
Nowadays, in the Czech Republic pipelines represent one of possible transportation means of substances from producers to a wide range of customers, including other producers. There are 8,000 kms of operational pipeline networks in the Czech Republic, transporting hazardous substances. Pipelines accidents mostly have serious effects on human health and lives or on the environment. The overview of the present state of pipelines safety in the Czech Republic has been prepared, and the approach to this problem in the European Union has been outlined. Information on the proposal of recommended UNECE procedures for the complex solving of pipelines safety, regarding the obligations of operators and public administration, are given. It is necessary to introduce a system that deals not only with the safety of operated pipeline alone but with the safety of the whole system - pipeline and its surroundings. The pipeline management system can guarantee a high level of human health and environment protection during the construction and operation of pipeline network.

About the authors

I. Bartlova

Technical University of Ostrava

Author for correspondence.

A. Bernatik

Technical University of Ostrava



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Copyright (c) 2014 Bartlova I., Bernatik A.

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