Vol 19, No 4 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/273
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v19i4
The article is devoted to the investigation of multilayer plasma surfacing on the straight line and reverse polarity of the current. The article describes the main provisions in the field of additive produc- tion using various technologies. The possibility and potential advantages of hybrid production of products of complex shape are described. It is shown that the use of a plasma heating source using direct and reverse polarity current has several advantages from both the technological and economic point of view. For the numerical implementation, the Comsol Multiphysics package is used, which allows solving adjacent problems of mathematical physics that occur during the course of welding processes. A software environment that provides all the stages of modeling (definition of geometric parameters, description of physics, visualization), allowing to model any physical processes that can be represented as a system of partial differential equations. A technique is developed and a mathematical description of the thermal source describing the plasma surfacing process taking into account the heat transfer from the plasma flow and near-electrode processes is presented. A three-dimensional numerical model of heat transfer into a product for plasma surfacing at a current of direct and reverse polarity is developed. Thermal cycles of plasma surfacing are obtained. On the basis of thermal cycles, the analysis of structural phase transformations and the description of the thermal situation on the surface of the article are made. It is shown that the use of reverse polarity favorably influences the formation of the deposited material. Numerical realization of the plasma surfacing process on the currents of direct and reverse polarity for steel 10Cr18Ni10Тi is made. The error in the test examples for numerical implementation did not exceed 10%.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):7-23
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Influence of onset temperatures of thermite charge and casting molds on structure and physical-mechanical properties of casting blanks, obtained by aluminothermic reduction
By using recycling technologies, machine-building and metallurgical enterprises can provide additional competitive strengths for themselves. Recycling of wastes of machine-building enterprises, such as scale and metal chips, is carried out in small volumes due to high melting loss during process. Method of recycling of scale during process of aluminothermic reduction of iron is known. Such a method does not find wide application for obtaining the entire casting body in production due to insufficient knowledge of the interaction process of the system consisting of reacting materials and applied refractories. The holding time of melt and temperature of it, determine the content of elements in the crystallized metal. It has been experimentally established that an insignificant change in the reaction conditions, which includes ratio of initial thermite charge mixture components, leads to obtaining of alloys with a different content of impurity elements. The process of forming the properties of castings obtained in this way seems problematic. The control of this process is proposed by controlling the temperatures of initial components and of casting mold. The paper presents results of the research, which was focused on determination of influence temperatures of initial components and of casting mold before reaction initiation on structure and physical-mechanical properties of casting blanks. The composition of the termite charge used in the study is intended for the production of 20DHL grade steel. To accomplish this goal, nonporous samples were obtained during process of aluminothermic reduction at different temperature conditions of thermite charge mixture and casting molds. The influence of temperatures of thermite charge mixture and temperature of casting mold on tensile strength of obtained samples was under investigation during experiment. Deformation, hardness, structure was also determined. The required temperature modes for thermite charge mixture and casting molds was specified as a result of this study. Compliance with these certain modes makes it possible to obtain casting blanks from steel, corresponding to the chemical composition 20DHL grade steel.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):24-40
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The transformations, structure and mechanical properties of system-alloyed low-carbon steel 12Kh3G2МFS in comparison with the previously studied steels 10Kh3G3МF, 10Kh3G3МFS and 10Kh3G3МFТ were investigated. Considered technological limitations of commercially used structural steels 40KhN2MA, 40KhGМА, 42CrMo4V used in the production of highly loaded petroleum machinery products such as heavy-weight drill pipe and subs. The basic shortcomings of the classical steels were revealed. Shows the benefits of system-alloyed steels, for example, investigated brand 12Kh3G2МFS. The production technology industrial smelting of the investigated steel is given. The major technological transitions are shows. The critical points and built thermokinetic diagrams of decomposition of austenite were identified. The adaptability of the steel grade 12Kh3G2МFS, the ability to harden with cooling in calm air hardness HB 379-383, while ensuring end-to-end hardenability in sections up to 279мм are shows. Shows the quality of castings and forgings of the investigated steel after forging at different radial sections and with degrees from 3.98 to 5.17. The influence of temperature of heating for hardening on the structure and properties of steel is studied. The estimation of the grain size of austenite of investigated steel depending on the temperature of austenitization, in comparison with the previously studied steels 10Kh3G3МF, 10Kh3G3МFS and 10Kh3G3МFТ. The influence of cooling rate and the tempering temperature of the structure, hardness and mechanical properties of steel 12Kh3G2МFS in comparison with the previously studied steels were defined. Identifies the main alloying elements that affect the stability of the austenite during cooling. Conducted evaluation of the minimum content of such compositions. Considered the boundary conditions of the system of alloying of steels for obtaining the specified structure, provide the required hardenability and mechanical properties. The practical applicability and adaptability of the brand in mass production, РJSC “Motovilikhinskiye Zavody”.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):41-60
