Vol 22, No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 6
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/307
Development of a method for identifying zones to minimize fluid cross flows when modeling reservoirs using the material balance method
The digitalization of technological processes in recent decades spread to all sectors of the country's economy, and the oil and gas sector was no exception. Digital field models are increasingly used in engineering to substantiate development indicators and make technological and management decisions in order to increase the profitability of production. Full-scale geological and hydrodynamic models and simplified reservoir models differ in the amount of information taken into account, in detail and in the scope for solving engineering problems in conditions of limited time and technological resources. When modeling oil deposits, special attention is paid to the study of the mutual influence of wells, the dynamics of development indicators for individual sections of the deposit, the determination of possible cross flows between blocks or inflow from the aquifer. When moving to a more detailed level of modeling, the division of the reservoir into separate zones and their analysis allow in many cases to improve the quality of approximation and forecast of development indicators. For solving operational problems or modeling objects with high property uncertainty, simplified reservoir models have an advantage in terms of ease of setup and calculations efficiency. In the presented work, a method for differentiating a deposit into separate zones was proposed, taking into account the accumulated compensation for waterflooding centers, and it was tested on the example of a production facility in one of the fields in Western Siberia. With the help of stochastic modeling, statistical estimates were obtained for various options for combining flooding areas into single zones. The options were selected, which were characterized by close values of the accumulated compensation with a minimum standard deviation of the indicator in general for the object. Accounting and application of the obtained results with the subsequent use of calculations of development indicators based on the material balance method would ensure the minimum possible flows between the zones and, as a result, would allow obtaining optimal boundary conditions that minimized the influence of neighboring zones.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(3):102-108
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Interpretation of NMR data in the complex of laboratory work on the study of core (on the example of terrigenous deposits of the Timano-Pechora oil and gas province)
The petrophysical characteristics of the productive deposits in one Timan-Pechora oil and gas province fields were determined by interpreting the data of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method in the complex of laboratory core studies. NMR studies were carried out on 38 core samples of a standard size (30×30 mm) with full and partial (residual) saturation of the reservoir water model. For a comprehensive interpretation of the data obtained, the results of standard (determination of porosity, absolute gas permeability, etc.), special (capillarimetric studies, determination of wettability) and lithological-petrographic (macro-description of the core, description of thin sections) core studies were involved. All studies were carried out on modern verified equipment in accordance with approved state, industry and production measurement methods in an accredited testing center. When interpreting NMR data, both well-established and generally accepted methods were used, and new possible approaches were proposed to obtain additional information about the petrophysical characteristics of rocks. Using the indicated methods, the following results were obtained: the coefficients of porosity and residual water saturation were determined, the values of the boundary cutoffs of the transverse relaxation times T2bound separating free water from bound water were studied, the distribution of residual water in the void space of the samples was studied, pore size distributions were constructed, the size of the pore channels connecting them, the influence of the wettability of the pore surface on the results of NMR studies (in the "gas - water" system) was studied. The conducted studies showed the effectiveness of using the NMR method in the complex of laboratory studies of the core of hydrocarbon fields. The proposed approaches to the interpretation of experimental data make it possible to obtain additional information about the features of the structure of the void space of rocks and, undoubtedly, require further testing and development. The information obtained could be used for petrophysical support of geological and hydrodynamic modeling of a hydrocarbon deposit.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(3):109-115
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Lateral migration of hydrocarbons in terms of oil content of the terrigenous Devonian section in the Kama region
In the Kama region, the problem of reducing potential traps of a structural type and reducing the role of traditional search objects can be solved by means of the oil potential of poorly or insufficiently studied objects. The latter within the Udmurt Kama region include deposits of the terrigenous Devonian. In view of the widespread use of the hydrocarbon migration factor in assessing the success rate of exploration work, the study of regional migration processes does not lose its relevance. The territorial confinement of a significant proportion of deposits in the terrigenous Devonian to the axial and inner side sections of the depressions of the Kama-Kinel system was shown; geothermal prerequisites for oil formation and a possible mechanism for the primary migration of hydrocarbons within the zones of development of oil and gas source strata of the Domanik formation were highlighted. One of the key roles for the start of the secondary lateral migration of micro-oil is assigned to gas emanations within the development paths of long-lived deep faults, followed by gas lateral transport of oil in the direction of uplift. An assumption was made about the early Permian and post-Permian time of the beginning of accumulation and re-formation of deposits for the territory of the Cis-Urals and adjacent areas, respectively. On the basis of statistical data, trends in changes in some parameters of deposits at a distance from the zones of supposed generation were traced: the degree of traps filling, oil saturation of reservoirs, density and content of oil heavy components, the main properties of associated gas. In accordance with the regional structural plan of the terrigenous Devonian, the proposed zonal directions of hydrocarbon migration were identified. Intra-reservoir migration was expected at an average distance of up to 30-40 km from the generation areas. Taking into account the data obtained and the peculiarities of the regional development of reservoirs and seals, the territory of the Udmurt Republic was ranked according to the degree of prospects for the Devonian terrigenous complex, taking into account the migration factor.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(3):116-125
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Digital simulation of flow diverting technologies: a review of analytical models for describing the physicochemical properties of cross-linked polymer gels
