No 22 (2017)
The article deals with modern automatic systems for commercial accounting of energy resources. A typical model of the device of automatic systems for commercial metering of energy consumption is presented. For consideration, the 10 most popular automatic accounting systems on the market are taken. A comparative table is made and the ranking of the systems is made by the sum of the points obtained. As criteria in the table are made unique opportunities that distinguish these systems from others. Based on the ranking results, the best model is chosen, its advantages and disadvantages are revealed. A simplified list of requirements and necessary functionality for the required system is made.The daily energy consumption was monitored and a statistical analysis of the data was carried out. The mean value, the mode and median values, as well as the variation indices, such as the range of variation, the mean linear deviation and the coefficient of variation, were found. All this made it possible to determine the heterogeneity of a number of data. Also, the asymmetry coefficient was calculated, which led to the conclusion about right-sided asymmetry. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that because of the specificity of the available data, statistical methods are not suitable for their analysis.For more accurate analysis, the main factors influencing the power consumption were selected and monitored in a period equal to one year. For the data obtained, the multiple regression equation was constructed, allowing to take into account each factor influencing the power consumption and the degree of its influence. The quality of the equation obtained was estimated by means of calculations and comparison of the results obtained with actual consumption. As a result, the equation was obtained with an error of 3.68 percent.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):5-22
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The complex analysis of prospects of improvement of functionality and power characteristics of centrifugal superchargers of gas at compressor stations of the main gas pipelines is offered. It is shown that energy saving approach to implementation of requirements of increase in efficiency and useful use of energy technological installations and units on objects of fuel and energy complex provides need of carrying out gas-dynamic researches on gas-distributing units of booster and linear compressor stations. The reasons of emergence of off-design operating modes of the main gas pipelines which are connected with change of their configurations, change of parameters of units, fluctuations of relief and natural factors, and also redistribution of loadings of gas between shops are proved. The analysis of natural tests of various centrifugal superchargers with standard extents of compression and use of replaceable flowing parts is provided. The main characteristics of superchargers of 235-21-1 and 235 type of HRC 1,32/76 - 5000 on temperature and power consumption are compared. Their initial inefficient modes at compressor stations have a talk an initial mismatch of gas-dynamic parameters of units with characteristics of network of gas pipelines and decline in production in comparison with the project. The principles and structure of a technological chain of realization of a technical means and algorithms of energy efficient technologies with obtaining additional effects of energy saving are considered. The indirect reserves shown in article on decrease in an expense of the electric power at compressor stations are provided, in particular, with additional charge in parallel of the working units on giving and on power, stability of collaboration within the shop and restriction of hit in a surge zone. Recommendations about further improvement of characteristics of centrifugal superchargers of a megawatt class at gas-turbine compressor stations are offered.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):23-43
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As part of an international research group (IRG) there is research on the study area near Polovodovo which is devoted to developing new forest inventory technology based on airborne laser scanning (ALS) data and remote sensing data. Airborne laser scanning based stand level forest inventory has been used in Finland and other Nordic countries for several years. In the Russian Federation, ALS is not extensively used for forest inventory purposes, despite a long history of research into the use of lasers for forest measurement that dates back to the 1970s. Furthermore, there is also no generally accepted ALS-based methodology that meets the official inventory requirements of the Russian Federation. Using different types of satellite images may solve these issues. Satellite images are the one of the most important information source about conditions of forest resources. Now there are so many different method for extracting different information about forest stands, include age, health and other characteristics. So, one of the most attractive technologies now is processing images (and in particular of satellite imagery) using neural networks. In this article shows the application of the algorithm realized in the program Scanex Image Processor for imagery classification by species in the study area.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):44-54
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This article provides an overview and analysis of the main methods of parametric identification of the induction motor. The problem of shortage and inaccuracy of information on actual parameters of the equivalent circuit of induction motor is v. Main parameters, which are necessary to take into account the implementation of vector control systems are selected. Classification and analysis of different identification methods are are implemented. Identification methods to be implemented in real-time and pre-adaptation mode, the drive, before putting it into operation are compared. The main advantages and disadvantages of identification methods are marked. Methods based on the processing available for measurement of phase currents and voltages are the most common. A mathematical model of an asynchronous machine is used to determine the parameters in most identification methods. Various modifications of the Kalman filter and the least squares method are the most promising to estimate the parameters in real time. In the pre-setting of the actuator usually are used active methods by inserting into the power circuit of the electric drive a test information signal. A variant of constructing the structure of systems of this class is proposed. In conclusion, it is noted that the assessment and identification of induction motor parameters are relevant and need detailed study with the development of new algorithms and approaches. In the course of further work, it is planned to develop and study a system of preliminary identification of the parameters of an induction motor using an experimental laboratory installation of an AC drive.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):55-66
