Vol 19, No 3 (2019)
- Year: 2019
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://ered.pstu.ru/index.php/geo/issue/view/93
Many Geological exploration and Geophysical assessments have been conducted recently in Azerbaijan which based on Oil and gas perspective of deeper layers, scientific criterion have been prepared that can be basement for the future exploration. It was noted that main oil and gas deposits are related with South Caspian and Kura basin which exposed to intensive depression during the Mesozoic period. The quantity and numerical expression has not been reflected properly yet, despite the high perceptivity of the central part and deeper layers doesn’t create suspicion in explorers. It is known that exploration, production and assessment of potential of Oil and gas deposits highly depends on the information gathered about the petro-physical characterization of strata encountered in geological profile. In this point of view the process mentioned above should be carried out in the oil and gas regions of Absheron and Baku Arxipelaqo the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits are spread widely. In the article different geological-geochemical and physical aspects which affect the gas and collector potentials of oil and gas-condensate deposits encountered in area have been researched. Carried investigations show that, in the Paleo-profiles created along the Kurdakhany-Shahdeniz anticline in the north-west side of the field the Pliocene -Anthropogenic deposits were accumulated in small thickness from 100m to 200 m. The thickness increases in Qum island structure to 3600 m, in Shahdeniz to 6000 m. In the edges of synclines the thickness of named deposits have higher numbers which is in north-west is 3000 m and in Shah deniz around 10000 m. So, without enough knowledge about the collector characteristics of the strata of the field the estimation of hydrocarbon reservoirs and the determination of concrete of production as well as change in exploration direction is impossible. Beside the geological-geophysical investigations carried in the field, the Lithological-petrographic and collector characteristics, for the determination of change in conformity along the field, the carbon contest, porosity, permeability, density, granular content and the velocity of the sonic waves of the above mentioned strata, specially lower parts of it have been investigated. Correspondingly the table has been prepared which reflects the collector characteristics of the field. Also the upper, middle and lower limits of physical characteristics of the field has been identified in the table. At the same time, the dependence of collector characteristics on each-other, on depth and on different physical aspects have been assessed. The research showed that the same named and the same age rocks physical property change at the result of geological- physical process and getting different prices. The collector properties of rocks of productive unit have been learned. The physical properties of rocks of productive unit have been shown in the table. The table and the graphs have been compiled, which showed the petrophysical parameters in the area in time and place and the regularity their spreading in the column of productive unit.
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One of the main problems in conducting physical and hydrodynamic tests on core material is the selection of a representative collection of samples. Such a collection should accurately reflect the physical and hydrodynamic processes of the reservoir being studied. For complex carbonate reservoirs, it is especially important to cover the maximum range of changes in the reservoir properties. Methodological issues have not been fully worked out, thus, when studying the reservoir of a particular field, the task is to develop a methodology for choosing a representative collection of samples for conducting physical and hydrodynamic studies. Therefore, using the information obtained on the coefficient of oil displacement by water with a sufficient degree of reliability, we can estimate the reserves and obtain the most accurate oil recovery coefficient. Using the example of the Tedinskoye field, methodological recommendations were developed for choosing a representative collection of samples for carrying out physical and hydrodynamic studies, and the need for using a core with an initial diameter to determine the oil displacement coefficients with water was determined. To assess the representativeness of the selected collection of samples, a statistical analysis was carried out, the method of statistical testing of hypotheses (statistical criteria) was used, based on student distribution. It was found that the selection of a representative collection of samples for research should be carried out from all types of reservoirs, which represent the studied section and over the entire range of filtering and capacitive properties. The collection of samples should be represented by both full-sized and standard samples, since they determine the processes taking place in different parts of the reservoir.
