No 2 (2015)
The communicative associative symbolical language logic of thinking allows to create the symbolical conceiving robot capable to be trained, realize information requirements (tasks), to train in subject domains, to distinguish interlocutors, to communicate with the help of the speech, to read and write in various languages. The robot on the basis of symbolical language communicative logic solves a problem of the automated imitation of imitative thinking with associative and communicative symbolical language elements of knowledge. The main practical objectives of imitation of imitative thinking are, first, drawing up the intrinsic focused dictionaries of the developed subject domains of knowledge and standard information requirements. Secondly, drawing up standard procedures of realization of information requirements. Thirdly, formation of networks from communicative and associative symbolical language elements of knowledge of subject domains. Fourthly, expansion of a natural language to functional, fifthly, creation of systems of speech and text communication in a natural language and recognitions of interlocutors. The symbolical conceiving robots tie the behavior to symbolical thinking. The robot with symbolical language thinking is trained also as well as the person with imitative thinking. Builds model of adaptive behavior and realizes adaptive behavior. The adaptive behavior realizes the robot in various situations by the principle determined by the Nature for the person: an unconditioned reflex for safety (motor tropism) and a conditioned (adaptive) reflex for activity. Control of the robot with imitative thinking is exercised in a natural language through speech, visual, written, graphic neural systems on information needs of the person. Perspective structure of realization of information requirement is the architecture of parallel calculations of CUDA with GPU acceleration in use of GPU of system for training of deep neural networks.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):5-36
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The article describes the previously proposed gate for the realization of systems of functions in the FPGA (field-programmable gate array). Configurable logic blocks (KLB) FPGA contains logic elements (LE) and memory elements (flip-flop). The design of the required circuit is load the FPGA configuration file that defines the function of the LE and the necessary links global and local interconnect matrices. The configuration file is created using computer-aided design, for example, QuartusII Altera company, is transmitted via a special serial interface to the boot ROM are available on-board FPGA. Transferring the configuration file to the FPGA from the boot ROM SRAM memory cell configuration is produced at power. The logic element (LE) has as its basis a read only memory ROM in a tree transmitting transistors, called Logic Cell, and more often - LUT - Look Up Table (LUT - I mean the truth table). However, this LE implements only one logic function. Previously proposed inverse tree to implement the decoder DC, which allows for using additional blocks or custom built to also transmit transistors system logic functions that can significantly reduce the cost of hardware in an amount transistors, a slight increase in latency. Clarifies block structure disjunctions constituents to meet the requirements to activate only one way in the scheme.The simulation DC LUT is executed in the system NI Multisim 10 by National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group. Simulation confirms the efficiency of the proposed scheme DC LUT with a new block of disjunctions.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):37-45
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A method of measurement parameters signa - harmonic crystals , the implementation of which the phase angles are used for the formation of additional voltage and current signals may differ from each other. The method consists in the fact that generated additional voltage and current signals, which are shifted relative to similar in phase angles and Δα1 Δα2 respectively. At the moment of the transition of the input signal voltage through zero at the same time measure the instantaneous value of the first auxiliary voltage, and the first instantaneous value of the input current and an additional current signal; through arbitrary (generally) time interval Δt simultaneously measured instantaneous values of second input and second supplementary voltage instantaneous value and the additional current. Then CBC is determined by the instantaneous measurement signals.The paper gives expression to determine the RMS-critical values of voltage and current, as well as active and reactive power. The analysis of these expressions. The expressions for the relative error of measurement RMS voltage and current, and reduced errors determining the AM and PM, these expressions were also analyzed. The graphs of the relative error of measurement of RMS voltage Δα1 ωΔt and if the signal voltage of the 1st and 3rd harmonic ratio, as well as the graphs of the relative error in determining the RMS current and reduced error of measurement of AM and PM by Δα1 and ωΔt in the presence of voltage and current signals of the 1st and 3rd harmonic coefficients for different of the phase angle φ in line.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):46-54
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At the present time is becoming increasingly important research (reference) sig-nals neural networks that can learn to control the object. This article made a study and the procedure for the selection and validation lennogo-defined project design, a model of which can be used as a basis for the development of individual techniques and examines the study of systems with neuro-fuzzy control. In the present article, the authors of specific examples is a block diagram of the study are presented in the language scheme pas chum SCADE Suite individual elements of the management system, as well as a complete system IC route with simulation results. In the proposed structure of the study were tested two methods of adaptation. This method is called stochastic, as well as a method of training the model. For the study of neuro-fuzzy control system is collected separately. In this model system to investigate the feedback control by mistake, the first and second derivatives for different methods of adaptation and different activation functions. Based on the analysis, the structure of the Universe-representation model allows to carry out a full investigation of the neuro-fuzzy control systems for any objects using a variety of feedback signals (on-feedback by mistake, on the first and second derivative of the error) and enables various-WIDE ways to connect and activation units built in compliance with various governmental-activation functions. Upon completion of training neural networks are indispensable tools for solving problems of pattern recognition, approximation optimization, vector quantization or classification.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):55-66
