- Authors: Poplygina I.S1
- Affiliations:
- Branch of LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "PermNIPIneft" in Perm
- Issue: No 11 (2014)
- Pages: 57-66
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/article/view/1104
- Cite item
One of the ways to develop hydrocarbon resource potential is to get access to unconventional deposits like high-viscosity oil. Reservoirs with high-viscosity oil are common mostly in the European part of Russia. In Perm kray the share of unconventional oil reserves reaches 30 %. The paper analyses the development of a typical site exploiting the Tournaisian deposit with high-viscosity oil in Perm kray. The Tournaisian deposit consists of three in- terlayers: Т0, Т1-1, Т1-2. In the main part of the wells only sublayer Т1-1 has been opened by perforation, which con- ditions uneven recovery, pressure wells being in the same state. It is found that high-viscosity oil predetermines low hydraulic permeability of productive formation, which causes low well output and, naturally, low annual deposit development rate. Recovery of reserves is carried out slowly and unevenly in terms of area and section. High water cut of the oil extracted with low production is observed. To improve draining procedure of oil deposits several techniques of reservoir stimulation are required. To isolate the watered sublayers it is essential to perform an in-depth geophysical study of wells to find out the causes and source of water intrusion, followed by repairing and isolating. Possibility of polymer flooding is estimated, as well as injection of micellar solutions and heating agent.
About the authors
I. S Poplygina
Branch of LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering" "PermNIPIneft" in Perm
Author for correspondence.
Email: davydova_irina@bk.ru
614066, Perm, Sovetskoi Armii st., 29
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