No 20 (2016)
The development of effective heat management systems of industrial and civil purpose is one of the important tasks energy policy of Russian Federation. There is a sufficient number of objects that are characterized by significant non-linearity and often lack an analytically acceptable given model. If some processes are poorly amenable to formalization of the object and the mathematical description, the existing control system using fuzzy logic controller separately or in parallel with the traditional control. Designed fuzzy controller of temperature, where the linguistic variable temperature deviation from the set value is accepted. Fuzzy regulator comprises: fazzifikator, fuzzy inference unit by Larsen and defazzifikator. In fazzifikator defined term set term of four located in the range 0-1. Fuzzy implication is made by Larsen. Fuzzy composition is made by Gostev. Defuzzification performed by the modified method of the centroid. Accuracy of the return flow temperature of the water 3-5 % of the predetermined value.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):5-12
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The optimal schedule, on the one hand, is a practical necessity to conserve resources, for example, problem in the multiprocessor computing systems. On the other hand, many of the scheduling problems are NP-hard and can not be solved exactly in polynomial time. Flow shop scheduling problem is the one of the most famous optimization problem. The scheduling problem is to find sequences of jobs on given machines with the objective of minimizing some function of the job completion times. All jobs pass through all machines in the same order. There is exact polynomial Johnson's algorithm for two machines. But it is NP-hard problem in case of an arbitrary number of machines. In practice, either trivial exhaustive search algorithms with exponential complexity are used when the number of jobs is not large, either some fast approximation algorithms, for example, the frontal algorithm. In this paper a new approach for the approximate solution of the flow shop scheduling problem is proposed. It uses double sorting. For each job, the stage durations are previously sorted in descending order. Stage numbers are written as a character string (classification). These job classifications lexicographically are sorted in descending order. Therefore, jobs with the longest last stage will be executed firstly. Then work with the longest penultimate stage will be executed and so on. It means that the last machine, and then the penultimate machine etc. at the beginning are loaded with the largest jobs. It allows them to avoid idle waiting for the next jobs. The practical implications of this paper is higher accuracy of the lexicographical algorithm compared with the frontal algorithm to works, where the number of jobs more than the number of stages, however the frontal algorithm is faster. The paper provides data about accuracy and execution time of these algorithms depending on the number of jobs and stages.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):13-25
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Imposition of polymeric insulation - a complex process, which are increased quality criteria, depending on a variety of process parameters. Determination of these parameters experimentally requires significant financial and resource costs, as well as a long period of time, it is not always cost-effective and appropriate to the current production. In this case, a viable alternative may be the use of the latest tools of computer engineering simulation [1-3]. The proper implementation and proper justification of such an approach will not only significantly reduce the cost of the above, but also to carry out studies and measurements, fundamentally impossible in the real world. The aim of this study is to simulate and analyze the mode of the polymer melt in the presence of a semi-permeable barrier (die) in the cable head. Such spinnerets are often used in the extrusion equipment for the normalization of the melt material flows after exiting the direct screw assembly. Of course, the existence of such barriers affect not only the redistribution of the flows, but also affect the transition adapter resistance, increasing the pressure drop. This fact, of course, requires a separate account in the complex three-dimensional mathematical models describing the process of the processing of polymeric materials. Therefore, to assess the degree of insertion die effect, this study was designed. The work was discussed several models with different geometries. We were obtained and analyzed temperature and pressure fields depending on the number of holes in the die while maintaining the total combined cross-sectional areas of the holes and the diameter changes while maintaining their quantity.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):26-35
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The organization of labor protection in enterprises in recent years the management of production risks becoming the main mechanism to ensure safe working conditions at the workplace. Control of physical environment factors at work in the Volgograd branch of PJSC "Rostelecom" is one of the elements of the "prevention of danger" in the workplace. Monitoring of physical factors in the workplace in accordance with the current legislation is a must event. In the Volgograd branch of the measurement of physical factors held within the framework of production control. To carry out production control in the Volgograd branch has accredited as a testing laboratory in the national accreditation system of labor protection. One of the areas of production control of physical environment factors is - measurements of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range at the workplace. Our own laboratory, part of the occupational health service is cost-effective and profitable exercise in terms of creating a healthy and safe working conditions in the workplace. This article analyzes the legal framework of production control. Provides information on administrative penalties for lack of laboratory research protocols (measurements) and the production control program. Analyzed measurements of the energy flux density of 8 Rakita equipment in the workplace. Analyzed the average annual time spent on maintenance of equipment maintenance unit Rakita 8. The schedule of dependence of the energy flux density of the exposure time. The conclusions of the occupational risks of electromagnetic radiation when servicing equipment.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):36-49
