Vol 17, No 2 (2018)
- Year: 2018
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/102
The purpose of the paper is to increase the effectiveness of prevention and elimination of mud losses using water-swellable polymer Petrosorb applied as an additive to a mud for quick cementing of the formation caused lost circulation. Through the analysis of scientific and technical publications in the field of prevention and elimination of lost circulation it was found that it is helpful to use viscoelastic compositions for quick cementing of the formations caused lost circulation. That allows shut-off absorbing formations temporary by agents that are not widely used in well drilling today. The effect of drilling fluid environment on behavior of water-swellable polymer was studied. Behavior of water-swellable polymer in a water medium with different pH values (in static and dynamic conditions) was determined. The polymer's behavior when the nature of the medium changes (solution mixed with polymer and a formation water model and leaving alone after) was studied. Determination of the behavior of the water-swelling polymer which was a part of drilling mud composition (in static and dynamic conditions). Changes in plastic viscosity and dynamic shear stresses in time were estimated in order to determine the behavior of the water-swelling polymer in a water media and composition of a mud solution. Studies conucted showed that the nature of Petrosorb's swelling significantly depends on the pH of the medium. That can be used to regulate the dynamics of structuring using the varios technological scheme of absorption elimination. Therefore, it is needed to continue bench and industrial studies in specific geological and technical conditions with real drilling muds used as a medium.
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Heavy bituminous oil is the main source of Nigerian unconventional resources. The resources represent oil sand and bitumen oil forming a belt of bitumen oil covering about 120 km extending from Lagos, Ogun, Ondo and Edo. Huge reserves of the resources are located in the state of Ondo. A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method was used in the research to study bitumen oil in South West Nigeria. The NMR spectroscopy on the nuclei of 1H and 13C uses signals from protons and carbon nuclei, respectively, tetramethylsilane molecules Si(CH3)4. Regions of absorption of aliphatic (7-65 ppm) and aromatic (108-170 ppm) nuclei of carbon atoms are clearly defined in the NMR spectra of 13C of the objects under consideration. Signals of carbon atoms of olefinic fragments make a significant contribution to the last range of spectra of the cores of Nigerian bitumen deposits. An analysis of more known methods of defining the aromatic region of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of 13C showed that for fractions that do not contain condensed cyclic and heteroatomic compounds, the definition of chemical shift subranges (CS) corresponding to aromatic carbon atoms 110-130 ppm not substituted, 130-137 ppm substituted by methyl, another alkyl - and naphthyl substituted - 137-148 ppm is sufficienly reasonable. There are regions of absorption of quaternary carbon atoms bonded to oxygen or nitrogen (148-170 ppm), carbonyl carbon atoms (170-200 ppm), as well as tertiary aromatic carbon atoms, located in the ortho position to the hydroxyl or other oxygen atom (108-118 ppm) in objects containing larger amounts of heteroatoms.
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The purpose of the paper is to design a workflow for well testing to optimize the time of study and reduce the switch-off period of wells in a pilot test. Another puprose is to confirm the economic efficiency of the presented workflow. Wells T-23, T-361, T-388 of the A-field were used as objects of study. Deposits of A-field are predominantly represented by cavernous-fractured carbonate rocks of the Riphean age. During the study an analysis of publications on the problem was performed. Field tests of wells located in low permeability carbonate reservoir were carried out. Modeling of well tests was carried out. Comparative calculations on the processing of results with help of Saphir software of KAPPA Engineering were made. Results on development of the well test workflow are given. The data of hydrodynamic investigations for 12 wells operating Riphean carbonate deposits for the period 2005-2008 are analyzed and results for wells T-23, T-361, T-388 are presented. An example of calculation of stabilization time for wells by the method of steady-state sampling as well as estimation of the optimal time of recording the pressure recovery curve are given. In addition, a comparison of the standard workflow) used in the well test (RD 153-39.0-109-01) is performed. Methodical instructions on complexing and stage of implementation of geophysical, hydrodynamic and geochemical studies of oil and oil and gas deposits (with the method) are presented in the paper. Based on the comparison economic efficiency was established.
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The paper discusses the complex analysis of the energy and structural features of the structure of asphaltenes of nanoaggregates that was experimentally conducted using the data of the nuclear magnetic resonance method. Fractal dimension of the core of complex structural units (CSU) for two alternative groups of native oil was calculated, which is equal to 2.040 and 1.556 units. It is established that crude oils with a low fractal dimension of nucleus have a 1.5-5.0 times higher dynamic viscosity. Theoretical substantiation of the physical phenomenon was carried out. It is established that oils of low fractal dimension due to their structural individuality of the structure of the paramagnetic framework have an increased natural inhibitory capacity of the asphaltenes of the nucleus in relation to growth and fallout of solid paraffins forming organic was depostion. According to temperature studies simulating cooling of the flow of oil during lifting in the tubing, it was established that the growth of the radius of the CSU nucleus during aggregation of asphaltenes is well described by the linear model. The aggregation intensity is 3.6 times higher in oil with more than low fractal dimension. In addition, it was revealed that the coefficient of temperature aggregation of asphaltenes depends on the radius of the initial material, and for the oil with a high fractal dimension it is described by a monotonous logarithmic model. There was an abnormal nonlinear aggregation established for low-dimensional oil at small radii of the initial material, which leads to a violation of the monotonic nature of the change in the coefficient of aggregation. According to results of experiments that simulate the deposition of paraffins on a metal surface, it has been established that the effectiveness of wax inhibitors in oil with a low fractal dimension is 5-49 % higher compared to a group of high-dimensional oil. The results obtained in the work can be used in practice when developing modern methods of managing the properties of petroleum dispersed systems in the development, production and processing of hydrocarbons.
