No 2 (2016)
Specific features of operation of electric drives of the main technological installations of compressor stations in the conditions of impact of casual indignations are considered. Researches of real work of installations of cooling of gas have shown that use of frequency and adjustable electric drives of fans allows to increase reliability of operation of gas pipelines and to reduce power consumption of transport of gas. At the same time the accounting of the current parameters influencing energy efficiency of processes in the main gas pipelines is necessary for stable work of system from several devices. According to the specifications and technical documentation the main ten requirements to the closed systems of electric drives of gas transmission systems are considered. It has caused creation of the invariant systems of automatic control providing continuous adaptation of parameters of control of the frequency and adjustable electric drive to the current values of external stochastic indignations. Theoretically reasonable approach and the technique of realization of invariant control of electric drives of fans of installations of cooling of gas based on provisions of the central theorem of probability theory and the linearized regression model in a matrix look which provides compensation of the main indignations are presented. The example of calculation of the regression equations for control of electric drives of fans of air coolers at the accounting of two or four factors of indignations is given. The received results are analysed by methods of the theory of planning of experiment - the correlation, kovariatsionny, dispersive and factorial analysis which have confirmed adequacy and efficiency of the received regression control algorithms of the frequency and adjustable electric drive of fans of air coolers of gas. The offered invariant system of automatic control of installations of cooling of gas has passed approbation in projects and real operating conditions of compressor stations of the main transport of natural gas, and novelty of her construction and realization is proved by five patents of the Russian Federation.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):5-24
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The article describes the foundations of the modern modeling language used in the package of optimization LINGO, and in fact, not illuminated in national publications. The concept of language is based on the description of the task by sets of similar objects with common attributes, and on the functions that operate with these sets. The design of language takes into account the structure of most mathematical programming problems and their variety. Set of functions allows you to simulate practically any tasks of mathematical programming: forecasting, planning, design, organization of production, distribution, logistics, the effective implementation of business processes, economic and financial problems in situations of certainty, risk and uncertainty, etc. The features and advantages of the language are most evident when we simulate and solve mathematical programming problems of medium and large dimension, in particular, the compactness of the representation of the mathematical model and the ease of scaling the modeled tasks. A structured representation of the problem model allows us to separate the optimization model from the data, to enter the sections of the preliminary calculations (e.g., average and dispersion) and of set the initial conditions. The modeling language viewed in the article enables in one description to specify the variance of the solution of tasks, to allocate sub-models and from them to form the necessary combinations, each of which is solved as a single task. The language includes means of programming which allow to enter data directly into the model or to obtain them from external sources (text files, spreadsheets, databases, and custom applications), and to transfer the results of solution on the screen or in external files, databases, etc. The examples in the article demonstrate the flexibility of the LINGO modeling language, and the compactness of received models.Keywords: modeling language, tasks of mathematical programming, LINGO.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):25-38
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The self-timed approach becomes excellent solution in designing and development of smart energy-efficient devices or for digital electronics operating in hard unstable environment conditions - high/low temperatures or unstable voltage supply. In this paper, the self-check-ability feature of self-timed circuits is considered. Self-check-ability is one of key features of self-timed circuits in terms of reliability. This feature allows to localize fault and to execute self-repair that does a diagnostic task to be unnecessary. The diagnostic task is special task of reliability theory. Researchers and developers of self-timed circuits claim that this type of digital circuits have a 100 % self-check-ability but their estimates is based on the stuck-at fault model of outputs. However, still these properties were investigated only for simple circuits and in terms of stuck-at fault model of outputs. In this paper, the self-check-ability is considered from the viewpoint of stuck-at fault model of inputs. This model better describes behavior of CMOS circuit in case of fault. In the research was proved that self-timed circuits self-check-ability can not be equal to 100 % after this the analysis technique based on functional approach is proposed. This technique allows to find sets on which influence of error can be essential. The considered fault’s model belongs to the mutations or degradations of logic functions.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):39-48
