Optimization of the algorithm for searching for the most reliable implementations of a geological model
- Authors: Potapov D.V1, Putilov I.S2, Khizhnyak G.P1, Shumilov A.V3
- Affiliations:
- Perm National Research Polytechnic University
- LUKOIL-Engineering LLC
- Perm State National Research University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 1 (2025)
- Pages: 1–8
- Section: ARTICLES
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/article/view/4465
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/2712-8008/2025.1.1
- Cite item
One of the most important tasks in the oil and gas industry is to predict the values of geological parameters of productive formations in the interwell space. The accuracy of estimating the effective oil-saturated thickness or the values of filtration and capacity properties at the locations of the project well stock directly affects the efficiency of oil and gas assets development and economic indicators.The task of predicting the values of geological parameters is complicated by the fact that the geological environment has been studied by wells in fragments, and sources of information about the interwell space, despite continuous technological progress, have limited accuracy. In addition, the real geological structure in most cases is much more complex than our understanding of it. The vertical and lateral heterogeneity of productive formations and the high degree of geological properties variability do not allow the effective use of interpolation methods.This paper presents the results of testing the author's methodology aimed at finding the most reliable implementations of a three-dimensional lithology model.The proposed approach is based on the use of Bayesian optimization to determine the most optimal values of variogram ranges along the X and Y axes during the modeling of a three-dimensional lithology cube. The mean absolute error of the predicted total effective thickness of the reservoir, calculated using cross-validation, was employed as the primary metric to evaluate the reliability of the three-dimensional lithology model. The results demonstrate the advantages of applying Bayesian optimization compared to the classical grid search method for parameter optimization. Firstly, the proposed approach enabled the creation of a three-dimensional lithology model with higher predictive capability. Secondly, the developed methodology significantly reduced the computational resources required for the calculations.
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1About the authors
D. V Potapov
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
I. S Putilov
LUKOIL-Engineering LLC
G. P Khizhnyak
Perm National Research Polytechnic University
A. V Shumilov
Perm State National Research University
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