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In the problems of technical diagnostic transport systems is very important reliable classification of the basic units, assemblies and components included in the structure of the studied vehicle. Another important aspect is the systematic approach to the creation of an information system. To do this, it is advisable to use functional formulas - modern and efficient search language for the information system. They determine the morphology, composition and performing official functions is systematized objects. The development of competent information system support the manufacturing process of automotive components is an important task, since it in the field of quality management application specialists offer more opportunities to work with claims, defects, development of corrective actions and the application of statistical methods for analyzing the quality of products. The application of graph theory is quite simple and modern method of analysis developed by the information system, which allows it to check connectivity and graphically represent the entire "mechanism" as a whole. The article describes a method of constructing a functional system, including: analysis of the shape and functions of parts, writing formulas functional parts, building funksonov graph, analysis graph performance and integrity check of the developed system.The desing drear truck axle is considered as an example. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that it is associated with the integration of the functional formulas, information system support industrial processes and graphical methods. The result of applying the proposed method will enhance the quality of automotive components and reducing their cost. The developed method can be used in enterprises automotive industry.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):50-61
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Operational operating modes of turbocompressors as gas-distributing units of compressor stations of the main gas pipelines are considered. The analysis of statistical data of breakdown rate of electrodriving units at compressor stations of the main transport of gas depending on operating modes and places of damages is carried out. Need of increase in safety of functioning of electrodriving turbocompressors by optimization of course of the transitional modes by decrease in dynamic components of currents and the moments of the synchronous car of a megawatt class is proved. The electromagnetic and electromechanical processes happening in the electric drive during the work on turbocompressor loading are considered. Examples of modernization of the existing electrical machines according to requirements of the starting modes of gas-distributing units at compressor stations are given.Examples of modernization of the existing electrical machines according to requirements of the starting modes of gas-distributing units at compressor stations are given. Options of comparison of the existing and innovative systems of safe launch of synchronous electric motors of electrodriving gas-distributing units to use of the latest methods, technical means and control algorithms of start are analysed. Need of control and optimization of the key electrodynamic parameters of the driving electric motor of the gas-distributing unit according to the mode of pumping of gas and technical parameters of the cars and adjacent units working according to the parallel scheme is proved. Results of computer modeling of the starting modes of electrodriving units with devices of reactor, smooth, quasifrequency and frequency start-up are received. Major importances of dynamic components of current of the stator, the electromagnetic moment and flux linkage, and also value of parameters of electromagnetic compatibility with a power line of average tension are compared. It is shown that the smallest impact on network is exerted by process of frequency launch of synchronous cars, providing observance of standard indicators of compatibility. Methodical, hardware and algorithmic means are developed for operational management of engines of turbocompressors of big power in the dynamic modes.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):62-83
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At the present time, characterized by strong competition and a dynamic market conditions, a large number of enterprises are in need of automation. Even the most conservative and rather poor company feel the benefit from the use of computer technology. At the same time in a relatively short period of time the software has undergone tremendous changes, starting as a simple arithmetic programs, to integrated information systems that operate on large enterprises. The use of these modern information technologies allows qualitatively improve the production performance. However, in parallel with this sharply raises the question of information security. With the continuous process of penetration into all spheres of public funds and the processing of data, the problem of information security as constantly escalates. At the same time any company has sufficient information, considered from the standpoint of the need to protect it. It should be noted that this problem is multifaceted and complex, encompassing a number of particularly important tasks. The article deals with the problem of creating a corporate enterprise portal, the corresponding federal information security standards. The results of the analysis of the use of server operating systems and office software in the federal government information systems and the development of an automated information system with a built-in protection against unauthorized access to the information - operating software "Enterprise Portal". We consider the functional and domain solved this developed an information platform, tasks and specifics of its certification. It provides a detailed description of the structural components of the platform modules, and developed a working interface information portal.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):84-99