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The prospects of frequency control performance of electrically driven gas compressor units at compressor stations of gas mains. Presents the analysis of peculiarities of the topology and energetic characteristics of modern high-voltage frequency converters for the modernization and new construction of electrically driven compressor stations on the objects of PJSC "Gazprom". Considered design features of structures and functionality of multilevel converters domestic production to improve energy efficiency and reliability of gas compressor units. The simulation of the harmonic composition of output voltage and current of high-voltage frequency converters made by different topology, as without an output filter, and a sine output filter when operating in the systems of adjustable drives of centrifugal compressors. In the simulation determined parameters of the l-shaped LC-filter to reduce the ratio of THD to an acceptable value.The resulting output characteristics waveforms and harmonic spectra of the 5 most typical parameters of the structures of the frequency converters when working on an active-inductive loads of different power in the entire speed control range. The results of the calculation of the coefficients of distortion of the output voltage and current and the respective levels of spectra of frequencies of voltage when the PWM frequency is 550 Hz and the frequency inverter 15-50 Hz for multilevel inverters. The expediency of application for some types of converters filter-kompensiruyuschego devices for different areas of regulation. Summarized the parameters of the sine filters for different types of variable frequency drives EGPA voltage 6 (10) kV.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):67-89
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Considerable sophistication of automatic monitoring and control systems in the gas turbine engine development can be seen today, and their verification is complex for a number of reasons. Control systems R&D require a control object that is a gas turbine engine. Processes of demonstration automatic control systems and GT engines design, their joint testing and engineering development are time and money consuming activities associated with great risks. The more time a project takes and higher the risks are, the more expensive it becomes. In order to reduce that risks and time, improve the R&D quality when developing new ACS projects and checking current ones, the real control object could be replaced with its simulator and its mathematical model. The bench pre-check of ACS electronic assemblies and Automatic Control Systems using HIL simulations allows to: avoid a lot of errors by software and algorithms prior to production of the controller unit and GT engine demonstrator; analyze the ACS & C algorithms being developed at the initial stages of the life cycle; refine the interaction interfaces between the ACS & C elements; estimate a compliance with the technical specifications for the ACS & C electronic units before the beginning of the engine tests making it possible to introduce early corrections; and study potential causes of abnormal incidents in the ACS & C electronic units during operation. The paper describes the iron bird tests of automated control system electronic section based on the example of bypass flow engine.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):90-102
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Analysis of paper web color control on a paper machine
In the article the controllability analysis method of a multidimensional object is considered on the example of color of paper web. A multidimensional object is a control object whose mathematical model contains several control and (or) controlled coordinates. Because the paper color is an important indicator of its quality (Quality is a set of objectively inherent properties and characteristics of production , the level or variant of which is formed when creating production in order to meet existing needs) and control of the paper color is implemented by changes in the flow of one or more colorants (concentrated solution or dry powder which added to the paint for a certain color), that the color management object is considered as a multidimensional object. The analysis of the controllability of the paper web color is done. A model of a multidimensional linear object in the state space is proposed, as an equations of the state and the observation. The matrices of state (A), the coefficients of the influence of flow colorants to color coordinates (B) and observations (C) are determined. The controllability matrix on the variable states and for observable variables (L) is obtained to verify controllability. The criteria for the controllability of the object are specified. The inspection of the object controllability to the selected criteria is checked. A practical example of the using of the method for analyzing the object controllability using color coordinates on a paper machine is considered. A conclusion is drawn about how the complete controllability of an object by the color coordinates is determined. The method allows to analyze the controllability of the object by the color coordinates and different types of colorants.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):103-111
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At present, one of the trends in Russian science and education is the so-called import substitution of electronic components. At the Department of Automation and Telemechanics, research is being carried out in this direction, related to the subjects of control and testing of aircraft engines, communication and telecommunications equipment, and complex information protection. There is creative cooperation with the academic institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Great importance is given to the engineering preparation of students and post-graduate students in circuit engineering. In this regard, in connection with the limitations of the newly introduced standards of higher education, there arises the problem of a shortage of time for laboratory practice. One of the ways to solve it may be a closer "bundle" of disciplines studied in one semester in order to intensify the learning process, the use of new methodical techniques that allow carrying out accelerated experiments using circuit simulation systems. Thus, the estimated part of some laboratory exercises on discipline "Circuitry" can be performed within the discipline "Discrete Mathematics" in the topic "Finite-State Machine ". Tasks for synthesis can be scaled in view of the time allocated, and the experiment itself can be conducted on the basis of blanks - templates. The article offers methodological techniques of accelerated laboratory research on the synthesis of finite-state machine-sequences set generator for the discipline "Circuitry" on the basis of templates in which it is necessary to make changes in line with the job option. Possible tasks can be shaped in the form of names and surnames of students. The paper proposes a method that allows within 2-4-hour lesson hold both calculations and experiment.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):112-126
