No 18 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Oil-water contact (OWC) justification is an important criteria for estimation of reserves and evaluation of deposits potential. The main factors that influence evaluation of hydrocarbon accumulation amount are as following: structural surfaces of reservoir top and bottom, effective thicknesses distribution along the thickness of studying reservoir and fluid contact position. In case first two factors are constant accumulation volume and distribution of oil net pay thicknesses in reservoir are controlled by correctly determined OWC. Determination of OWC position is associated with several challenges and mainly with limited initial data. In this paper regional forecast of OWC position was performed. The target of research was Bashkirian dome (its north end in Perm region). Bashkirian dome represents major characterized tectonic element. Accumulated data were generalized on the deposits of presented oil and gas plays (OGP) and resource analysis was performed. During the analysis of OWC position across the all objects of reserve estimation high uncertainty was determined. Statistical sample was the basis for determination of zonal rules and calculation of statistical model of regional OWC. Obtained regression equations take into account formation and tectonic features of Bashkirian dome, allow performing forecast of fluid contact position for more authentic evaluation of hydrocarbon resources of determined structures and specification of WOC in the reservoirs with relatively evaluated OWC that represent 50% from all deposits. Obtained equations help to determine position of OWC that has high uncertainty. Equations will represent additional basis for OWC justification during re-estimation of reserves and evaluation of resources while field exploration. That will increase geological model authenticity and decrease amount of issues during history matching of hydrodynamic model.
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About 25% of world oil and gas wells have fluid cross-flows between layers of different strength. Occurrence of cross-flows during performance of oil and gas wells significantly decreases efficiency of development of an entire reservoir. Usually cross-flows occur over the bond between cement and rock that in most cases caused by lack of adhesion between them due to clay cake on the well bore surface. Clay cake is characterized by fragile loose mineral structure that affects cement properties as well. It is impossible to fully remove clay cake from well bore surface by existing means such as scrapers, abrasive spacers, flow turbulization and flow change. That makes a challenge to increase cement quality by chemical influence on clay cake relevant. Proposed idea to increase well cement quality is to develop polymer spacer based on high-molecular polymers able to harden clay cake. Results of laboratory study of influence of temperature and thickness of clay cake on the quality of bond between cement and rock are presented. Results of study of polymer spacer influence on adhesion between cement and rock are shown. There was an effort made to reveal mechanism of spacer effect on clay cake. It is shown that injection of agents that harden clay cake and make system “cement-clay cake-rock” increase efficiency of layer isolation in the casing annular.
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Relatively new direction for geological properties study in petroleum geology nowadays is the use of X-ray tomography. The basis of this method is X-ray rock density study. This paper shows the results of possible X-ray tomography applications while studying petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoir plugs on example of several oil fields in Perm region. The microfocus system of X-ray control with computer tomography Nikon Metrology XT H 225 and software AvizoFire 7.0 were used. The cylinder samples with diameters of 30 and 10 mm and cubic samples with a side length of 5 mm were used in the study. The results of X-ray tomography represent 2D-slices of lengthwise and crosswise sample cross-section, 3D-model of cavities, consolidation areas and initial oil saturation distribution as well as graphs of pore and irreducible water saturation versus sample height and histograms of pore diameters. The study of cavities and consolidation areas distribution in the samples allowed to type core depending on its cavity structure. Analysis of porosity evaluation of the samples with different diameters that were made from the one pies of core showed that correlation coefficient was 0.77. Such relatively low coefficient could be explained by significant heterogeneity of core even in one lithotype. During the irreducible water saturation determination four radiographic solutions were tested. It was noticed that irreducible water does not exist in the large voids (cavities, cracks, big pores). Best results were obtained for NaI and LaCl3·3H2O solutions. Presented in this paper results allow obtaining most authentic 3D distribution of pore space and fluid saturation during futhure X-ray tomography study of carbonate deposits.
