No 19 (2016)
Features of modern water turnover cooling systems of processing equipment on industrial enterprises are considered. Statistical data on use of industrial turnover water in various industries and requirements to its temperature and levels of pollution according to the state standard rates are offered. The technical indicators of direct-flow and turnover systems proving indisputable benefits of the last on power consumption, profitability and lack of impact on environment are compared. Modern indicators of heat technical processes of chilling of water are given in water turnover systems with various types of coolers. The factors influencing an energy efficiency, reliability and ecological compatibility of work of water turnover systems with tower coolers are analyzed. Results of development and projects implementation of complex automation of electric drives of water turnover system of various entities with strict requirements on stabilization of temperature of chilled water are provided. The methodology of the analysis and synthesis of control algorithms of electric drives of fans in case of the stochastic indignations of technological and meteorological nature operating on turnover systems with coolers is offered. It is proved that the greatest impact on process of chilling is exerted by factors of difference of water temperatures, temperature and humidity of air, and also giving of pumps. Results of the regression analysis, modeling and implementation of systems of automatic control of water turnover chilling with tower coolers are received. One of examples of sale of the developed automated systems is given in the mining industry with the detailed description of the function chart of water recirculation using the principle of expert system. The algorithm of the software which realizes work of the compensating invariant regulation and the expert system providing monitoring and the forecast of defects for laws of neuro-fuzzy logic is provided. The real type of the managing interface of the program is given.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):5-27
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«active resource» module design and development for business games conduction information system
This paper discusses the issues related to the design and development of one of the modules of the system business games competence-based business games studio. Competence-based business game studio is an information system designed for the development and implementation of competence-based business games, aimed at obtaining a certain level of professional competence. The module "Active resource" is a module for the information system business games, responsible for the dialogue with the user during the playing of business games. The article describes the work principles and structure of the subsystem business games and designed the architecture of the module "Active resource". The subsystem business games and module "Active resource" is based on the interaction of two modules that implement: automatic and operating model of the business game. The automaton model is a logical diagram of the algorithm (a text string with the scenario of the game), and operating model - many of the models scenes, models screen models resources. The resource model is designed to store information about resources (inputs, outputs, control information) of the business process, which built business game, model of the scene is used for resource management, the model of the screen is used to display resources on screen. Was designed a database that stores information about models, scenes, screen, resources, logic circuits, algorithms, dialogues of the active resources. The object of study is the system of carrying out business games. The subject of the study is to implement user interaction with the information system when selecting resources at the point of decision-making. The aim of this study is the design and development of software module "Active resource" for information system business games. The result of the work was designed and implemented prototype software product implementing the communication with the user through dialogs.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):28-40
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The logic of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), referred to in Russian programmable logic integrated circuits - PLIC type FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) programmable multiplexers based on realizing one-bit memory. Such storage devices are actually RAM, documentation firms - producers called LUT (Look Up Table), it makes sense to truth table. When configuring the FPGA LUT recorded truth table the necessary logic function, which for each input vector indicates the value of the logic function. The most commonly used variables LUT 4, 4LUT, respectively, the necessary amount of configuration memory - 16 bits. LUT is a tree of transistors, one of 16 branches which enabled the corresponding input set. Sources indicate that a number of variables is optimal for the realization of combinational and sequential state machines. Since the beginning of zero years manufacturers, in particular firm Altera began to announce the LUT to a greater number of variables, in particular, referred to 5LUT, 6LUT even 7LUT and 8LUT. At the same time it states that this improvement can increase the efficiency of implementing logic functions. However, it is known that according to the rules Mead and Conway is not permissible to connect more than four transistors in a serial transmission chain. Of interest are complex LUT, called adaptive logic modules ALM, since they can implement multiple logical functions of different custom-numbers of variables. These ALM are in the Stratix III FPGA firm Altera. Analyzes describe the Stratix III FPGA and inaccurate descriptions installed in the Russian-language sources. It is established that ALM contains besides the two mentioned 4LUT four more additional 3LUT, which ensures the implementation of two 4LUT and, accordingly, the selection of one of four 4LUT-that is just 6LUT. Thus, the implementation of a function of two variables using the composition of trees 4LUT 3LUT, which ensures compliance with the rules Mead and Conway.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):41-54
