Vol 18, No 1 (2016)
- Year: 2016
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/281
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v18i1
The peculiarities of the deformation and thermal phenomena are considered in the cutting metal thermofrictional zone. The research results of contact interaction between tool and workpiece are cited. Due to dry, boundary and complete lubrication friction processes alternation, the liquid metal phase stable layer has been proposed to create in the contact zone, which allow execute machining at a tool surface operating temperature without heating of the work material deep layers. As a result of the replacement of sliding friction by direct contact of bodies separating the internal friction of the fluid layer decreases the frictional resistance and wear rate of the cutting disk. The study of the contact interaction of tool and workpiece has been manifested the need for analysis of the heat-evolution processes, the heat distribution in the contact zone, contact temperatures and temperature fields, mechanical and adhesive properties of the heated surface layers, as well the processes associated with the friction surfaces melting. This boundary layer will stabilize and minimize tool wear. The theoretical working processes analysis results of thermofrictional disk tool workpiece machining are given. The physical process model which takes into account the regularity of the molten metal flow are constructed. It has been established that when inserting the disc tool into the workpiece the layer thickness of the molten metal increases as a function of time and reaches a maximum, which is approximately equal to the thickness of the cutting layer. With the layer of molten metal is divided into three parts: the first one generates the machining workpiece surface, the second one forms the inner chip surface, and the third one is distributed over the surface of the tool and it is removed from the cutting zone
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):7-20
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A systematic approach to the analysis of management methods accuracy precision machining considering the dominant role of morphogenetic movements
Considered the issues of system approach to ensure the process's reliability and proposed technical solutions for subsystems and components of precision automated machine tools aimed at minimizing the impact of processes of different speeds on the accuracy metrics precision machining. With accumulated experience of research, proposed the concept of a systematic approach to monitoring, diagnosis and testing of automated precision cutting machines to enhance their accuracy and reliability in the form of multilevel structure. Stages vitally cycle machines are represented by the levels of the organization, and in them there are sublevels, each of which has its end result. In line with global trends of technology development IU-callobrate and organization of production the basis of the needs of those from-the spheres will be high-precision automated types of equipment to create flexible, rapid tool change tube industries. On the basis of complex theoretical and experimental researches of the necessity of increasing the accuracy of movements precision of the working bodies of technological equipment through the use of multi-stage friction gear due to the fact that the known mechanical transmission actuators do not satisfy a number of requirements for their use in the feed drives, providing ultra-precise shaping of the parts. The analysis of contact and power interactions in multi-stage friction gear determines necessary for the construction of ratios is the geometric dimensions of the rollers that provides, in conjunction with the selection of the optimal angle between the vectors of the force of the biasing rollers, the minimum interaction of friction pairs in the transmission of torque, creating a traction force of multi-stage friction gear drive supply module. The mathematical model of the interaction forces that arise when the two-stage friction gear that allows you to optimize the pressing force of the rollers, to improve the efficiency of multi-stage friction PE-of the heating main.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):21-42
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So far a number of branches of the Russian industry need development of new constructional materials of steady high-temperature and chemical impacts of aggressive metal fusions and chemical environments in extreme conditions. The most perspective materials for production of the large-size and figurine designs practically any type of the size operated in severe conditions of high-temperature and aggressive influences are the carbon-carbon composite materials (CCCM), possessing high corrosion resistance and a complex of the increased physicomechanical properties. The real work is devoted to research and development of technological process of production of the bearing basis for creation of a new class tight carbon-carbon composite materials of steady high temperatures and aggressive metal fusions and chemical environments in extreme service conditions. One of economic ways of saturation of the bearing basis of a tight design pyrocarbon, is the thermogradient method with use of radially moving zone of pyrolysis. Simplicity of hardware registration, high speeds of saturation of carbon frameworks pirouglrody at the expense of the accelerated mass transfer and high concentration of methane with an atmospheric pressure do this method economically and technologically favorable to production of the bearing basis of tight designs. Technological parameters of process of saturation pirouglrody the tkaneproshivnykh of frameworks with use of radially moving zone of pyrolysis are experimentally proved in the thermogradient way. Speed of the movement of a zone of pyrolysis on thickness of a framework made 0,25-0,35 mm/h, and a gradient of temperatures in a pyrolysis zone 20-30 °C/мм. The set technological parameters provided high efficiency of technological process and the greatest possible density of material. For two types of the bearing bases made of high-modular UT-900 fabric (material “Luch”) and low-modular fabric the URALS by TM-4 (the material “Uglekon” is investigated a complex of physicomechanical properties and careful metalgraphic control is carried out them. The comparative analysis of physicomechanical properties and results of metalgraphic control of two types carbon-carbon materials allowed to carry out the choice of the main option of material of the bearing basis from fabric the URALS of TM-4 (material “Uglekon”).
