Vol 23, No 1 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 6
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/358
Development of a Zonal Model for Forecasting the Oil and Gas Potential of the YUS1 Formation by Geochemical Parameters
The distribution of geochemical properties of rocks of the Bazhenov Formation (BF) by area and section has been refined, regularities have been searched, and conclusions have been obtained that have predictive power. Due to the high cost of continuous core sampling and pyrolysis of samples from BF intervals, the fragmentation and heterogeneity of the accumulated information, as well as the high value of knowledge about the oil-generating properties of BF rocks and their changes over the area, there is a need to increase the information content of the database of geochemical core studies and adapt its application in conditions of limited data. To solve this problem, a database of results of geochemical studies was collected and analyzed, consisting of 5272 samples from 123 wells of 32 fields. As a result of the analysis, conclusions were obtained about the oil-generating properties of BF within the study area and the degree of maturity of the organic matter of the rock. Two regression models were developed to predict the geochemical parameters of free hydrocarbon content, residual generation potential and total organic carbon from well logging data. An algorithm was implemented in the Python programming language to automate the calculation process. Using this algorithm and the resulting regression equation, the calculation of geochemical parameters was carried out in 390 wells in the study area that were not presented by core data, which significantly increased the detail and information content of predictive maps of the distribution of parameters over the area. Using the data obtained, a geological and mathematical model was developed for predicting oil content by geochemical parameters. The developed model reflects the probability of oil content depending on the oil source properties of the rocks of the Bazhenov formation in the study area. The developed forecast model included the parameters of the organic carbon content in the rock, the current reservoir temperature and the thickness of the rocks of the Bazhenov formation.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(1):2-10
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Use of Probabilistic and Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Deep Deposits of the Upper Pechora Deep
The Upper Pechora depression is one of the northern depressions of the Cis-Ural foredeep. The structure of the upper horizons of the sedimentary cover is well studied, but deep deposits remain uneven and insufficiently studied. Therefore, it is of interest to model the formation of oil and gas potential at great depths using various methods. In this article, this problem was solved by using probabilistic-statistical methods. The concentrations of organic carbon ( C org), the rate of subsidence, and the depth of the layers were used for the analysis. As a result, fundamental differences were established in the tectonic conditions for the formation of the C org concentration for the studied types of organic matter. Comparison of the average C org values showed the presence of statistical differences between the types of organic matter in the deep sediments of the Upper Pechora depression. Correlation analysis determined that both positive and negative relationships with varying degrees of closeness were observed between the studied indicators. With the help of linear discriminant analysis, it was determined that sapropelic and humic organic substances were separated quite clearly, and mixed organic matter practically did not stand out according to the given characteristics. The performed stepwise regression analysis for each of the considered parameters, carried out for these types of organic matter separately, confirmed the cardinal difference in the processes of accumulation of organic matter of the sapropel and humus types. Thus, the performed statistical analysis showed the regulatory role of tectonic factors in the formation of organic matter concentrations.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(1):11-17
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On the question of engineering and geological zoning of territories within local tectonic structures
The relevance of the research lies in the approach to assessing the engineering-geological conditions within the local tectonic structures and their role in the formation of the properties of rocks and the state of the massifs composed by them. The formulation of the question regarding the rocks of the red-colored terrigenous formation as a separate object of engineering and geological research allows us to take into account the features of the history and mechanism of development of local structures, as well as their influence on the reaction of rocks in this case. Particular attention is paid to the role of tectonic fracturing as a consequence of the mechanism of development of local structures and its influence on the activation of hypergenesis processes. An analysis of the behavior of rocks during the development of local structures and the response of the massif to changes in the state of rocks and the activation of hypergenesis processes was carried out, which, in turn, determined the engineering-geological situation at the current moment. Particular attention was paid to the assessment of tectonic fracturing, identification of weakened zones and criteria confirming the correctness of their identification. The methods used in solving the tasks were reduced to a comprehensive study of local structures: the study of the history of their development, size, amplitude of uplift of the foundation, instrumental survey of fracturing in outcrops