- Authors: Sashurin A.D1, Balek A.E1
- Affiliations:
- The Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Issue: No 11 (2014)
- Pages: 105-120
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL:
- Cite item
The paper presents motivation for a new technique of field measurements of natural tectonic stress and deformation modulus of the largest spacings and massifs (comparable with reservoirs and mining claims) documented in geomechanics is presented. Open pits and caves formed during the underground mining by systems with sloughing are chosen as active vesicles. The method is based on using the results of the direct satellite measurements (GPS, GLONASS and others) of the shifting reference marks preinstalled near the active vesicles within the zone of elastic deformation of the massif followed by converting the deformations measured into the components of a natural stress field and a massif elasticity modulus. Open pits and caves are approximated by elliptic and round holes made in the elastic preliminary stressed isotropic plane in the stress-deformed state. Displacement of reference marks, caused by hole removal, is determined as a difference between the shifts conditioned by loading the plane with holes and the shifts related to the loading of the same plane without holes. The method described allows taking account of space-time variability of stress and deformation fields, determined by block-hierarchical structure and different rock moduli. An example is offered of measuring stress-deformed state of the Trubka Udachnaia deposit massif developed by OJSC ALROSA.
About the authors
A. D Sashurin
The Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Author for correspondence.
620219, Ekaterinburg, Mamina-Sibiriaka st., 58
A. E Balek
The Institute of Mining of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
620219, Ekaterinburg, Mamina-Sibiriaka st., 58
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