No 19 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 10
- URL:
Both sandstones and fine-grain clastic debris have integrated information about factors controlling its formation processes. This information is contained in litho-geochemical characteristics. Obtained information complement and specify results of lithologic research carried by conventional methods. The subject of the research are deposits of Kazan oil-gas-condensate field and Boltnoe oil field that are located in Parabel territory of Tomsk region. In terms of structure Kazan and Bolotnoe fields are dedicated to dome uplifts of the same names and located in south-east part of Niurolsk depression within the border of 2nd class positive structure Kalgachskii Mesozoic uplift. Geological structure of the field is formed by metamorphosed basement rocks and siliciclastic deposits of different composition of Mesozoic-Cenozoic platform mantle. Productive deposits of Upper Jurassic are the field of interest. Upper series of Jurassic deposits on studied area is presented by Vasiugan, Georgiev and Bazhenov formations that are drilled and characterized in details by core. Obtained data proved the rule of change of rare earth elements composition between different conditions of marginal-marine line and showed tendency of some elements to grow and decrease of other going out from margin. Sedimentary rocks of south-east part of Niurolsk depression are differentiated in geochemical and mineral-petrographical compositions. Both are presented by wide range of variety. With use of obtained geochemical data and evaluation of indicators determined environments of sedimentation are proved. Fundamental parameters of sedimentary rocks such as composition and proximity of a source, salinity and paleoclimates are determined.
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In order to detect, determine thickness and localize hydrocarbon accumulations there are qualitative and quantitative methods of interpretation still in use. Such methods are not divided into geological criteria and geophysical features which cause certain error. The study is based on the theory of appearance processes and composition formation as well as on conditions of occurrence of oil and gas. Deep structure such as gas-steam-conductive faults and oil-gas-steam-distributing faults of low order were studied. All the features of its determination under natural conditions of occurrence were integrated. Based on listed above and on results of several years of experimental and operating works, carried by other scientists in order to discover hydrocarbon accumulation in geological structure the authors determined and grouped geological criteria and geophysical features. Furthermore, during determination of geological criteria and geophysical features following petrophysical parameters of reservoir properties are determined: porosity, saturation, effective porosity, reservoirs density and speed of seismic wave propagation in the rock, rock and fluid resistivity. It should be noted, that during interpretation of seismic data to discover hydrocarbon migration tame and deep cross-sections as well as simultaneous cross-sections, frequencies and phases were used. The charts of amplitudes, frequencies, phases and its dispersion, decrement and attenuation coefficients that are equivalents to absorption coefficients and differences of elastic vibrations of reflected waves were used. Finally, having these parameters determined geological criteria and geophysical features of discovery of hydrocarbon accumulations under natural conditions of occurrence were grouped.
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The study of secondary transformations of accumulation has to be an integral component of modern lithological study because it allows understanding all the features of stages of processes that form accumulation and transform sedimetary rocks. This is essential in prediction of areas with better reservoir properties. In order to find features of reservoir rocks and its influence on reservoir properties the author conducted a detailed lithological study of accumulation of coal-overlying set of Upper Vasiugan formation of Kazan field. In terms of regional tectonics the field is located in central part of Kazan dome dedicated to local upheaval that is located on the east part of Niurol depression. As an object to study it was decided to choose deposits of coal-overlying set of Upper Vasiugan formation which cross-section includes sand layers and . This paper presents results of the study of composition of rock-forming and cementing matter of productive layers and of Kazan oil-gas-condensate field (Tomsk region). Studies showed that nature of reservoir properties of silty-sand rocks are mainly determined not only by sedimentation conditions, but nature of post-sedimentary changes as well. During the study of rock thin sections diagenetic and katagenetic indicators of lithogenesis are found. In order to determine causes of irregular porosity and permeability distribution along a thin section dependency of these properties on both primary (sedimentation) and secondary (post-sedimentation) factors were found. To find the answer for this challenge the author determined pair correlation coefficients and built diagrams. As a result of the study parameters that improve and deteriorate reservoir properties of sandstones of Kazan deposits were identified.