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The paper discusses Ozernoe oil field, dedicated to the Solikamsk depression and located in the north of the Perm region. Lithofacies of Ozernoe field are divided into four zones: reef slope, lower back reef, upper back reef and bioherm. Efficiency of the implemented flooding system is evaluated according to the level of interaction between the production and injection wells. The elements of math statistics such as Spearman’s and Kendall’s rank correlation methods are used in order to determine strength and direction of correlation relation between two features. In accordance with these methods, the evaluation of the influence of injection well on production one is carried out based on available field data that include amount of injected and produced water per month for studying wells. Statistical methods based on the calculation of Spearman's and Kendall’s rank correlation are not direct methods of evaluation of hydrodynamic connection between wells. In this regard, it is relevant to assess the reliability of its results using conventional methods such as pressure interference test. Noted that the accuracy of statistical methods of Spearman's and Kendall’s rank correlation while assessing the level of interaction between the injection and production wells confirmed by pressure interference test. The maximum level of interaction was observed between the wells located within the same lithofacial zone allocated by the method of I.S. Putilov. Express assessment of the interaction between the injection and production wells can be performed using statistical methods of Spearman's and Kendall’s rank correlation.
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Current development state of the several fields in Perm region shows low oil recovery coefficient and decrease in possible flooding that could maintain residual oil production at economically reliable level. Water-gas mixtures are used in order to increase development efficiency and oil recovery. Taking into account layered heterogeneous structure of reservoirs and its little thicknesses water-gas mixture could be effectively applied to create significant flow changing barriers. That could increase flooding and, as a result, oil recovery in different geological and technological conditions of siliciclastic and carbonate reservoirs development in Perm region. One of the gas methods of reservoir stimulation is injection of water-gas mixture that contain undispersed or dispersed gas phase. Application of such mixtures increases gas saturation in washed reservoir zones, reduces its phase permeability and rearrange the flow of displacing agents both in thickness and in size. Paper reveals application of water-gas mixture that contain undispersed or dispersed gas phase in order to finish oil displacement from siliciclastic and carbonate plug reservoir models made from two layers. Each of the two-layer models was made from two parallel plug models that model interlayer with low and high permeability. The results of carried study prove the efficiency of water-gas mixtures application for increase of oil recovery from carbonate and siliciclastic reservoirs as well as in flow rearrangement in layered heterogeneous reservoirs. The use of water-gas mixture that contain undispersed or dispersed gas phase leads to increase of displacement coefficient both in low-permeable and high-permeable models. Wherein, use of water-gas mixture with dispersed gas phase leads to higher displacement coefficient and more significant flow rearrangement. Comparison of the results of water-gas mixture application in siliciclastic and carbonate models showed that dispersed water-gas mixture is efficient while injection into both siliciclastic and carbonate reservoirs, application of undispersed water-gas mixture is more efficient in carbonate reservoir.
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The results of the analysis of current state of development of siliciclastic Devonian deposits in Perm region are presented. Deposits were ranged in accordance with its belonging to the tectonic structure. Developed deposits are dedicated to Verkhnekamsk depression, Babkinsk saddle and Bashkir anticline. It is determined that siliciclastic Devonian deposits in Perm region have similar features. The analysis of lessons learned from the development of siliciclastic Devonian deposits in Bashkortostan and Tatarstan was performed. The comparison with the deposits of LUKOIL-PERM LLC was done. Based on results of geological and geophysical features analysis and analysis of well pattern design on the field of Perm region, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan the similarities in the several parameters of Devonian deposits were found. Nevertheless, oil fields located in Perm region have less geological recourses as well as oil-bearing thicknesses. Recommendations on increase of efficiency of development strategy of siliciclastic Devonian deposits taking into account its structure, stages of development and future development are presented in the paper. On the fields where geological structure was not proved it is recommended to perform additional survey. In order to involve resources of several fields into production it is recommended to check the possibility of increase of producers by new well drilling, put on production shut wells, switch well to another pay-zone. In case new well drilling is not cost effective it is recommended to drill sidetracks. On the fields with low reservoir pressure maintenance system should be designed. In order to increase production on several wells it is recommended to optimize pressure maintenance system.
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Nozhovka group of oil fields is located in the south of Perm region. Main factors that complicate development of the fields are as follows: low reservoir permeability and temperatures, high water cut, oil of high viscosity with high concentration of paraffins, sulfur and non hydrocarbon components. The analysis of affected wells that represent 67% of total showed that the main cause is wax deposition that leads to early breakdown of pumps, decrease of well productivity and mean time between failures and cleanings. The paper shows coverage of wells experience wax deposition by technologies that prevent it. Input of inhibitors of wax deposition to the well bottom hole is efficient method to prevent wax deposition. The results of oil and wax samples study from Nozhovka fields group showed oil was heavy and highly-viscous. Wax deposition belongs to asphaltene type. The evaluation of inhibitors efficiency was carried with use of statistic criteria of decision. Based on the analysis results SNPH type of mixtures was efficient inhibitors of wax deposition on the fields of Nozhovka group. The disadvantage of used technology is that there is no universal inhibitor of wax deposition for the oil from Nozhovka group of fields, high specific consumption of inhibitors and continuously changing properties of the producing liquid that require continuous tuning of used inhibitors. In order to decrease the consumption for inhibitor protection from wax deposition it is expedient to select new inhibition compositions with demulsifiying properties and field test of unconventional technologies through injection into well bottom hole and borehole.
