Vol 21, No 2 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/267
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v21i2
Research of weldability of pipe steel X65QS ordered for sour service
The increase of being developed oil and gas fields with a high content of hydrogen sulfide causes a great demand for large-diameter pipes resistant to sulfide stress corrosion cracking. At the same time, in the weld adjacent zone of the pipes, the resistance against that type of cracking is lower in comparison with the base metal. Studies of the influence of welding thermal cycles to the microstructure, toughness and resistance to sulfide stress corrosion cracking of X65QS steel used for production of large diameter pipes for oil and gas transport are shown in this paper. The studies were carried out by standardized methodology of simulation of welding process by controlled induction heating and subsequent cooling of the samples. It was accompanied by further metallographic analysis and set of mechanical and corrosion tests. The results of conducted research defined the interval of cooling rate in the heat affected zone that provides the best toughness and resistance against sulfide stress corrosion cracking for X65QS steel. The directions for ensuring the required cooling rate with respect to automatic submerged multi-arc welding under factory conditions and
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):5-14
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Mathematical modeling of multiphase hydrojet pump operation
Hydro jet pumps are used in many branches of engineering. They are designed for pumping liquid, gaseous or gas-liquid mixtures. Although hydro-jet setups have a relatively low efficiency factor (about 30 %), they demonstrate obvious advantages over, for example, multiphase pumps due to simplicity of their design and operation, the absence of moving mechanical parts and, as a consequence, high reliability. For the most part, designing of flow ducts of hydro-jet pumps is carried out by applying the engineering methods of single-phase flow computation, which are based on the laws of conservation of energy, mass, momentum and semi-empirical relationships. However, the results of their application for evaluating multiphase flows are highly approximate. A more efficient approach to optimization of the duct system of Hydro jet pumps is the mathematical modeling of flows using modern software packages adapted to problems of hydro- and gas dynamics. The paper presents the results of mathematical modeling of hydro-jet pump operation under conditions of pumping gas-liquid mixtures. The simulation was performed using the STAR-CCM + software. The problem was solved in the Euler coordinates using the Volume of Fluid (VOF) model of a multiphase flow. A turbulent flow of gas-liquid mixture is described in the framework of the k-ε model assuming that there is no chemical interaction between the phases, and the first approximation does not take into account the surface tension forces. In the calculations made, water was used as the liquid phase, and air, which is an ideal gas - as the gas phase. A few variants of computation of flow ducts with cylindrical and annular active nozzles are considered. A comparative assessment of the pump efficiency is carried out. It has been shown that the most effective model is the pump, in which the flow duct is fitted with an annular nozzle and the gas and liquid are fed separately through the two passive inlets.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):15-22
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Additive technologies or layered synthesis technologies are one of the most dynamically developing areas of "digital" production. A common problem of additive technologies is to ensure the proper microstructure of the synthesized material and the elimination of defects. The use of filler wire as a working material allows you to get rid of the problems associated with the low productivity of existing methods, the high cost of equipment used, the limited types of materials used, due to the use of powder systems. Products made of stainless chromium-nickel steels are widely used in various industries. The main problem with additive technologies is to ensure the properties of laminates not lower than those obtained by traditional methods. Characteristic defects of laminated materials obtained by surfacing are increased porosity, non-metallic inclusions, a decrease in ductility, and for high-alloy steels, a loss of special properties. This predetermined the development of research in the field of additional technological measures to improve the final properties of the product. Widely known methods based on the deformation effect on the surfacing zone. This paper presents the results of a study of the effect of ultrasonic vibrations on the structure and properties of the deposited steel 12Cr18Ni10Ti. The welding of wire grade 12Cr18Ni10Ti was carried out by arc welding with a non-consumable electrode in a protective argon gas medium. It was found that ultrasonic influence has an effect on the final grain size, structure formation and hardness, as well as on the geometry of the deposited layer. Studies show that the use of ultrasonic vibrations in the process of surfacing can be applied in the design of equipment for the implementation of processes of additive production.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):23-30
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This paper presents study of short-term strength and ductility of stainless steel samples PH1, obtained by selective laser sintering on the installation Eosint M280 at different heat treatment modes. The study was to determine the optimal mode of heat treatment and the direction of growing samples (horizontal or vertical). Tests were carried out from alloy PH1 according to GOST 1497 with the construction of conditional diagrams of tensile and determination of the following characteristics: conditional time resistance;, conditional yield stress; residual elongation; relative contraction; static modulus of elasticity in tension . Characterization of mechanical properties of the alloy PH1 in the tensile test on the installation LFMZ100 were conducted on cylindrical specimens made of heat-treated work pieces obtained by selective laser sintering. Tests on the modulus of elasticity were carried out according to GOST 25.502-79. The rate of loading determining the strength was 1,25 mm/min loading Rate in determining the flow characteristics was 0,125 mm/min the Tests were performed until fracture of the samples. Analysis of the results showed that the performance characteristics of the samples reach a maximum value in obtaining their horizontal orientation than the characteristics obtained by the vertical direction of growing samples. Studies of the structure and physical and mechanical properties of the alloy PH1 showed that this alloy has higher strength characteristics compared to analogues obtained using casting, rolling and solid-phase sintering technologies. The obtained characteristics of short-term strength and plasticity, conventional tensile diagrams can be used in strength calculations and in determining the modes of testing for low-cycle fatigue of parts made of alloy PH1.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):31-39
