Vol 23, No 4 (2023)

Using the Results of Differentiation and Grouping of Deposits to Solve the Problems of Developing Carbonate Reservoirs in the Volga-Ural Oil and Gas Province
Gilyazetdinov R.A., Mukhametshin V.V., Kuleshova L.S.


The relevance of the topic chosen for the study is due to the widespread need to solve development tasks within the framework of the implementation by the subsurface user of high-level monitoring and control of oil recovery processes in fields with a complex geological structure in order to make timely and effective management decisions. Using the complex results of differentiation and grouping of deposits in the Volga-Ural oil and gas province, confined to the carbonate reservoirs of the Lower Carboniferous system, the relevance of the parameters characterizing the key geological and physical characteristics of productive formations and saturating fluids was assessed. Using the hierarchy analysis method in the nonlinear system under study, formed after calculating the percentage of correctly grouped objects and the values of the main components, a rating of potential N field parts containing residual oil reserves promising for involvement in the drainage and development process was formed. By calculating the priority vector for both one of the parameters and for their combination with each other, qualitative results were obtained that make it possible to effectively build a strategy to increase the oil recovery coefficient by taking into account the hierarchy level of the six main indicators when planning or modeling the design of geological and technical measures, including in specialized software. This, in turn, leads to the formation of an alternative view on the study of the degree of mutual influence of the main geological and physical characteristics of productive formations with each other under various boundary conditions formed as a result of continuous processes in the borehole-formation system. The objectivity of the revealed patterns has been successfully confirmed within the framework of point comparison and comparison with the available results of geophysical and hydrodynamic studies of wells, screening and analysis of key technological parameters for the development of liquid hydrocarbon deposits, which significantly increases the scope of the results in solving the problems of developing mature fields.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(4):152-158
Probabilistic-Statistical Forecast of Oil and Gas Content of Local Structures on the Izhemsk Stage Territory
Ozhgibesov E.S.


A methodology for predicting the oil and gas content of local structures using probable statistical methods on the territory of the Izhemsk stage is presented. The main oil and gas prospects in this area are associated with buried structures confined to the zone of Domanik barrier reefs. The goal of the work was to develop a comprehensive probabilistic model for assessing geological risks and ranking prepared structures according to the prospects of their introduction into deep drilling. The work analyzed the morphological parameters of the structures on the roof of the Domanik horizon: amplitudes, areas, absolute elevations of the arches, dimensions of the axes of the structures, as well as the thickness of the Domanik horizon and the distance of the structures from the deep-sea slope. To build probabilistic models, the initial data was divided into two classes: oil-saturated and empty structures. The information content of the selected indicators was assessed using Student's t-test. A statistical difference in the average values of the following parameters was established: amplitude, the size of the long axis of the structures, the thickness of the Domanik deposits and the distance of the structure's arch from the deep-sea slope. Also the least informative parameter - the absolute arch elevation was identified and excluded from further analysis. For a detailed analysis of the parameter values distribution, categorized histograms were constructed according to the classes of oil-saturated and empty structures. At the first stage, conditional interval probabilities were calculated for each parameter and individual probabilistic models of oil and gas content were built. At the second stage, all indicators were combined into a complex model. To assess the quality of the model, a categorized histogram of cosplay probabilities by structure class was constructed, and the obtained probabilities were compared with the results of discriminant analysis. It was established that the model successfully separated empty and oil-saturated structures according to the boundary value of the complex probability of 0.5 units. As a result of applying the constructed model, it was calculated that within the area under consideration, the most promising in terms of oil and gas content was the Pilegorskaya structure.

Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(4):159-165
Assessing the Impact of the Promising Technical Groundwater Intake Operation on the Usolka River Surface Runoff
Yarkov M.I., Leibovich L.O., Krasilnikov P.A., Ashikhmin S.G.


Groundwater production may be accompanied by negative impacts on the environment. The most significant environmental consequences of groundwater withdrawal, in addition to the depletion of its reserves, a decrease in its level and the formation of depression craters, is a change in the relationship between groundwater and surface runoff and, as a consequence, a decrease in the volume of river flow when aquifers are depleted. To eliminate the negative impact of groundwater extraction on natural ecosystems, it is necessary to take into account the natural resources of groundwater, their relationship with surface runoff, and provide predictive estimates of the water balance of the territory as a result of technogenic impact. The purpose was to study the distribution of natural groundwater resources within the study area and assess the impact of groundwater withdrawal on the surface runoff of the river Usolka when organizing industrial and technical water supply to oil production facilities. The objects of the study were the groundwater of the weakly aquiferous locally aquiferous Sheshminsky terrigenous complex confined to the river basins Malaya Alenka, Bolshaya Alenka, Bezymyanny stream, as well as the watercourses themselves, which are left-bank tributaries of the river Usolka. As a result, the minimum flows of various supply levels of the left bank tributaries of the river Usolka were determined: Bezymyanny stream, river Malaya Alenka, river Bolshaya Alenka. The most water-abundant zones were identified and the magnitude of natural groundwater resources of the weakly aquiferous, locally aquiferous Sheshminsky terrigenous complex was established. The possibility of organizing industrial and technical water supply using groundwater without affecting the river Usolka flow was proven.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(4):166-173
Patterns of Roof and Soil Convergence in Development Workings during Coal Seams Mining in Seismically Hazardous Areas of Kuzbass
Isachenko R.A., Koryaga M.G.


The work studies the patterns of roof and soil convergence in development workings during coal seams mining in seismically hazardous areas of Kuzbass. The formulation of the research problem, adaptation of methods for studying the processes of geomass deformation, analysis of the geodynamic and mining-technical situation and field studies were completed. Most of the Kuzbass mines work with coal seams at great depths. This is due to the risks of geomechanical, geodynamic and seismic events that have a negative impact on the safety of mining operations. One of the negative phenomena that has a significant impact on the safety of mining operations is the convergence of the roof and soil of preparatory mine workings. When mining formations of coal seams, areas of preparatory mine workings in the immediate vicinity of the goaf and located in zones of bearing pressure from the working faces are especially susceptible to intense deformation of rocks in the vicinity of mine workings. To study the convergence of the roof and soil convergence in development workings, full-scale measurements of vertical displacements in preparatory workings were carried out with their location in the zone of supporting rock pressure of the excavation site being mined in seismically hazardous areas of Kuzbass. Factors influencing the types of deformations and destruction of the host rocks and support elements of development workings were established. The dynamics of the energy of recorded seismic events was revealed at different rates of roof and soil convergence the within the excavation area. Consequences precursors of the rapid soil convergence in preparatory workings and measures to prevent negative phenomena were substantiated.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(4):174-178

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