
The research deals with the process of formation of various plastic microdeformations in the Donets Basin sandstone quartz at different catagenesis substages. The aim is to verify whether analysis of microdeformations may be applied to forecast the properties of the sandstone studied, in particular outburst hazard, hardness, stability, reservoir features. The research revealed a number of plastic deformations of all types in sandstone’s detrital quartz, that were previously found in rocks and minerals in other regions. In outburst-prone sandstones the total number of plastic deformations significantly surpasses that in nonhazardous sandstones. Besides those deformations described previously two new types were investigated, i.e. tabular quartz and translation glide lines. These two types may serve as an indicator of the stressed rock state. The results obtained confirm the opinion of many authors that a matter structure is a fine indicator of external conditions impact, reflect the influence of temperature and pressure in the form of physical and chemical modifications occurring during catagenetic transformations. Quantitative values of microdeformation were patented as two techniques to determine rock outburst hazard. Deformation factor as an indicator of rock stresses state is included in the complex method of rock outburst hazard forecast.

About the authors

V. A Baranov

M.S. Polyakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Author for correspondence.
Email: baranov-va@rambler.ru


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