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):43-53
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Method of calculation unfilled step gating system
Step gating system with direct sprue is widely used in the foundry industry. In order for this system to fulfill its function, it is necessary to ensure the consistent inclusion of feeders in work. Designing gating system is complicated due to the fact that we have to resort to the method of successive approximations, and in the absence of data on the coefficients of hydraulic resistance. The article describes the method of calculating the unfilled step gating system. First, calculate the optimal time filling of the form. Next, determine the dimensions of the narrow section. First, a tabular value of the coefficient of flow and pre-determined dimensions of those elements of gating system, which cannot be defined constructively. Then, using the Bernoulli equation to determine the exact value of the discharge coefficient, and the size of the gating system are translated. This continues until the received value matches the sufficient precision obtained. The article summarizes the data values of the coefficients of hydraulic resistance gating systems of the various elements required for the calculation. This technique is used for casting “Mould” simulated filling in the software package “ProCAST”. The simulation results confirmed the correctness of methodology. It was possible to provide a series connection of feeders in operation - first form is filled through the lower feeder so long until it is flooded, and the metal in the form reaches a certain level. Then, the metal begins to flow through the upper and feeder, provided with an upper portion of the hot metal castings, thereby providing directional solidification.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):54-69
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Structure and phase composition of Ti-Nb alloy produced by the method of selective laser melting
Features of the structure and phase composition of Ti-40 mas % Nb obtained in the process of selective laser melting were investigated in this paper. The alloy of such a composition has the lowest Young’s modulus among Ti-Nb alloys system and is applied as a material for medical implants. The structure of the specimens consisting of one and eight layers obtained at the same conditions of selective laser melting are studied by the methods of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive microanalysis. It is shown that the alloy consists of two phases. They are equilibrium β-Ti-Nb and non-equilibrium α''-phase. Presence of α''-phase is caused by nonequilibrium conditions of cooling and crystallization of material. The structure of multi-layered specimen repeats structure of monolayer. Monolayer in turn has gradient structure. Throughout the height of the monolayer the grain size and porosity change. Grain size of monolayer is in the range of 1-35 μm. Grain size slightly increases from low to up boundary of alloying zone. Circular form pinholes with the size 1-10 μm are formed in the low alloying zone. Pores are situated on the grains boundaries. There is less number of pores in the up alloying zone. The gradient structure of monolayer is defined by conditions of heatsink. With the growth of the distance from the surface of the contact with the powder the grain size becomes larger and the porosity becomes smaller. The multilayer structure is translated monolayer structure. It is recommended in the process of selective laser melting to create such conditions of cooling and crystallization of melted material when the bulk of the layer has the structure similar to the up zone of monolayer with sufficiently fine grain and low porosity.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):70-83
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Assessment of through pro-melting at laser welding on the basis of registration of a plasma torch
The considerable volume of application of laser welding at production of production of responsible and especially responsible appointment is caused both depreciation of the laser equipment, and increase of stability of technologies of laser welding. The great value in technology of welding besides control and management of parameters of process is got by control and management of process of pro-melting of metal of the welded product. The majority of products in which use of laser welding is perspective have small thickness. Due to the danger of emergence of such defects as either burn through and sites of incomplete pro-melting there is a need of an operating control of process of through pro-melting at laser welding. Processes at laser welding it is substantially similar to the processes observed at electron beam welding. In particular material evaporation processes, education and development of the steam-gas channel, interaction of radiation with vapors and plasma allow to use results of researches of electron beam welding in application to processes of control of pro-melting at laser welding. Thus the theoretical and practical researches describing the mechanism of formation of a plasma torch are of great importance. A large number of researches is devoted to studying of process of interaction of laser radiation with the ionized material vapors. The conducted researches are generally directed on studying of the physical nature of the phenomenon and establishment of a number of regularities of origin and development of plasma at laser radiation of surfaces. However applied questions of nature of influence of a plasma torch in various gas atmospheres used at laser processing on depth of pro-melting and power efficiency of this or that laser technology are almost not investigated. Plasma torch, being a source of charged particles at all types of laser processing, provides passing of current, considerable in size. Studying of characteristics of laser plasma, allowed to create registration system. For selection of current from plasma, formed in an area of coverage of a laser beam, the collector of charged particles is used. Record of a signal of current in plasma is made by means of the personal computer equipped with the analog-digital converter. This signal is informative and allows to make an operating control process of through pro-melting of the welded thickness at the expense of an assessment of emission of plasma from a root of a welded seam.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):84-100