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In article the basic principles of the boot loader configuration in a multi-level intrusion detection system are viewed. The generator of configurations as a mechanism to create a standardized configuration to set configuration parameters is set. There are definitions of module for working with the database and exchange kernel. Exchange kernel is a mechanism which helps to create and upload the configurations to multi-level intrusion detection system. The basic modes of working the configuration loader are explained. The recovery mode is viewed in detail. Some software visualizations are presented. Such as: the visualization of basic functional of configuration loader, the visualization of procedures for creating configurations in configuration loader, the visualization of procedures for loading configurations in configuration loader. The scheme of configuration database with the mechanism for analyzing and storing the history of configurations is described. In multi-level intrusion detection system the block of evaluating the configuration effectiveness is determined.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):55-68
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Use of intelligent control systems in various fields of science and technology facilitates of reproduction of natural intellect. The artificial intelligence is the development of hardware and software for imitation of natural intelligence where it is expedient to use the methods which are specially focused on creation of the models considering incompleteness and inaccuracy of basic data. In this article the physical model of Segway, representing unstable pendulum system on the mobile basis which purpose was creation and research of the fuzzy adaptive controller supporting Segway in an equilibrium state is considered. The mathematical description of the physical model is obtained with the help of Lagrange equations. The problem of stabilization at various influences on an unstable system, for example, adding more weight to the platform, hold it vertically, is considered. Sensor of deviations in Segway is module three-axis gyroscope and accelerometer 10 DOF IMU Sensor, which communicates with the microcontroller via the I2C bus. "Raw" data comes to the controller Arduino Leonardo for I2C bus, where they are processed and three-wire interface provided to the driver Motor Shield L298P for electric motors. There is enough speed of an exchange for request of data from the module and balancing with a platform. Speed control is supplied in the form of a PWM signal to the two electric motors with a differential engine for testing the deviation from the vertical. To prove the problem being solved physical model of Segway with an integrated fuzzy adaptive controller in Arduino Leonardo is implemented.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):69-81
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AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM OF Communications Satellite’s Onboard Repeater
This paper describes the repeater control process and method for automating this process. Control process is considered as a set of interrelated subprocesses. There are following subprocesses, for example, opening and retargeting onboard receive and transmit antennas, generation of control action for commutation a new transponder, reconfiguration of the active transponder, disable active transponder. The method is based on using automated control system that allows visualizing schema of onboard repeater, determine optimal configuration using telemetry information and generate the control action in automated mode. The results of theoretical research has shown that there are two commercial software: TRECS (Transponder Reconfiguration System) и SmartRings. These products do not have an open API to adapt for specific spacecraft and integration with process control in a particular mission control center. The automated control system is devoid of these drawbacks because it is based on a software platform, implemented in as dynamic programming libraries and has an open programming interface. There are universal data format for describing the transponder schema can carry out the design of management systems on-board repeater of any structure and complexity. The system has successfully developed and implemented to the flight-control centers.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):82-89
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Analysis of existing challenges in heat supply systems of the cities showed that the most of them appear due to spontaneity of the heat supply systems development, due to almost complete absence of updated data of the process data sheets, and due to absence of аn unified recording system for defects and regular maintenance. One of the key solutions of the objective for enhanced efficiency of a city heat supply system management is the development of a unified heat supply scheme based on up-to-date information-and-analysis systems, for example, based on software application of information graphics system 'CityCom-TeploGraph'.Our article represents some results of the development of on-line heat supply system for the town of Dobryanka, Permkiy Krai, Russia, which could be used as an example for other cities. A computerized simulation of the processes in the heat supply system of a city allows to estimate parameters of the current operation at the maximum possible accuracy, to calculate reliability, to investigate various options for future potential development of the system and within shortest timeframe to determine efficiently optimum solutions of heat supply of consumers in emergency situations which is extremely vital question in cases of low negative temperatures of the ambient air in the Ural region of Russia and in other parts of the world. The ability to simulate different hydraulic regimes in the IGS "CityCom" allowed in the development of prospective district heating schemes to find the best in quality and value implement a solution. Implementation of the recommended measures have reduced the unit cost of heat and allowed to fully provide thermal energy for the most remote consumers without increasing the performance of heat source.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):90-101
