Vol 19, No 2 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 13
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/275
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v19i2
The paper presents the results of research into Coefficients of Thermal Expansion (CTE) anisotropy discovered in multilayer metal material produced by hot pack rolling based on 1008 and AISI 304 steels. It has been established that the material comprised of interleaving layers of the two steel types features abnormally low CTE in the direction normal to the rolling plane (ND) with regular TEC values in the plane of the plate material along RD and TD directions. A hypothesis has been proposed to ex- plainthe phenomenon by an interrelation between normal and tangent stresses generated in the interlayer boundaries within the material resulting from substantial difference in the CTEs of the steel types comprising the multilayer material. The hypothesis is confirmed by the substantial effect of compression stresses, normal to the rolling plane ND, generated from the higher CTE steel (AISI 304) on the other component of the multilayer material (1008) that experiences α→γ transformation during heating. It is shown that the value α→γ transformation recorded during 1008 steel heating increases manifold when the steel is a part of the multilayer composition. At the same time 1008 layers experience equally strong, yet tensile stress in directions RD and TD. This results in virtually complete compression compensation in the multilayer material induced by α→γ transformation, which is well marked on the dilatometric curves along the specified directions.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):7-20
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Natural frequencies estimation using operational modal analysis
Identifying of dynamic parameters such as modes, damping and stiffness is a key issue to predict the stability of dynamic system. There are two groups of techniques to find out the dynamic parameters: experimental modal analysis (EMA) and analytical approach. EMA is generally done by impact test or a shaker test that calculate frequency response function or impulse response function from measurements of both input excitations and corresponding responses. If input excitations are unknown, the modal parameters can be obtained by operational modal analysis (OMA). At present work, OMA is carried out to estimate natural frequencies of a dynamic system in milling. Responses (vibrational accelerations) are stored via three-axial accelerometer. Furthermore, power spectral density matrix of output response is estimated. Using singular value decomposition method the dependence of singular values from frequencies is obtained and represented as a graph. Modal parameters are estimated via peak picking method. Previously, R. Brinker suggested this approach at first time in 2000 as Frequency domain decomposition method. To check and demonstrate approach described above, simulation model of milling had been created and analyzed. After, output-only modal analysis was adopted to real system that includes milling machine tool, workpiece, fixture and cutting tool. Three-axial accelerometer is mounted on the base of spindle. A number of cutting test have been done and output responses is stored on PC. After response acquisition, OMA is done and natural frequencies are obtained using peak piking method. Results are presented in article as well.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):21-35
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Graphic model of reliability forming for mechanical engineering products
The hypocycloidal model of reliability forming for machinery products is developed. This model allows to provide phased forming, development and keeping of required level of reliability, durability, maintainability and storability for machinery products. The full cycle of reliability forming process includes six stages: pre-project stage, project and design stage, pre-production stage, production stage, post-production stage and operational stage. There are specific questions that are to be decided on every peculiar stage, what is necessary for creating and keeping the required reliability level and to pass from the previous stage to the next one. Based on component parts of this model the appropriate sectors for forming and conservation of required reliability level are highlighted; the stages of manufacturing and operational heredity are described, and the evolution of the model illustrating a repeated cycle of reliability forming process in dynamic is represented. This is how the hypocycloidal model is interconnected with the law of technics progressive evolution, showing that the general feature of them both is a necessity to eliminate all revealed defects of a product. In accordance with mentioned above, the graphical representation of technic object’s evolution is provided as a chain of hypocycloids, which have every cycle of six stages repeated on a new and higher level. Accordingly, it determines a renewed content, which will meet the requirements of a given time period. Taking into account a destination and structure (composition) of technical objects, the process of its technical operation can be represented as a sequential change of various states placed in time dependence. In application to equipment used for oil and gas well drilling, including considerable amount of its states and transitions, the cascade graph of technical operation process for these objects is provided. The represented graph includes mounting the object at a site of operating point; bringing it into condition of operational readiness; usage as intended; periodic execution of performance diagnostics; technical maintenance await condition; scheduled and unscheduled current repairs; unit-based servicing and major repairs. Besides, for particular types of equipment the next features have also been taken into consideration: dismantling and subsequent disassembly at operating point; transportation; preparing for installation at new location or placing the unites or the entire installation into reserve; their storage and delivery into any operational state at another location. As an example, the samples of according trajectories selected from states and translations graph are represented. The amount of probable trajectories through the cascade graph and their concrete selection are highly dependent on a problem statement. Based on the obtained graphs the proposed techniques provides implementation of work on improvement of reliability level continuously, from a product-analog to a new product.