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Oil and gas needs growth, depletion of reserves of basement cover as well as amplification of physical, geographical and geological condition of exploration require prospecting for unconventional hydrocarbons located in basement crystal rocks. Hydrocarbon accumulations are dedicated to zones of crush, fractures and weathering crust. Up to 450 oil and gas accumulations in the world are discovered in the upper basement. Today, the upper part of the basement is regarded as a new oil and gas floor and global object of crust reserves. Exploration experience shows that oil and gas accumulation of the upper basement are located mainly on platforms or intermountain depressions such as South Caspian intermountain mega depression (SCMD) with unique thickness of sedimentary cover and its high potential. Several factors affect crystal basement rock formation. One of that is void space that control oil and gas accumulation. It is formed in geodynamic and active tectonic zones complicated by different scale and overlapping faults, which is a feature of sedimentary cover and SCMD basement. Saturation of basement void space by hydrocarbons happens mainly due to oil and gas generation potential of sedimentary cover. It is known that SCMD is multiple heart of oil and gas basin that contains 8 billion tons of oil and 13 trillion m3 of gas just in Azerbaijan sector. SCMD has basement wedges at depths reached by state-of-the-art drilling techniques as well as depressions of significant thickness or sedimentary cover. Bottom effusive formations of Middle Curin depression represent certain interest due to the fact that it could be complicated by fracture network and its aptitude to bend deformations. Analysis of mentioned factors can be a basis to forecast oil and gas reserves potential of SCMD basement wedges at accessible depths.
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Oil recovery laws that take into account distribution of reservoirs with different void types within the same accumulation. Carbonate field data of development of Tournaisian-Famennian oil accumulation was used. For comparison purposes data of development of the field with similar oil properties but reservoir of clastic grain rock and pore type were used. One injector and neighbor producers were used as components of applied production scheme. The type of reservoir within one development object was determined by several studies including pressure build-up curve processed by Warren-Root method. At the first stage correlation coefficients between injection and production of neighbor well were calculated. Calculation was done for different time and with assumption, according to which correlation coefficient is a quantitative measure of interactions between two wells. It is determined that use of correlation coefficient for pore reservoirs is significantly differ to the character of its behavior for fracture reservoir type. Multidimensional mathematical models that characterize flooding and allow determining producer’s rate were obtained with considered void type. Linear discriminant functions are built with considered void type of reservoir. Analysis of those functions determined that replacement of oil by water in clastic and carbonates porous rocks and carbonate naturally fractured reservoirs follow different scenarios.
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The article analyzes influence of core sample size on authenticity of data, obtained in laboratory simulation of reservoir stimulation technologies depending on reservoir type. It is found that in contrast to composite models, a full-size core reflects relationship of pore systems of complex reservoirs to the full extend. That allows making more correct conclusions about the effectiveness of technologies. In particular determination of adsorption and mechanical destruction of polymer compositions, strength of created water-proof barrier, dynamics of pressure during mixture injection etc. In order to improve authenticity of results obtained in laboratory simulation at the stage of selection of full-size core samples rock anisotropy, which is common for carbonate reservoirs and are usually connected to rocks fracture system, have to be taken into account. On the basis of ideas about improved efficiency of modeling technologies for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) for the conditions of complex carbonate reservoirs laboratory study is performed. The study used core samples with thermo reversible polymer composition МЕТКА, developed by the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. Use of a full-size core allowed evaluating the effectiveness of МЕТКА technology. The technology allowed to involve in the development low-permeability reservoirs and reservoirs that were not flooded. Study showed that results of standard-size core models are not informative to evaluate flooding efficiency. For the conditions of complex carbonate reservoirs due to low representation of standard samples the need to use core samples of maximal diameter is determined. Results obtained have practical importance in correct determination of parameters for EOR application during field development.
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Recently, the study of elements of on the fly operation of well technology is carried out in design direction. Famous systems of foreign and domestic computer programs (including practice of offshore drilling) are based on application equations (as a rule, power) when describing process of bottom hole break by drilling bit. That cannot be adapted to frequent changes of physical and mechanical rock properties and less in isotropic rocks. Therefore, to increase speed of well construction it requires an integrated method to operate process of well drilling based on proposed new technologies (change of pressure and rate of drilling equipment lowering) with accounted automation of well construction process. As a result of practical and theoretical studies of application of downhole drilling motors the model of on the fly operation of well drilling is presented in form of set containing most important elements that influence construction processes. Paper presents characteristic elements of the system to control efficiency of downhole drilling motors comparing to existing practice of control well construction. Proposed model drilling control takes into account system and analytical approach with a clear allocation of subsystems and systems that are effectively and fully implemented with provided hydraulic energy. The issue of control efficient well drilling by elements of on the fly operations is still controversial. The authors formulated problems of search of optimal drilling regimes under conditions of unlimited change of physical and mechanical rock properties during well drilling. Practical implementation of efficient well construction technology could overcome several challenges.