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Kinetics of evaporation of metals from Sb-Pb-Sn alloy in vacuum distillation
Objects of research are Sb-Pb-Sn alloys composition, mol %: 70-12,5 Sb; Pb 15-5; 15-75 Sn formed by melting electrolytic copper sludge, with commercial production - concentrates of antimony, lead and tin. The aim of the work: determination of evaporation rates of the metals from the Sb-Pb-Sn alloys of different composition depending on temperature and pressure and identify the limiting stage of the process. Methods and approaches: calculation of the activity coefficients of components of Sb-Pb-Sn alloy was performed using three-dimensional model of molecular interaction мolecular interaction volume model (MIVM). The rate of evaporation of the alloy components determined by the equation of Hertz-Knudsen-Langmuir. The apparent activation energy calculated by Arrhenius equation. Novelty: calculation of activity coefficients using the model MIVM. Main results: determined the kinetics of evaporation of metals from Sb-Pb-Sn alloy in the temperature range 823-1473 K and a pressure of 1.33-133 Pa, as described by the equation of the first order. The total mass transfer coefficients of lead, antimony, tin ( k Ме, m·s-1) evaporation of Sb-Pb-Sn (0.125-0.125-0.75) of the alloy is (2.849-13.826)·10-7, (0.949-4.833)·10-7,(0.532-2.777)·10-9 when Т = 823-1073 K, P = 13.3 Pа, respectively. The calculated apparent activation energy of evaporation of the metals from the Sb-Pb-Sn alloy: E = 46.39-48,56 kJ/mol, which is much lower than for pure metals: E = 150-169 kJ/mol. It is shown that quantitative transport of lead and antimony in the gas phase does not limit the speed in vacuum distillation. The evaporation of the metals from the Sb-Pb-Sn alloy jointly controlled by mass transfer, mainly in the liquid phase, as well as through the surface layer at the phase interface liquid-gas in the studied experimental conditions. Practical relevance: the parameters of the kinetics of evaporation of the components of the Sb-Pb-Sn alloys provide the necessary information for the design of technological equipment of industrial production, vacuum metallurgy, as well as to predict the temperature and pressure of the process to receive Sb-, Pb- and Sn-containing products of a given composition.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):61-74
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Corrosion Resistance of Steels and Alloys in Fluoride Salts
Purpose of the article is corrosive resistances analysis of steels and alloys such as chrome iron, austenitic Ni-Cr stainless steel, iron-nickel alloy, monel metal, copper, aluminium, bronze, brass, lead, alloy Zr, titanium, argentum, aurum and platinum, in ammonium fluoride, ammonium befluoride, salt mixture ammonium fluoride and ammonium befluoride, alloy LiF-NaF-KF, ammonium hexafluosilicate, ammonium hexafluorotitanate and ammonium hexafluorozirconate. Corrosive resistances of steels and alloys in fluoride solution were pointed. Materials data tabulated with characteristics: alloy grade, fluid temperature, weight percentage of fluoride salt in solution, rate of corrosion (mm/year). Area of production were pointed, where corrosive resistances of steels and alloys data needs for performance assurance of equipments in corrosion environment. Alloy additives were noted and also their influence on corrosion resistance increase or corrosion resistance decrease in some circumstances was mentioned. It is found which corrosive resistances of steels and alloys in differential medium are missed.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):75-89
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Photonic crystals are widely known for their optical properties and application possibilities in production. Opal matrices are three-dimensional photonic crystals with forbidden bands in the visible light range. The period of formation of natural opal does not satisfy the demands of production. For this reason, synthetic opals are being investigated. Interest in opal matrices doped with rare-earth and other metals is explained by a significant improvement in the optical properties of the material. In connection with this, in this paper we studied the formation of the phase composition of a composite material based on silicon dioxide, with the addition of zirconia. We investigated the effect of the ratio of components and the heat treatment temperature on the phase composition of the composite material. Samples were heated on a sand bath and annealed in a muffle furnace in air with subsequent exposure. In addition, measurements were made of the average diameter of the spheres composing the structure of the opal matrices, and a certain dependence of the change in the diameters of the particles on the component ratio and processing temperature was established. The study used the Stöber-Fink-Bonn technique of synthesizing the opal matrices and the methods of investigation as atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. A precursor for the production of silica spheres was an organic silicon compound. The sol-gel synthesis reaction of the composite powder was carried out in the presence of an alkaline medium, according to modified procedure. We also experimentally established the required amount of zirconium salt to be injected. The phase compositions of the composite material SiO2-ZrO2 with different contents of the dispersion phase of the zirconium compound under the influence of temperature treatment are presented in the article.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):90-100
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Minimization of the Measurement Volume for the Control of Cylindrical Surfaces on the basis of Statistical Modeling
