No 5 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 14
- URL:
At the moment, the main exploration prospects in Perm region are concentrated in Solikamsk depression. The total localized resources of oil from produced structures Solikamsk depression accounts for more than 50 million tons.One of the characteristic features of this area is unique Verkhnekamskoye potassium and magnesium salts deposit. In thecircuit of subsalt deposits the oil pools are settled. Prepared Zyryanskaya structure is situated in the southern part of Solikamsk depression and is considered to be the most attractive. Currently, prospect evaluations are completing on this territory. Therefore, the necessity for carrying out analyze of Tournaisian-Famennian reefgeological structure is of great actual. It is to underline that the reef is the base of all the detected hydrocarbon oil and gas on this territory. Geological reef structure is determined by the characteristics of sedimentation and depositional facies zoning. The following facies are defined: bioherm core facies, best slope, the upper and lower loops. Each facies has its own set of distinctive features and geological features, which determines the heterogeneity in the distribution of reservoir properties in the body reef array. This article is devoted to the distribution features of net pay thickness and porosity for different faciesfrom several Solikamsk depression deposits. Highlighted features of the distribution of carbonate reservoir facies characteristics according to need in the future will create a better strategy and exploration work on the promising sites and improve the efficiency of exploration in the area.
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The economic importance of creation more sophisticated models for the prediction of oil and gas from produced and identified local structures in increasingunder the conditions of more complex search for oil and gas in Udmurtia. Some factual material about local structures containing hydrocarbon deposits, and on those structures which conducted exploratory drilling, but deposits of hydrocarbons are not open on the North-Tatar territory are gained. A feature of this method is that, as indicators to be used by those who are always available to producers. It should be noted that these figures will be an integrated, which guarantees high reliability built probabilistic and statistical forecast models of oil and gas. This technique of forecasting petroleum can be implemented in a specific area of study, that is, when the analysis can be used for a number of lifts, some of which contain hydrocarbons, others into these deposits do not contain, ie are empty structures. It should be noted that all of these uplifts can be characterized by the same parameters, which can be determined before placing them deep exploratory drilling. This fact allows us to construct probabilistic and statistical models that can be practically used in assessing local undeveloped oil and gas structures. With this technique, you can plan the sequence of drilling on local uplifts that will stabilize the oil production in the Republic of Udmurtia. Identification of the most promising raised regarding the proposed oil and gas produce by constructing mathematical models of geological forecast. By analyzing the characteristics of uplifts are quantified ones that actually form the oil and gas structures. A distinctive feature of this work is that the construction of models in the first phase will be used not the indicators with different dimensions, and the probabilities calculated for them. This will be constructed regression equations by which to calculate probabilities. By the values of the probabilities using stepwise linear discriminant and multivariate regression analyzes will be developed a comprehensive probabilistic criterion. This criterion will be used in the future to build a multidimensional model is directly on the very characteristics of structures. Based on multivariate statistical model developed is impossible to determine the priority structure, recommended for deep exploratory drilling.
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The comparison of seismic 2D and 3D using correlation analysis and statistical analysis within the body of the Bashkir were carried out. This territory was chosen due to the following factors: firstly, 48 local highs are defined by 2D seismic prospecting on this territory; secondly, Bashkir coving is considered to be very kindly from the point of oil content. The analysis of the correlation between the absolute values of the field error seismic and seismic density showed that small objects can be prepared for exploratory drilling under the increase of density profile. Analyzed fund of local highs allocated with highs, from the position of evaluating their verifiability deep drilling allowed to identify the most promising objects. It is to be noted that joint analysis of the structures amplitudes and seismic imaging errors, obtained by the 2D method, can not give unambiguous results of the real existence of identified structures in most cases. The reason of that fact is that the error of structural models exceeds the geometric dimensions of the object. Therefore, to prepare them for deep oil exploration drilling is recommended thickening network profiles, or in some cases, the spatial 3D seismic prospecting.
