Vol 17, No 4 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/mm/issue/view/282
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/.v17i4
Control spherical surface on coordinate-measurement machines by minimum measurement volume
Sphere is the locus of points equidistant from its center. Control spherical surfaces required for parts of spherical bearings for aviation industry, large parts of machinery with spherical surfaces. With the aim of improving the quality of products are improving, as processing equipment, and control methods of products. Manufacturing is gradually moving from the simplest means of measurement for coordinate measuring machines (CMMS), which allow to automatically identifying geometrical deviations from specified dimensions and form of the parts. They have sophisticated design and powerful mathematical, algorithmic and software. Therefore, an important task will be the development of techniques for automated control, independent of the number of measurement points and their arrangement on the surface. Also to the fore the problem of providing performance control. The purpose of work consists in finding the most optimal method of processing the results of coordinate measurements of spherical surfaces on a CMM. In the process, we analyzed the possible algorithms for solving and finding areas. The analysis showed that the most efficient and optimal method of processing the results of coordinate measurements of spherical surfaces is the so-called method of the sphere of minimum volume. By results of research the technique of the automated estimation of sphericity on the basis of the minimum measured volume of spherical surfaces.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):5-16
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The article presents the results of a study on the possibility of plasma welding current polarity reversal of dissimilar metals. The work performed on the equipment developed at the Department of welding and structural materials technology PNIPU. For all pairs of metals: Al-Cu, Al-Ti, Cu-Ti, Al-X18H10T, Cu-X18H10T use a variant of manual welding without applying fusible metal welded to the edge of a refractory metal. Butt welded joints of plates of different materials, thickness 5 mm. Welded edges on the aluminum alloy D16 is not treated, a copper plate was placed bevel 110 degrees. Before welding performed on titanium-sided cutting edge at an angle of about 450 with the dulling of 1.5-2 mm. Cutting edge made of steel angle of 45°. When welding copper M1 and titanium alloy OT4 conducted cutting edge of both materials at an angle of 45° and mechanical cleaning. The shielding and plasma-forming gas was used argon. Plasma welding performed manually. The filler metal used as a metal wire having a lower melting point. Welding was performed without melting a refractory metal in a pair using as a filler material, a wire of a metal having a lower melting point. Metallographic studies were made and mechanical testing of welds. All metals with higher melting temperature ensures good wetting of the molten metal across the surface treated by cathodic sputtering. For all pairs of metal welds produced without internal defects with minimal stirring welded metals.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):17-28
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Influence of welding parameters on changes in the chemical composition of the welded joints in electron beam welding, electron beam with oscillation
The electron beam is almost inertialess source of thermal energy. The ability to fine-tune the power and focus of the beam allows extensive use of beam control system and the programming of welding, providing high-quality formation of the weld. Using a beam control system may create new technological solutions, such as dynamic splitting of the electron beam, allowing the beam to simultaneously affect several treated areas, or to combine the processes such as welding and heat treatment. The results of experimental studies is a volatile reducing the concentration of alloying elements in the weld seams obtained by electron-beam welding of aluminum alloy AMg6 with oscillation of the electron beam. Obtained regression equations of the concentration is a volatile alloy components AMg6 of the welding parameters. Based on the results of X-ray analysis of the alloy assess depletion of volatile components in the various zones of the weld. It is found that with increase of the electron beam current, decreases the concentration of magnesium in the weld, however, increasing the welding speed, the concentration of magnesium is increased by approximately 2-3 %. By comparing the concentration of magnesium in the seams made static and oscillating beam, a decrease in the concentration of magnesium by the oscillation of the electron beam on average by 4 %. Electron beam welding static beam observed depletion magnesium within 7 % of the original content in the alloy, and in case of oscillations of the electron beam is about 10 %, and the trajectory of movement of the electron beam (longitudinal and transverse) does not affect the rate of depletion of the alloy volatile component - magnesium.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):29-42
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Improving the quality, mechanical characteristics and performance of details and mechanisms while reducing the cost of their production today is an actual problem. The performance of aluminum and its alloys are various methods of surface treatment and inoculation are improving. One of the most effective methods of surface treatment of aluminum alloy is a micro plasma oxidation. Obtained in this processing method, the oxide coating has a high mechanical and thermal properties, thereby increasing the area of application of aluminum alloys, the lifetime of the products. However, this surface treatment method, the present time is not widely used due to high energy cost and time for carrying out the process. In most cases, for micro plasma oxidation with old equipment operating at low frequencies and has a high enough efficiency. In addition, a significant drawback of coatings with micro plasma oxidation is their insufficient thickness and high porosity. The object of this study is the oxide coating formed by micro plasma oxidation at high current densities. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the high porosity of the resulting oxide coating on its mechanical properties, revealing the distribution of stresses throughout the thickness of the coating. Using the software Comsol Multiphysics model was obtained stress distribution at the site of the oxide coating. Compiled graphic picture of the distribution of stresses and conducted to identify the most loaded sections through the entire thickness of the oxide layer. The analysis of the data obtained and compared with the distribution of stresses in a similar model to cover artificially reduced porosity and revised geometry.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):43-59