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An angular characteristic of a synchronic generator has a great importance for an estimating a static stability and overloading ability of a machine. The static stability of a synchronic generator it is understood as its ability to save a synchronic rotation under the changing of the outer torque applied to its shaft. While an experimental research of synchronic generators the most difficult is the constructing of an angular characteristic that it is due to the problems of defining an angular between the vectors of an electromoving force. So, in this paper it is considered a simple variant of defining an angular characteristic of the not explicitly pole synchronic generator under an active loading. Having an active loading of the generator it is possible to raise the precision of defining the angular, resistance x2 and power P with the help of influence of resistance of winding of an anchor. According to the experimental data the considering variant lets calculate and construct an angular characteristic of the synchronic generator. This paper differs by its simplicity and can be successfully used in the training laboratories of electrical machines. In our experiment the engine of a direct current PL-072 rotates the rotor of an asynchronic engine with a phased rotor IMM71B4Y3, the direct current is applied to the winding of a rotor, and an active resistance is applied to the three-phased winding of a stator. By this an asynchronic engine is tuned to the regime of the work of the not explicitly pole synchronic generator with an active loading. Characteristic which was got differs from the classical one as a maximum power is reached under the angle equaled to 45 degrees. This difference is provided that the classical characteristic is measured when U equals const , and in our experiment voltage changed in a wide range. An experimental examination of the used method was held on a training rig.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):67-73
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One of the key problems arising when carrying out scientific researches at the initial stage is the problem of a choice of methods, techniques and methodologies which can be applied in the work. Now system approach becomes a scientific basis and basic methodology of the modern manager. Complication of interrelations, motivations of people, influence of scientific and technical progress - all these processes do the organizations by more and more difficult system. The increasing complexity of relationships, motivating people, the impact of scientific and technological progress - all of these processes make the organization more complex system. The systems approach provides a different vision of efficiency of functioning of organizational systems. It becomes clear the importance of interaction between the structures of the system. In the course of solving complex problems in the management of production is widely used not only to the concept of "systematic approach" and "systematic analysis", dealing with the application of methods and models of systems theory to practice its application to control problems is the most constructive direction systems research. An important function of the system analysis - work with objectives, the study of factors affecting the target formulation, structuring and decomposition of generalizing purpose. System approach gives other vision of efficiency of functioning of organizational systems. There is clear an importance of interaction between structures of system. The system analysis is presented in this article as the methodological tool in the field of quality management of the enterprise, classifications of various methods and techniques of the system analysis which are widely applied in the analysis of activity of the enterprise and management of quality management system of the enterprise are given. Key criteria of formation of quality of the system analysis are defined. Considered in detail the methods of the "tree of objectives", graphical methods, methods of expert assessments, methods such as "Delphi" methods of organizing complex examinations, structuring and statistical analysis, as well as perform the basic steps of these methods. It identified key criteria for the formation of the quality system analysis, namely: the quality of the procedures of the system analysis, urgency and cost effective-ness.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):74-96
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The article presents the method of digital equipment self-diagnosis which is realised on the basis of programmable PLD containing necessary diagnostic software for the period of production control. The synthesis of the diagnostic software consists of some stages: to define the controlled elements of the equipment, to define the physical defects, to make the algorithm of input action. The analysis of diagnostic results is carried out on the basis of tables with mistake codes as well as with different identification means. There is an example of downloaded test synthesis for interface board, containing 4 data ports. The algorithm realisation is conducted on the basis of software Quartus II for programmable PLD produced by Altera Company in the AHDL language. The method does not demand additional equipment, is characterised by the simplicity of the test development and allows to check a major part of the elements to which programmable PLD has an access, also to identify the defect place.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):97-107
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This paper describes issues related to the technological features of foamed glass production. Particular attention is paid to the automation process of the tunnel kiln designed for heat treatment of foamed glass charge, which consists of powdered glass and blowing agent. Besides, the analysis of different raw mixtures for producing foamed glass blocks was performed. The recommended chemical composition of the glass and the description of the different blowing agents were introduced. Focus on the main factors affecting the final product to be used in the construction industry. Relevance of the topic is that it is associated with the automation of technological processes, the result of which is to improve the quality of products and reduce its cost, which leads to increased profitability. Emphasis is placed on single moments relating to the modification of the two-tier tunnel kiln, which promote energy efficiency and uniform distribution of thermal fields in sections of tunnel kiln. Algorithm for moving the crucible in a tunnel kiln is described by mathematical apparatus of marked Petri nets. Object control is carried out by a programmable logic controller. As a programming language used FBD - one of the graphical programming languages. In the form of concrete results of the work done in the article is a piping and instrumentation diagram of two-tier kiln, conditions that trigger sensors, initial state parameters, operations graph of the production process, operation's description of the marked Petri net, transition's description of the marked Petri net, a flow diagram of control system algorithm. The obtained results can be used by enterprises of real foamed glass blocks production.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):108-122
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The paper deals with minimizing of idle running length of cutting tool which appears in CAD/CAM systems while generating control program of the CNC machine. We present problem model for standard cutting technology, i.e. one contour is cut by one continuous line without cutting tool shutdown and every contour contains the only incut point. Connection between presented problem and general traveler salesman problem with precedence conditions (GTSP+SOP) is shown. This problem is NP-hard one. In the view of complexity of the problem to be solved, to develop algorithm of cutting tool idle run length optimization three metaheuristics were choosen: Simulated Annealing (SA), Threshold Accepting (TA) and Great Deluge Algorithm (GD). Common scheme of solving given problem is suggested which contains of ten stages. To determine the most effective metaheuristic and check operability of algorithm we conduct computational experiment test cutting layout, which contains fifty three contours including inner ones. Timework of algorithm with different metaheuristics was synchronized and divided into two intervals: 3-5 seconds (quick route search), 10-15 (long route search). Experiments results show that algorithm based on GD constructed a shortest route on running length for both time intervals in a smaller time. It was pointed out what some steps of algorithm do not depend on SA, TA or GD usage, therefore algorithm can be easily adapted for other considered methods.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2015;(2):123-136
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