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Four options for the three-dimensional distribution of porosity parameters by specifying certain settings stochastic simulation algorithm are presented. In assessing the reliability of geological models using stochastic simulation for each of the options has been made the process of multiple (32 sales) rebuilt models, each of which corresponds to the original data and field information. Rebuilding three-dimensional models was based on the conversion option of porosity, lithology cube and attract additional source data. All types of input data are optional and are used to constrain the stochastic algorithm, for a more realistic result of constructing three-dimensional lithofacies models. For each alternative simulation using mathematical statistics were calculated t -test and the significance level ( p ). These values were obtained by sequential comparison with each other model variants. By comparing the results showed that for the delta facies type and delta Bay each subsequent version, an increase the value t-test and reduce the level of significance p , decreases the variance and n values to focus more towards the mean. The above trend is associated with attraction to each successive version of modeling additional source data. It was also found that three-dimensional parameters of porosity obtained by the fourth variant modeling, taking into account the continuous downhole of Kn , lithologic data and seismic facies analysis, the results of the sand facies modeling objects, trend curve histograms continuous downhole porosity, as well as the forecast n scheme to confirm the correct division investigated in this work nizhnetimanskogocyclites for basic facial complex and is the most informative and accurate.
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Construction of sidetrack is the most effective technology to increase oil production in the fields at the late stage of development and increase the rate of oil recovery and return to operation previously drilled oil wells. During the drilling of sidetracks are involved in the development of previously involved areas of reservoirs, as well as hard-to-oil, production of which previously was not possible. The advantage of drilling additional trunks due to insufficient construction of new lines of communication, reduced equipment costs and materials that reduce impact on the environment. At the same time, to drill new wells require land acquisition for the construction and improvement, with stroitelstvebokovyh trunks used mobile units, therefore eliminating the need to tap new land. Sidetracking is accompanied by a lack of reliable technology: opening, development, evaluation and stimulation intervals, conduct geological and engineering and repair and insulation works. Their imperfection negative impact on technical and economic indicators of development of hydrocarbon deposits. In this article the construction of additional success criteria of the previously drilled wells using statistical techniques - regression analysis. The resulting regression equation coefficients for free terms show the effect of the geological and physical and technological factors on the success of the operation. According to the results to identify criteria that affect the success of the construction of laterals: the distance from the perforations to the oil-water contact, water content, density, permeability, viscosity.
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In using real core samples to study the processes of phase transitions (PT) in paraffin oil directly in microvolume rocks. The experiments included measuring pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation, viscosity of oil and activation energy with temperature in the range of 5-65 ° C. Identification of the phase transition point waxes made by complex parameters: the spin-lattice relaxation time of the mobile phase and related hydrocarbons and the relative size (population) of the molecules near the adsorption sites. Objects of research are three collections clastic and carbonate reservoirs Visean and Bashkirian deposits Logovsky, KokuyMosinskogo and deposits. Reservoir properties of the rocks on the porosity ranged from 9.9 to 19.9 % and permeability – 7 · 10–4 to 0.488 m2. Analysis of experimental data showed that the phase transition in a confined microvolume paraffin reservoir rocks is observed at a temperature of 5-15 °C higher than the free volume. The dependence of the saturation temperature of wax is not directly dependent on the permeability of the rocks. Significant role in the OP have physical and chemical characteristics of the pore surface. For carbonate reservoirs installed a linear increase of the saturation temperature paraffin oil with an increase in pore surface wettability. Model systems and real core samples for the first time found that with the increase of the activation energy of molecular motions of hydrocarbons in the pore space of rocks is a monotonic increase in the saturation temperature of paraffin oil. The analytical dependence can predict the phase transition temperature petroleum waxes when the temperature reservoir under different geological and technical measures.
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The results of the study of the process of change of properties and dimensions layer zones (CVC) on the example of the production well Unvinskogo oilfield operating sandstone reservoirs. Determined that the operation of the oil wells and reduce downhole reservoir pressure can lead to a substantial change in flow properties of the reservoir. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the layer zones was carried out in the processing of pressure build-up curve (HPC), produced in the process of hydrodynamic studies (PRU) wells in unsteady conditions. Shows the effects of different reasons for the change in permeability by CVC joint analysis of hydrodynamic studies and geological field data. Analyzed data from the well test period from May 2001 to March 2008 An example of treatment received in May 2007 HPC several techniques for integrated assessment of the PPP. In the period when the reservoir and bottomhole pressure condition PPP also changed and was characterized by different values of the permeability of the remote and the bottomhole formation zones. The cause of the deterioration of the bottom zone in the final period to be considered a collector strain caused reduced downhole and reservoir pressure, which leads to a decrease in the permeability of the rocks, the ratios of productivity wells and increase the degree of zonal reservoir heterogeneity on permeability. The deterioration of the bottom zone, revealed by the method of tangent and determined pressure moments with the definition of the skin factor and diagnostic feature, respectively, a significant impact on the productivity of the well.