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Calculation method of the diamond tool deterioration at discrete grinding wheels ruling
Researching object - the expensive diamond tool deterioration used at ruling of continuous and discrete grinding wheels is defined. Researching results of absolute and relative deterioration of diamond grains during grinding wheels ruling on various cutting regimes are presented. The diamond tool deterioration during grinding wheels ruling with a continuous cutting surface is studied in detail. However, deterioration researching of diamond grains at discrete grinding wheels ruling was not given proper attention that did not allow to make well-founded solutions concerning editing regimes of a discrete cutting surface and the demanded expenses of the expensive ruling tool. First, it concerns the fundamental indicator - the of diamond tool relative deterioration during the processing of abrasive grinding wheels material. Now in the scientific and technical literature there is no data on relative deterioration of the ruling tool, its values only for an edge cutting tool executed from a firm alloy and a tool steel are presented. The diamond tool relative deterioration during the processing of grinding wheels abrasive material with continuous cutting surface was determined. The regression equation connecting value of relative deterioration of the diamond ruling tool with a cutting depth at grinding wheels editing with a continuous cutting surface was obtained. The received value of relative deterioration allows to develop a calculating method of the diamond ruling tool absolute deterioration at editing of grinding wheels with a discrete cutting surface which is necessary for technological operations designing of metals and alloys discrete grinding.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):60-75
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Resistance to formation of cracks of welded seams and connections in general is directly connected with the heterogeneity of a structure of materials consisting in casual variations of mechanical properties, the sizes and outlines of separate grains of metal, the directions of their crystallographic planes, existence of non-uniform phases, inclusions, residual tension. The crack growth rate in different zones of a welded seam characterizing tendency of metal to fatigue failure is determined. Nature of destruction depending on structure and a share of nonmetallic inclusions in a seam is estimated. It is established that the growth rate of a fatigue crack the lowest in a root of the seam executed by the STT technology despite the prevailing perlite share, and is slowed down in the filling layers with fine-grained uniform structure, executed by the API technology. Nature of destruction mainly viscous at the expense of a considerable share of plastic ferrite that increases resistance to fatigue failure. On border of the fatigue crack passing from the facing in the filling layers executed by a powder wire in protective gases on the API technology the inclusions which are settling down chains, weakening communication of a matrix and inclusion and increasing probability of growth of the speed of distribution of a fatigue crack are found. The quantity, a volume fraction, distribution and a form of inclusions in multilayered welded seams changes, as a result of chemical reactions and diffusion. These parameters substantially depend on the modes of welding of the applied technologies which have to provide a certain heatinvestment in metal at the set running energy. It is possible to expect that any strengthening of a chemical bond between inclusion and a matrix would promote increase of resistance to fatigue failure as extent of negative influence of inclusion depends on its coefficient of coupling with a metal matrix and a difference of properties.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):76-89
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The steadily increasing demands on the quality of parts instrument and aircraft bearings are responsible for the search for new technologies finishing. Currently, aircraft bearings are used the balls 20 degree of precision in which the tolerance for the diameter is not greater than 1 micron, spherical - 0.5 mm, waviness - 0.05 mm, roughness - 0.02 mm. Traditional finishing balls between two rotating disks is ineffective in the first place from the perspective of productivity. Therefore, scientific and technically justified application of centerless superfinishing balls on the machines with traverse with smooth rolls. It was established experimentally in principle the possibility of such a technological system for finishing ball bearings. The main advantage of this scheme processing is the high productivity and the possibility of complete automation of the process. However, the need to create a uniform rotation of the ball preform in two planes under power contact. For this solved the key problem of geometric and strength analysis of the conditions of stability of the power circuiting contact and profiling roll forming system superfinishing machine. The scheme of the forces in the superfinishing balls and revealed the condition of their movement with the rotation in two planes. A mathematical model of formation and describes the methodology for calculating the profile of the rolls by a numerical method. These results allow the use of centerless superfinishing balls as a finishing operation, instead of finishing, thereby increasing processing performance tenfold.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):90-101
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Corrosion of the heatexchange equipment of petrochemical productions
The pace of industrial growth and economic stability of the national economy are directly dependent on the level of energy development of the country. Energy and Oil and the industry is a fundamental sector of the Russian economy. But industries such as energy and the production of petrochemicals, there are problems. One of such problems, and are costs associated with the corrosion of metals and industrial equipment. Waste due to corrosion are not only direct - replacement of equipment, the cost of repair and maintenance work, but also indirect - expenditure of water, Power, and other costs. Currently, the solution to this problem is urgent, as an increasing interest becomes a question of energy saving and energy efficiency neftehimichesokm production, as well as other sectors of the economy. In connection with the reduction in resources for our plan Luda increasingly beginning to think not about how to spend more, and on how to better conserve, and of course as more of save. This article is devoted to the problem of corrosion of industrial equipment in the petrochemical industry. By sampling of water in certain places the installation, the analysis of water quality in the system. Got a lot of experimental data, the reasons for opening permits heat exchange equipment. In this study, an attempt to find the causes of equipment corrosion by water sampling at different points of the installation. Particular attention is paid to the thermal circuit consisting of heat transfer equipment. A detailed description of all the components of the scheme, the principle of operation of some elements of the scheme. In conclusion, we suggested some ways to combat corrosion and its prevention. Presented traditional method of dealing with missing heat transfer equipment, described its ineffectiveness. Also provided odie of modern techniques is the addition of inhibitors