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):36-47
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Modeling of processes of processing of pressure materials based on estimation of stress-deformed state of compact from polymer model compositions using with the finite elements method
There are high requirements for dimensional and geometric accuracy to metal products of responsible use with a complex surface. They are obtained by machining the cast stocks or by processing the metal mass. We need to get castings by the method of casting by the lost-wax process, to reduce the metal consumption of production and the time of obtaining parts. When using such a method, a cast preform is formed in a ceramic shell shape, which we produce by layer-by-layer application of a refractory suspension onto a model block with attached casting models. These castings are obtained by pouring or pressing a paste-like model mass into a mold. Defects in the melted models appear due to shrinkage processes that occur when the model mass is cooled in the mold. We eliminate shrinkage defects by pressing the powders of the model mass. The characteristics of the mold elements interacting with the model composition during its compaction affect the size and geometry of the produced model. The accuracy of porous models is 1-2 grades higher than that of traditional ones. Elastic response occurs in the volume of the compact due to over-consolidation. We found the stress-strain state of pressing of polymeric materials. Polymeric materials used for the production of investment patterns in precise casting. We take into account the factionalism and form of components. We use finite-element method to predict the stress-strain state of compacts of polymeric compositions model. It is an actual task. In this paper we have provided data that was obtained from the virtual and natural experiments. We consided the options for placement of elements in the mold when the compacts may be obtained. We determined whether it is possible to use the finite-element method in the prediction of the stress-strain state of compacts of polymer powder materials on the basis of data obtained during the experiments.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):48-66
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Spark gap empirical simulation during elecTrical discharge machining of steel 38X2H2MA
The aim of the work is to obtain an empirical model for calculating the value of the spark gap in the electrical discharge machining of 38X2H2MA steel. Due to the fact that the discharge machining is a non-contact method, when the tool electrode is inserted into the workpiece between the end faces and the side surfaces of the tool electrode and the cavity formed, respectively, the end and side clearances are formed. The main factors affecting the size of the gaps are processing modes and material of the electrodes. The actual task is to predict the size of the spark gap when processing chromium-containing steels, depending on the modes of copy-piercing erosion processing. To obtain the empirical model, the method of factor cladding of the experiment with subsequent regression analysis was used in the work. The criterion for optimality of a plan in orthogonal central compositional planning is the orthogonality of the columns of the planning matrix. For the experiment, the following factors are selected: I - current strength (A), Ton - pulse time (μs), Tau - pulse fill factor (%). According to the carried out experiment and the subsequent regression analysis, a model is obtained for calculating the size of the lateral gap. On the basis of the obtained data, it becomes possible to predict the correction value when processing steel 38X2H2MA. The analysis of the model showed that the size of the gap is affected not only by the factors themselves, but also by their totality. A geometric representation of the law of variation of the lateral clearance value is presented depending on the erosion control modes. The received data allow to make adjustments of the electrode-tool dimensions in order to provide the given parameters of processing accuracy.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):67-79
