Vol 23, No 2 (2023)

Development of a Geological and Statistical Approach to the Justification of an Analogue Field for a Structure Prepared for Deep Drilling by 3D Seismic in the Perm Krai
Kolesnikov E.S.


When developing design documentation for geological exploration, which includes the rationale for laying a prospecting and appraisal well in order to search for and evaluate oil deposits in geological structures, there is a need to identify an analogue field characterized by a similar geological structure. In this regard, there is a need to develop an up-to-date geological and statistical approach that makes it possible to most accurately determine an analogue field based on geological and statistical data. This article discusses the geological-statistical method, which not only confirms the nature of the correspondence of structural plans in general, but also allows us to differentiate areas with different geological and structural structures, characterized by different degrees of correspondence of structural plans within the area, that studied by 3D seismic exploration. The nature of the influence significance of the indicators OG S, OG IK, OG IP, OG IIK and OG III on OG IIP, determined as a study result, confirmed the correspondence between structural plans of the Lower Carboniferous System (OG IK, IP, IIK, IIP) and inconsistency between structural plans of Permian (OG S) and Devonian terrigenous deposits (OG III). To determine the analogue field of the geological structure, a discriminant analysis was carried out on groups of wells, the correspondence and belonging of which to different deposits was confirmed by a regression study.

Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(2):52-57
Conceptual Geological and Hydrodynamic Model of the Famennian-Tournaisian Reservoir as a Tool for Predicting the Effectiveness of the Reservoir Pressure Maintenance System, using the Example of the Sukhareva Field
Riabchevskikh M.I., Galkin A.S.


The paper outlines the technology for constructing a new conceptual geological model taking into account the structural features of the Famennian-Tournaisian deposit (T-Fm formation), which is represented by an organogenic reef structure of Late Devonian age, overlain by Paleozoic enclosing structures. This approach represents the distribution of a grid of layers of a geological model according to sedimentation processes. Based on a three-dimensional digital geological model, a geological and hydrodynamic model was created and adjusted to actual development indicators. When adapting the model to the actual dynamics of reservoir pressure, zonal features associated with the distribution of filtration and reservoir properties were identified. The dynamics of water cut were adjusted based on the results of geological and field analysis, as a result of which the source of water cut was determined for each well. Based on the geological and hydrodynamic model adjusted to the actual development indicators, forecast options were calculated: basic - at current levels of fluid production and taking into account geological and technical measures in accordance with the approved industry development program. The author’s version was calculated with optimization of planned activities, which made it possible to stabilize the falling dynamics of reservoir pressure and obtain additional oil production. The model construction technology is recommended for use in fields confined to organic reef structures of the Perm Kama region and adjacent regions of the Volga-Ural and Timan-Pechora oil and gas provinces.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(2):58-70
Analysis of International Experience of Carbon Dioxide Injection in Various Geological and Technological Conditions of Oil Field Development
Zayakin K.A., Menshikov A.I., Ashikhmin S.G., Melekhin A.A., Galkin S.V.


Due to the growth of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, reducing its emissions undoubtedly belongs to one of the most priority environmental tasks. At the same time, its injection into the reservoir in order to increase oil recovery can be considered as a promising method of CO2 utilization. The article considers the domestic and foreign experience of using this technology. The following methods used to supply CO2 to the reservoir were analyzed: injection of carbonized water, continuous injection of CO2, displacement of oil by cyclic injection of CO2 and water, as well as a number of alternative technologies. The processes of mixing, limited-mixing and immiscible displacement were described when using gas methods to increase oil recovery, thermobaric conditions of these processes were determined. The influence of the minimum mixing pressure on the efficiency of carbon dioxide injection was analyzed, the analysis of theoretical and experimental methods for studying these processes was carried out. The impact of carbon dioxide on the corrosion of field equipment was assessed. Conclusions about the necessity of using pipes made of high-alloy steel with a high chromium content with the additional use of protective nonionic surfactants when injecting carbon dioxide were drawn.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(2):71-76
Informational Method of Selecting Operating Wells for Stimulation
Dziubenko A.I., Zhemchugova T.A., Chernykh I.A.