The method of minimization of the volume of measurements of cylindrical surfaces of parts based on statistical modeling has been scientifically substantiated and implemented. According to this method, it is proposed to determine the minimum number of measurements of points on the surface based on the results of monitoring a limited sample from parts lots and subsequent statistical modeling of the control process. Such an approach allows us to give a preliminary interval estimation of mea-surement error, a-errors and b-errors. For a batch of 100 parts, a measurement simulation for four variants with a different number and arrangement of control points on a cylindrical surface is performed. As initial data, the results of measuring the coordinates of 110 cylinder points with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 100 mm on a mobile coordinate measuring machine of the Faro Arm Edge model were taken. Four variants of the arrangement of control points on a cylindrical surface with a change in their number from 110 to 50 are investigated. It is revealed that the measurement error is well described by the normal distribution law, therefore the arithmetic mean and standard deviation can be used as an estimate. With a decrease in the number of control points relative to the basic variant, a measurement b-error is characteristic. It is established that when the number of control points decreases, the arithmetic mean decreases, the standard deviation of the measurement error increases and the probability of a measurement b-error increases. Practical implementation of the proposed approach makes it possible to reduce the number of control points while ensuring the required accuracy of measurement and to increase the measurementing performance.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):101-110
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To definitions the optimal torque of tool joints
In the article the questions connected with the effect of the optimum tightening torque in the locking threaded joints of drill pipes are considered when the drill string is loaded with a bending moment. In the course of the analysis, it was determined that there was no precise definition of the cause of this effect and the low accuracy of the methods for determining it, as well as the inconsistency of the research methods used up to this time. The research was carried out using finite element mathematical modeling in the ANSYS environment. The well-known technique was supplemented by the use of a three-dimensional model. The finite element model of the locking threaded connection takes into account the elastoplastic properties of the pipe material in the bilinear material model. The torque was simulated by deformations caused by the temperature expansion of the metal. In addition, to the axial extension of the coupling, a radial extension of the nipple was added, which together simulates a rise along the conical helical line. To determine the actual tightening torque in the joint, a separate procedure is used, based on the contact pressures in the coupling of the pin with the coupling. During the simulation, the conclusions of previous researchers were confirmed, and new results were obtained. Thus, when testing a flat model with the bending moment replaced by a tension-compression cycle, the effect of decreasing the amplitude of the cycle in the dangerous section was also obtained with increasing torque. However, the tests of the three-dimensional model showed that in the case of bending moment loading, another effect acts. In the presence of threaded lubrication, the application of the bending moment leads to the sliding of the lateral surfaces of the thread and the stop faces of the two parts, with their rotation relative to each other. A different tightening torque causes different positions of the conditional center of rotation of the sections, which in turn leads to a different stress distribution.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):111-121
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The aim of this work is to study the influence of the parameters of sputtering of melts based on iron on the physical and technological characteristics of powders intended for selective laser fusion. For the production of metal powder 12X18H10T, the technology of gas atomization of liquid melt with argon on a laboratory atomizer VIGA-2B was used at a temperature of 1640 °C. In the production of powders, the gas flow rate was varied by changing the diameter of the metal pipe and the nozzle nozzle type differing in design. It was found that as the diameter of the metal pipe increased, the values of fluidity, the fraction of particles with satellites, the fraction of spherical particles decreased, but the amount of the target fraction increased and the fraction of particles with pores decreased. Values of Fere diameter, average particle size d50, pycnometric density and bulk density have changed insignificantly. It was found that when using the “Standart” nozzle, the characteristics of the powders were worse than when using the “SuperSonic” nozzle - the values of the fraction of particles with pores, the fraction of particles with satellites increased, the value of spherical particles decreased, and the fluidity was completely absent, but it was the highest target fraction value The experimental dependence of the increase in the yield of the target fraction (20-63 μm) of the powder is established with a decrease in the volume of supply of the atomizing gas. Dependences of the amount of the target fraction powder and the ratio of the particle size and the diameter of the metal orifice to the spraying gas supply volume are presented. The data obtained make it possible to predict the values of the output parameters of powders during the atomization of 12Х18Н10Т steel. The characteristics of the powders make it possible to use them for the manufacture of articles by additive technologies.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):122-138
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Experimental verification of the dynamic state of the shafting