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According to information over the world, production of high content paraffin oil is followed by a serious problem causing challenges in operation of wells. The problem is wax deposition on the inner surface of oil field equipment. The problem decreases system production and efficiency of operation of pumps, the failure of wells, control devices and oil collection and transportation systems. Wax deposition can lead to a complete closure of lifting pipes and annular channels in the interconnecting space, which causes the necessity of workovers to eliminate the wax deposition. This article describes the geophysical bases of the influence of high-frequency and ultra high-frequency electromagnetic fields for the heating and removal of wax from wells. Results of experimental studies of dielectric losses in wax samples of some oil fields are presented. Their dependence on frequency and temperature, as well as on the content of resins and asphaltenes in samples is established. The possibility of experimental determination of the melting point of wax by the data of dielectric studies is shown. Calculation studies of heating and melting the wax plugs in the oil pipeline were carried out under the influence of the type of electromagnetic waves capable of propagating in it as in a round waveguide. It is believed that the source of electromagnetic waves is moving. That allows overheating of the medium at some points and melts solid deposits along the entire length of a plug. Results of numerical studies allow monitoring the dynamics of heating and elimination of a wax plug by electromagnetic action.
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Open-cut mining is the main way to extract minerals. Up to 80% of the rock mass produced by that is transported by dump trucks with diesel engines. Atmospheric gas pollution is an essential disadvantage of using diesel vehicles, especially in deep formations. Exhaust gases from diesel vehicles have a detrimental effect on human health and the environment. Constant exposure of exhaust gases on the body can cause immune deficiency, bronchitis, cerebral vessels and nervous system suffer. The higher the depth of mining the higher the concentration of machinery on formations and the worse the conditions of natural ventilation of the working space. At the depth of quarries over 200-250 m air pollution by harmful substances at the workplace leads to a gradual increase of the maximum permissible concentrations. That affects both people and economy of the enterprise since it entails the necessity to shut the career down, deteriorate visibility on the highway, which also causes a partial or total suspension of equipment operation. Transfer of dump trucks to electricity is a prospect way to solve the problem. Together, all the positive qualities of trolley trucks reduce the maintenance costs of transportation of rock mass by 15-20%, as well as exclude the gassing of the quarry and formation of smoke. Need for power from the contact network is the most serious drawback of trolley truck. Today, thanks to modern technologies, eliminating most of the drawbacks of trolley trucks is not difficult. Quarry trolley trucks are better used only for long-term development, since the content of the trolley line contact requires attendance and maintenance. The payback period can be 2-4 years.
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In order to ensure safe working conditions of workers in underground mining, it is necessary to carry out ventilation of underground mining operations to reduce the concentration of harmful and dangerous gases in working areas. Volume air flow required for operation of a mine (shaft) is determined in accordance with a number of people being simultaneously in underground mining and based on intensity of the emission of toxic, combustible gases and dust, minimum air velocity and other factors relevant to a specific mining company. So, in order to maintain safe working conditions in the mine (shaft) fresh air must be supplied in required quantity determined by its needs. A main fan is used to provide the mine with air. Through the supplying trunks, air enters underground mining and is removed by the ventilation shaft (suction method of ventilation). Along with the main fan there is a general natural mine draft hn , which occurs as a result of the difference in mean values of barometric pressure and air temperature. The magnitude and direction of the general natural draft h n has an effect on the operation of the main fan. That increases if its direction of action coincides with the desired direction of air movement and decreases the performance of a main fan QF if the direction of its action is opposite to the direction of general mine draft. The paper presents the method of calculating the value of general natural draft hn taking into account the possible spread of its values due to the impact of the accidental circumstances, including those influencing the magnitude of the aerodynamic resistance of the mine. The necessity of forming stochastic culture skills among students of technical universities is noted in studying methods of processing experimental data and constructing models of complex technical objects on their basis.
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The subject of the paper is the response of the natural environment to various impacts associated with the oil and gas industry. The paper is devoted to the analysis of the current state of implementation of the project of development of the gas transportation system "Power of Siberia" in East and Southeast Siberia. The purpose of the study is to show the problems that arise at various stages of creating the object. That includes choosing the apropriate pipeline route and method of pipe laying. The project of gas transoptation system (GTS) "Power of Siberia" in East Siberia is being successfully implemented recently. The stages of exploration and design are completed, pipe is being layed. After successful research and design, one of the most important stages (pipe laying and system building in general) has started. Studying the seasonal and permafrost rocks is a very special direction in the general integrated system of engineering and geological knowledge. It is important to consider both studied parameters such as composition, structure, properties of rocks, and features of aggregate states of the object of research. Negative temperatures cause fundamental differences in the composition of rocks with the development of diverse underground ice, sometimes constituting up to 90% of the thickness, and other characteristics. The main results of ecological and geocryological research recently performed by Melnikov Permafrost Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which have revealed the main difficulties of the project and show the ways of their solution, are given. Advantages and features of the selected route in the specific engineering and geological conditions are described. The need for underground method of pipe laying is confirmed. It is concluded that complex and diverse natural conditions of the route of the GTS determine a number of specific problems at the stages of construction and operation within areas with permafrost soils and dangerous geocryological and engineering-geocryological processes. It is possible to avoid them only while studying the most difficult areas. Recommendations on the structure of department of engineering and geocryological monitoring are given.
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