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Design features of described magnetorheological damping and vibration damping systems which are based on distributed dissipative-rigidity properties in the working fluid
Ensuring the integrity of systems and units is important problem of machine / aircraft building and power engineering because the integrity can be compromised by shock and vibration loads. It requires the development of existing and searching for new construction of damping and vibration damping devices. Magnetorheological systems can serve as the current solution of this problem, are characterized by high efficiency and adaptability of performance in response to changed load parameters in the real time and retain all the advantages of hydraulic damping systems. Existing damping systems preserve the working principle of hydraulic supports in many respects. This principle of hydraulic supports is management of rigidity of fluid chamber by working fluid flow control on magnetorheological device and the possibility of implementation of various rheological and dynamic effects is ignored but rheological and dynamic effects are allowed to modeling the dissipative-rigidity properties of magnetorheological supports. Presented and patented magnetorheological support construction realizes original method of dissipative-rigidity properties control. The distributed heterogeneous dissipative-rigidity properties in the magnetorheological working environment can create magnetorheological support with qualitatively new dynamic characteristics. The using of this control method of damping and vibration damping requires the creation of new magnetorheological device constructions. In the article it is given the magnetorheological support construction which is capable to working equally effective at using it for damping and vibration damping. Proposed construction is universal and easily modifiable; it allows adaptation of structure for different modes of operation and characteristic optimization of working chambers (magnetorheological and spring-rheological chambers) and extends the range of operating parameters. The contribution of working fluid viscosity to dissipative process in magnetorheological support was conducted. The layout of universally magnetorheological support is made.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):40-46
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Fluoroflogopit type molded glass-ceramic materials are promising alternatives to traditional refractories for electrolysers in non-ferrous metallurgy. The use of cast glass-crystalline fluoroflogopite-type materials in the electrolysis method of producing metallic magnesium allows us to solve several urgent problems associated with the rapid deterioration of the lining of electrolyzers. First of all, when using glass-crystalline fluoroflogopite-type materials, the cost of repairs and diagnostic equipment downtime are reduced, the purity of the main products increases, since the glass-crystalline fluoroflogopite-type materials practically do not interact with the components of the electrolysis bath medium. Long service life is ensured by low surface wettability of molten mica-crystalline fluoroflogopite-type materials by molten liquid magnesium. However, the existing technological solutions and technological process parameters do not provide the necessary level of yield of products and are largely dangerous for the environmental situation and the health of production personnel. The article specifies the dimensional parameters of the technological process of obtaining cast micaceous crystalline materials, which provide an increase in the yield of useful products, as well as help to enhance the environmental safety of this production. The practical utility of such solutions as preliminary granulation of charge mixtures before loading into a single-phase melting electric arc furnace and using a multi-level exhaust gas cleaning system is shown. It is shown that the choice of optimal dimensional parameters of the technological process allows to neutralize the effect of the most dangerous byproduct hydrogen chloride to a level that allows to preserve the health of workers and prevent irreparable environmental damage to the territory of the enterprise and nearby settlements simultaneously with increasing productivity and product quality.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):47-55
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Definition of temperature indicators by modeling the process of globoid toothohoning depending on the parameters of the hone installation
Definition of thermodynamic parameters is part of the general methodology for calculating the optimal conditions for globoid abrasive tooth-honing and selection of parameters of the processing mode and characteristics of the abrasive layer at the design stage of the process. The quality of the surface layer of complex-shaped toothed surfaces is determined by a variety of parameters affecting the stress-strain state in the contact zone of the globoid worm and the rotor profile of the positive displacement motor. The significant length of the contact line and the profile contact over several teeth simultaneously leads to significant fluctuations in the stress-strain state in different parts of the tooth profiles. This leads to the need for additional studies of the flow of thermal processes in the treatment area, depending on the accuracy of the installation of the globoid hone relative to the part. We have developed a mathematical model for calculating the thermodynamic parameters of the globoid tooth-honing process, depending on the globoid abrasive hone installation parameters of relative to the part. A rotor of a positive displacement motor with a working tooth profile in the form of equidistant of shortened epicycloids is chosen as a workpiece. The work program allows you to get the calculated results using the enumeration of the source data, which in turn allows you to perform a numerical experiment with various options for the combination of parameters of the globoid hone installation. The results of a numerical experiment are presented graphically in the form of diagrams of changes in temperature fields at different points of contact line of the tool and part. These results are used by the complex task of optimizing the conditions of processing and selecting the characteristics of the abrasive layer of a globoid tool with the aim of improving the quality of manufacturing complex profile surfaces
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):56-62