The experimental verification of the efficiency of technologies for ensuring the specified dynamic stability of shafting lines is carried out under the influence of the following factors: mounting drive imbalances, starting operation of the unit, exceeding the working range, changing the skewing of the shafts. In this article, we consider the results of experimental studies of a compressor with oil bearings, manufactured and assembled in accordance with the technological process using adaptive methods. During the tests at the acceptance tests stand, the following research tasks were solved: testing the dynamic condition of the shafting line after correcting the mounting misalignment of the transmission, testing the dynamic condition of the shafting in the starting mode, testing the dynamic state of the shafting in the working range, testing the dynamic condition of the shafting line, exceeding the maximum operating frequency, the condition of the shafting system under the condition of an increase in the skew of the axes with a change in the rotational frequencies. Based on the test results, a database was compiled, the results of an experimental study of the dynamic state of rotors and shaft lines were summarized. A comparison was made of the dynamic state of the rotors and transmissions, depending on the specified test conditions. Simultaneously with the tests, a methodology for correcting the mounting imbalances of shaft lines and their elements was developed and introduced. The regularities of influence of influencing factors are determined, recommendations on minimization of their influence on dynamically stable operation of shafting line are formulated. The dynamic state of the rotor is very insignificantly dependent on the misalignment of the axes of the shafting, but very significantly - on the magnitude of the residual mounting imbalance. The presence of residual mounting imbalance leads to an increased level of vibration not only in the area of the support to which the transmission or other shafting element is attached, but also in the area of the opposite support. The installation of the shafting line with correction of the mounting imbalances makes it possible to adapt to any conditions of testing and operation any quasi-rigid rotors.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):139-153
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This article is devoted to the problem of transformation of nonmetallic inclusions in welded joints under the action of a plasma arc. The possibility of using a plasma arc to improve the quality characteristics of a welded seam is considered. The quantity, shape, size and distribution of nonmetallic inclusions in the weld metal before and after plasma treatment by the methods of quantitative metallography, as well as redistribution of nonmetallic inclusions over the thermal exposure zone are investigated. A significant difference was noted between the volume fraction of nonmetallic inclusions in the weld zone and in the zone of thermal action during plasma treatment of 16G2AF steel. In 100% of the samples examined in the thermal exposure zone, the total amount of nonmetallic inclusions is 20-30% higher than the number of inclusions in the weld zone, and this difference increases with increasing running energy. It is established that when the polarity of the plasma treatment changes from direct to reverse, an increase in the volume fraction of inclusions is observed, both in the weld zone and in the zone of thermal action. It is noted that irrespective of the polarity and protective gas with increasing current to 200 A, the volume fraction of nonmetallic inclusions decreases. And with a current strength of more than 200 A, the number of inclusions again increases. When carbon dioxide is used as the protective gas, a predominantly globular (rounded) form of inclusions characteristic of oxides and oxysulfides is observed. When using nitrogen as a protective gas in the weld metal, the appearance of faceted particles of complex shape - nitrides and carbonitrides - is observed. Non-metallic inclusions larger than 10 μm can be serious stress concentrators - the stress level near the inclusion may exceed the yield strength of steel and even reach the ultimate strength. The rate of floating of non-metallic inclusions depends on their size, the viscosity of the liquid metal, the difference in the specific gravity of the particle and the metal. The velocity of the particles ascending is the greater, the bigger the particle, the less its density. The rate of emergence of slag particles is significantly affected by the presence of convective flows in the metal, the release of bubbles from the metal that mix the metal and entrain the slag particles to the surface of the metal bath.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):154-171
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The Realization of the Short-Term Graduate Programs on the Staff Advanced Training and Education Faculty PNRPU in 2014-2016
The activities of Staff Advanced Training and Education Faculty in 2014-2016 is taken into consideration. It corresponds to the priority areas recommended by Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation and it is aimed at the improvement of pedagogical practices in professional training, professional education and additional professional education with the requirements of professional standards. The faculty implements short-term graduate programs of additional professional education in the profile of pedagogical activities for teaching staff of universities and other institutions of higher education, teachers of secondary professional educational institutions and specialists in teaching methods. The successful development of short-term graduate programs provides professional development and updating of pedagogical competencies of listeners, necessary for the performance of basic professional activities in the field of vocational training, professional education and additional professional education. The work deals with the structure of short-term graduate programs for additional professional education and components of general professional competencies acquired in the process of development of these programs. The listeners’ structure formation on different categories is shown. Implementation of additional professional programs is carried out by professors and associate professors, developing innovative methods of training lecturers and scientific personnel.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(4):172-184
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