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It is known that the natural potential capacity of the productive terrigenous reservoirs is largely determined by their intergranular porosity and the nature of the packing of grains. However, in addition to this, the porosity of the reservoirs is greatly influenced by the shape of the grains, as well as the ratio of the content and distribution of grains of various sizes in the rock volume. There are widely known attempts to simulate the resulting effect of influencing factors on the multimodal distribution of intergranular porosity, some of which are considered in this paper. However, for comparison with real data, detailed analytical generalizations of the actual results of particle size analysis of core samples from wells of one of the well-known and long-running oil and gas fields of Azerbaijan are also described here. Studies covered the most characteristic of the region pelitic, silty, fine-grained sandy and medium-grained sandy fractions. The results of studies on the distribution of fractions are presented in the form of pie charts, from the examination of which it follows that in the composition of the first group of rocks (clay-silty sands), a fraction with a grain size of 0.175 mm dominates. Two other fractions with grain sizes of 0.055 and 0.01 mm occupy approximately the same volume; finally, the coarse grain fraction (0.25 mm) makes up a small part of the volume and may not be taken into account. nstalled patterns change of porosity depending on the fractional composition of precipitation and mechanical seals are indicative, however, calculation of the correlation coefficient between the paired fractions and the parameters are averaged particle size distribution and a reflective screening breeds showed that they are separate, unrelated functional dependencies. In this case, the influence of individual fractions, and most importantly their ratio on the size of intergranular porosity, is not the same. Detailing the modeling process of multimodal distribution showed that in this issue the use of fractal concepts is more efficient. As an option, a method for assessing the reservoir properties of oil-bearing rocks based on the calculated relationship between the index of fractality and oil saturation is considered.
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The results of work to automate the solution of the tasks facing the technical services of the mines of Uralkali PJSC when creating annual mining development plans (AMDP) are presented.The annual plan determines the directions of development of mining operations, volumes of mining, mining and preparatory work, volumes of processing of mineral raw materials, measures for the protection of mineral resources, the rational and integrated use of mineral raw materials, and the safe conduct of work.The creation of this technical document is mainly attended by specialists from the mining, geological and surveying departments of mines. Therefore, the developed software modules for planning mining operations were distributed among the software systems created for the respective services.In general, the totality of software modules created to solve the problems associated with the development of the AMDP allows to: prepare and analyze the source data: design data, planned production indicators, norms and standards, licensing conditions for the use of subsoil, etc.; analyze the actual and expected indicators of mining operations for the period preceding the planned year; to determine the planned indicators for mining operations: the optimal parameters of the development system, the volume of mining, the volume of production of mining and preparatory and laying operations; determine the planned productivity of the means of mechanization and carry out the arrangement of the means of mechanization in mining; determine the standards for planned losses and dilution of minerals for each mining unit; use the created 3D-models of the geological environment and mine workings to make optimal decisions when planning the placement of mine workings; compile and prepare for printing tabular, graphical and textual documentation for the AMDP.
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Due to the constant increase in the number of fields entering the final stage of operation, oil companies are increasing their demand for integrated technologies that can simultaneously increase the coverage of the formation by the displacement process and reduce the water cut of well products. In this case, the traditional technology is flooding with viscous solutions of water-soluble polyacrylamide. The article provides an overview of polymer flooding technology, identifies the advantages and disadvantages of this approach, in particular, lists the factors that can influence the rheology of a polymer solution. Despite the widespread use of flooding based on polyacrylamide gels, this method has several limitations, which are primarily associated with the rheological characteristics of the polymer. The instability of the rheological characteristics of the polymer is a significant drawback, which can cause the unattainability of the desired oil recovery coefficient (CIN). An alternative for alignment of the injectivity profile is the technology of water flooding of the CHPG (polymer gel particles - preformed particle gels) based on a suspension of crosslinked polyacrylamide particles. The synthesis of such a polymer is carried out in advance and involves the formation of a three-dimensional structure (3D polymer). Based on the performed literature review, a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of technologies based on water-soluble polyacrylamide and pre-crosslinked polyacrylamide particles is given, as a result, it is concluded that the latter are advantageous in a number of significant indicators. Polymers based on CHP do not change the rheological characteristics during the injection process, while the particles can change shape and tear, enveloping obstacles. In addition, the technology allows you to start the injection of a suspension with a smaller volume of reagent, sequentially selecting the optimal particle size distribution depending on the specific geological and technological conditions of the formation. NPG-based flooding has high prospects for implementation in Russian oil fields.