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This article is devoted to investigation of the kinetics of high temperature oxidation of the composite material on the basis of titanium silicon carbide. The samples of composite material based on titanium silicon carbide containing 20% of titanium carbide, obtained from synthesized in a planetary mill SAND powders consolidated by spark plasma sintering in the SPS-100b. The composite structure consists of Ti3SiC2 lamellar size 10-20 µm and rounded inclusions of titanium carbide with a size of 3-5 µm. High temperature testing in air is performed at temperatures of 1100-1200 oC in a muffle furnace SNOL of 1.6,2.5.1/11. The kinetics of oxidation was investigated using metallographic, x-ray diffraction and analyzed according to mass changes of the samples from the time of exposure according to the standard method. For experimental samples obtained curves of dependence of mass, oxidation kinetics and penetration depth of corrosion with time. It is established that the oxidation process at the initial stage is linear then the dependence becomes exponential. Depth of corrosion of the material at temperatures of 1100 and 1200 oC reaches 266 and 306 µm respectively. The oxidized surface consists of inner and outer oxide layers which correspond to different phases of silica and rutile. Oxide layers formed by oxygen diffusion and inward diffusion of titanium to the outside of the material and the silicon atoms are oxidized in situ. The thickness of the oxide layers increases with oxidation temperature. According to the analysis of the samples after oxidation at these temperatures revealed that the rutile phase of TiO2 and traces of SiO2.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):80-91
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Influence of design data of a sensitive element on technical characteristics of a solid-state wave gyroscope
The paper presents the basic requirements for gyroscopes. The advantages of solid-state wave gyroscopes are compared with other designs. Particular attention is paid to solid-state wave gyroscopes with a rod sensitive element. The design of the entire product, the structure of its basic elements, the principle of operation of the proposed gyroscope and the method for determining the angular velocity are considered. Factors influencing the technical characteristics of a solid-state wave gyro with a rod sensitive element are established. The substantiation of the choice of constructive factors that are most significant for solid-state wave giroscope is given. The research was conducted in five stages using the ANSYS package. At the first stage of the work, the influence of a number of constructive factors of the sensitive element on such technical characteristics of the resonator as the frequency of natural oscillations, the amplitude of the deviations of the resonator leg, and the stress-strain state of the structural elements are considered. The resonator material and its properties remain unchanged during the research. At the second stage, the influence of the height of the disk on the natural frequencies of the resonator is investigated. The results of the research and the graph of the linear dependence of the natural frequency of the resonator on the ratio of disk height to the diameter of the rod are presented. At the third stage of the investigation, the effect of the waveform of the disc surface on the technical characteristics of the product was determined. The nonlinear dependences of the natural frequency and the amplitude of the displacements of the resonator leg on the number of waves on the disk are determined. In the fourth stage, the influence of the position of the wave on the disk on the technical characteristics of the resonator is established. At the fifth stage, the deviation of the technical characteristics of the resonator from the error in the manufacture of the disc is established. The results of calculations and the obtained geometrical dependences of technical parameters on the design of the sensetive element are presented. The rationale for the choice of combinations of geometric parameters is given. At the end of the article, it is concluded that by changing the rigidity of the disk, it is possible to increase the deviation of the resonator leg and thereby reduce the effect of manufacturing errors on the technical characteristics of the instrument as a whole. The list of literature consists of eight sources.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):92-105
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Analysis of the evolution of the error in the shape of the electrode-tool with the use of rapid prototyping technologies
Increasing the efficiency of electroerosion processing (EDM) is an urgent task for the leading enterprises of the machine-building industry. The main costs that increase the cost of manufacturing parts using EEE technology are aimed at the creation of electrodes - instruments (EI), especially a specific complex configuration with the presence of undercuts, transition radii. A possible solution to this problem is the development of alternative methods of manufacturing EI, namely the use of rapid prototyping (BP) technologies and foundry. BP technologies allow to analyze the design of the future part, make changes, prepare a prototype of the complex configuration of the master EI model for casting the metal in the mold, reduce the costs of tooling, tools and machining in the early stages of production preparation. However, the process of manufacturing EI with the use of technologies of the BP and foundry has the disadvantages associated with the instability of the dimensions during the transition from one manufacturing stage to another. The main reasons for the instability of dimensions are the properties of the materials used. Accumulating error of deviations throughout the whole process cycle of manufacturing EI, associated with the shrinkage of the material, leads to loss of accuracy of the final part. