Use of Probabilistic and Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Deep Deposits of the Upper Pechora Deep


The Upper Pechora depression is one of the northern depressions of the Cis-Ural foredeep. The structure of the upper horizons of the sedimentary cover is well studied, but deep deposits remain uneven and insufficiently studied. Therefore, it is of interest to model the formation of oil and gas potential at great depths using various methods. In this article, this problem was solved by using probabilistic-statistical methods. The concentrations of organic carbon ( C org), the rate of subsidence, and the depth of the layers were used for the analysis. As a result, fundamental differences were established in the tectonic conditions for the formation of the C org concentration for the studied types of organic matter. Comparison of the average C org values showed the presence of statistical differences between the types of organic matter in the deep sediments of the Upper Pechora depression. Correlation analysis determined that both positive and negative relationships with varying degrees of closeness were observed between the studied indicators. With the help of linear discriminant analysis, it was determined that sapropelic and humic organic substances were separated quite clearly, and mixed organic matter practically did not stand out according to the given characteristics. The performed stepwise regression analysis for each of the considered parameters, carried out for these types of organic matter separately, confirmed the cardinal difference in the processes of accumulation of organic matter of the sapropel and humus types. Thus, the performed statistical analysis showed the regulatory role of tectonic factors in the formation of organic matter concentrations.

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Верхнепечорская впадина – одна из северных впадин Предуральского краевого прогиба, осадочный бассейн тектонической при¬роды между складчатым сооружением Урала и сопряженной Тимано-Печорской плитой. Строение верхних горизонтов осадочного чехла изучено достаточно полно – месторождения углеводородов разрабатываются с 60-х гг. прошлого века, но глубокопогруженные отложения (глубже 4 км, возраст древнее ранне-средневизейского) остаются неравномерно и недостаточно исследованными. При этом в настоящее время в пределах Верхнепечорской впадины пробурено 46 глубоких скважин, большинство из них приурочено к Вуктыльской тектонической пластине на востоке территории. Поэтому представляет интерес моделирование формирования нефтегазоносности больших глубин с помощью различных способов моделирования.

About the authors

E. A. Kuznetsova

Perm State National Research University

V. I. Galkin

Perm National Research Politechnic University


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