Information on the most common analytical models used in modern specialized software (ECLIPSE, СMG STARS, UTCHEM, BPOPE, SCORPIO, PC-GEL, POL-GEL, PUMAFLOW, IORCoreSim, etc.) for modeling physical and chemical properties. cross-linked polymer gels used in the framework of flow diverting technologies, was presented on the example of an in-situ gelation polymer composition based on partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide and chromium (III) acetate. This polymer composition was considered within the framework of the article due to the fact that it had the most complete analytical description, and also due to the long period and widespread use. The article provides detailed information about the features of the analytical description of the physicochemical properties of polymer compositions of in-situ gelation. Within the framework of the above model, the process of injection of a polymer solution, the transient process of gelation, as well as the stage of the final placement of a cross-linked polymer gel in the pore space of the rock were considered as separate stages of modeling. For each stage of modeling, the existing analytical models describing the physical and chemical processes corresponding to this stage were considered. Based on the information given in the article, it was concluded that modern specialized software contained an analytical description of the rheological properties of cross-linked polymer gels, the mechanisms of retention of polymer solutions in the rock matrix (adsorption, precipitation), and the kinetics of gel formation reactions. However, many aspects of modeling the physicochemical properties of the described compositions, such as the mechanical and gravitational retention of polymer molecules in the pore space, the effect of the adsorption process on the kinetics of gel formation reactions, the analytical calculation of the pore volume inaccessible for filtering polymer molecules, the analytical description of the process of dehydration of a cross-linked polymer gel, still require further study.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(3):126-138
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Analysis and preparation of initial data for building a geological and geomechanical model of the area at the Verkhnekamskoye potassium-magnesium salt deposit
Many years of experience in the development of potash deposits, in particular the Verkhnekamennoye potassium-magnesium salt deposit, has shown that the most unfavorable and detrimental consequence is the flooding of the entire mine field or its section. As a rule, the cause of flooding is the formation and development of technogenic water-conducting cracks or the development of existing cracks in the massif, which are most often associated with zones with weakened physical and mechanical properties. The most detailed distribution of properties can be obtained by creating a geological and geomechanical model. To create such a model, it is necessary to analyze the existing factors that affect the state of the rock mass and workings, as well as identify and prepare the necessary initial data. The main influencing factors include the geological features of the structure of the Solikamsk depression, various technogenic events that have manifested themselves in connection with the development of the industrial reserves of the deposit, the physical and mechanical properties of host rocks and productive strata, as well as the development of mining operations and their current situation. The experience of geomechanical analysis of man-made accidents that have occurred on the territory of the Verkhnekamennoye potassium-magnesium salt deposit showed that the most powerful influencing factor was the physical and mechanical properties of the rocks of the water-protective strata. To obtain a reliable distribution of these parameters in the massif and in productive layers, usually try, first of all, by combining geophysical and geomechanical methods. Within the framework of this article, it was proposed to integrate geological, geophysical and geomechanical approaches when creating a geological and geomechanical model of a water-protective stratum section. As initial data, the geological description of well cores, geophysical surveys in wells, physical and mechanical properties of rocks were used. The processing of available data on wells allowed creating a three-dimensional model of the distribution of the longitudinal wave velocity, in turn, the statistical dependences for the two main parameters of physical and mechanical properties (modulus of elasticity and compressive strength) on the velocity of the longitudinal wave make it possible to obtain the values of these properties at any point in the model , on the basis of which the simulation of the stress-strain state and the forecast of the state of the rock mass and workings are further carried out.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(3):139-143
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The nature of sudden destruction of the near-contour part of the massif during the driving of development workings in the mine of the Gremyachinsky mining and processing plant
Currently, in the mine of the Gremyachinsky mining and processing plant, when driving workings along the industrial sylvinite layer, mining technical situations arise associated with the need to open and cross the development workings of the carnallite-halite layer of the potassium-magnesium salt layer. As a rule, such mining and technical situations are confined to the anticlinal folds of the potassium-magnesium salt formation. Driving development workings with the Ural-20R combine along the rocks of the carnallite-halite layer is accompanied by sudden destruction of the contour part of the massif and combustible gases outgassing. Since the beginning of mining and preparation work in the mine of the Gremyachinsky mining and processing plant, several cases of sudden destruction of the near-contour part of the massif have been recorded, which were accompanied by gas emissions, threatened the lives of miners and disrupted the rhythm of the mine. The article presents the results of the analysis of the geological and mining-technical conditions for the occurrence of sudden destruction of the near-contour part of the massif in the conditions of the mine in the Gremyachinsky mining and processing plant. Based on the results of the geological and mining-technical conditions analysis for the occurrence, course and results of the completed process of massif near-contour part destruction, as well as the testimony of eyewitnesses and visual inspection of the destruction places directly in mine workings, common signs were identified that were characteristic of gas-dynamic phenomena in the form of sudden salt and gas outbursts. A classification assessment of the gas-dynamic phenomena type was performed using decision rules for attributing gas-dynamic phenomena to a certain type. Methods were proposed to prevent gas-dynamic phenomena in the form of sudden outbursts of salt and gas during the driving of development workings through the rocks of the carnallite-halite layer of the potassium-magnesium salt formation by tunneling and cleaning machines in the conditions of the mine of the Gremyachinsky mining and processing plant.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2022;22(3):144-150
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