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to analyze the evolution of the deviation error in the shape of the EI with the possibility of subsequent prediction of deviations and the introduction of allowances for shrinkage in the design of EI. The program of the experiment consists of: preparation of the computer model, layered construction of the prototype master EI model, manufacturing of the EI casting, measuring control of the EI at all stages of production. For the prototype, SLA technology (stereolithography) is used, the principle of which is the layer-by-layer synthesis of photopolymer material SI500. To prevent casting defects, a gate system was modeled and a numerical analysis of the metal casting in the mold was carried out. Based on the results of numerical calculations in the ProCast software complex, there was no problem with spillage, shrinkage porosity was detected in the gating system, which does not affect the integrity of the EI casting. Based on the results of the measurement control, an error of deviations was detected. The maximum deviation is found in the casting of the EI and is 7.3% of the given size in the computer model. As a resul5214t, the evolution of errors at the stages of prototyping, fabrication of a wax and casting of metal into a mold is determined, which will predict the error and provide for measures to increase the accuracy of casting EI.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):106-117
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Functional and technological scheme of production of manufacturing fluorophlogopite
Rapid wear of the lining is an urgent problem in the electrolytic process for producing magnesium. Increased liner life by 3-4 times, and as a consequence increase the competitiveness of primary magnesium production ensured the modernization of magnesium electrolytic cells by replacing the standard lining on castings from mica crystalline material - fluorophlogopite. The aim of the work is defined as a detailed presentation of the functional and technological scheme and the process of obtaining products from fluorinephlogopite. Potassium fluorophlogopite (KMg3[Si3AlO10]F2) has a glass-ceramic structure, the proportion of the glassy phase is 5-8%, the crystalline part is plate-aggregates to 5 mm length and 0.1 mm in thickness. Based on the literature and practical experience to offer the most optimal functional and technological scheme of production fluorophlogopite products. At its core production fluorophlogopite product technology represents a symbiosis of technology ore-thermal processing of mineral raw materials and foundry. The proximity to the ore-thermal technology is reflected in the processing charge for silicate melt electro thermal process foundry approaches used directly for the development of technology for fluorophlogopite castings. The developed technology includes the following main stages: preparation of raw materials and the preparation of the charge; melting of the charge and the preparation fluorophlogopite melt; production, preparation and assembly of the molds; melt discharging from the furnace into a ladle and casting molds; solidification of castings and removing them from the molds; heat treatment of castings; cleaning, casting processing and quality control; cleaning of exhaust gases; storage of finished products. The technological process can be adapted if necessary in view of the vast resource base of the Perm Region and in terms of the organization of “flexible” technologies.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):118-132
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The object of study is the process of wear of cutting tools made of high speed steel, insufficient wear resistance which presents a problem for the serial production in modern engineering. The results of experimental modeling the wear of a number of in-strumentality of materials in terms of adhesion-abrasive wear, a fixed by the authors as dominant for the operation of the cutting tool, and identify opportunities to reduce the wear due to the magnetization of the indenter of the tribological system. To establish the mechanisms of influence of magnetic treatment on wear used a multilevel approach to the study of processes in tribosystem steel-steel. Based on the consideration of the atomic-electronic aspect wear has been hypothesized that the wear of the cutting tool is due to the formation on the surface of the processed material dispersed solid particles as a result of chemical processes with the creation of strong covalent bonds. The starting reagents are the alloying elements of the tool material, the transfer of which into the crystal lattice of relativemove material is realized due to favorable thermodynamic conditions, triggered by the energy fields of the setting time, power and heat by friction. Conducted tribological tests, microscopic study trebovir races microhardness testing of its typical parts. According to the results of spectral analysis with a spectrometer Q4 TASMAN identified, originating in friction, increase in surface concentration of the alloying elements of the indenter on the surface of the counterbody compared to their volume concentration in it. The comparison of experimental results and theoretical modeling established in principle the possibility of moving the friction alloying elements from the material of the indenter into the surface layer of the material of the counterbody due to seizure, adhesion and diffusion, and formation in dispersed particles with high hardness. Analysis of the results of experiments involving materials science, tribo-topology, and quantum chemistry have shown that the wear of the tool steel may be a consequence of formation by friction of hard carbide phase. It is experimentally shown the influence of the magnetization on a partial blocking of the transfer process of the alloying elements.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):133-150