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Magnetic field in the clearance of submersible asynchronous electric motors of electrical submersible pumps due to little number of stator slots has strongly marked stepped character of distribution. Such magnetic field includes wide range of highest spatial harmonics with significant amplitudes that negatively affect on work and operating parameters of submersible electric motors. The scheme of the two-layer three-phase stator winding is developed. Current in the phase winding of scheme initiate magnetic field in the clearance of motor distribution of which along the inner circle of stator is close to sinusoidal form.The stator winding comprises three single-phase windings formed by an equal number of coils. The coils are connected to each other on the same system, providing a spatial shift of the axes of the windings 120°. Each of the single-phase windings for the double pole pitch of the stator is formed by coils that include groups with the same amount of coils. Each of the groups has different width of input coils and different amount of soils that make coil in comparison with other coil groups. Besides, coils of one of the groups have minimal width and minimal amount of coils. Width and amount of coils every next group is different from previous group. Coils with higher width and amount of coil are placed concentrically to the coils that have minimal width and amount of coils. The parts of slot volume remain free after laying of the single-phase coil windings are used to accommodate the coils of the other two-phase windings made similarly. Asynchronous motors with mentioned stator winding provide increase of electromagnetic torque, decrease in loss and temperature, increase in efficiency, copper rational usage and decrease in vibration and noise. Results of the research are recommended to use by companies of electrical engineering that do mass production of electric machines of alternating current.
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In the conditions of Verkhnekamsk and Starobinsk potash deposits the phenomena of gas dynamics that represent sudden stope face rock spelling occur during primary and cleaning mining operations. Sudden spelling of stope face rocks starts from the flat face with rate of less than several tones. Nevertheless, its action threatens miners’ lives and leads to destruction of particular construction elements of valuable excavation and load-haul machinery. At the moment equipping of excavation and load-haul machinery by fence shields cannot protect staff from damaging factors of gas phenomena this kind. The paper shows results of geomechanical justification of application of concave-flat shape of mine stope face for control of sudden face rock spelling during excavation of primary and cleaning shafts. Space modeling of strain-stress state of salt deposits near the stope face of mine excavation was performed on boundary elements method in linear-elastic mode. To solve the problem of strain-stress state of piecewise-homogenous elastic medium by indirect method of boundary elements iteration scheme for border and dual elements was used based on Seidel method. Method included piecewise-linear approximation on triangle elements. During the operating of geomechanical model of linear-deformation medium solution superposition method was used. Wherein, calculation scheme consist of two parts: calculation scheme of virgin rock medium that is loaded by volumetric forces of overburden pressure and calculation scheme for weightless medium with mining with contour that is loaded by volumetric forces of overburden pressure that occur in virgin rock medium and directed towards mining. During the analysis of out-of-limit state of rocks near the stope face integrated criteria of Coulomb was used. Geomechanical evaluation was done for two shapes of faces: concave-flat and flat. It was determined that concave-flat shape of face in comparison with flat one has more stable state of salt rock medium ahead of stope face due to significant decrease of level of stress and deformation massif.
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In the existing shaft air heaters that heat the air for air suppliers in the cold season heater channel is used. Part of the air from heater goes to the channel, another one is sucked through pithead by general shaft pressure drawdown formed by main ventilation installation. Wherein, mix of two air flow leads to shaft heat regime violation that could break the pressurization of intertubular sealers. Moreover, heater channel design is associated with additional expenditures.Paper describes the air heater, located in the pithead. The location of a heater in one line along pithead perimeter is the key feature. In this case there is no need to design heater channel, thus, there is no problem with mix of cold and heated air flows. Air processing it the heater located on the perimeter of pithead and mix of cold and heated air flows in the supplier from the channel was modeled in the software Soldworks flow simulation. The comparative analysis of both types of heater proved efficiency of proposed design of installation, smooth propagation of heat field along the all cross-section of air supplier, decrease of consumption of electric power for air processing and installation operation by transformation negative natural common excavation traction to positive.
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