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The chance of receiving structure of free-carbide bainite in steels 17Cr2Mn2Si2MoV and 29Cr2Mn2Si2MoV after cooling on air in the sections up to 30-50 mm and also as a result of austempering with the rather small exposure is showed. The mixed bainite-martensitic structure is formed after all investigated modes of a heat treatment in steels 17Cr2Mn2Si2MoV and 29Cr2Mn2Si2MoV. With increase of cooling rate and also with lowering the temperature austempering bainite becomes mainly lower that has positive impact on the level of mechanical properties characteristics. The steel 29Cr2Mn2Si2MoV gets high complex of mechanical properties characteristics (yield stress 1310, tensile strength 1654 MPa, true tensile strength 2669 MPa, percentage elongation after frature 13,5%, reduction of area 50,5%, impact strength KCU = 94 J/cm2, impact strength KCV = 53 J/cm2, Rockwell hardness 45 HRC) at austempering at mode: austenitization 880 °С ´ 60 minutes, cooling on air, isothermal holding at 275 °С during 6 hours cooling on air up to room temperature. Receiving this complex of properties is bound to formation in lower free-carbide bainite structure, which takes in traditional heat equipment. It is permit to exclude an use of special plants, for example, metallurgical furnace-baths, in technological procedure. An application of air cooling environment facilitates a procedure of heat treatment in comparison with other typs of cooling environment that can be one from main factors carrying out of heat treatment methods of continuous cooling and austempering for a receipt of high complex mechanical properties of experimental steels.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):101-116
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Application of selective laser melting to produce low modulus alloys of the titanium-niobium
The alloy system Ti-Nb widely used in the manufacture of implants. First of all this is due to a low elastic modulus and bioinert properties of the alloy. The most widespread of these alloys are obtained in dentistry and orthopedics. To date, the alloy system Ti-Nb is mainly produced by traditional metallurgy techniques. With further subtractive obtaining final product generates large quantities waste. In this regard, the increased cost of the final product. These technology is the opposite of additive manufacturing. Selective laser melting has a technology that allows to print parts made of metal powders and their mixtures. Its essence lies in that the layer of material in powder form is fused by the laser. Then, in the fused layer of powder is applied to the next layer and the process repeated. The technology is used to create complex products and working prototypes. In this paper, we consider the possibility of using selective laser melting to produce a binary alloy from a composite powder of Ti-Nb. The samples panel is obtained 10 ´ 10 mm at different technological parameters. The samples were prepared by a layer by layer laser synthesis machine “VARISKAF-100 MV”. It allows control the following process parameters: the laser power; speed and scanning step; the heating temperature of the powder; layer thickness; the diameter of the focus spot of the laser. All samples were prepared in a protective atmosphere of argon, after preliminary vacuumization. It were constructed dependences to the changes of porosity and thickness of the fused layer of the laser power at different scanning speeds. It was established that all of the controlled process parameters, the greatest influence on the formation of the fused layer has a scanning speed and laser power.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):117-131
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Investigation of the structure and properties of materials Cu-Ti3SiC2 of tool-electrode for electrical discharge machining
The influence of the content of Ti3SiC2 on the structure, porosity, hardness, strength, electrical resistance, wear resistance of the electrode erosion tools of composite materials based on copper. The choice of material composition was based on a study of the requirements for the tool electrode for electrical discharge machining and identification of the main functions of the refractory phase that increase the erosion resistance of the electrode. Composite materials based on copper with a content 12.5-37.5 vol. % of Ti3SiC2 were produced by powder metallurgy using electrolytic copper powder and Ti3SiC2 powder produced by a reaction sintering. X-ray diffraction, the electron microscope, energy dispersive and other methods of analysis, the phase formation in the copper-Ti3SiC2 during sintering and found that of the grains Ti3SiC2 occurs deintercalation of silicon in copper and diffusion of copper to the Ti3SiC2 grain, wherein a portion of grain is converted into titanium silicide Ti5Si3 and minor amounts of TiC, SiC, TiSi2. It is found that with increasing content of Ti3SiC2 increases the hardness and strength of the composite material, but partial decomposition of Ti3SiC2 during sintering leads to a small increase in the porosity and increase the resistivity of composite materials. It was established experimentally that Ti3SiC2 is a promising refractory addition to the manufacture of tool electrode based on copper for EDM firmware through a layered structure and a low electrical resistance. It was determined that the EDM firmware of sheet of the tool steel on draft mode relative wear resistance of the electrode-tool made of composite materials based on copper-containing Ti3SiC2 was 5 times higher than that of pure copper.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):132-146