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When operating Bobrikovsky objects oil fields of the Upper Kama at different periods of the development of a decrease in formation and bottomhole pressure below the saturation pressure, which due to the high gas saturation of reservoir oil, resulted in a significant release of the free phase of dissolved gas. Interest is the question of the degree of influence on the change in the actual productivity index crude oil degassing wells and permeability changes due to strain alone in a bhp below the saturation pressure. In work the range of the parameters that determine the geological and physical characteristics of objects Bobrikovsky Upper Kama. The results of operation of the production wells of the above items at lower reservoir and downhole pressures. It is shown that the degree of reduction factor productivity of oil wells in Bobrikovsky sediment deposits dated to the distribution territory Verkhnekamskoye potash, with a decrease of reservoir and downhole pressure to the saturation pressure of oil increases with increasing gas permeability. It is noted that at lower bhp to the saturation pressure of oil gas productivity index is reduced by 50...60 % of the initial value. Then the estimate of impact on the change in the actual productivity index crude oil degassing and permeability changes due to strain alone in downhole pressures below the saturation pressure. On the example Shershni field shows that the bottom-hole pressure of less than 0.3 of the saturation pressure on factor productivity wells mainly influences the gas released from the oil.
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The influence of wear stage submersible pump seals on its characteristics. The review of existing literature on the calculation and modeling of wear of submersible pumps, including the calculation of the rate of wear of seals.The analysis of the factors influencing the rate of deterioration of seals. A mathematical model of seal wear with the influence of parameters of mechanical impurities, such as particle size, concentration, density, hardness and geometry seal (length and width of the gap between the impeller and diffuser, the radius of seals), material properties, pump and fluid properties such as viscosity, density, and flow rate. The model takes into account the possibility of jamming of the particles in the gap and, as a consequence, a significant increase in the rate of wear. Based on the model proposed method of calculating the wear rate of interstage seal submersible oil pumps for pumping fluids containing abrasive particles, adjusting the gap size due to wear. The basis for calculating the rate of wear is to calculate the number of leaks through interstage seal varies with the gap increase due to wear. Example calculations are compared with experimental data. Selected empirical coefficient K for the selected diagonal step ETSN5A-320, allows calculations seal wear rate in any mode of operation of the pump (at different feeds and speeds of the shaft). Especially useful is a method of calculating the design of new steps, because it allows to calculate the required parameters interstage seals based on the expected parameters of the pump.
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The growing demand for motor fuels outperforming traditional exploration and development of oil reserves. And to compensate for the gap in the modern world possible through the development of fields with hard oil reserves, such as the Canadian oil sands, Venezuelan heavy oil, as well as various kinds of heavy oil and natural bitumen. At present the situation in Russia, to a lesser extent, but also follows this trend. One of the key issues at the stage of production, transportation and processing of heavy oil are the difficulties associated with the separation of water from this kind of material. Much of this problem is due to method of extraction (extraction of subsurface superheated steam, in-situ combustion, mining, open pit method). This article describes the features of the distribution of fine globules of water in high-Yaregskaya oil (due to the displacement of its vapor from the reservoir). Are methods of conducting research on the allocation of stepped natural emulsion stabilizers. Based on the data selection was made demulsifiers commodity forms that have to cope with the destruction Book shells of this kind, and also studied the effect of components of demulsifiers on speed "drop" of water. As a result, the samples were upgraded product demulsifiers brand Hercules pilot batch of which the results of the SPR has successfully coped with an increase of water content and chloride Yaregskaya oil to market standard. But with the rise in oil loading efficiency demulsifiers decreased, indicating deficiencies in the hardware design process. The study of the dielectric and viscosity of oil depending on the temperature of processing methods have been proposed and designed the required power electrical electric dehydrators, which guarantees stable operation in dewatering of heavy oil at a volume supply up to 0.2 vol / h on the amount of equipment for settling.
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Problems associated with the deformation of the rock fractured array based accounting full diagram of deformation of rocks by contact. Calculations of displacement and deformation of fractured rock arrays produced by the method of discrete modeling and finite element analysis. The work performed forecast of displacement and deformation of rock mass Tishinsky lead-zinc deposits and describes their impact on mining. Intensive development of numerical methods for modeling the stress-strain state (SSS) mountain led to the development of a new method of modeling VAT array block and cracked structure - the discrete element method. In contrast to methods that describe a continuous medium, the method of discrete element models of deformation are given both for the blocks, and the surfaces they contact. In this case, the determining factor in the calculation of displacement array, cracked shift is being implemented by the fracture. In this work, to use a software complex 3-DEC, is available at the Department of Surveying, Geodesy and GIS PNIPU. To describe the strength of the contact rocks to use a nonlinear failure criterion Jagger. On the basis of the implemented in the software package 3DEC algorithm accounting for deformation fracture system was a forecast of displacement and deformation of rock mass and the earth's surface at working Tishinsky field. Tishinsky field calibrated model based on instrumental observations carried out with the direct participation of the author of this article. In the results of the calculations were made conclusions about the possibility of further development of the field of operation and capital developments.
