When developing design documentation for geological exploration, which includes the rationale for laying a prospecting and appraisal well in order to search for and evaluate oil deposits in geological structures, there is a need to identify an analogue field characterized by a similar geological structure. In this regard, there is a need to develop an up-to-date geological and statistical approach that makes it possible to most accurately determine an analogue field based on geological and statistical data. This article discusses the geological-statistical method, which not only confirms the nature of the correspondence of structural plans in general, but also allows us to differentiate areas with different geological and structural structures, characterized by different degrees of correspondence of structural plans within the area, that studied by 3D seismic exploration. The nature of the influence significance of the indicators OG S, OG IK, OG IP, OG IIK and OG III on OG IIP, determined as a study result, confirmed the correspondence between structural plans of the Lower Carboniferous System (OG IK, IP, IIK, IIP) and inconsistency between structural plans of Permian (OG S) and Devonian terrigenous deposits (OG III). To determine the analogue field of the geological structure, a discriminant analysis was carried out on groups of wells, the correspondence and belonging of which to different deposits was confirmed by a regression study.