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Production of ultra high temperature ceramic materials via sintering of compositions based on zirconium and hafnium borides
Ultra high temperature ceramic materials (UHTC) based on zirconium and hafnium borides are of a great interest for the construction of materials exploited at extreme environment at temperatures more than 2000 оС in oxidative gas flow. UHTC materials have high melting points, high oxidation stability and thermal shock resistance. Perspective sintering method is spark plasma sintering (SPS). During SPS process at high local temperatures up to several thousand degrees spark plasma occurs between powder particles and it leads to the chemical reactions between components in the powder composition with the formation of new phases influencing on the ceramics properties. In present work thermodynamic calculations of Gibbs energy change of possible reactions at spark plasma sintering of compositions based on zirconium and hafnium borides within 0-5000 оС were carried out. The probability of secondary phase formation during sintering was estimated. Mechanical activation of powder compositions was carried out with the use of high energy planetary-type mill. The powders were dried and sintered with the use of spark plasma sintering method. Shrinkage temperature of every composition was determined. Apparent density and open porosity were measured with the use of hydrostatic weighing method. The ceramics density was more than 95%. X-ray analysis showed that sintered ceramic materials included phases ZrB2, HfB2, ZrO2, α- and β-SiC, La2O3. In some samples there are additional peaks indicating on the possible presence of complex oxides LaBO3 and LaYO3. Sintered ceramic materials were investigated with the use of scanning electron microscopy. Boundary phases were observed between ceramic grains. Element composition of these phases was detected. Element analysis showed that the elements from oxide additives were concentrated in grain boundary phases.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):147-159
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The effect of distortion of RP-models in the process of building and layering post-processing of the synthesized material
Accuracy objects produced using stereolithography technology depends on the extent of cure during the manufacture and post-processing. Presence volumes with different degrees of cure in the fabricated object leads to a disproportionate shrinkage as a result of internal stresses and cause distortion shape. The distorted shape and residual stresses can limit the scope of the rapid prototyping technologies in the production of precision parts. The purpose of this work is to study the effects of distortion of the samples from the photopolymer material SI500, built on the technology of stereolithography mask, depending on the post-processing techniques and design features of the SLA-prototype. To evaluate the distortion modeled and fabricated prototypes with a monolithic, hollow and cellular structure in the form of internal supporting framework. Experimentally chosen mode of synthesis of layered photopolymer material SI500. Methods of measuring the distortion in the cured state is to measure variations on the surface of the sample points and following analysis. The studies found that various postprocessing techniques and design features of the model affect the results of distortion of the evidence and the heterogeneity of the SLA-prototypes. Execution of the sample in the form of a shell with an internal porosity has a positive effect on the compensation of internal stresses generated during the shrinkage of the material during post-processing, and reduces the effect of distortion of the sample. The results allow to predict the degree of cure SLA-prototypes of various design and evaluate the effect of distortion of the sample at various post-processing techniques.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):160-174
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Influence of voltage and wire speed on forming the machined surface roughness during wire electrical discharge machining
The object of research is the process of formation of the roughness of the machined surface during wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM). The roughness of the machined surface by WEDM depends on many factors: the properties of the working fluid, the properties of the material being processed, the properties of the electrode-wire, pulse parameters (the time of turning on and off a pulse voltage in the gap, current, etc.)., The wire speed, the height of the workpiece and others. Taking into account the many factors influencing the formation of WEDM roughness of the machined surface for the analysis of the relationship is the use of appropriate techniques of experimental design. The aim is to study the influence of experimental stress and wire speed formation surface finish at wire-wire electric discharge machining. Experimental research is conducted by the method of full factorial experiment. The main factors selected for the experiment, select the wire speed (m/min) and the gap voltage (B). It is shown that an increase in voltage U , in the processing of titanium VT3 and Steel 09G2S, machined surface roughness Ra, microns increases. It is found that increasing the voltage U, in the processing of aluminum and steel 40HN2M2, machined surface roughness Ra, microns decreases. By increasing the speed of wire winding v (m/min), treated aluminum, and titanium VT3, machined surface roughness Ra, microns decreases in low ranges. It was determined that the monitoring parameter wire speed v (m/min) when processing steel grade 09G2S and 40HN2MA has no significant effect on the formation of the roughness of the machined surface.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):175-188