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The complex structure of the drawing tool, which is used in the technological process of wire drawing, is considered. In the course of operation, the die is subjected to various types of wear: a wear ring, strips, cracks and chips. They must be detected and eliminated in a timely manner, otherwise the surface of the wire will turn out to be of poor quality and unfit for further use. It is allowed to rounding the die to a larger diameter, but at the same time the geometry of the entire channel structure changes. The use of re-grinding is possible a certain number of times, as the thickness of the walls of the drawing die tool and the parameters of the main areas of the die hole are reduced. The material of the drawing die tool is very important. When choosing it, the following properties are taken into account: hardness, thermal conductivity and resistance to radial fracture. The aim of the work is to calculate the required amount the die that will be used when drawing copper wire with a diameter from 8,0 to 0,20 mm, including in the calculation of the availability of the necessary quantities in drawing die tools from diamond and the cemented carbide. For this process, two make of wire-drawing equipment were used: MSM 85 (rough drawing machine), and MMN 121 (mean drawing machine), which alternately rolled metal through drawing die orifice up to the required diameter. After the calculations, the conclusion was made about the importance of the correct use of die, and the choice of materials drawing tool, the reduction of economic costs. Tables were compiled containing information on the maximum increase in the diameter of the insert and on the number of needs in the dies on a wire-drawing machine such as MSM 85.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):127-138
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In the modern digital world, more and more data processing is required. When working with them, often use the technology of knowledge engineering. This article examines the ontological approach and focuses on the visual representation of ontologies. The prerequisites for creating a multi-user adaptable ontology editor MulTOnt 1.0 are discussed. The shortcomings of the created research prototype are analyzed, changes of version 1.1 are shown. Based on the requirements for the multi-user editor, the requirements for version 2.0 are highlighted. Based on them, some new features of the editor are considered. In particular, there is a detailed overview of the simultaneous operation of several users at once with a whole set of ontologies. The paper considers the mechanism of processing a dynamic URL in ASP.NET. Also, a comparative analysis of technologies that allow you to embed one website into another. We consider technologies such as Flash / Silverlight / JavaFx, , , HTML5 . Comparison is carried out from the point of view of cross-browser, functionality, prevalence. Based on this comparison, the update of the editor MulTOnt 2.0 was designed. Due to the implementation of dynamic URL processing, it is possible to integrate MulTOnt directly without additional actions only on the web address containing the user name and the name of the ontology. In the future, these data can be used in the mechanism of journalization. This functionality was successfully developed and used in the current version of the editor MulTOnt, which is clearly demonstrated in the article. The conclusion of the article speaks about the prospects for the development of the editor.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):139-149
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A number of companies were engaged in the development of the model-oriented design methodology: for example, MathWorks developed an integrated development environment on the MatLab/Simulink platform. This allowed to unite in the continuous workflow different stages of system development, such as the formation of specifications and system requirements, simulation modeling, system development, debugging and testing. Agilent Technologies offers CAD SystemVue for automation of design at the level of ESL (electronic system-level, system level of electronics). SystemVue introduces innovations such as system architecture and the development of algorithms for the design of the physical layer of wireless and aerospace telecommunications systems, providing their implementation in the form of RF (radio frequency nodes), DSP and FPGA ASIC. Esterel Technologies has created the SCADE development environment to provide end-to-end solutions for application developers of critical security embedded systems and consists of the following components: project creation, modeling and verification of projects, C and Ada code generation and interoperability support tools with third-party development tools. The article presents a model for developing a mobile robot using the Fuzzy controller based on the SCADE Suite model. The stages of designing fuzzy control of the movement of the robot are discussed. First, the linguistic variables are determined: the distance between the robot and the wall ("Distance") and the angle of the steering ("Angle"). Secondly, linguistic rules are defined: if the distance is less than 50 cm, then turn to the left if the distance is close to 50 cm. Then in this case you need to move straight. Then three values are determined for "Distance": far, close, close and three values for "Angle": left, right, right. SCADE-management model Fuzzy contains several operators for the stages of fuzzification and disadaptation. The fuzzificationFar, fuzzificationNear, and fuzzificationNorm operators implement the fuzzification process. The search for the center of gravity (deactivation process) is performed using two pairs of iterators: NomGravityFar/DenomGravityFar, NomGravityNear/DenomGravityNear.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2017;(22):150-160
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