Vol 15, No 3 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 7
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/CG/issue/view/425
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.15593/cg.v15i3
Features of analysis and design of pile foundations with a load transfer layer
During the construction of multi-storey and high-rise buildings, much attention is paid to the choice of the type of foundation and the features of its design. One of the most common types of foundations in the construction of buildings and structures in difficult soil conditions is pile foundations, which ensure the safe operation of the objects under con-struction. The introduction of an intermediate transfer layer between the pile field and the foundation slab is an effective solution under seismic and other dynamic loads. The studies presented in this article were carried out numerically and analytically (with the development of an analytical method of calculation). The results of the research were implemented in the construction of multi-storey and high-rise buildings in the South of Russia.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(3):5-16
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To the question of determining the calculation scheme of the large-scale horizontally loaded bored piles
The article is devoted to the issue of choosing a calculation scheme for large-scale horizontally loaded bored piles. Large-scale piles are long piles with large diameters. An overview of approaches to determining the calculation scheme of a horizontally loaded pile is presented. Factors that influence the nature of pile deformation, but are not taken into account in existing methods, have been identified. To determine the nature of pile deformation, a series of numerical modeling experiments was carried out on single hori-zontally loaded piles with various combinations of geometric parameters of the pile and soil conditions. Numerical modeling was carried out using the Plaxis 3D software package. The elastic-plastic Coulomb-Mohr model was used as a soil model. Based on the results of numerical modeling, a criterion was obtained that allows the operation of the pile to be classified into one of the schemes: rigid, flexible or finite rigidity. Definitions of these deformation schemes are given from the point of view of rotation of the pile axis around the point of zero displacement, bending of the trunk, use of soil and pile material.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(3):17-25
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Results of experimental studies of interaction between cross-beam foundation models and sloping foundation under the influence of karst-rockfall processes
The results of physical modeling of interaction between cross-beam foundation and inclined ground (α = 15°, 30°) at formation of karst-rockfall processes are presented. The purpose of the research was to study the influence of the base slope angle, karst cavity diameter and its location on the parameters of the stress-strain state of the cross-beam foundation bounded by a rigid vertical wall in the lower part of the slope in case of sudden collapse of the karst cavity vault. The methodology of research planning, force and measuring equipment is described. According to the obtained results of the experimental studies, the influence of the main factors (the angle of inclination of the foundation, the size of the karst cavity diameter, the location of the karst cavity relative to the retaining structure and the foundation footing) on the changes in settlement, the nature of the distribution of normal contact stresses was analyzed. The parameters of change in the shape and radius of the sinkhole at the boundary of the foundation resting on the base were obtained empirically. The obtained results make it possible to evaluate chang-es in the VAT parameters of the cross-beam foundation operation after the cavity vault collapse and formation of a complex shape of the collapse prism, to determine the criteria of the most unfavorable location of the karst cavity in relation to the cross-beam foundation structures. The analytical formula allowing to determine the approximate value of the design diameter Dk of the cavity is obtained.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(3):26-41
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Methodology determination of settlement of a single pile in a thermostabilized basement composed of thawed permafrost soils thawed permafrost soils
Construction of capital facilities in the territories of the Far North is most often carried out according to the I design principle. However, during the construction of linear and long-distance facilities there are localized zones composed of thawed permafrost soils, where the pile bearing capacity required by the project is not ensured. Local thawed zones are formed due to natural processes or man-made phenomena. In order to ensure reliable operation of the pile foundation, seasonal cooling devices are used to ensure local freezing of the pile soil. According to the analysis of works by L.L. Vasiliev, S.L. Vaaz, S.S. Vyalov, V.I. Makarov, lowering the temperature of the soil foundation from –0.3 to –1.0 °C allows increasing the bearing capacity of the pile foundation by 2.5 times, since the strength of frozen soils depends more on the temperature than on the lithologi-cal composition.As a result of numerical, small-scale and field experiments on thermal stabilization of thawed perennially frozen ground with a single pile, it was established that a frozen soil core is formed near the lateral surface of the pile, the shape and geometric parameters of which are also determined. The bearing capacity of the pile increases due to the increase of the contact working surface due to the formation of frozen ground widening.An analytical method for calculating the settlement of a single pile with an ice-loaded widening, based on the method of V.Z. Vlasov for an elastic foundation, is de-veloped. An example of calculation of a single pile in a thermostabilized thawed foundation is presented. The proposed methodology is verified based on the results of field experimental studies conducted at an experimental site located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(3):42–55
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Numerical modeling of pit excavation with account for regional peculiarities of mechanical behavior of foundation soils
The problems of undrained behavior of weak clayey soils of St. Petersburg are considered. The importance of taking into account the mechanism of shear hardening in calculations of excavations in weak clayey soils has been demonstrated. The problem of using undrained shear resistance as a strength parameter in full stress evaluation is shown. The modification of Y.I. Soloviev's theory of instantaneous strength has been presented with account for the formation of excess pore pressures under deviatoric load-ing in the plane formulation. With its help the calculated value of resistance to undrained shear through effective strength parameters for use in numerical modeling complexes is obtained. Numerical realization of the nonlinear model of soil with shear hardening in the software package implementing the finite element method has been performed. This model utilizes the proposed methodology for estimating undrained strength. Comparison of the calculation results of the proposed model and the Mohr-Coulomb model has been performed.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(3):56–67
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Prediction of vibrations of oversized pile foundations considering resonance effects
The vibrations of the oversized pile foundation together with the soil base are con-sidered on the basis of numerical investigation, including the approved quasi-static methods in the contact formulation of the problem, as well as complex combined spatial and contact models with a kinematic model of seismic impact. It has been demonstrated the disadvantages of the quasi-static linear-spectral method of calculation which includes unreasonable underestimation of shear forces in piles. The examples of the development of resonance effects with account for spatial seismic waves in a dispersed soil founda-tion increasing the internal forces up to three times and leading to the risk of foundation failure have been shown. The theoretical provisions and efficiency of replacing individual piles with enlarged dynamic pile cells are confirmed.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(3):68-78
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Moisture migration index as a characteristic of soil heaving
Frost heaving of clay soils can contribute to the development of significant defor-mations and mobilization of tangential forces during freezing of soils in the seasonally thawed layer of permafrost soils or on seasonally freezing soils. The existing characteris-tics for assessing soil frost heaving differ significantly in the methods of their determina-tion according to international and Russian standards. The process of frost heaving is conditioned by the volume of moisture supplied to the freezing front and the rate of soil freezing. The purpose of the study is to identify the classification index determined by the intensity of moisture migration to the freezing front, under closed system conditions. The studied clay soil samples had water content of 21.3 % and 22.8 %, dry density of 1.80 g/cm3 and 1.68 g/cm3, porosity factor of 0.50 and 0.60, respectively. Soil tests were carried out in a freezer on an installation designed by the authors and including 3 cells covered with a layer of thermal insulation and equipped with electronic temperature and displacement sensors which provide automatic recording of readings. The experi-ments were carried out according to three schemes, in two of which waterproof mem-branes were placed in the samples at different depths. Based on the results of the exper-iments it was obtained characteristic curves of deformations of heaving and freezing, as well as moisture redistribution in the samples. According to the value of moisture redistri-bution, the reduced moisture migration index which varies from 0.006 to 0.088 day-1was calculated. The power dependence of the reduced migration index on the freezing rate was obtained. This dependence can be used for numerical modelling of the stress-strain state of freezing freezing soil.
Construction and Geotechnics. 2024;15(3):79-90
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