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The processes of deformation and fracture of the deposited layers and welds associated with the softening action of non-metallic inclusions formed at high temperatures in the metallurgical exchange reactions between metal and slag. Lasting impact loads, presence of defects, complex voltage, a negative state, appearing in different zones of a welded joint, as well as significant temperature dependence of physical-mechanical properties of the inclusion and the metal matrix, do the questions provide long-term mechanical properties and efficiency of welded joints is very important. The object of the research in this paper are the welds made with electrodes of the type E46 rutile coating on carbon steel (St3) and low-alloy steel (16Mn-V). The purpose of this study is to identify the causes and mechanism of destruction actions of non-metallic inclusions in the weld at low temperatures. In work results of calculation of the thermal deformation distortion, due to non-metallic inclusions in the process of deformation of the metal matrix. Defined elastic stresses in the metal near nonmetal inclusions due to the different temperature dependence of the physical constants of the matrix and inclusions. The results of experimental studies of the temperature dependence of the hardness of the weld metal and methodology the rapid assessment of brittle fracture temperature coefficient of hardness. Diagram of the structural factors of brittle fracture of welded joints is created. Given the confirmation of the calculated estimates of the stresses in the welds metallographic studies of defects in the microstructure.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):189-204
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The calculation of the length slag trap to the first feeder
For quality castings necessary to prevent non-metallic inclusions in the mold cavity. To ensure the specified requirements necessary to ensure the proper operation of the cell gating system - slag trap. It is necessary to ensure that during flow along the entire length slag trap slag particles, even those who initially were on bottom surfaced over the full height of the channel. slag trap in flow rate should be such that the metal flow could not entrain the particles already in its pop-top. This becomes possible when the flow rate does not exceed a certain limit value. In today's foundries are a lot of methods for calculating gating systems on which the findings are different. This article summarizes data on critical flow rate, the flow of metal to the slag particles of iron-carbon alloys, as well as the average ramp rate of the metal in the mold. Calculations gating systems by standard techniques and methodology proposed by the authors, slag trap calculations made taking into account that the gating system in this case should be closed. It is shown that not all the methods give adequate results, as standard methods of calculation adopted by the weight of the gating system oscillating in the range of 10-20%. Drawing the method of calculating the gating system, based on the critical velocity of flow of the metal in slag trap gives the results of calculations in the form of cross-sectional dimensions of elements and the length of the gating systems slag trap, based on specified parameters foundry and model guidance, unlike conventional techniques.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):205-222
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There are studies that describe the impact of high-speed impact of a micro-object on the surface of the metal. Other studies are based on experiments carried out with "pure" non-metallic materials such as oxides, carbides, etc. In the real exploitation micro-objects have a complex structure and a heterogeneous structure. The aim of this work is to determine the characteristics of the destruction of the metal barriers and non-metal puncher at high-speed punch interaction for the results in the optimization of design solutions protect products for special purposes. As the object of study are considered titanium metal barrier thickness of 2 mm and a punch of rock gabbroid type spherical shape with a diameter of 23 mm. The rate of the sample was 230 punch m/s burst rate to 25,000 in sec, the exposure time to 1/71000. The resolution of the images was 512h400 pixel images. Puncher impact was performed at an angle of 90 to the surface in the middle and at the edges of the metal barriers. It was found that after hitting a punch along the entire length of the metal barriers apply elastic vibrations, which are not taken into account when assessing the effects of previous stroke micro-objects. Non-metallic punch in a collision with a barrier metal is affected by the reflected shock wave in the form of kinetic energy is dissipated and the barriers (scatters) it, as a result of the punch is heated and destroyed by the mechanism of ductile failure, and the other by the mechanism of brittle fracture. Received information about the features of destruction of metal and non-metal barriers at high-speed punch cooperation will allow to find the optimal design solutions the protection of special products in their operation.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2016;18(1):223-235
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