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Reservoirs of the Tournaisian deposits of the Perm Region deposits are characterized by high heterogeneity of the geological section, small thickness and low productivity of wells. For the rational development of such objects it is necessary to use geological and technical measures. The paper compares the effectiveness of low-cost measures - acid treatments and radial drilling. The paper details the technology of radial drilling. The analysis of measures on radial drilling performed at the Tournaisian sites of the Perm Territory is given. According to actual data, a graph of the dynamics of the fall in additional oil production from the event over the years has been plotted. The possibility of its use for the prediction of additional production is described. The paper presents methods for predicting the effectiveness of geological and technical measures. The main method is hydrodynamic modeling, but the method has significant drawbacks in predicting the effectiveness of radial drilling technology. According to the authors, statistical methods are the most optimal for forecasting, since they allow to take into account the complex influence of geological and technological parameters. In the course of the study, using the Student's t-criterion, the main geological and technological parameters were identified that affect the efficiency of radial drilling. Based on the identified parameters, a predictive model for estimating an increase in oil production in the first year after the event was constructed using the method of linear discriminant analysis. At the wells of the training and test samples, an estimate was made of the error in predicting an increase in oil production in the first year after the event, then the calculation error was compared with the forecast error in the hydrodynamic model. The result of the study is a developed method for determining the total additional production from radial drilling technology.
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A steady growth trend in open pit depths and a corresponding increase in shoulder haulage in world practice of open pit mining have determined the main direction of the development of mining dump trucks - increasing their carrying capacity, which leads to an increase in the power of the power unit, overall dimensions of the engine, and the amount of fuel consumed. In winter, the preparation of a diesel engine with a special heating system at an air temperature of -40 ° C for start-up is 40-50 minutes. Due to the problems of starting the engine at low temperatures, diesel engines are often not jammed during the entire winter period, as a result of which the engine resource is generated, there is a significant excessive consumption of fuel and an increase in exhaust emissions. The main advantages of gas turbine engines are high efficiency at loads close to nominal, large aggregate power with low weight and dimensions (energy consumption is 1000-3000 kW / m3, 1000-2000 kW / t), high maneuverability and readiness for action (preparation for action - 10-15 minutes, start-up time - 120-180 s), adaptability to automation, high reliability, relative simplicity of design and maintenance, high manufacturability, the possibility of aggregate repair, easy and reliable start-up at low temperatures temperatures and lower exhaust emissions. The specific gravity of the gas turbine engine is much less and does not exceed 25-30% of the mass of the piston engine, which makes it possible to lighten the motor frame and increase the load capacity of the dump truck. The overall power of a gas turbine engine is also higher than that of a reciprocating one, therefore the former is characterized by a 2-3-fold margin in terms of the space in the engine compartment of the dump truck. In addition, the gas turbine engine allows you to work for a long time in conditions of high dust, use cheaper gas fuel and virtually eliminate oil. Small weight and compact dimensions, the possibility of obtaining high power in one unit and remote control, along with its easy and reliable starting at low temperatures, make gas turbine engines very attractive for use on heavy-duty mining dump trucks, road trains with active trailers and semi-trailers, especially in northern and arctic areas.
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Hydrochloric acid treatment is one of the main methods of well stimulation in carbonate reservoirs. Despite the vast experience of its use, both in Russia and abroad and the significant research studies, the success of acid stimulation operations, according to various estimates, does not exceed 30 %. One of the reasons for the low success of operations is insufficient attention to changes in the physical properties of fluids during their injections and chemical reactions with the rock and the properties of the reaction products in the conditions of the wellbore and the near well bore zone when designing stimulation operations. In this paper, the main chemical reactions occurring during the interaction of hydrochloric acid with limestone and dolomite were considered. The quantities of substances appeared during the reaction of 15 % hydrochloric acid with limestone and dolomite were determined. The properties (phase state, solubility, dependences of viscosity and density on pressure and temperature) of water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, 15 % aqueous hydrochloric acid solution, solutions of calcium and magnesium chloride salts in the range of possible pressures and temperatures were evaluated. Due to the diversity of additives used for acid solutions, the need to conduct laboratory experiments to evaluate their properties under the conditions expected during acid stimulation is shown. Based on laboratory studies, the reaction time of a 15 % hydrochloric acid solution with calcium carbonate was estimated. The effect of a chemical diverter, used during primary acid treatments at Badra oil field (Iraq), on properties of the acid solution and the reaction time has been determined. Changes in solution viscosity depending on temperature and acid concentration was estimated. The results presented in this paper were used in the design and evaluation of the efficiency of wells stimulations in Badra oil field.
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