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Coal mining is accompanied by bulk waste formation in form of spoil heaps from low quality ore. As a result of aggressive natural factors impact specific mineral and chemical composition of rocks, which forms spoil heaps, leads to the environmental man-caused load in form of dust and gas emission, water pollution and adjacent area littering. Thus, lands, where spoil heaps are disposed, are excluded from economic use, and their resource potential gets lost because of wind and water erosion, negative physical, chemical and biochemical processes, and transformation of rocks, which forms spoil heaps, that causes the reduction of its value as secondary resources. It defines the urgency of developing methods aimed at the lowering of ecological load, caused by spoil heaps, to acceptable level and at the preservation of its resource potential as artificial deposits. One of the possible solutions is to fill underground worked-out mine area with stowage materials using low quality ore. But this technology pushes up the cost of coal production and is not applicable to new coal mining objects, which has lack of free worked-out area as well as to waste dumps, accumulated during long years of coal production. One of the most common ways of reducing the negative impact on the environment of already formed spoil heaps is its recultivation. However, recultivation of coal mining waste, which is followed by application of antipyrogens, ameliorants and mineral fertilizers to waste dumps, considerably limits their further utilization as artificail deposits. Antipyrogens, ameliorants and mineral fertilizers, when entering into physical and chemical reactions with coal mining waste, make this waste unsuitable for application as a secondary resource, particularly during the production of many construction materials. It defines the prospectivity of spoil heaps conservation, which allows not only to reduce the negative impact of spoil heaps on the environment but also to preserve their resource potential. This study offers a method, a technology and technical solutions for spoil heaps conservation that ensure their geoecological safety as sources of environmental pollution and allow to use its resource potential for production of target products.
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Urbanization of territories and growth of man-made air pollution require creating and widely implementing means, methods and materials to increase air quality of indoor premises through ionization. Increase of air quality of indoor premises is on the front burner which is caused by following reasons of natural air deionization: aerosol and gas pollution and air cleaning from its pollution. Wherein, use of conventional methods of electrostatic generation of air ions is restricted by its side effects. This paper reviews new prospecting methods to create qualitative and treatment air environment inside premises through its air ionization by interaction of air and natural sylvinite, containing silvite (potassium chloride). The paper presents generalized experimental data including air ionization of premises for treatment and health-recovering purposes that represent sylvinite speleoclimatic chambers with surfaces of different design made of either sawn sylvinite blocks of natural sylvinite or pressed salt tile with high concentration of potassium chloride etc. Air ionization occurs primarily due to beta radiation of natural radioactive isotope potassium-40. Concentration of air ions of positive and negative polarity and different mobility (light, moderate and heavy air ions) are studied. Spectrum distribution of air ions of light mobility group of negative polarity are analyzed in details. In the range of mobility more than 2 cm2В-1sec-1 unipolarity coefficient is always less than 1. In the range of 1-2 cm2В-1sec-1 unipolarity coefficient is larger than 1. Obtained results prove high efficiency of application of sylvinite construction materials to create high-quality, treatment or health-recovering air environment, allow to select special construction and decoration materials based on sylvinite depending on required parameters of air ion composition it order to create high-quality air in the premises.
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The article describes a method for estimating start time of evacuation of personnel working in a machine room of a gas compressor shop operated by a pipeline company. The method provides two options for estimating evacuation start time depending on reliability of a notification and evacuation control system. The first option implies that a notification and evacuation control system operates properly and is able to act as alarm in case of fire. In such sircumstances evacuation start time is estimated depending on psychophysical characteristics of humans, response time of a notification and evacuation control system and duration of operative actions. The second option implies that a notification and evacuation control system is out of order or not installed in a room. In this case employees are considered to detect fire visually assuming that a formed convective column of flue gases is the source of fire danger. Time taken by smoke to fill a convective column is considered as time needed for a person to detect fire. Psychophysical characteristics of humans and duration of operative actions are considered as well as in the first case. It is suggested that psychophysical characteristics of humans should be determined by results of computer-based psychodiagnostics. In order to estimate time needed for personnel to take prompt actions the article offers a network approach for evaluation of response speed of an operator. A method for estimating evacuation start time was developed taking into account current methodological issues in estimation of time characteristics of human actions during first stages of evacuation based on foreign and domestic research on human behavior in case of fire.
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