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The performance potential of optical and laser technologies offers the great challenge of using them in many industries and areas of science effectively. High interference immunity due to precise directionality and monochromatic radiation is the important benefit of the optical, laser and LED systems. However, the predominant features of the optical and laser amplifiers, and today's optical emission source, lead to some trouble. For example, high intensity precise directional electromagnetic radiation is factored into the test program with the use of a portable high-precision system. The most significantly factor is that laser targeting is used for the detection and tracking of dynamic objects of any shapes. However, the moving objects are the short-term objectives or are positioned in the field of vision wider than the laser beam size. Therefore, marginally angular spreading of the light and laser beam makes difficult the detection and tracking of moving objects. This phenomenon is observed in optical, LED, optoelectronic and laser systems for various purposes. In order to eliminate this factor, the laser beam scanning across the field of vision is used most often. The field of vision, in which the moving object is located, and scan time are two of the main criteria for detection and tracking of objects by laser systems. To expand the field of vision the laser systems is installed in multimotion control platform. In this paper we propose a model of a four degree-of-freedom motion platform. Also we investigate, using computational modeling and simulation, the potential of the multimotion platform to expand the field of vision of the laser systems and we receive influence from other variables. With the aid of computer modeling, it is verified that simulations agree with theory and experimental data.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):49-69
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The article proposes the solution of ensuring management quality of automated control systems realized in infrastructure of the distributed industrial (fieldbus) systems. The problem is caused by negative influence of distributed system sporadic information delay on management quality factors. Existing solutions are associated with a redesign of the system at the commissioning phase that implicates a number of disadvantages. The article proposes the solution in the form of distributed control system design algorithm (with CSMA technology of access) with the required cost, probabilistic and time characteristics providing specified management quality. The analysis of existing approaches to design information-gathering and processing subsystem in distributed industrial control systems (ICS) with pre-determinate time-probabilistic parameters is conducted. It’s stated that the problem elaboration degree in the field of ICS characteristics quantitative assessment and structural arrangement of ICS stands on very low level. Therefore, the algorithm for design the distributed industrial ICS, based on the LonWorks technology, with pre-determinate time-probabilistic parameters, is proposed. The offered algorithm differs from the existing approaches in a correctness, increase of adequacy of quantitative estimates of probabilistic and temporary characteristics, at the expense of the accounting of earlier not analyzed factors and delays of information processing by the appendix of knot of system. The private ways of a quantitative assessment of characteristics allowing to use algorithm for design of infrastructure of the LonWorks system are offered.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):70-84
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There is a legend that in the jungles of Vietnam, there is a lost city of Benares, and in it a Buddhist monastery, which marks the center of the world. Long ago, the monks of this monastery is something guilty before God Brahma. Enraged, Brahma on a bronze disk erected three high bar and one of them strung 64 disc made of pure gold. And so that each disc is smaller at greater. And he laid on the monks 'obedience' passing the disc from the first to the third rod, using an intermediate second, so that is always smaller drives were over big - that is not somehow, and "respecting the laws of Brahma." Once all of the 64 disc will be shifted from the first to the third, strangely enough, the monks will not be forgiven, but rather the tower together with the temple will turn to dust and die under the thunder the whole world. For 64 this ring 446 744 073 18 709 551 615 rearrangements, and, given the speed of shifting in one second, per 584 542 046 091 years. In Hanoi, the tower does have a very far-away from that described in the legend - the unofficial symbol of the city. But "three diamond stud height of one cubit, and the thickness of a bee" is more of the three towers, so probably more correct to say "Towers of Hanoi". According to the sources, the legend and the game invented by the French mathematician François Edouard Anatole Lucas (François Édouard Anatole Lucas; 1842 -1891). Probably, the legend and the name of the game is inspired by the exotic Vietnam - because at the time it was colonized by France. Currently we considered the problem with four or more wheels, but we limit ourselves to the classical version. Currently we considered the problem with four or more wheels, but we limit ourselves to the classical version. Practical application of the problem of the Towers of Hanoi, which in terms of graph theory called "finding the shortest path in the graph with edges of unit length" is often illustrated, for example, intelligent truck when the diameter of the disc - it is the size of cargo in a warehouse and you must move the "tower" of goods from one site to another, using a staging area (free area - its weight in gold!). If larger in size of the load is smaller - can fall! The rods can also be represented processor stacks and "drives" - addresses of subroutines or interrupt requests, the priorities of which are ordered. The rods may be some levels, for example, security. The article deals with the algorithms for solving the problem of the Towers of Hanoi for three rods.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):85-97