Due to the natural decline in hydrocarbon production, oil producing enterprises have to carry out well stimulation methods (WSM) aimed at increasing well productivity. At the same time, despite the use of various, including progressive, geological and technical technologies, the problem of the effectiveness of industrial application of methods remains. A significant part of the implemented volume of WSM does not produce positive results in increasing the main technological and economic indicator of well operation - productivity coefficient, which is often associated with incorrect selection of wells for carrying out the designed well stimulation technology. According to the current standards in Russia, when choosing a technology for drilling into productive formations, as well as when choosing wells for WSM, it is recommended to comply with the requirements of the relevant guidance documents. The main control indicator in these documents is the coefficient of potential (i.e. natural) productivity loss of a well (K), with positive values of which decisions are made on the implementation of WSM in wells. However, due to changes in the physical properties of the reservoir continuum of wells and the hydrodynamic interaction between them, problems arise with the reliability of determining the initial parameters for calculating K, which casts doubt on the need for its participation in the process of assessing the actual state of the bottomhole formation zone (BFZ). To increase the reliability of assessing the BFZ current state degree, this work substantiates and proposes a more reliable criterion for assessing the potential productive capabilities of production wells before conducting WSM - a complex parameter Z, which has a high correlation with the actual productivity coefficient in the corresponding wells. A practical test of the introduced criterion effectiveness was demonstrated at oil wells in the Perm region. At the same time, proposed method of analyzing the collected factual information obtained during the sequential implementation of hydrodynamic well testing and WSM in the fields made it possible to increase the wells selection reliability for the priority implementation of planned measures to influence the reservoir zone. The methodological approach presented in the work to the wells selection for WSM can ensure the expected positive effect on oil production.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(2):77-84
Efficiency of Stationary and Non-Stationary Modes of Hot Water Injection during the Development of High-Viscosity Oil Deposits in Carbonate Reservoirs of the Komi Republic Field
Kultysheva S.N., Raspopov A.V.


The paper presents a geological and field analysis of the effectiveness of stationary and non-stationary operating modes of the reservoir pressure maintenance system, during which hot water was pumped during the development of one of the carbonate deposits of the Timan-Pechora oil and gas province. The determining factors for the complexity of the development of the studied object are the ultra-high viscosity of oil and significant geological heterogeneity. Due to these factors, advanced watering complicates the development of the deposit. The current oil-water factor is 7.9. Increasing the efficiency of development of the facility is possible, among other things, by improving the technology of hot water injection, organized at the pilot site of the deposit in 2020. Based on the negative experience of implementing the technology associated with water breakthroughs to production wells during stationary injection, a complex injection technology was developed. It based on a combination of cyclic hot water injection, chemical composition use in injection wells to equalize the displacement front and prevent water breakthroughs in producing wells, and limiting the produced water volume to reduce unproductive injection and reduce the water-oil factor by shutting down unprofitable high-rate wells. Non-stationary flooding improves the efficiency of reserves recovery due to the initiation of fluid exchange between pore blocks and fractures due to the created variable pressure gradient, while stationary injection allows only the most permeable intervals to be involved in oil reserves. In conditions of high water cut, optimization of the injection technology will increase the recovery rate of residual oil reserves and reduce produced water volume, as well as ensure greater economic efficiency of reservoir development by reducing operating costs.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(2):85-92
Methodology for Assessing the Gas Composition of Soils
Panteleimonov A.G., Leibovich L.O., Ashikhmin S.G., Batrakova G.M.


The subject of this work is the development of a methodology for conducting research on the concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen and hydrogen in soils and soils in areas of upcoming construction. The developed methodology, after its certification in accordance with GOST R 8.563-2009, can be used in areas of upcoming construction during engineering surveys, with subsequent adoption of design decisions based on the measurement results. The purpose of this work is the development and experimental research in laboratory conditions of a methodology for examining a work site. The main tasks are: analysis of archival and stock materials, normative and technical documentation, published works; development and production of sampling equipment; development of “Methods for measuring the volume fractions of carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen and hydrogen in soil air using portable gas analyzers” in accordance with Appendix B to GOST R 8.563-2009; setting up and conducting experimental studies in laboratory conditions. Research results: - the equipment necessary for sampling ground air: a sampling probe with an adjustable sampling depth and a storage pump that allows you to take a sample from depth, accumulate it in a chamber, transfer the sample to a gas analyzer, with the ability to “loop” the air flow and supply air to gas analyzers without a built-in pump; - a draft methodology “Methodology for measuring the volume fractions of carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen and hydrogen in soil air using portable gas analyzers”; - an experimental assessment of the method quality indicators (repeatability and intra-laboratory precision) in laboratory conditions; - conclusions about the need to certify the methodology for compliance with GOST R 8.563-2009 using state standard samples (SSO) in the form of cylinders containing pure gases or gas mixtures with a known concentration of gases.
Perm Journal of Petroleum and Mining Engineering. 2023;23(2):93-100

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