with subsequent construction of a map of fracturing, sampling, laboratory studies of the structure and properties of rocks, fixation of exogenous processes within the structure. The results of the research were the established dependences of the influence of tectonic fracturing on the state of rocks at three levels: the microlevel (the reaction of the minerals of the constituent rocks at the level of the crystal lattice in the form of defects that have arisen); mesolevel (changes in the physical and mechanical properties of rocks); macrolevel (activation of exogenous processes). Thus, criteria have been defined that allow using them to confirm the correctness of the selection of the most fractured sections of the massif. The correctness of the methodology for identifying zones of increased fracturing within local structures is confirmed by the criteria that were used to solve this problem. It can be used as a basis for large-scale geotechnical zoning within local tectonic structures.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(1):18-24
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Application of a Modular Dynamic Formation Tester on a Wire Line to Refine the Filtration Characteristics of the Production Formations of the Magovsky Oil and Gas Condensate Field
An important task in monitoring the development of hydrocarbon fields is to obtain data on the filtration characteristics of reservoirs and the properties of fluids in reservoir conditions. When using standard logging in the complicated conditions of low-permeability formations, poorly consolidated rocks and eroded wellbores, it is very difficult to perform reservoir pressure measurements, sampling with a detailed analysis of fluid properties. A study was carried out in order to clarify the filtration properties of the rocks of the geological section by the method of hydrodynamic logging with testing of the formations by a tester on a MDT logging cable (modular dynamic tester). This problem was solved using the example of carbonate production formations of the Magovskoye oil and gas condensate field, which are generally characterized by a complex heterogeneous structure. An analysis of the effectiveness of using a modular dynamic reservoir tester made it possible to clarify the boundaries of permeable rock intervals with an assessment of their saturation. At the same time, working intervals of the geological section were established, which, with standard logging, were interpreted as dense rocks.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(1):25-31
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Increasing the Environmental Friendly of Process Fluids Used for Well Drilling
An important aspect of hydrocarbon drilling is the use of drilling fluids that remove cuttings and stabilize the wellbore, providing better filtration. The properties of drilling fluids are essential to the success of any drilling operation. Fluids were originally developed to enable and cost effectively rotary drilling in subterranean formations. In addition, drilling fluids were designed to form a filter cake, which was primarily designed to reduce filtrate loss to the formation, was thin, and retained the drilling fluid in the wellbore. One of the most important functions of drilling fluids is to minimize the amount of drilling fluid filtrate entering a hydrocarbon containing formation, which can cause damage to the formation due to changes in rock wettability, fines migration, mud plugging with solids, and formation water incompatibility. To stabilize these properties, a number of additives are used in drilling fluids to ensure satisfactory rheological and filtration properties of the fluid. However, the commonly used additives are hazardous to the environment: when drilling fluids are disposed of after drilling operations, they, together with drill cuttings and additives, are discharged into water bodies and cause unwanted pollution. Therefore, these additives should be replaced with additives that are environmentally friendly and provide superior performance. In this regard, biodegradable additives are needed for future research. The review article presents an investigation into the role of various biowastes as potential additives for use in water-based drilling fluids. The use of waste-derived nanomaterial was considered, and rheological and filtration studies of water-based drilling fluids were carried out to evaluate the effect of waste additives on the performance of drilling fluids.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(1):32-43
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Directions for Improving the Compositions of Reverse Emulsions for Well Plugging
Well killing is the most common technological process in oil production. Inverse emulsions are used as an effective fluid in the combined killing method. At present, some potential possibilities of inverse emulsions have not been analyzed both in terms of improving their compositions and technological methods of practical implementation. The paper considers a number of promising research areas for obtaining, improving the compositions of inverted emulsions and the method of their application with injection into the bottomhole formation zone before filling the wellbore with mineralized water. Natural oils of co-emulsifiers - ethoxylated oil-soluble surfactants, and filtration reducers - technical lignosulfonates, starch, latex were proposed as constituent components of hydrocarbon media. Attention was focused on the need for experimental evaluation of the rate of settling of reverse emulsions along the wellbore in formation water and oil, obtaining and studying stable reverse emulsions using high-density salts of CaBr2, ZnBr2, ZnCl2, polyhydric alcohols.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(1):44-50
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