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In today's modern digital world, a lot of attention is paid to the processing of Big Data. For correct operation with Big Data is necessary to use different techniques of knowledge engineering. This article touches upon the ontological knowledge engineering. Special attention is directed to the article knowledge representation in the form of ontologies. Often, the development of an ontology being with a team of engineers, and each teammate must have the ability to edit the ontology, which is developing in real-time, moreover all its changes should replicate for other developers. Based on this article and highlighted one of the main requirements for the editor - multi-user access. Another basic requirement for modern ontology editor - adaptability. The article discusses the need to fine-tune the visual representation of ontologies, depending on personal preference. The article shows that the adaptation mechanisms MulTOnt editor based on meta-knowledge, and this knowledge is presented in the form of metaontology editor. This approach to the representation metaknowledge also applies to other modern graphical editor, ontology, developed on the basis PSNRU supported by the company ITT - ONTOLIS. This makes it possible to adapt the ontology editor for graphical user preferences, you can configure the reaction of the editor on different DOM event. The article talked about the multiplayer adaptable editor MulTOnt 1.0, showing his shortcomings. The first drawback, sanctified in the article - the inability to inherit the styles, the second drawback - the lack of functionality, allows you to select a hierarchy of concepts. The relevance of these shortcomings and editor MulTOnt version 1.1, which does not contain in itself these shortcomings, are discussed further in this article.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):100-108
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The development of wind energy has created a new generation of wind turbines with longer blades, towers higher, higher efficiency and lower maintenance costs by improving the technologies associated with them. However, wind turbines are still working in the blind, because the control center is responsible for the management and control of the individual wind turbines, which are switched on or off depending on the demand for electricity. This article discusses the use of smart grid system (Smart Grid) in wind power generation, the main directions of use. We analyze the structure of a typical connection of the wind turbine, built on an architecture based on circuit breakers. The main disadvantages of such a system. The second section was made analysis of the basic standards, based on which the transmission of data within the system, defines the requirements for the network and the design. It proposed the introduction of wind power generation intelligent model by linking machine-a machine that will allow machines to perform the distribution and exchange of data and measurement probes. This is achieved by the introduction of hierarchical network architectures. The proposed architecture of communication networks for wind power generation is composed of three networks: turbine control network, network management station and network management control. In order to implement hierarchical network architectures, optimal hybrid solution seems the communication system. For the collection and management of all information in the wind power generation system meets the SCADA system with interval by survey data, which will reduce the interval between polling delay. The use of this model is designed for sharing sensing data within the system in order to maximize power generation and improve the efficiency of the turbine.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):109-121
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The modular design of the automated systems associated with the process of partitioning (decomposition) of the system into separate loosely coupled components, allowing for their relatively independent development and use. A decomposition method widely used in scientific research and in particular in the development of automated control systems. Decomposition of information and software called modularity. Modularity is connected with the creation of such a structure software that gives the greatest effect in the creation and operation of the software. The task of partitioning a complex system into functional modules occurs in the technical design stage, which generated total system requirements, and defines the system executes the functions processing the input data and the intermediate and output results. The initial data for the problem are many different types of input, intermediate and output data, as well as many of the required procedures. The attitude of many procedures to a variety of information elements can be conveniently represented in the form of a bipartite graph, arcs which connect the procedure with the relevant information elements. Partitioning information support of automated control systems into modules is to split a given set of procedures for disjoint subsets with the minimum number of shared information items. Most clearly, this formulation can be represented as a graph whose vertices are the treatments and their connecting arcs correspond to the available information elements. The article describes the application of topological decomposition to optimize the structure of the enterprise. Also carried out the evaluation of the results obtained from the point of view of economic efficiency of functioning of enterprise.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):122-131
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Currently, programmable logic (FPGAs) are used extensively in the development of fault-tolerant digital systems. FPGA designers use a highly reliable aircraft control systems, for example, in the Perm company "Star". Modern highly qualified engineer needs the knowledge and skills in the field of synthesis of systems on FPGAs. The article is devoted to the methods of conducting of laboratory lesson on the synthesis of digital automata "hard" logic with computer-aided design system Quartus II from Altera. Laboratory lesson - one of the forms of study, in which the trainees on the instructions and under the supervision of the teacher carry out their own experiments, measurements, basic research on the basis of specially developed tasks in the laboratory. The contents of the laboratory exercises is determined by the list of professional skills in specific academic disciplines (modules), as well as the characteristic of the professional activity of graduates, the requirements for the results of development of the basic professional educational program. Didactic objectives labs are mastering the technique of the experiment; formation of skills to solve practical problems by raising expertise; experimental confirmation of theoretical positions studied, experimental testing of formulas, calculations. As a result of laboratory studies achieved the formation of the following skills: to observe, compare, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations; conduct independent research; using different measurement techniques, draw up the result in the form of tables, charts, graphs; get professional skills to work with different devices, equipment, installations and other technical means in experiments. The special attention is given to the definition of the algorithm of the experiment.
PNRPU Bulletin. Electrotechnics, Informational Technologies, Control Systems. 2016;(20):132-146
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