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The development of new technologies for the manufacture of products from aluminum alloys, providing improved performance and high economic performance, is an urgent task. The use of additive technologies (АТ) or technologies of layer-by-layer synthesis for the manufacture of metal structures makes it possible to significantly accelerate the solution of problems of technological preparation of production and production of finished products. The use of filler wire as a working material allows you to get rid of the problems associated with the low productivity of existing methods, the high cost of the equipment used, the limited types of materials used, due to the use of powder systems. The use of the layer-by-layer synthesis method allows the use of wrought aluminum alloys for the preparation of complex shaped products. The use of new alloys for additive production will provide complex critical structures with improved performance characteristics. High performance characteristics are provided by the formation of a given structure and metal properties of the structure (determined by the residence time of the metal in the molten state, the size of the fusion zone between the layers, the rate of heating and cooling of the metal in the lower layers, etc.). Constant heating of the molded product when applying layers may make it difficult to obtain the required dimensions of the deposited layers and the desired structure of the metal obtained To solve many problems of surfacing aluminum alloys, to improve performance with high quality allows plasma surfacing with direct current of reverse polarity. Plasma surfacing with reverse polarity current provides cleaning of the surface of the previous layer from contamination due to the effect of cathode sputtering, good wetting and spreading of the liquid metal with minimal surface heating. This ensures the production of layered materials with a favorable structure without internal defects. The paper presents the results of the study of the additive formation of products from an aluminum alloy 1580 system aluminum-magnesium-scandium using plasma surfacing current of reverse polarity. Selected modes of welding, ensuring the formation of layered blanks without internal defects. It is established that plasma surfacing provides the relative stability of the structural and phase composition of the material of the layers under the influence of thermal cycles as the blank is formed. A slight increase in the volume fraction of hardening and excess phases was recorded. Marked loss of zinc in the weld metal while maintaining the content of the remaining elements. It has been established that the strength characteristics of the deposited metal are at the level of the properties of the cast material, yielding to the deformed; at the same time, the ductility of the weld metal significantly exceeds the ductility of castings - by 2-3 times, and the ductility of annealed rolled semi-finished products - by 1.5 times.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):63-72
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Selection of the main criteria of the thermal cycle for the predicting methods of the structure of welds at electron-beam welding
Predicting the structure of welds, including electron-beam welding, is an important part of the overall weld quality. To predict the quantitative composition of the resulting structural components at electron-beam welding it is necessary to construct structural diagrams of austenite decomposition, taking into account the features of high-speed heating and cooling. Structural diagrams can be based on both physical models of isothermal and thermokinetic diagrams and regression equations, provided that they are adapted to the thermal cycle of electron-beam welding. On the basis of the analysis of modern methods of research of kinetics of austenite transformation at cooling and forecasting of microstructure, the basic directions for a choice of a technique of forecasting of structure of welded joints with reference to electron-beam welding are allocated. The research of the work is based on the analysis of thermal cycles for different parts of the welded joint and possible criteria for further forecasting of the forming structure. The received results have shown the following: traditionally accepted time and speed of cooling in the interval of temperatures below 800 oÑ do not reflect features of high-speed cooling at the electron-beam welding which differs also on depth and width of the welded joint. In this case, for the complete characterization of the thermal cycle, the criteria should reflect the entire history of cooling, starting with the maximum temperature reached during heating, and not only in the temperature range of structural-phase transformations. These criteria may be the maximum heating temperature for a given thermal cycle and the maximum instantaneous cooling rate achieved in it.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):73-81
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Influence of temperature and time of thermal processing on the structure of enamel coating
Enamel coatings are characterized by high resistance to aggressive media, gas and atmospheric corrosion, organic and mineral acids in a wide range of temperatures, and have good hygienic properties. The service life of enamel coatings can be significantly reduced in violation of the integrity of the coating. The problem of the occurrence of enamel coating defects that destroy the integrity of enamel is considered. Among the defects of enamel coatings “enamel bubble” and “foreign inclusions” are most common and the characteristics of defects depend on the chemical composition of the enamel and the temperature of the heating and aging processes in the furnace. The purpose of the work is to establish the influence of time and temperature of burning on the structure and defects of the enamel coating. Defects of the surface of the enamel coating were studied using metallographic studies and methods of scanning electron microscopy. Elemental analysis of coatings was studied by X-ray energy dispersive microanalysis. Samples of enamel coatings were thermally treated at temperatures of 820 °C, 830 °C, 840 °C, 850 °C, 860 °C, and 880 °C and for a time of 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, and 5 minutes. The chemical composition of the enamel coating defects is shown. The influence of temperature and heat treatment time on the structure and defect of the enamel coating has been established. It is shown that with an increase in firing temperature from 820 °C to 880 °C, the enamel bubble defect becomes pronounced, the enamel cellular structure begins to be more clearly seen, the size of the bubbles gradually increases, the number of bubbles of relatively small size becomes larger. An increase in heat treatment time from 2 minutes to 5 minutes leads to the enlargement of bubbles, the cellular structure of the enamel becomes more pronounced. Long-firing will not lead to the correction of coating defects. The optimal technological parameters of heat treatment of enamel coatings were established: firing temperature of 820 °C and firing time 2...3 minutes.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2019;21(2):82-87
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