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We solve the identification problem for control objects. We suppose that it is impossible to perform an active experiment in order to find transfer functions of objects channels due to safety restrictions. Our method is based on dynamic neural network modeling. Neural network is trained on the data of control object operating. Control object model is represented with a dynamic neural network and regulator model. Regulator function is known. The resulting model simulate the behavior of the system and lets us find the system’s output, including outputs for periodic test influences. By the resulting complex frequency response we find the parameters of the channel’s transfer function. The resulting parameters of transfer functions of these channels with controlled disturbances can be used to tune the algorithms of compensating for them in automated control systems. Observed objects represent technological processes with continuous production in chemical, metal processing, mining, paper, and other industries. We show an example of channel identification for “transparent” imitational control object.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):102-110
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The actual problem of detection and localization of the malicious information which is in corporate networks in big information massifs is formulated. Basic data for formation of the necessary list of ways and means of information protection are defined. The characteristic of SIEM systems as one of modern approaches in the solution of tasks of information security of corporate networks is provided. The main objectives solved on the basis of introduction and operation of SIEM system and also standard functionality at identification of events and incidents of information security are listed. The typical structure at introduction of the main components of SIEM system is given and specification of functional levels of work of system. Conditions for creation of effective system of information security on the basis of implementation of SIEM system are formulated. The structurally functional model of SIEM system is developed. The structure of the main hardware resources of information system sufficient for ensuring effective work of SIEM system is determined and calculated. The description of settings of system, and procedure of writing of rules as sequence of necessary actions is provided. The scheme of algorithm writing of rules is developed. Stages of writing of the rule are listed. The stage of writing the rule on the example of detection of TCP, ICMP, UDP connections from the subgroups which don't have the right of Internet connection is considered. An inspection of operability of regular expression is for this purpose carried out. It is created rules in the QRadar editor and for this rule and necessary rules of operation of SIEM system are chosen. Setting up rules by means of control properties of the incident generated at operation of the rule is carried out. Necessary conclusions are drawn.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):111-124
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The article deals with the application of information technologies in the field of water management complex in the cities of Russia and CIS. We describe the relevance of the consideration of this subject, in connection with the development and introduction of new information technologies. It outlines the main concepts of automation and control of water supply and sanitation. Also discussed the issue of energy efficiency in the application of automated control systems and business management. Outlined the main problems of water management complex of Russia. The authors conducted an analysis of existing information systems on the example of Russian cities. The list of the major cities were considered the most developed in this area, namely the cities of Mosskva, Perm, Beijing, Ussuriysk, Tyumen, Irkutsk and others. Special attention is paid to the automated information-analytical system of maintenance of water supply and sewerage networks (Ayas BB OS) developed in the city of Perm. This system allows you to effectively manage the business of water management of the city complex. Ayas BB OS system is aimed at solving management problems, as well as at solving problems of optimization of water supply and sewerage systems of the city of Perm. This system includes the work of several divisions of the enterprise in question, LLC "Novogor-Kama", namely transport, control outages, cost control and pressure on the sections of the network, monitoring the quality of water and wastewater. In conclusion, the article indicated by the development of this direction directly at the enterprises of water management complex cities of Russia and CIS. Marked advantages and disadvantages of the systems considered. The variants of the development of service systems of water management complex with the use of modern information technologies.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(19):125-144
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