Cyclic loading and transport properties of porous rocks: experimental studies


The study of the transport properties of porous rocks under cyclic loading is important for predicting the operation of underground reservoirs for storing natural gas or hydrogen, in which the pore pressure fluctuates during seasonal extraction or filling. Under cyclic loading, the permeability of rocks decreases irreversibly, however, despite a significant amount of research, there is a gap in understanding the true causes of this decrease. The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the effect of cyclic loading on the permeability of porous limestones and sandstones. The mechanism of permeability hysteresis is revealed. Incomplete recovery of permeability during unloading is due to the presence of a threshold for the opening of microcracks in rocks. The effect of colloid and fines migration when measuring the permeability of samples is also established. The magnitude of permeability change under cyclic confining pressure exhibits a strong correlation with initial permeability. Our findings indicate that in porous sandstones and limestones with initial permeability below 50 mD, permeability degradation is primarily attributed to microcrack closure. The impact of colloid migration is less evident in less permeable rocks, likely due to reduced colloid mobility. However, for rocks with initial permeability exceeding 50 mD, both compaction and the migration of colloids and fines contribute to permeability reduction. In more permeable rocks, colloid mobility is higher, potentially leading to significant permeability reductions of up to 60%.

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About the authors

E. V Kozhevnikov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

E. A Gladkikh

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

M. A Guzev

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Ch. Qi

Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

A. E Panteleeva

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Z. G Ivanov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University

A. A Shcherbakov

Perm National Research Polytechnic University


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Copyright (c) 2025 Kozhevnikov E.V., Gladkikh E.A., Guzev M.A., Qi C., Panteleeva A.E., Ivanov Z.G., Shcherbakov A.A.

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