s boom elements, cable’s breakthroughs, hydraulic winch’s work limitations and other. Some crane-manipulator problem’s solutions reviewed in paper. This solutions are used in crane-manipulator or other hoisting engines such as overhead cranes. The method’s merits and demerits are listed in paper. More than for methods used for non-crane-manipulator hoisting engines limits of application in crane-manipulator engines defined in paper. New microprocessor-based control system design chosen as main crane-manipulator engine modernization strategy. This modernization type don’t request powerful changes in crane-manipulator engine’s construction such as crane-manipulator boom replacement. This is main difference of this method from some methods reviewed in paper. This method not applicable for every crane-manipulator engine. Crane-manipulator engine of robotized hoisting complex has same features that listed in paper that allow produce integrate microprocessor-based control system. This features reviewed in paper. Also the paper contents structure of control block used for crane-manipulator engine’s modernization.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):103-118
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With the development of technical progress, the need for winding wires has increased. The wires with enamel insulation are particularly in demand, since they have the smallest thickness of insulation and sufficiently high mechanical and electrical parameters, as well as electrical insulation characteristics, which are preserved even under conditions of high temperatures and humidity. Recently, the greatest attention is paid to the production of enamel wires with an elevated temperature index. The technological process of enameling makes it possible to obtain a wire with a diameter in the ranges from 0.012 to 3.0 mm. The process itself takes place on modern equipment, which is a complex device, and is divided into two types: horizontal and vertical enamel aggregates. Enamelling can be divided into several step: wire-drawing and annealing, wire enamel application and heat treatment of the coating, which occurs in the enamelling-oven of the unit. The principle of the enamel machining is based on the recirculation of heated air flows. To obtain high-quality insulation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the enamelling speed, which, in turn, depends on parameters such as airflow velocity inside the oven and temperature in the enamelling-oven. The aim of the work was to determine the optimum enamelling speed for the vertical enamel plant MATE SV 70-224 / 2. The effect of airflow velocity in the range from 0.5 to 3.0 m/s was analyzed, and the temperature changes on the catalyst from 500 to 750 оϹ. After the calculations, graphs and diagrams of the dependence of the enamelling rate on air speed and temperature in the enamelling-oven.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):119-132
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The article introduces the research of the architecture of programmable logic integrated circuits based on the Look-Up Table. There is described the existing problem of programmable logic integrated circuits of the type field programmable gate array, which consists in the lack of orientation of logic elements based on LUT to the system implementation of logic functions. The article describes in detail LUT with one variable, characterizes it, reports the realization of orthogonality of signals in the branches of the tree of transistors. There is proposed an improved method of implementation systems of logical functions defined in a perfect disjunctive normal form in the field programmable gate array based on signal transmission in the other direction. The DC-LUT element is offered, a detailed description of the structure is given, as well as its characteristic. Realization of systems of logic functions is provided by a block of disjunctions of the constituent of a logical function, its description is also given. A new DNF-LUT is proposed for implementation the functions of a large number of variables. There is described an improved structure of the new DNF-LUT modification, which consists of the adaptation to the level of the transmitting transistors used in the LUT and the original encoding of conjunctions in disjunctive normal form. The programming of one variable for the proposed structure of DNF-LUT is considered. There is drawn a conclusion about the advisability of applying advanced methods for the implementation of systems of logic functions in programmable logic integrated circuits of the field programmable gate array type.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):133-145
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The article considers various methods of local positioning of objects using the infrastructure of Wi-Fi networks. The advantage of local positioning systems based on Wi-Fi over global positioning systems in determining the location of objects inside the premises is demonstrated. Substantiated advantage of Wi-Fi positioning system over other local positioning systems. The RSSI parameter is shown, on the basis of which the methods work, and the choice of this parameter is justified. Studied selection criteria of frames that are suitable for solving positioning tasks. Shows a process of forming a set of measurements necessary for working methods. The possible frequency of obtaining a set of measurements from the client is analyzed and the dependence of the frequency on the generation of traffic by the client is shown. Given the conclusion about the possibility to use the data from the client for positioning in real-time. Selected main methods used in the positioning in Wi-Fi networks and describes the functional characteristics of these algorithms. Demonstrated the process of finding the distance from the access point to the client depending on the value of the parameter RSSI and frequency on which the receiving or transmitting access point. The emphasis is on the accuracy of the algorithms. Highlighted methods that require a stage of preliminary calculations. It is concluded that each algorithm has critical drawbacks that make it difficult to accurately position in real conditions. Given the conclusion about the need to create a method, which is a combination of the algorithms, to improve positioning accuracy and reduce the dependence on changes in the environment of signal propagation.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):146-158
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The problem of effective steam temperature control at the out of boiler is considered in the article. The temperature of superheating of steam at the outlet from the superheater is one of the most important parameters that determine the economical operation of the steam turbine and power boiler. Automatic regulation of steam superheating should ensure that the temperature of superheated steam is maintained within the specified limits, regardless of the load of the boiler. The metal of the pipes of the boiler is in particularly difficult operating conditions. Increasing the temperature above the allowable values can lead to an accident due to the appearance of creep of the metal, increased thermal expansion and a number of other reasons. From the strength conditions of the metal pipes of the superheater, the steam pipe and the turbine it is important not only to maintain the temperature within the specified limits, but also to prevent its sudden changes. At the same time, a significant lowering of the vapor temperature in front of the turbo unit leads to an unacceptable increase in humidity in the last stages of the turbine and erosion of the blades, which results in an increase in the specific steam consumption, and in some cases, an emergency stop of the turbine unit. The article describes the solution of the problem of precise control of the steam temperature at the outlet of the superheater and, at the same time, the protection of the metal of the preheating stages of the superheater. To achieve the set goals, the following tasks are solved: introduction of temperature correction before the second injection, automatic adjustment of the regulator coefficients depending on the boiler load; the introduction of the anti-backlash unit. The article describes the functional diagram of the automatic steam temperature control system. The results of technical studies were obtained with the help of the SARGON software and hardware complex.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(23):159-166
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