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In electron beam welding, oscillation of the electron beam is popular used as technological tool for avoiding defects. The major forms of the electron beam deflection are straight line along the joint (longitude oscillation), straight line cross the joint (cross oscillation), circle, X -shape oscillation. The other good method for avoiding defects is a welding in penetration through mode. However, the necessary of dynamically stabilization in real time have been for this mode. It is due to stochastic character of the thermo physic processes in zone of electron beam and workpiece metal interaction. Oscillation of the electron beam can reduces of backside crown nonuniformity along the joint. The aim of this work is determination of the influence of electron beam oscillation on the weld root in electron beam welding. It must be noted that it was done in context of decreasing backside crown nonuniformity along the joint. In addition to aforementioned oscillation trajectory of the electron beam, the oscillation on two straight line along the joint is researched too. The cylindrical details of austenitic stainless steel are used as experimental workpieces for welding. Outside diameter of the details is 160 mm, and wall thickness is 10 mm. The penetration depth in welding process was stabilized by the condition that the level of X -ray signal from workpiece backside for each welding pass is constant. The longitudinal-section was executed after implementation of the experimental welding passes. In electron beam welding with longitudinal oscillation or without oscillation of the electron beam occurs significant formation of the penetration peaks in the root part. It should also be noted that X-shape or circle scanning by electron beam leads to some features of the root part formation, as described in the article.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):151-159
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Qualimetric estimation of designing efficiency for metal cutting plasmatrons
The comparative analysis executed on separate technical characteristics, shows, that modern domestic plasmatrons for metal cutting concede to production of leading foreign manufacturers on parameters of productivity, energy efficiency, qualities and even safety of process. With the purpose of the mentioned backlog overcoming the researches on ordering of existing designing principles for metal cutting plasmatrons have been carried out. By the results of this researches methods of designing improving operational parameters of plasma cutting equipment have been formulated. Also new plasmatrons (PMVR-2М, PMVR-3, PMVR-5) with more effective parameters of productivity, quality and safety were developed. Occurrence of the new equipment demands an experimental substantiation of its work efficiency in comparison, both with earlier made analogues, and with modern domestic and foreign samples. For the analysis of an overall performance of plasmatronsthe test schedules of quality and safety parameters in plasma-arc metal cuttingtechnology, offered by authors in work, was taken into account. Also researches of mechanical properties of the welded seams received after 09Г2Сsteel cutting mechanically and by various plasmatrons are carried out. For an integrated estimation of the received results it is offered to use methods of analysis, adapted for plasma cutting technology. Quantitative values of compared parametrical sizes and corresponding to them qualimetric parameters are presented. The received integrated parameters testify to an overall performance of new plasmatrons, designed by authors. Thus efficiency of new one-flowplasmatron has appeared in 2 times of higher, than at base domestic analogue and is comparable to parameters same import plasmatron. Even more effective the construction of developed by authors plasmatron, working bynarrow-jet plasma technology, has appeared.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):160-178
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The technological process of manufacturing high-precision products of machine and instrument is a multiparameter process, for which the necessary means of automatic control with dynamic control of quality parameters of products, the processing of measurement data and making control decisions on the adjustment of the technological regime and the possibility for adjustment of the machine, characterized by unlimited accumulated amount of heterogeneous data and knowledge engineering professionals what determines the process of intellectualization of monitoring systems with the integration of information resources into the unified information space of an enterprise in accordance with the concept CALS-technologies. Analysis of the methods and technology of intellectualization of monitoring technology systems based on automated machine modules showed the need to expand on the previously established monitoring framework by introducing intelligent technologies of neural networks, expert and hybrid intelligent systems in order to improve the efficiency of machine building production and quality of precision products. The application of a systematic, integrated approach to complex aspects of adaptation to the conditions of integrated production in the study of the process of monitoring and diagnosing the status of automated machine modules in a modern consideration of the level of technical means and requirements allows us to develop and justify structural complex model that allows to solve the issues of product quality control and production efficiency with the use of intelligent technologies, aimed at solving problems of development of domestic machine tool and improve the quality management system of products. Testing in the framework of the monitoring system in varying degrees, the considered subsystems and methodological foundations of the conducted at leading machine-building enterprises of Saratov.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2017;19(2):179-195
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