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The object of investigation sylviniteKrIII seam roof and wall rocks mines in mine fields Mine 2 and Mine 4 OJSC "Uralkali". The aim of the research was to determine the critical value of the gas pressure that could cause a gas-dynamic phenomena of the roof when driving preparatory mining the seam KrIII. In carrying out the analysis of parametric studies support the current forecast of outburst during the preparatory and cleaning openings in potash mines. The technique of mine and made experiments to study the gas-dynamic characteristics of roof rock preparatory excavations traversed the seam KrIII. Geomechanical modeling and conducted an assessment of the stability of roof rock excavation under the pressure of the contact gas accumulation at penetration KrIII the seam workings. In mining conditions preparatory mining the seam KrIII on mine fields Mine 2 and Mine 4 based on experimental studies of mine gas-dynamic characteristics of the roof rocks and estimation of rock disintegration under pressure near-contact gas for units of the current projection PB-2 The critical values gas pressure in the pile of free gas at the contact layer with a layer KrII salt KrII-KrIIIa. The generalization of the results of this work have been developed and issued criteria for the current forecast of outburst when driving development workings in furrows KrIII for the conditions of the mines "Uralkali". Critical values of the gas pressure are included in the regulations governing the safe mining operations at the seams, unsafe gas-dynamic.
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Describes the perspectives of harmonic analysis to improve diagnosis of electrical discharges in the characteristics of the insulation.The features of the spectral analysis of the data of electrical measurements.The basic theoretical concepts Fourier series.Compares two basic forms of the Fourier series. Are the main difficulties associated with the construction of the amplitude and phase spectra of the original function.Outlines for the harmonic analysis of the experimental data table.Proved an important role in the analysis of the phase spectrum signal. Show a loss of signal information in the case of use for analysis only the amplitude spectrum. Demonstrates the influence of the shape of the Fourier series record in the synthesis signal to the result.Comparing the ability to detect errors in the analysis using different expressions for synthesis.Shows the effect of a range of values of the initial phase of harmonics on the analysis.Demonstrates the loss of information when determining the initial phase in a limited range.Makes recommendations to expand the range of the initial phase.Comparing the spectra of periodic and non-periodic functions. Shows how to change the results of Fourier analysis by increasing and decreasing the value of the fundamental frequency with respect to the inverse of the duration of the interval of time in which a given function. Recommendations are given for the choice of the frequency of the fundamental. Demonstrates the effect of harmonics on the accuracy of harmonic analysis.Shown to increase the accuracy by increasing the number of harmonics. Found the appearance of systematic errors in the analysis of an increase in the number of harmonics above a certain limit. Recommendations are given for the choice of the harmonics.
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When ventilating mines the suction method as all the mines Verkhnekamsk potassium-magnesium salts (VKMKS) in the surface complex of the main ventilation system (HLG) formed air leakage. The value of surface air leakage at operating mines determined by conducting air-depression shooting. For projected mines exist coefficients, which takes the value of projected air leaks, in fact, significantly different from those obtained during the measurement values. This article provides an algorithm for calculating the value of surface air leaks that occur when working at HLG potash mines. The proposed algorithm for the calculation of surface air leakage is the known and the author earlier formulas. For the unknown quantity on which in the future can calculate the surface leakage of air at a certain mode HLG adopted by the fan discharge at the intersection of Canal HLG with ventilation shafts. Equating each other formulas that determine the vacuum created by the HLG on the site surface complex - Channel HLG and the area air supply trunks - the underground part of the mine - ventilation shaft - Channel HLG, and implemented a number of reforms, was obtained the required mathematical relationship. Algorithm used in formulas to determine the amount of surface air leaks under changing climatic parameters (atmospheric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, etc.). According to the obtained mathematical relationship mode is selected HLG. Using the obtained in the algorithm, it is possible to determine the amount of surface leakage current on the air as well as on the projected potash mines.
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