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):102-119
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Properties of materials based on the MAX-phases (Rеview)
This review summarizes the studies of russian and foreign scientists on the preparation and evaluation of properties of advanced materials based on oxygen-free ceramics - ternary compounds or the so-called MAX-phases. The most experience in obtaining and study of the ternary carbides and nitrides has been gained in Drexel University (USA) a group of researchers under the leadership of M. Barsoum. In this article we reviewed a general characteristic of the structure for ternary compounds with a layered structure. Layered ternary carbides and nitrides exhibit a unique combination of properties characteristic of both metals and ceramics. Such materials have low density, high thermal and electrical conductivity, strength, low modulus, excellent corrosion resistance in aggressive liquid media, resistance to high temperature oxidation and thermal shock, and easily machined, has high melting point and are stable enough at temperatures up to 1000 °C. Among the many MAX-phases synthesized to date, the greatest interest from the standpoint of the level of their properties represent such materials based on titanium as Ti2AlC, Ti2AlN, Ti3AlC2 and Ti3SiC2. Shown the most successful ways of obtaining these materials: synthesis, reaction sintering, hot pressing, spark-plasma sintering, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis. A comparative analysis of physical and mechanical properties and the relationship "structure-properties" for materials for Ti-Al-C, Ti-Al-N and Ti-Si-C systems is shown. Indicates that in most cases the structure due to the methods of obtaining ternary compounds, is a multiphase system. Typically, these materials are ternary matrix with carbide and/or nitride inclusions and intermetallic compounds with a different degree of stoichiometry.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):120-138
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Are types of the polyterm of kinematic viscosity of industrial steels and their conditions of emergence in the experiment. It is shown that heating of the melt above the critical temperature leads to the branching polyterm. Politerm properties of multicomponent melts sharply different from polyterm pure metals. They are almost never monotone, and even more linear. For each type of alloy the temperature dependence of the properties have their own distinctive look with the peculiarities caused by the composition of source materials and production specifics. Given the anomalous temperature plots temperature dependences of kinematic viscosity and critical temperature. Revealed a significant role of carbon in the formation of the structure not only solid but also liquid states. Shows the role of the main alloying elements. Among the main alloying elements chromium highlights, providing an ambiguous impact on type polyterm viscosity depending on the carbon content of the steel. The increase in the concentration of chromium in low- and medium-carbon steels leads to the disappearance of anomalies in poyiterm heating, and high-carbon steels on the contrary - to a more prominent manifestation. This can be explained by the fact that chromium in low and medium carbon steels it manifests itself mostly as an element that legeret matrix and contributes to reconstruction of her lattice in the BCC structure. For some steels and alloys, for example, with a high content of manganese, has had a negative hysteresis of the viscosity, i.e. the branch is below the cooling branch of the heat. The influence of oxygen and nitrogen on the temperature dependences of viscosity. So when the concentration of these elements the critical temperature is shifted to higher values. Technology of termotime-preparation has been presented the pig iron improves the efficiency of the modification and saves the modifiers.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):139-150
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A study of several machine-building enterprises showed a very low technical equipment of the methods and means of control of main parts of internal combustion engines - camshafts, crankshafts and related parts. Existing automation tools for dimensional inspection - coordinate measuring machine of traditional design in the form of a three-axis devices with the movements of the measuring head of the touch coordinates X, Y, Z are not adapted for control of rotation bodies. So important are studies aimed at improving the accuracy and productivity of control of these parts and IT weapons designer, technologist, manufacturer or controller of high-speed automated methods and means of objective control in accordance with the requirements of modern production. Advantage and feature of the automated system of intelligent monitoring of manufacturing camshafts. is that in addition to the basic stages of measurements and the possibility of making decisions about the quality of product processing, the system can promptly inform about the deviations in the phases of monitoring, accompanying this information with the recommendations. Subsystem of monitoring of precision manufacturing of camshafts consists of: data collection system, including the communication device with the object; the decision-making system database and knowledge base. OFSTED are devices for the consolidation of analog and digital parameters of the real technical object. The database is constantly replenished "information store" in this case, the reference design documentation on the manufacturing technology of the product and the values of monitored parameters and actual measurement. The knowledge base contains structured information experts, for use for a specific purpose. Knowledge base is designed to find ways of solving problems from a particular subject area, based on BLM records and on the user's description of the situation. The introduction of a system of intelligent monitoring allows to increase the effectiveness of control several times, to ensure the correction of the technological process at the stages of product manufacturing that will greatly reduce the possibility of marriage, thereby increasing the quality of the products.
Bulletin PNRPU. Mechanical engineering, materials science. 2015;17(4):151-161
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