- Authors: Glushchenko V.N1
- Affiliations:
- JSC "Petrochim"
- Issue: No 11 (2014)
- Pages: 130-138
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/article/view/1111
- Cite item
As reserve development is getting complicated, maintaining high oil recovery factors on depleting deposits, ensuring higher volumes of oil transfer via main pipelines and in-field pipeline systems, preventing and solving operating problems require chemical agents coupled with physical-mechanical methods. Application of the latter imply a highly qualified personnel and schools of broad thinking based on deep knowledge in many allied disciplines. And the critical point is that instead of ‘pure’ chemists ‘universal’ specialists are needed who possess a great knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics and oil industry. In this respect, oil-field chemistry is supposed to offer new opportunities. This is a science about chemical processes involved in oil extraction, transfer and treatment, as well as prevention and eradication of problems, professional application of chemical agents, estimation of geological conditions of field development and variations of reservoir fluids properties. Thus, there is an urgent need at the level of the industry and the state to establish at the oil institutes or polytechnic institutes’ faculties the departments of oil-field chemistry offering inter alia post graduate courses in order to train qualified chemical engineers for oil industry, to carry out research into new agents and technologies starting from screening to implementation and engineering services, to blend the efforts of university and academic science. Naturally, the course of oil-field chemistry would require special curriculum, tutorials and study guides. Oil-field chemistry is a full-right discipline, capable of meeting the needs of oil industry and ensuring a shift from knowledge summarizing to its intense development.
About the authors
V. N Glushchenko
JSC "Petrochim"
Author for correspondence.
Email: vng.51@mail.ru
308017, Belgorod, Rabochaia st., 14
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