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The paper deals with questions about the efficiency of pumping equipment related to, inter alia, with the optimization of their operation. The existing control system of energy and technical efficiency of electric pumps was analyzed. It has been shown that a significant drawback energy monitoring system at the moment is not so much the technical impossibility of monitoring how organizational problems in the determination of the persons responsible for performance indicators. We propose to consider the method of nodal analysis of the efficiency of the pump station. This method is based on a phased calculation of a power of each part of pump units. We consider the actual parameters of the technological regime of working technological installation. An used method includes: an initial registration of the nominal parameters of the technological installation; a lump measurement provided by instantaneous actual value of electrical and process parameters, the calculation of the efficiency and power of the each part of the installation, the definition of the actual and reference values for each parameter, which characterizes the energy efficiency of the pump unit. We on the base of a nodal analysis do the conclusions of the prevailing reasons for the decreasing efficiency of pumping units. Reasons of energy losses are associated with the deterioration of pump's technical condition, pump's work in the area of non-optimal efficiency and other reasons. In this paper we propose to introduce a system for evaluating the energy efficiency of the pumping equipment (pump station) of main and auxiliary technological processes of enterprises for the reduce energy costs and improve product quality. This paper shows the effect of the implementation of measures to improve the energy efficiency of real industrial enterprises.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):98-109
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Computer networks have appeared rather recently and nowadays it’s hard to imagine an organization which don’t have the Internet connection or don’t have its own corporate network. It is necessary to configure network equipment and maintain its operability for network control. The most widespread way is remote control, implemented by means of various protocols. At the article it was proved the relevance of equipment remote control. It was shown the data of analytical agencies about using of network equipment in the world. It was listed features of the SSH protocol, its purpose and available versions. It was listed the main components and disclosed their meanings in the SSH’s structure. At the article you can also find the information about reliability of the SSH protocol in terms of cryptoanalysis, the information about encryption principles and key selection. It was considered the server authentication procedure, listed main threats can occur when you shutdown compliance check between the server and used key. It was shown three ways of clients authentication: authentication with public keys, password authentication and host authentication. It was considered main limitations of each way. It was listed the minimal version of Cisco router’s IOS allowing to use the SSH protocol. It was listed necessary for protocol functioning router’s settings and described the purpose of each setting stage. In conclusion it was proved the necessity of network monitoring and analyzed traffic between host and router using Wireshark. It was listed the network scheme, IP-addresses of equipment and traffic capturing results.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):110-119
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Self-timed circuits -STC, which laid the foundations of designing D. Muller, in the late 50s of the last century, but have not received at the time of wide commercial use in recent years as the demand for energy efficiency and in Nano electronics that are already beginning to affect the quantum effects. The Institute of Informatics Problems - IPI RAS active group Y. Stepchenkova, continuing the work of the group V.I. Warsawski, developed an extensive library of self-timed elements oriented gate array - BMK. In the UK, the University of Newcastle is working towards C Yakovlev, who worked with V.I. Warsawski in Leningrad, USSR. One of the current problems in the STC are the issues of fault tolerance. This focuses on the active failure resistance. To provide passive fault-tolerance could be applied, for example, the so-called triple redundancy - three channels of digital machine, bit outputs are supplied to three inputs of the majority elements realizing the majority function (select "two out of three» ≥2). But then it violated the basic principle of STC that fix existing analysis tools correctness. The authors suggested a combined reservations based transistor structures, parrying failures of the transistors, resulting from exposure to radiation and other negative factors. However, this redundancy is not always possible due to limitations of Mead and Conway. The paper proposes a formal systems obtain fault-tolerant CMOS self-timed circuits
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):120-135
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The article presents the the results of research on the influence of stratification of the soil resistance of grounding devices on the example of the northern and southern parts of the Perm region. Substantiates the the idea that the inclusion of the stratification of the ground is a very important stage in the design of grounding devices for existing standards earthing resistances, regulated by normative documents. And was revealed the necessity of the use of the equivalent of the upper and lower layers of soil resistance given the climatic seasonality factor in the design of grounding devices. On the basis of the above calculation results shows the effectiveness of the method of calculation earthing on the upper and lower layers of soil to the north and south regions of Perm Krai. The recommendations for calculation of grounding devices on the eastern and western parts of the Perm region based on structure of the terrain and soil structure. Analysis shows that the resistivity of the soil depends on many factors, the main of which are: the structure and composition of the of soil, climatic and weather conditions of the terrain (temperature, humidity), time of year, the presence of salts, alkaline and acidic residues, the depth of the groundwater. It was established that the resistivity in the horizontal direction is almost constant and does not change significantly. The upper layer is subject to intense seasonal changes caused by the temperature fluctuations, as well as the quantity and intensity of falling into the ground water. Presents the calculation of earthing resistance in view of the climatic conditions in the north of the Perm region on the example of the city of Solikamsk, the south - the city of Chernushka. As the results of research, for increase the electrical safety of grounding devices should be guided by the highest possible value of the electrical resistance of soil during the year, which accounts for the winter, when the ground is frozen, and in the summer, when there is a maximum of soil moisture evaporation and drying.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(2):136-152
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